Britney Spears Picks Up Michael Jackson Music

but on the picture we can ee Michael's cover maybe they make mistake anyway she won't never be like him Michael ,her music dies l never enjoyed listen to her ....
lol why are people makeing such a huge thing about this MJ's music gets bought all the time so why Britney is getting all this attention is beyond me
they made the same damn big deal when she bought jester's future ear splitting/love sucks album. its called sensationalism.

could it be shedidn't wanna take time to burn an mj mix cd? lol
You know the thing about Britney is all about her IMAGE. Shes only an IMAGE. If she cut her hair or something, whats left ? Nothing.
You know the thing about Britney is all about her IMAGE. Shes only an IMAGE. If she cut her hair or something, whats left ? Nothing.

And? :smilerolleyes: If all you people (save for a few) feel the need to trash anyone apart from another Jackson just to prove that Michael's the best then you're obviously insecure.
daaaaaaaaaamn. and um....everyone has a personal opinion of someone. personally, if i don't like the person's image or how they present themselves in the public, then i can't jive w/ ur music...just can't. cept r kelly cuz he got mad songs that help during long road trips but he's the exception.

and didn't she cut her hair?
at least, she has good taste in music... :lol:

All this of Britney buying a CD? You lot are deep anyway, if people were getting on to MJ like that you'd be crying like babies and this thread would be locked!

All this of Britney buying a CD? You lot are deep anyway, if people were getting on to MJ like that you'd be crying like babies and this thread would be locked!

Exactly. You can't say one remotely bad word about Michael, but when it comes to other celebrities the same rules don't apply :smilerolleyes:
Hey I like her, and her music's fun. But that performance with Michael? Not so fun...

Good on her though for buying his CD. I'm surprised she doesn't have it already, since she's such a big fan. Well you can never have enough MJ CDs :p
OMG why is everyone bad mouthing Britney? Leave her alone! I lurveeee her to pieces!!! She is as big of an MJ fan as anyone here so shut it! :)
She sure could learn a lot from MJ...

Nice to see she appreciates real music.
Exactly. You can't say one remotely bad word about Michael, but when it comes to other celebrities the same rules don't apply :smilerolleyes:
You're right. If the contrary (with Michael), one would like. But as another celebrity... All this because of a cd, imagine if she had said something about Michael... Poor Britney :(, loved by his fans and detested by others... Like Michael, she deserves respect! :yes:

Hey I like her, and her music's fun. But that performance with Michael? Not so fun...

Good on her though for buying his CD. I'm surprised she doesn't have it already, since she's such a big fan. Well you can never have enough MJ CDs :p

Well, on the performance of Britney with Michael at MSG is not the case. Michael is invited to participate was that he believed she would be able to do a duet with him. If he had sure never to invite to share the stage with him. Everyone knows that Britney is a big fan of Michael, she respects and always spoke well of him. So she was buying a cd of it? What is the problem if it has one cd? Not all fans always have everything that comes out about your favorite artist. And take everything that is released on the artist is not synonymous with being a big fan. Being a fan is love and respect the artist and no matter where the quantity of items you have on this artist. It can be purchased to give away to someone or many other reasons you never know.​
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Come on guys lay off Britney, some of you are being downright mean. You don't like it when people are ripping MJ to shreds but I see some of you doing exactly the same thing to Britney which I think is completely unfair. Not saying you have to like her or anything but at least be respectful. Anyway, I don't see where all the negativity is coming from because I don't see anything negative in Britney buying one of MJ's CD's, to the contrary it seems like a very positive thing.
why would Michael Jackson fans not understand the ridicule that fame brings ??

sure, she has had her odd moments in the press ... at the end of the day, she is only human. The girl has come a long way IMO *shrug* ahh well, to each their own i guess.

We should be somewhat sympathetic to her situations though.

