Can Michael Still Write Good Songs?

i am guessing that if you are still frequenting MJ fansites you still like his songwriting
i am guessing that if you are still frequenting MJ fansites you still like his songwriting

I'm still a fan because he's one of the most talented artists I've ever known, and yes, I like his writing.
But last time he showed us what he wrote was 7 years ago. I don't know if you've heard about it but MJ has been living very very hard things in his life since that time.
This can have 2 consequences:
-He might be more inspired than he's ever been for writing (like he was 13 years ago with HIStory).
-Or this can have been too much for him and maybe he's not able anymore (or not yet) to clear his mind and focus on his art.

I don't think that saying that makes me a deloyal fan. Michael Jackson is a human being, in cas you don't know.

"I'm only human" (Michael Jackson, Will You Be There, 1991)
I'm still a fan because he's one of the most talented artists I've ever known, and yes, I like his writing.
But last time he showed us what he wrote was 7 years ago. I don't know if you've heard about it but MJ has been living very very hard things in his life since that time.
This can have 2 consequences:
-He might be more inspired than he's ever been for writing (like he was 13 years ago with HIStory).
-Or this can have been too much for him and maybe he's not able anymore (or not yet) to clear his mind and focus on his art.

I don't think that saying that makes me a deloyal fan. Michael Jackson is a human being, in cas you don't know.

"I'm only human" (Michael Jackson, Will You Be There, 1991)

what do you mean..'in case i don't know' you LIKE being an instigator??

and by the way..there is room on this forum for both fans and fanatics. both can think for themselves. how about commenting without making scathing comments about other people on the forum.
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I'm still a fan because he's one of the most talented artists I've ever known, and yes, I like his writing.
But last time he showed us what he wrote was 7 years ago. I don't know if you've heard about it but MJ has been living very very hard things in his life since that time.
This can have 2 consequences:
-He might be more inspired than he's ever been for writing (like he was 13 years ago with HIStory).
-Or this can have been too much for him and maybe he's not able anymore (or not yet) to clear his mind and focus on his art.

I don't think that saying that makes me a deloyal fan. Michael Jackson is a human being, in cas you don't know.

"I'm only human" (Michael Jackson, Will You Be There, 1991)

That's not true. The last songs we've heard written and recorded by Michael are from 2004, smack dab in the middle of the trial, with "The Way You Love Me" and "Beautiful Girl" and "We've Had Enough". I would say most definitly that he can still write, judging by those.
what do you mean..'in case i don't know' you LIKE being an instigator??

and by the way..there is room on this forum for both fans and fanatics. both can think for themselves. how about commenting without making scathing comments about other people on the forum.

Sorry if my answer was a bit cold, it was not meant to be against you.
Of course there is room for both fans and fanatics and I respect everyone here, but fanatics also have to respect those who think a bit different from them. She said to the person who created this topic that he should shut up and be loyal, have you read that? You didn't say anything to that. Sorry, but I can't stand this kind of behaviour, this is just intolerance...

That's not true. The last songs we've heard written and recorded by Michael are from 2004, smack dab in the middle of the trial, with "The Way You Love Me" and "Beautiful Girl" and "We've Had Enough". I would say most definitly that he can still write, judging by those.

I think these songs come from the Invincible sessions, really. Michael was not in a creation mood at all in 2004.
No, it actually credits those songs as being recorded in 2004 and there is footage of Michael working on "Beautiful Girl" in the studio with Randy from his interview with Geraldo from 2004. Per Michael's own admission, he never stoped writing and composing.
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No, it actually credits those songs as being recorded in 2004 and there is footage of Michael working on "Beautiful Girl" in the studio with Randy from his interview with Geraldo from 2004.

ok, i didn't know that. ok, let's say 3 or 4 songs in 7 years... (even if I think that he just polished them in 2004 and that they were written before) That's a bit weak to really judge what his writing became since 2001.

Per Michael's own admission, he never stoped writing and composing.

that's another story...
Well it's highly, HIGHLY unlikely that Michael has lost his talent as a song writer and a composer since 2001 or 2004. Why would he? He certainly didn't lose it after 1993. That's about as silly a thing to suspect as him losing his vocal ability, which clearly he hasn't, despite the physical battering he took during the trial. One doesn't lose their talent, unless it is physical and they have abused themselves.

