Can Michael Still Dance And Sing at The Same Time????


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I bring this question because I was watching American Bandstand 2002, and near the end Michael looked like he was about to faint and he could hardly sing. I know it happens when you get older, but can Michael still dance 100 steps then sing a perfect acapella???
I bring this question because I was watching American Bandstand 2002, and near the end Michael looked like he was about to faint and he could hardly sing. I know it happens when you get older, but can Michael still dance 100 steps then sing a perfect acapella???

No one can. If you dance the way Michael does... Try yourselves.
it is very difficult to sing and dance at the same time for a few minutes and expecially for Michael that has to "deal"with is famous steps. Now he's turning 50 and I don't think he can perform live as he did during bad era anymore.
it is very difficult to sing and dance at the same time for a few minutes and expecially for Michael that has to "deal"with is famous steps. Now he's turning 50 and I don't think he can perform live as he did during bad era anymore.

That's what I was thinking, I mean, three spins and landing on your toes while singing at the same time at 50??? I don't doubt Michael, and I won't be suprised if he can still do it...but I will be impressed.
The American Bandstand performance isn't really the best measuring stick for what Michael can do now in terms of singing live and dancing at the same time, since he wasn't in the best of condition at that time. For anyone who brings up the History tour, that's also an unfair example, because Michael was having issues with his voice during a large part of that tour. But it also isn't really fair to Michael to expect that he be able to do what he did when he was 29, 30 years old. Singing and dancing live, at the same time, is hard for people in their 20s and younger, let alone any older. And when you take in to consideration the fact that when Michael does it, he dances constantly, he never actually stops moving, that makes it 100 times harder. I think Michael can still sing and dance live simultaniously, I just don't expect him to be able to keep it up for 2 hours, and I don't think anyone should put that expectation on him, to be honest. If he lip-syncs, before anyone critisizes him for that, they should take a moment to step back and actually think of the physical energy it takes to sing and dance simultaniously and the kind of control that takes, especially when dancing as hard as Michael. The fact that he was able to do it so well, for so long, is remarkable. I've never seen abother performer who could dance so furiously, and sing perfectly on key and with control the way Michael does.
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No way.....
did you notice that all over the years, in the concerts, he started to use playback in some songs??
In the HIStory tour he sings only 2 or 3 songs live.....
The American Bandstand performance isn't really the best measuring stick for what Michael can do now in terms of singing live and dancing at the same time, since he wasn't in the best of condition at that time. For anyone who brings up the History tour, that's also an unfair example, because Michael was having issues with his voice during a large part of that tour. But it also isn't really fair to Michael to expect that he be able to do what he did when he was 29, 30 years old. Singing and dancing live, at the same time, is hard for people in their 20s and younger, let alone any older. And when you take in to consideration the fact that when Michael does it, he dances constantly, he never actually stops moving, that makes it 100 times harder. I think Michael can still sing and dance live simultaniously, I just don't expect him to be able to keep it up for 2 hours, and I don't think anyone should put that expectation on him, to be honest. If he lip-syncs, before anyone critisizes him for that, they should take a moment to step back and actually think of the physical energy it takes to sing and dance simultaniously and the kind of control that takes, especially when dancing as hard as Michael. The fact that he was able to do it so well, for so long, is remarkable. I've never seen abother performer who could dance so furiously, and sing perfectly on key and with control the way Michael does.

Co-signed! :clapping::cheeky:
great reasons, great post!
Oh Please!! After all the years Michael's been performing singing and dancing to him is like Learning to Ride a Bike or Sex for the first time,You Don't Forget It!!
what the hell is mofo talking about?????? LOL!!

He sounds AWSOME live..

If you're looking for a fast YES or NO answere... The answere is YES.. of course he can... The question is for how long??

He'll probably have to set up a concert set differently then before.. Instead of doing 2-3 songs before doing a slow song.. He might have to open with a fast song or two, then slow it down before picking it back up again..

And we don't know what kind of conditioning he's doing.. But if he works at it, he'll surpize even the most optimistic fan...
What mofo?!

:lol: You know I said that just to get your reaction.

"Trouble". ;)

But you can tell when he tried to sing and dance "at the same time" like at that EXACT moment, he would strain, that's why most of the performances were lipped.

I can't count the 1969-89 Michael as the one who sung and dance (at the same time). It's hard to sing and dance at the same time. The only reason why Mike was still able to sing real good was because he didn't use all those complicated dance moves. He was much like James Brown back then.

That's what I meant. :yes:
Well if you mean holding a note while doing a spin, then obviously, no. But that's not what people mean. They just mean in general moving and then singing back to back. Like I said, Michael never actually stops moving, he's always either hitting a step or strutting across the stage at a fast clip. His steps from the early to late 80s were getting pretty complicated in terms of difficulty of execution, with as clean and tight as he always was and how intricate he was. But he still sung live, even when he was breathing hard from constant movement.

LOL, Timmy, you're right about that! I get all serious about this kinda sh*t, lol.
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considering Mike does dance while RECORDING... I think he can sing and dance at the same time.. lol!
Well if you mean holding a note while doing a spin, then obviously, no. But that's not what people mean. They just mean in general moving and then singing back to back. Like I said, Michael never actually stops moving, he's always either hitting a step or strutting across the stage at a fast clip. His steps from the early to late 80s were getting pretty complicated in terms of difficulty of execution, with as clean and tight as he always was and how intricate he was. But he still sung live, even when he was breathing hard from constant movement.

