Can you remember the FIRST time your eyes or ears connected to mj?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This may have been a repeated question but im intigued..

I was really young like 5 or 6 and remember two things, 1 was watching thriller full version at a girls house and being so said over 18 at the beginning and i wet myself ( not literally i don't think) when i saw the transformation..those eyes were so scary...

and my other fist memory was the oprah interview for some reason..i didn't understand what they were talking bout but i just remember that as the other first memory i had of sure hearing a song came be4 them though
i remember i think..i was 10 yrs old and i was at my neighbour with my dad fixing her TV and there was the Oprah interview on and my neighbour said something like "this is Michael Jackson ..." all i remember was his red
i did not become fan until 2 yrs later
I probably heard some songs before this but the first time I can remember is when I was on holiday in spain when I was 11 (2001). Basically my friends dad only bought 1 CD with him on holiday which was the HIStory Volume 1 greatest hits CD, I liked MJ from the first moment I heard the songs.

I only actually became a proper fan though after I met a girl on a different holiday in 2002. She was a Michael Jackson fan so I pretended I was to get to know her better, nothing ever happend between us but I ended up actually becoming a real Michael Jackson fan and bought all his albums when I got home.
My first real introduction to Michael Jackson was when I was in 6th grade, my dance team did a baton routine to Beat It.

I didn't really pay any attention to him then, but two years later in 8th grade we did a routine to Smoothe Criminal and I LOVED it! We wore the hat and the glove and the sparkles and the white socks. We were told to watch the music video because we needed to learn how to mimick his quirks and moves. And we also had to learn the words because we were supposed to be 'singing along' so it looked like we were 'telling a story'. Omg I LOVED it!!
Many many many years ago, my bestfriend invited me to watch thriller full version. It was just magic...
lol these are wicked stories...weird that we remember the first time we saw or heard mj...i sure as hell don't remember the first time i saw james brown and i loveeeeeeee james brown..same with everyone else..mj was truely a shakespeare , da vinci or jesus firgure..i bet everyone then remembered when they saw them...and agnes i love your mj pic..i only saw him pull that face in later years lol
I am sad to say that I missed Thriller when it came out. I was 9 years old and we didn´t have MTV, just 2 Swedish channels. I did like Thriller, Beat it and Billlie Jean but I didn´t know it was MJ who was singing. Strangely enough it was around 1985 when I was 11 and it was because there was a lot of rumous which I was wondering if they were really true that first made me interested. Then I started listening to his music and became more and more interested in him. So in some ways, as strange as it sound it was the tabloid media which first made me interested.
I was born in 1976 and I remember that whem I was about 5 years old there was music playing in the living room and I was humming and nodding my head to it.
My mom gave me the album cover and I still remember looking at all the nice colors on it and the flashy clothing the people on the cover where wearing.
My mom told me that they made the music that was playing and that the leadsinger was named Michael Jackson.

The album was "the Jacksons live".

The Jacksons made quite an impact on me, 'cause I still remember that moment.
Since then everytime Michael came with a new video, I was in trance seeing it the first time.
My first memories aren't about his music...I remember looking at his photo in a magazine (I was around 7) and I asked my friend's dad "Who's this?" and he said he's being chased by the police. I felt so sorry for him. I also remember looking at his poster at that time and thinking that he looks cool (I can't remember the pic...but I sense it was from a Dangerous concert). Then I forgot about MJ. I became a fan few years later when I heard Blood on the dancefloor.

I wish it was 1997 again and I could go to his concert...
i remember i think..i was 10 yrs old and i was at my neighbour with my dad fixing her TV and there was the Oprah interview on and my neighbour said something like "this is Michael Jackson ..." all i remember was his red
i did not become fan until 2 yrs later

is that you in the avatar Agnes? holding Michael.

the first time i discovered mj was hearing "I"ll be there". it wasn't too long ago. i heard it and immediately was intrigued by the beautiful voice. i eventually became a huge mj fan.
Before I was born actually, he was popular and my mother used to listen to him. :p And my mother tells me (I don't remember) that I whenever the Black or White video came on TV my eyes were glued to the screen. Also, I'm pretty sure my first memory is when B&W came on the radio and my mother picked me up and danced with me. I was born in 89, so it must have been just after B&W was released..
Sat in front of a very cronky blury huge black n white tv watching the J5 ABC cartoon. Many years ago lol.
1971 38 years ago.
Lol some of these stories are cute. Anyway, I listened to him for the first time in the womb since my mom is a fan. :wub:

