Calvin Harris has made chart history, becoming the first artist ever to score eight Top Ten singles

Cant stand that kind of music, but a lot of young people today seem to, which is a shame. When he achieves all Mike achieved then fair enough
Cant stand that kind of music, but a lot of young people today seem to, which is a shame. When he achieves all Mike achieved then fair enough

Robin Thicke, Pharell and Daft Punk are bringing music back to it's roots.

There is hope after all.
Well, he could be mocking himself to be fair with the side chaining thing, or Mocking MJ with the icon thing, it's hard to read tone when stuffs just in text. But if he's serious it wouldn't surprise me, a lot of producers have egos absolutely through the roof, they think all artists are just these clueless idiots and they're the real heroes behind everything, believe me, i've worked with a lot of semi pro producers in pro studios and they are ridiculously patronizing at times to artists, they do important work, but at the same time overstate this importance to preposterous levels. Of course it's just a generalization again he may have been mocking himself, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was another producer with that view.
Well, he could be mocking himself to be fair with the side chaining thing, or Mocking MJ with the icon thing, it's hard to read tone when stuffs just in text. But if he's serious it wouldn't surprise me, a lot of producers have egos absolutely through the roof, they think all artists are just these clueless idiots and they're the real heroes behind everything, believe me, i've worked with a lot of semi pro producers in pro studios and they are ridiculously patronizing at times to artists, they do important work, but at the same time overstate this importance to preposterous levels. Of course it's just a generalization again he may have been mocking himself, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was another producer with that view.

I'm thinking he is joke ing and all to the MJ references. Maybe people have been making reference to it in his part of the world. In no way is he compairing himself to MJ in a serious way. He's probably a fan. Most people are anyway. I think the media spins shit so much now days, they sure did with katey Perry. Congrats to him! Who ever he is. Lol!
I'm thinking he is joke ing and all to the MJ references. Maybe people have been making reference to it in his part of the world. In no way is he compairing himself to MJ in a serious way. He's probably a fan. Most people are anyway. I think the media spins shit so much now days, they sure did with katey Perry. Congrats to him! Who ever he is. Lol!

Yes it could well be the case that he's actually being modest in a sarcastic tone, just can't tell with this one, would have had to have heard it spoke.
I think some of you are taking his tweet too seriously. He doesn't think he's the new MJ - it would be incredibly arrogant for him to think that.

Calvin Harris is actually quite a popular/well known record producer in Europe, but I highly doubt he is seriously comparing himself to MJ. The tweet seems more tongue in cheek to me.
The way I see it is that records are made to be broken. All that matters is the result of it. Michael's music is timeless; songs like Beat It, Another Part of Me and Smooth Criminal will be remembered for years and years to come. Calvin Harris's music, no offense to him, is quite cliched and boring.

Even though the record's been broken, Michael still came out on top.
What is sidechaining and how does he know what Michael knew and didn't know? The name sounds familiar but that's it.

sidechaining is a process of audio editing used in pro tools, logic, etc. engineers would be familiar with the term. I dont know if michael was savvy on it lol
I hadn't heard of him,but the ones that are doing the twisting and mentioning Michael are the media,imo.

I took a look at his twitter and he seems a nice guy.And yes,I believe he was joking in his previous comments.Note how he says "Yep i'm the new MJ lmaooo".

Ah man these articles calling me 'king of pop' are so embarrassing as if I'd ever compare myself to MJ smh proud of what I achieved tho
— Calvin Harris (@CalvinHarris) April 23, 2013
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Congrats to him.
I don't think we have to worry about these things.MJ is an icon,his music is timeless and nothing will ever change that.
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He is electro pop. Two tracks , Acceptable In The 80s and Ready for the weekend Were catchy . I lost interest with much of his new stuff though. I wouldn't compare him to MJ either !!, However, I believe he wrote that comment on his twitter maybe in shock :lol: .A few years back at EGFestival (Electric Gardens Festival) I met him briefly, and he seemed to be a nice person ! . Thnks for the thread and congrats to ye Mr Harris :flowers:
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Yes Im sure his reply was tongue and cheek... and not meant to offend. its just unsettling to see some of the headlines and to see Michael's records get broken.

Calvin Harris (@CalvinHarris) April 23, 2013
Ah man these articles calling me 'king of pop' are so embarrassing as if I'd ever compare myself to MJ smh proud of what I achieved tho

He has a right to be proud and he isn't comparing himself to MJ. Its the medialoids
Agree with other posters, i found his tweet re mj really humorous. Apparently he produced a little homage of a song with the mitchell brothers called michael jackson. Not my cup of tea, but importantly it was made in 2007 when it wd have been nice for mj to be given some props.