I said eariler in this thread that both "Beautiful Girl" and "The Way You Love Me" are melodically, rhythmically and arrangement wise very strong pieces of music.
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Well it's highly, HIGHLY unlikely that Michael has lost his talent as a song writer and a composer since 2001 or 2004. Why would he? He certainly didn't lose it after 1993. That's about as silly a thing to suspect as him losing his vocal ability, which clearly he hasn't, despite the physical battering he took during the trial. One doesn't lose their talent, unless it is physical and they have abused themselves.

I don't think his vocal and dance abilities could have been destroyed by anything because it's physical. Michael still has a great voice and he will dance for the rest of life because he's a natural born dancer. He will dance differently because he's not 20 anymore but he will always have that grace we all know. No doubt on this.

But about the writing and composing, that's another story. You need your mind to do that and it has to be free enough to concentrate. In 1995 Michael took advantage of what had just happenned and it gave him the strengh to write such beautiful pieces as Stranger in Moscow, Childhood and others.
But today, maybe this was too much, maybe he's been destroyed in his head. I hope he's gonna be alright but when I hear the last rumors about the artists collaborating on his new album, it feels like they bring him their songs and MJ just says "yes" or "no". He doesn't seem motivated to bring his own stuff in it.
I don"t hate Invincible but it's not his most personal album, by far. And I wouldn't like him to come back now with the same kind of album because he has so much to say and he deserves so much better than a good album. He deserves the best. He's the king of pop.

That's why I don't mind if he doesn't come back now. I prefer later when he is ready than now if he is not.

I said eariler in this thread that both "Beautiful Girl" and "The Way You Love Me" are melodically, rhythmically and arrangement wise very strong pieces of music.

I like these melodies too but I think they were composed by 1999-2001, even if recorded in 2003-2004. And lyrics are easy, it's not on these ones that we can see if he still can write songs like Stranger In Moscow, Who Is It or Heartbreak Hotel.
i tend to look at Invincible as an anomaly in this department (and quite a few others).

from his Ebony interview, i got the feeling he still has confidence in it (and rightly so) and claimed he writes everyday. so i'm still keeping faith.
Invincible is just fine and so are MJ's writing skills. Having said that, it's good to have others write for you because artists tend to have a certain style and after a while, it gets old.
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Invincible is just fine and so are MJ's writing skills. Having said that, it's good to have others write for you because artists tend to have a certain style and after a while, it gets old.

Not if you're a good writer; your style gets old when you try to keep in fashion because it doesn't exist anymore, then it's obvious that it doesn't fit you and it becomes ridiculous.
Michael has to trust his talent and himself if he wants to come back. He doesn't need Akon and all these guys.
I dream of a self-produced album for his come back, or someone with a real musical experience who has something to bring to Michael, like Quincy did back in the days.
But Michael has to be ready to do that.
I don't think his vocal and dance abilities could have been destroyed by anything because it's physical. Michael still has a great voice and he will dance for the rest of life because he's a natural born dancer. He will dance differently because he's not 20 anymore but he will always have that grace we all know. No doubt on this.

But about the writing and composing, that's another story. You need your mind to do that and it has to be free enough to concentrate. In 1995 Michael took advantage of what had just happenned and it gave him the strengh to write such beautiful pieces as Stranger in Moscow, Childhood and others.
But today, maybe this was too much, maybe he's been destroyed in his head. I hope he's gonna be alright but when I hear the last rumors about the artists collaborating on his new album, it feels like they bring him their songs and MJ just says "yes" or "no". He doesn't seem motivated to bring his own stuff in it.
I don"t hate Invincible but it's not his most personal album, by far. And I wouldn't like him to come back now with the same kind of album because he has so much to say and he deserves so much better than a good album. He deserves the best. He's the king of pop.

That's why I don't mind if he doesn't come back now. I prefer later when he is ready than now if he is not.

I like these melodies too but I think they were composed by 1999-2001, even if recorded in 2003-2004. And lyrics are easy, it's not on these ones that we can see if he still can write songs like Stranger In Moscow, Who Is It or Heartbreak Hotel

There's no evidence that Michael's lost his ability to write or create strong melodies and arrangements. None whatsoever. "Beautiful Girl" was a demo, "The Way You Love Me" is a sweet love song. It's musically very strong, I wasn't talking lyrically. Michael's only means to freely expressing himself has always been through both his music and his dancing. Everything rotton that's happened to him in his life, and there's been a lot, he has some how channled through his work, that's always seemed to have been his refuge from all the pain. The trial was probably the worst thing to happen to him, but by no means was it the only horrible thing to have happened to him, and subsequently, you've never seen any other hardship or tragidy that has befallen him hinder his creative ability. Never. So there is no reason to suspect that this is now the case. There is evidence, in fact, that it is quite the opposite.