Good post.:flowers: I'm not a big fan of hers. I only like a few songs and videos here and there, but I think for where she's been, the idea that she has come out of that is admirable. For a minute, I thought she was going to end up as another Hollywood statistic...especially where child stars are concerned. Hopefully, she'll get older and wiser about some things and keep it together. There's room for all types of artists, I think. Of course it sucks when commercial artistry overshadows true artistry (subjective, yes) but what can you do? :worried:

Good on her for supporting true artistry tho. :D
Come on guys lay off Britney, some of you are being downright mean. You don't like it when people are ripping MJ to shreds but I see some of you doing exactly the same thing to Britney which I think is completely unfair. Not saying you have to like her or anything but at least be respectful. Anyway, I don't see where all the negativity is coming from because I don't see anything negative in Britney buying one of MJ's CD's, to the contrary it seems like a very positive thing.

sometimes some things don't need to be explained and i don't desire to waste my breath explaining them. sometimes they cannot be explained. to me, Britney is a genius. i heard 'have you seen amy' or 'seeking amy' on the radio, and i realized, she has a sound that is variety. doesn't matter to me how she achieved it. doesn't matter that i may listen to her on radio, and that is how i'm a fan of some of her songs. the reality is, there is good music out there that is associated with her. and she sings on the recordings. and she is behind those hits. the amy song is different from a lot of stuff i heard on the radio. and she's behind that. it doesn't matter who works with her, who her team is, how she operates in the studio..etc. the bottom line is, there is more than one song she came out with that sounded radio friendly to me. then i would hear the dj say how the song is at number 1, was just at number 1 or is about to be at number 1, so apparently there are other fans of her..i just don't hear them on this forum, enough. i'm a radio fan of hers, and when her stuff is on, i don't switch the station. there are artists MJ has worked with and artists he has not worked with. he stakes his rep on what he does. and he appeared onstage with Britney. nuff said.
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sometimes some things don't need to be explained and i don't desire to waste my breath explaining them. sometimes they cannot be explained. to me, Britney is a genius. i heard 'have you seen amy' or 'seeking amy' on the radio, and i realized, she has a sound that is variety. doesn't matter to me how she achieved it. doesn't matter that i may listen to her on radio, and that is how i'm a fan of some of her songs. the reality is, there is good music out there that is associated with her. and she sings on the recordings. and she is behind those hits. the amy song is different from a lot of stuff i heard on the radio. and she's behind that. it doesn't matter who works with her, who her team is, how she operates in the studio..etc. the bottom line is, there is more than one song she came out with that sounded radio friendly to me. then i would hear the dj say how the song is at number 1, was just at number 1 or is about to be at number 1, so apparently there are other fans of her..i just don't hear them on this forum, enough. i'm a radio fan of hers, and when her stuff is on, i don't switch the station. there are artists MJ has worked with and artists he has not worked with. he stakes his rep on what he does. and he appeared onstage with Britney. nuff said.

You may love that song, If U Seek Amy, and I admit that it is both clever and catchy, but keep in mind that Britney neither wrote that song nor was she intimately involved in its production. She showed up to lay down a few vocal tracks, which were then picked apart mercilessly by the producer using tools like AutoTune, and this makes her a genius? This makes her a typical pop "artist".

I have not, and I will not, say anything about her personal life. But her music is public; she puts it out there for people to love and yes, for people to hate. Michael Jackson is the King of Pop. He became the King of Pop because his music is pop; his music is popular. Britney Spears is a pop icon for the same reason, her music is popular. But when we examine the reasons why Michael's music is popular and the reason Britney's music is popular, we see that they are very different.

Michael's music is pop because he is inventive and creative and original. His hooks are unbeatable, his funk is feverish and he is intimately involved in the production (and 80% of the time, the writing) of his songs. He treats his music with respect, and you can hear the dedication to every track by taking a peek at the MJ backgrounds thread put together over in the downloads section. Michael sets the standard with true art, and because his music is true art, it appeals to almost everyone.

