Can Michael Still Write Good Songs?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I ask this because as I was listening to Vince the other day, I was flipping through the booklet and when I came across the credits section, I noticed that the only songs Michael wrote by himself was "Speechless" and "The Lost Children". Everything else someone else wrote or he co-wrote. It's been years since he's been able to write a great song by himself which is unfortunate because on most of his albums, his songs end up being the biggest hit on the album and many times the best song on there as well. I don't know if MJ has lost confidence in his writing or ability or maybe he can no longer write great songs by himself, but it's been a while since he's written anything as good as "Stranger In Moscow", "Billie Jean" or "They Don't Care About Us".

I really hope that changes with the new album.
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i tend to look at Invincible as an anomaly in this department (and quite a few others).

from his Ebony interview, i got the feeling he still has confidence in it (and rightly so) and claimed he writes everyday. so i'm still keeping faith.
OMG, have ALL Michael's talents been suspected on lately?

He has been on a pause,not on a mental disorder healing...

No hard feelings on the poster,just dunno why all the loss of faith.

I think he can make a heartbreaking song about the pain he has gone through the trial...but not directly about that.
OMG, have ALL Michael's talents been suspected on lately?

He has been on a pause,not on a mental disorder healing...

No hard feelings on the poster,just dunno why all the loss of faith.

I think he can make a heartbreaking song about the pain he has gone through the trial...but not directly about that.

It's not that I'm questioning all his talents, I have no doubt that he can still sing and dance well, but it's just that it's been a while since he's written anything good or memorable.
i think the songwriting process is more than just putting a pen to paper. it can be being in a room and participating in the sculpting. and whenever Mj is in the room, that is what happens. so it doesnt matter what long as it is hard to forget MJ, that means he is a great songwriter. thriller was written twenty five years ago. SIM was written almost ten years are only as good as what you have done lately..and MJ still bristles the hair on the back of critics' necks. so that means, every song he has written to this day is a great song, and a good song, whether he enlisted others on it or not. plus his song intuition is just like writing. in the mirror counts there as well. and so does 'cry'.
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nah mike is a hack. He cannot cut it any longer. He really should just thrown in the towel already.

**end sarcasm :) **

I had you going there for a quick second, didnt i ?? admit it, you thought for a hot lil second that I had lost my sauce and was straight trizzzipin :lol:

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It's not that I'm questioning all his talents, I have no doubt that he can still sing and dance well, but it's just that it's been a while since he's written anything good or memorable.

Yeah, it's a shame. He doesn't seem to have the drive he used to have either, I don't detect any real enthusiasm from Michael.
To me yes I think he still can. I really liked Speechless I thought it was a beautiful song. Although it was not finished I liked the musical arrangement for Beautiful Girl.
Please!!! Come on, guyz!! He´s Michael Jackson. He will always write good songs. He´s so talented and he will always be.
in my opinion,yes.he still can write wonderful songs,for example speechless!i play it every day!i love it:wub:
it's been a while since he's written anything as good as "Stranger In Moscow", "Billie Jean" or "They Don't Care About Us".
It was a while since Jackson published anything. But the last time he published anything was also the time he published "good" -- songs like "Speechless" and "The Lost Children". Also, previous time before that he also published "good" -- song "Morphine", which artistically unique and outstanding. Before that, you already named few songs froms "HIStory Continues" album.

So in fact Jackson writes/publishes "good" every time he publishes anything. Thus question in initial post is inapplicable to Michael's situation.

More accurate thing would be to ask how much "good" songs Jackson can/will/will want write and solely produce for new album. Since, according to his previous albums and interviews, he does not care much about "author" thing he does not feel jealous about his own sole work versus co-production.

With this, it is possible that there could be no Michael's sole production at all, though this is barely probable. There could be one sole work or two just as with Invincible or there could be more.

However, since there is no possibility to know from co-produced/co-written songs' credits how much proportional input there was from Michael and additional arrangers, fans hardly should disregard co-produced/co-written songs.

Especially knowing that he is generous towards every kind of authorship for other people and does not care much about his own. The most important thing for him is just being satisfied with final quality of product.
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I don't care what anybody says, "Speechless" is one of the best songs written by Michael. And "The Lost Children", cringeworthy as it is, has some good parts to it.

You're forgetting, though, that Michael wrote lots of songs around that time that didn't make it onto the album. "Xscape" for one; also "Shout", "We've Had Enough", "The Way You Love Me," and "Beautiful Girl", all top notch songs.