Michael himself said that he is writing the majority of the tracks on his album, and right now, the only legitimate information we have on his album is what comes from Michael directly. The fact that he's working with Akon, Ne-Yo, Will.I.Am, whoever, isn't an indication that he is relying on others to create the music for him. Michael's talent as a musical composer is as strong as his talent's as a singer and a dancer, and I'm sure he know's this.

"Invincible" didn't have the Michael Jackson feel, I agree with that, but it's mainly because he didn't write more then two tracks on his own. I don't think that has anything to do with a lack of self-confidence, I believe it was just the direction he chose to take.

Michael know's what he is capable of I think. He is an absolute genius composer and a strong lyricist. I understand your concern, but at the moment, I don't think it's warrented. It sound's to me that you are more concerned with his confidence in writing his own material and thus his decisian to either write on his own or seek assistance then you are with his actual ability to do so. That I can understand. But to say Michael has lost his talent to write great music is totally absurd, imo.
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There's no evidence that Michael's lost his ability to write or create strong melodies and arrangements. None whatsoever. "Beautiful Girl" was a demo, "The Way You Love Me" is a sweet love song. It's musically very strong, I wasn't talking lyrically. Michael's only means to freely expressing himself has always been through both his music and his dancing. Everything rotton that's happened to him in his life, and there's been a lot, he has some how channled through his work, that's always seemed to have been his refuge from all the pain. The trial was probably the worst thing to happen to him, but by no means was it the only horrible thing to have happened to him, and subsequently, you've never seen any other hardship or tragidy that has befallen him hinder his creative ability. Never. So there is no reason to suspect that this is now the case. There is evidence, in fact, that it is quite the opposite.

Michael himself said that he is writing the majority of the tracks on his album, and right now, the only legitimate information we have on his album is what comes from Michael directly. The fact that he's working with Akon, Ne-Yo, Will.I.Am, whoever, isn't an indication that he is relying on others to create the music for him. Michael's talent as a musical composer is as strong as his talent's as a singer and a dancer, and I'm sure he know's this.

"Invincible" didn't have the Michael Jackson feel, I agree with that, but it's mainly because he didn't write more then two tracks on his own. I don't think that has anything to do with a lack of self-confidence, I believe it was just the direction he chose to take.

Michael know's what he is capable of I think. He is an absolute genius composer and a strong lyricist. I understand your concern, but at the moment, I don't think it's warrented. It sound's to me that you are more concerned with his confidence in writing his own material and thus his decisian to either write on his own or seek assistance then you are with his actual ability to do so. That I can understand. But to say Michael has lost his talent to write great music is totally absurd, imo.

I totally agree with you wbss. I have absolute faith in Michael's abilities. He has not stated or given any indication that his confidence has wavered in any area of his musical talent. This time Michael is in total control of his album and career and you know how you can tell? Because he has everybody on lockdown about giving any details about his album or comeback. He knows what he wants and what direction he wants to take. All you have to do is go back and listen and look at AH 2006 with him and William in the studio. His body language and what he said signalled to me complete confidence. These producers are just an experiment for him and how he wants to incorporate his creativity and innovative skills with what they have to offer. That's if they have anything to offer at all! lol. But you know what I mean. Yeah I'm not worried at all! Some people seem to be underestimating him, and Michael knows that. That's why he's taking his good o;' time with his next project. He's intricately putiing things together the way HE sees fit and that's all there is to it.

Sorry if my answer was a bit cold, it was not meant to be against you.
Of course there is room for both fans and fanatics and I respect everyone here, but fanatics also have to respect those who think a bit different from them. She said to the person who created this topic that he should shut up and be loyal, have you read that? You didn't say anything to that. Sorry, but I can't stand this kind of behaviour, this is just intolerance...

I think these songs come from the Invincible sessions, really. Michael was not in a creation mood at all in 2004.

i appreciate the apology, but how do we know what mood MJ was in? we're not in his brain with him. whatever opinions we thing is for sure..we don't know Michael.
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Mike will never stop writing.. he is always writing isnt he? he is a true artist... i think we really havent heard his best works
The best lyric´s from michael i think, is when he is playing with words like

"She said I am the one, who will dance on the floor in the round" "It’s too high to get over,(YEA YEA)
Too low to get under.(YEA YEA) "

I like his mor abstract lyrics I think dose it much better then when he tryes to tell a story or make stong meaning. I think they are a bit silly.
He can....and he made it...he wrote so many songs that we still don't know..........