Bulimic and Depressed

Hey Stargirl,
we're on the same boat pal...kinda.
I've been on depression once, bounced back, and then fell back in it. I thought I wasnt anymore. But I realized its not true, people tell me I lost the joy of life and brightness in my eyes, and I did indeed.
Im not who I used to be when I bounced back, dunno why.
I've been like this for 4 years now. Im agrophobic, dont get out of the house too much, Im scared to walk on the streets, I only go out by car, etc etc etc.
Anyway, ur not alone. I dont have words to help u much, but Im here too, if u need to talk. Talk helps. Knowing we're not alone helps. Looking at the bright side of things helps. Sometimes I think "why the hell am I still living if Im not actually living my life to the fullest?". Then I realize I have dreams, and they did not come true -YET!
Search for ur dreams deep in ur soul, and the people u love the most. They must be the reason why ur living. God brought u here to be happy and to make a difference.

MJ inspires me soooo much with his songs. Listen to his songs a lot and reflect about their lyrics, they are so meaningful.

"You'll find that life is still worthwhile, if u just smile"

hope tomorrow is a better day for u then today was :flowers:
hey telha...whichever boat we're on...it sucks so much. :/

especially when you have to go through the painful times of "coming out" to your family. that hey look "im crazy im depressed i have issues...but don't worry somewhere in there im still the me u loved".