Britney Spears, on the other hand, though not without occasional glimmers of hope, appeals to the lowest common denominator of pop music. Her music is popular because it is cookie cutter. Her latest album, Circus, sounds in every way exactly like the one before it, Blackout. She displays no substantial musical evolution; she adapts only to fit the current trends, not to set them. Her music is fun, it is flirty, it is entertaining for a time. But it is not art. Michael Jackson is a genius. Britney Spears is, frankly, not.

Of course I wish her all the best personally, but when it comes to music, I hope she studies the tracks on the MJ album she bought to see why he's great. And she couldn't hurt herself by also picking up some Stevie Wonder, some Prince, some James Brown, some Little Richard.
You may love that song, If U Seek Amy, and I admit that it is both clever and catchy, but keep in mind that Britney neither wrote that song nor was she intimately involved in its production. She showed up to lay down a few vocal tracks, which were then picked apart mercilessly by the producer using tools like AutoTune, and this makes her a genius? This makes her a typical pop "artist".

I have not, and I will not, say anything about her personal life. But her music is public; she puts it out there for people to love and yes, for people to hate. Michael Jackson is the King of Pop. He became the King of Pop because his music is pop; his music is popular. Britney Spears is a pop icon for the same reason, her music is popular. But when we examine the reasons why Michael's music is popular and the reason Britney's music is popular, we see that they are very different.

Michael's music is pop because he is inventive and creative and original. His hooks are unbeatable, his funk is feverish and he is intimately involved in the production (and 80% of the time, the writing) of his songs. He treats his music with respect, and you can hear the dedication to every track by taking a peek at the MJ backgrounds thread put together over in the downloads section. Michael sets the standard with true art, and because his music is true art, it appeals to almost everyone.

Britney Spears, on the other hand, though not without occasional glimmers of hope, appeals to the lowest common denominator of pop music. Her music is popular because it is cookie cutter. Her latest album, Circus, sounds in every way exactly like the one before it, Blackout. She displays no substantial musical evolution; she adapts only to fit the current trends, not to set them. Her music is fun, it is flirty, it is entertaining for a time. But it is not art. Michael Jackson is a genius. Britney Spears is, frankly, not.

Of course I wish her all the best personally, but when it comes to music, I hope she studies the tracks on the MJ album she bought to see why he's great. And she couldn't hurt herself by also picking up some Stevie Wonder, some Prince, some James Brown, some Little Richard.

music isn't all that discriminatory like some of us are..

i know MJ is the King of Pop. there are enough of my posts on this board for people to see what i think of him. however, i know not to put down other artists using him. there is a difference between marking his achievements and diminishing other artists, using him.

there are many different types of genius..some of which, some may not see.

for me, Britney possesses some of those. and using devices and technology is not condescending to music.

people simply have different tastes, that's all.
I hope she studies the tracks on the MJ album she bought to see why he's great.

I think she does not need to be studying the album of Michael, the whole world, all artists of the music scene already know how Michael is great, how Michael is a genius and that he is the King of Pop. Britney should have know it is time. This is nothing new to anyone.​

There are those like Britney and admire your work and must respect the personal taste of each. I am not fan of Britney, I have none of her album but some songs I like and respect it (moreover, no matter who is the human being must always respect the next). Nobody is obliged to like it, but we must respect it. No matter in what way it does its job, no matter her voice, no matter if they dance well or badly, it does and strives to make the best possible.​

And who calls and says it is bad, then go into the studio or on stage and do better. She went through a difficult phase, and no interest to anyone what she did or failed to do in her personal life. Life is it. She gave up back and is resuming his career with the head up. So it is a victory for having survived.​

And because of a simple picture of Britney buying a cd of Michael (imagine if the Madonna...) and generated all this discussion is taking another direction.​
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you mean MJ might not be the King of Pop?!!! are you serious?!

if that was a reach from different things i posted..i appreciate it:rolleyes:
it's funny that you picked my positive Britney post to exclaim yourself. perfect timing.

welcome to MJJC, by the way.