He's not a 'nobody', all that indirectly does is diminish mj's record. A nobody wouldn't have been able to break a pretty impressive singles record that mj had held for 20 odd years.
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Thanks Bonnie I was looking for that song but I couldn't remember "Mitchell Brothers"
Before I click on that, is that any good or what is it? That's nice he is real fan and I don't think he was comparing himself to Michael. He is just responding to what the media is saying. It's always different if you see the person say it than read the words to see what they mean.
Threads like this are the reason I barely come here anymore. A new artist is mentioned and you just rip them apart if they are even mentioned in the same sentence as MJ.

So touchy, did it say anywhere in the entire article that they were comparing him to MJ or he was better than MJ in any way? On top of that, he complimented MJ and said he would never be a true musical legend like MJ. So what is your problem?

I can't stand when you fans react like this. All like 'Who?' 'Never heard of him!'. We get it, it wasn't clever the first time, you don't need to keep telling us you don't know who he is in some sort of attempt to belittle him. He's a nice guy, clearly respects Michael so what more could you want. You all need to take a step back and take a look at yourselves and the way you react to things like this. I understand the mentality of having to protect Michael and anything that is said about him, I've been doing it for years and years. But save your energy for when it's truly needed, I'm begging you.
The new MJ? Ha... Please. -___- Michael's always gonna be the best artist ever. Period. Don't forget Michael sold a billion records, so that eight top ten thing won't really do anything for him. And I'm pretty sure when Michael's new albums come out, he'll score more top tens, so hey I'm not trippin ^___^
I can't stand when you fans react like this. All like 'Who?' 'Never heard of him!'. We get it, it wasn't clever the first time, you don't need to keep telling us you don't know who he is in some sort of attempt to belittle him.

Why is it so hard to believe that some of us really never heard of him before? He's big in the UK alright, but not that big in most other places, so it's not surprising that many here REALLY did not hear of him before.
Why is it so hard to believe that some of us really never heard of him before? He's big in the UK alright, but not that big in most other places, so it's not surprising that many here REALLY did not hear of him before.

Ok, even if you haven't heard of him people are only repeating it over and over again in an attempt to belittle him. Fans get like that when a record is broken or a new artist is mentioned in the same sentence as MJ. Ultra defensive.
Ok, even if you haven't heard of him people are only repeating it over and over again in an attempt to belittle him. Fans get like that when a record is broken or a new artist is mentioned in the same sentence as MJ. Ultra defensive.

How do you know that people only kept repeating it because they wanted to belittle him and not because they truly did not know him? It's not like Calvin Harris is this huge global star that everyone is supposed to know.
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respect77 said:
How do you know that people only kept repeating it because they wanted to belittle him and not because they truly did not know him? It's not like Calvin Harris is this huge global star that everyone is supposed to know.

It's obvious. Why would they bother commenting at all if they didn't know him? It's the way it's said as well.

It's not a 'Oh I see, I don't actually know who he is :S'. If it was worded in a way that came across as sincere then it wouldn't be a problem. But it's more of a 'Pfft, I don't even know who this nobody is!'. Which comes across as trying to belittle him, you can't tell me that you haven't seen that in this thread.

Not saying that every single person in here who has said they don't know him is trying to belittle him, but the majority are. I've seen enough of it over the years to know the motive behind it.

It goes like this, someone signs in and sees a thread title talking about a newer artist and they immediately see red. They live in fear that some new up and coming artist is going to be compared to Michael and instantly go on the defense, this is escalated when the topic of the thread is something to do with a new artist breaking one of Michael's records.

A lot of the time the first thing they'll do is try and belittle the artist being discussed in any way they can.
It's obvious. Why would they bother commenting at all if they didn't know him?

Well, it's a thread posted in the main news section of an MJ forum, of course people gonna react. If getting a reaction is not the goal then this thread should not have been posted at all. And since many people REALLY did not know him (no matter what you say, he's really not that big outside of the UK that people's honesty about this can be questioned), of course they are going to check him out. And since MJ's music is far away from this guy's you cannot expect that everyone here is gonna be complimentary about what he does. Maybe people just honestly don't know him and honestly aren't that impressed by what he does. So what? It's not like death threats have been sent to him, it's just people not liking his music.

Yes, there were a couple of defensive comments as well. That IMO came from the misunderstanding of Harris' comment (some took it as bragging), but by the time you came in and chose to lecture people that actually calmed down and people realized that he said what he said more as a tongue in the cheek comment.
I seriously don't know who the hell that guy is. I don't know why the media make a huge over beating Michael in ONE record when we all know he has several unbeaten ones. Realizing many of us really hadn't heard of Calvin means nothing because Mike has been humongously international for almost half a century, his immense genius and contributions to create true art have no comparison.
Maybe what bothers people is the way the media writes these stories up. The media like to stick it to Michael and it can get taken out on the artist involved. Not right but I think most people here don't know him. I keep thinking of Rihanna when I hear this name. That's all I can think of.