I can't remember the first time I saw him though... I do vividly remember sitting on my big brother's lap watching the premiere for Black or White when I was like 3 though.
I was in the driveway and I heard The Way You Make Me Feel on the radio in 1988 or 1989. The next memory was, I'm not sure what year but my mom had the VHS tape of Moonwalker. MAN IN THE MIRROR video was the very first video I ever watched (That I can remember falling in love with him.) My mom also had the Making of Thriller. But I am pretty sure I seen Man in the Mirror because that's what I remember most. Thriller scared me when I was little. I didn't watch it till I was like 6 or 7 years old I think. Tho the earliest that I remember being a fan of him was in 1992 when I was 10. Then my fandom grew since then. I started to know him, the humanitarian because of the Man in the Mirror video. That's what I liked about him most when I was little. Then my fandom grew to his dancing, his music, and in the teenage years.. his sexiness. (blush) In 1992/93 I DO remember being excited about the Oprah interview and I watched it LIVE..... so I was excited. I also wanted to be sick so I could be at Neverland one day lol
I was born in 1981 so I've honestly been a fan since before I can remember. He was a giant when I was a kid. I just grew up loving his music.
The first time I really consciously connected was the American Music Awards in 1984, when I was 12 yrs old. I knew all the songs that had been released from Thriller, I guess, but never paid attention to who did what song. We didn't have MTV so I was utterly clueless. I saw Michael there, I heard his voice... it was like CLICK inside my soul. Very intrigued, but still wasn't quite sure how to take him or what to do with this feeling. Shortly after that was the Grammy Awards and that was really the clencher. He got me. He and his sunglasses, sparkly blue and gold jacket, that smile and... oh... those eyes, lol. Oh, and of course Thriller as well ;) And then when I discovered that those other songs I remembered from when I was even younger were also sung by... Michael!
I don't recall the first time I saw him or heard his music, but I do remember the first I heard about him. My older brother and sister were telling me about the moonwalk--I was about 3, and I couldn't figure out how someone could walk like a moon!
Omg, YESSSS!!! It was in 1993-94 and i was 5 or 6 years old. I was back in Ethiopia and it was on Sunday. I remeber this because there was a program that came on the showed ONLY Ethiopian Music, but that day they showed Michael's BAD Music Vid. And I was Mezmerized from the begining to End. He was sooo Smooth and fluid and NO BODY was like him.

I remember after that, I was trying to do the "wiping the mouth with the right hand thingy" lolz. Since i couldnt find a black Glove, I made one from a black plastic bag and I did the whole LAST part of the Music VId. you know where he turns and says "Who's BAD". It was The erliest MEMORY EVER. I fell In love with him.

Through the years between then and 2000, I heard some songs of his on the radio but couldnt find a store where they sold his or anyones Albums. Then I redescoverd him when I came to The US. in 2001. I bought all his cd's and DVD's and printed pictures out and stuff. It was CRAZZIIII... But yea...that was my story.lolz

