Can you imagine the backlash MJ would've faced if he'd survived??

if he had lived he may have been severly disabled. It would have been very sad and difficult. Of course I want him back, every day, but I wouldn't want him to live his life as a vegetable either. If he had lived and been okay- well that's what we all would want- and of course the whole thing never to have happened at all in the first place.
But sadly, what happened to Michael cannot be undone. I do appreciate the poster of this threads thoughts though. I often think what if? But if we keep thinking this we will torture ourselves forever.
Well I guess what I would have hoped more than anything else is that the FANS wouldn't have turned on him. The media would have regardless I think, but I would hope the fans would not. The reason I say that is because I remember some (not all) fans lashing out at him when the concerts were pushed back to the 13th July from the original date. I know it would have been annoying for people who'd booked flights, accommodation etc but there was no reason to attack Michael personally over that.

Having said that, maybe if the fans had had the scare of potentially losing him, but then he survived, that might have had enough impact on people to stop them directing their anger towards him over things like that.