I'm sure he still has the ability to write a good song. :)
This thread just prooves to me that people don't understand the full talent of Michael Jackson. Seriously if people really knew how talented MJ is they wouldn't evan ask a question like ''Can Michael still write good songs''. Asking can Michael still write good songs is like asking ''Do birds fly''
This thread just prooves to me that people don't understand the full talent of Michael Jackson. Seriously if people really knew how talented MJ is they wouldn't evan ask a question like ''Can Michael still write good songs''. Asking can Michael still write good songs is like asking ''Do birds fly''

WannaBeStartinSomethin'1, Is that You? Lol
I think the poster makes a great point. There is no doubt MJ at one time was a great songwriter and wrote some great classic songs, but can he still do it in this era? That's a good question considering his last couple of albums. With the exception of Scream in 1995 he has not wrote a hit since then and the tracks he wrote for invincible are not even in the top 4 best songs on the album.

Break of Dawn
Heaven Can Wait
Whatever Happens
No me and WannaBeStartinSomethin1 are two different people lol. We just seem to have the same point of view on alot of things
I'm glad u guys are having fun here.

But seriously i pose the question. CAN MJ STILL BLINK? I mean he hasn't made a good BLINK in YEAARRRS. I wonder why.
I believe Speechless is one of the best songs i have heard, in a very long time. Man that song made me cry. The Lyrics are very beautiful. Now do I think he can still write good music? Yes no question about it.

To be fair, "Speechless" was such a piece of production that it stunned even engineer Bruce Swedien, who recorded for all kinds of biggest artists and groups for like 40 years.

I mean there could be likes and dislikes, but it is totally separate of actual music quality. With this, "Speechless" is one of the best songs ever written in human history -- even though some may like it or not. :)
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Of course he can still write good songs. Speechless is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. There's also Xscape, Shout, Lost Children, and before that, Morphine and the songs on the HIStory album. Those didn't come out that long ago, so if you're looking for proof that he can still write good songs, that's all you need. I think Michael's talent goes beyond just making hit songs. he writes songs that matter, that mean something. He is a musical genius. It's just ridiculous to even consider that he wouldn't be able to write "good" songs anymore. Also, Michael wouldn't allow songs to be on his albums if he didnt have a big part in making them. We've had Enough was co-written by MJ and several others, but you can feel Michael's soul in that song. It brings me to tears every time I hear it.
are you actually saying these words
of course he can still right good songs lol, and like MichaelsGuardianAngel said he writes over 100 songs for each album
It hasn't been years. "Beautiful Girl" is a great song, "The Way You Love Me" is a great song. "Speechless" is a great song. "The Lost Children" is a great song. He can still write great songs with great melody and great meaning.

Kudos to Denis for recognizing and understanding.
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These are just "good" songs though, nothing prolific or nothing that matches the strength of previous songs. "Beautiful Girl" is an awful song btw, one of the worse MJ has ever done and the lyrics aren't any good either. Almost none of these recent songs mentioned in this thread are memorable or particuarly good. The only one that I've been impressed with is "We've Had Enough" and he co-wrote that. Like I said, I have no doubt that Michael can still sing and dance like no other but it's been almost 15 years since he's written something truly great.
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I don't care what anybody says, "Speechless" is one of the best songs written by Michael. And "The Lost Children", cringeworthy as it is, has some good parts to it.

You're forgetting, though, that Michael wrote lots of songs around that time that didn't make it onto the album. "Xscape" for one; also "Shout", "We've Had Enough", "The Way You Love Me," and "Beautiful Girl", all top notch songs.

I'm sure he still has the ability to write a good song. :)

I do not like the actual song "The Lost Children", it's a bit too mushy for my liking, but the irish-feel is pretty awesome. If it had different lyrics it would have been a kick-a** song.

I give him due credit for not being afraid to release songs like that though, because he's got a large fanbase of people who love that kind of music. Heal The World is about as mushy as I can stand.
No cinnamon, you just don't like them, but all of the songs I mentioned have extremely good melody and ARE memorable. "Beautiful Girl" is unfinished, but it has one the greatest melodies I've ever heard, and amazing harmony. "TWYLM" has amazing vocal arrangments and melody, "Speechless" is orchastral, beautifully arranged, and also has amazing melody. "TLC" has one of the strongest melodies of all of Michael's songs. You may not like it because of what it's about, but it's a brilliant piece of music.
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