And Ágnes I LOVE your Sigg. So cute. It reminds me of how funny and mischivious Michael was. Love,
I was 10 years old - and Michael was all of 11. My first time seeing Michael was on the Ed Sullivan show in 1969. I had heard songs on the radio and liked them, but that was the first time I saw him. And it was on an old black and white TV. Love at first sight - LOL
I was about 11 and I had a crazed MJ fan and she had everything in her room, covered on her walls with posters the MJ 'Bad' duvet cover. Then I was getting into him more and more, falling in love with him. Then I was tryng to build up my collection like my friend had. I was in a way keeping my fandom secret from her, cos we sometimes argued about 'he's mine' no he's mine'.... then I would hide few of my things away from her everytime she came down my house, then would put them back up after she left. But after awhile she accepted me being a fan, and Dad got me a ticket go see him on the 'Bad' tour in London with his friend at work. Which I didn't tell my friend I would go see him. (How naughty). But we both went to see him on 'Dangerous' tour in London together.
But I first laid my eyes on his fantastic performance of the Grammy awards show when he performed 'The way you make me feel' but 'Man In The Mirror' captured my heart, just fell in love with him, the song, his voice and the way he danced.
I remember back in 1984 when I was 4 I had a love for those Jackson 5 cartoons. And I remember Michael was always my favorite one from those cartoons. But I didn't experience him as an adult until 1985. When I was 5 years old. I remember very little of Michael Jackson mania. But I remember watching Evening Magazine back then. It was one of my favorite night time shows to watch then. Evening Magazine was kind of like what Inside Edition is now. And I remember watching this story about Michael Jackson. And the mania that was for him. I just thought it was great to like someone that was this huge. Even though I was more of a Madonna fan than I was a Michael Jackson fan back then. But that didn't change until I saw Michael's Bad video back in May of 1988. Was when I had gotten the most biggest crush on Michael. And I started to love him even more than I already did then.
I was in the driveway and I heard The Way You Make Me Feel on the radio in 1988 or 1989. The next memory was, I'm not sure what year but my mom had the VHS tape of Moonwalker. MAN IN THE MIRROR video was the very first video I ever watched (That I can remember falling in love with him.) My mom also had the Making of Thriller. But I am pretty sure I seen Man in the Mirror because that's what I remember most. Thriller scared me when I was little. I didn't watch it till I was like 6 or 7 years old I think. Tho the earliest that I remember being a fan of him was in 1992 when I was 10. Then my fandom grew since then. I started to know him, the humanitarian because of the Man in the Mirror video. That's what I liked about him most when I was little. Then my fandom grew to his dancing, his music, and in the teenage years.. his sexiness. (blush) In 1992/93 I DO remember being excited about the Oprah interview and I watched it LIVE..... so I was excited. I also wanted to be sick so I could be at Neverland one day lol

lolz...we wish for the damnedest things concerning Michael dont we? lol thats cute!
I was 10 (1993) . I was visitng my Grandma in California where I was born.
My younger sister and I watched tv in her bedroom while she watched soaps in the livingroom.
MTV wasn't allowed in our house and I wanted to know why.
They were having a Michael Jackson marathon.
I watched *Moonwalker* I wanted to know who the nut was jumping up and down and spinning around with his arms out.
My sister thought it was lame.
Michael stole my heart that day.
I use to dream of marrying him :wub:
I used to jump on the couch to "Off the Wall" before going to bed when I was a toddler, but I really connected to Michael when "Thriller" was released and I had a ritual after daycare:

Partridge Family reruns on USA network
Thriller/Making of Thriller
Wizard of Oz
when i was like 13 in 1990 my Mum would always call me to the TV and try to make me watch The way you make me feel and Bad when it was on. I wasnt interested at all and i would watch only to please my Mum and ... critisize Michael. A year later i heard "Man in the mirror" on a tape in a car and asked who was singing. there were like "are you crazy? this is Michael Jackson". we kept on listening to the tape and i asked whether i can make a copy. Which made me a fan. So when i first saw him i didnt like him. Stupid me.
I can remember listening to Michael when I was 2. Earth Song and I immediatley fell in love.
my first time is when i was 11 when i saw Black or White video,i used to sit very close to the TV in awe. as 11 years old i was amaze on how the face transform in the end of the video.
i dont care who is the singer and dont even understand the language but everytime there's this video on TV i will be very happy and run to watch it,no matter what i do before.
then my cousin told me about who he was and i found that my father has dangerous album on his CD rack then i took it and listen to it over and over but that time...only Black or White song
then i started to study english,so i started to understand the language and when my teacher told me to study by singing a song and do a karaoke...i found that my father has Heal the world in his karaoke CD so that's the first and the only Michael's song i could sing complete with close eyes
sometimes after that i found a picture of him,i dont remember why i cut it and save it but since then i will collect pictures of him from magazines,newspapers and everything abt him. i started to buy his albums and become fan
i never saw him live...i always got chances but then it cancelled with lots of different reason....and i supposed to finally be able to go to see him next year. but....
14 years and my dream will never come true now...but i still love him...even more....