LOL, Timmy, you're right about that! I get all serious about this kinda sh*t, lol.

Yeah he's sung live. :lol: I guess it's the way he dances that when he does sing, he's way outta breath.
Well, and especially on the "Bad" tour, Michael's steps were getting pretty involved. Really intricate, subtle, minuet movement, from his head all the way to his fingers, etc... that was highly controlled and well executed. There's a lot going on with Michael's dancing, a lot of different steps that you don't really notice as separate movements because he's so fluid and because he so well connects all of it. It all looks like one smooth step, when really it's more like 3 or 4 or 5 steps all seamlessly strung together without any pause or hesitation. He's probably the most detailed, intricate dancer I've ever seen, because he gets to each pose through a series of smaller, detailed steps in between the main poses, and he puts them together so well that, just looking at it, it looks like one flawless action. He makes it all look like one step because he's so smooth and he does it so quickly and fluidly, because he doesn't ever have any reluctance or "think time" between.

When Michael dances, nothing is broad sweeping or sloppy, every pose is connected by just as thought out and well performed interim steps, which raises the quality of overall aesthetics. That's why he looks so clean, because instead of leaping in to the next pose or going to it with one, giant, heaving motion, he gets there through several smaller, more precise steps. That's natural though. That's just what Michael does on his own without thinking, its how his body performs. That's talent.

He danced nearly the same style on "Bad" as he did "Dangerous". On "Human Nature" he would do that pantomime, or he would do that skip move that Ne-Yo's always TRYING to do, lol. Choreographed routines don't totally count, but as an example of how he does literally sing and dance at the same time, look at "Beat It" or "Thriller". He actually would sing while executing those steps. But you look at "Billie Jean", etc... and Michael is literally dancing during the entire duration of that song save for the end, when he just free-styles, or "Shake Your Body".

I wouldn't say Michael was out of breath during "Bad", yet he danced just as hard there as ever. That's part of what made him so phenomenal on stage, was his ability to dance like a demon and still be totally on key and control his voice, even when you can see his diaphragm going up and down heavily, so you know he was breathing hard. But he was still able to sing beautifully.
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He actually danced "faster" during the Dangerous/HIStory tours. There were reported vocal problems on those two tours. He was vocally fine on stage during the first half of the "Bad" tour by the second half had begun to sing with a lot of strain. Of course he still did great but the signs were starting to show. That's why for most of his shows afterwards, he'll sing live but you'll hear more of the audio back tracks than his actual voice.
Well he didn't really dance faster, he began to incorporate more choreography and popping in to his routines rather then just free-styling, which makes singing harder period, lol. His speed and intensity was about the same on "Dangerous" as it was on "Bad", in terms of his literal speed and energy. I think he just added more routines, with "Jam", "Smooth Criminal", "Beat It", "Thriller", "Billie Jean", etc... and popping your joints and muscles is going to throw off any vocal attempts. "History" had more choreographed routines for sure, but his speed wasn't actually AS fast and he wasn't AS intense simply because he was older. I think you mean he danced with more form on "Dangerous" and "History", meaning more planned out routnines and spots he had to hit. Am I right?

Obviously by the second half of any tour, any singer's voice would start to become strained if they were singing live, whether dancing or not. Your voice can only take so much wear and tear before it starts to show. He was having big vocal problems supposedly on "History" and whenever he sang live, you could tell. On "Dangerous" he was having some troubel during the second half again, you could tell, but that was due to other things I think. On the first half he sounded fine. And of course, after a certain age, it just becomes impossible to actually sing and dance live at the same time for any kind of long, extended period.
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I just want to see him performing again. I'm sure he can do it greatly.
No way.....
did you notice that all over the years, in the concerts, he started to use playback in some songs??
In the HIStory tour he sings only 2 or 3 songs live.....

oh wow, u must dont no the reasons why that was done. so how about u research and dont downplay his vocal ability. so actually..yes
Either way. Am I the only one that doesnt mind if Michael mimes on tour. Obv some live aswell but I dont mind it. He marketed himself for being a spectacular singer and dancer. its hard to do both, so one has to be compremised sometimes. or would people prefer it that he sings badly trying to dance or dances badly trying to sing. I dont see a problem to be honest. Other artists that are soley about singing I would be offended if they Mimed ppl like Mariah, Mary etc they arent dancers.
I think Mike can still do it just for not long periods of time, he is much older
I don't think he can but this is totally natural considering his age.
If you dance all your life like MJ has done, you are kind of wrecking your body. It's like with athletes, they normally retire when they're reaching their 30s.

In the last decade, MJ has been more about dancing than singing for me, at least when performing live. I see why he has been lip synching almost every performance, no one can have this dance routine AND sing live. BUT I still say I'd like to hear him more as a singer, even if that means cutting back the dancing. It would be something that fits his age and it could give him some critical acclaim. When he continues to lip synch and tries hard to keep up the dance routines, he could become the subject of even more ridicule.

I say he should just focus on singing more, but I guess he won't because he thinks the dancing is what people expect from him. It's a shame we never get to hear his singing voice live any more.