Britney Scores Another #1?

^ Aaw, Aaliyah in your signature picture and avatar - such a sweet girl, she had such a bright future ahead of her :cry:
oh God and we expect This Is It documentary to be at the super top, it is at top, but not that much as it should but see what i say when i say United States is about talentless pop girly girls...
I've always been a fan of Britney, her music is fun and entertaining. The lyrics might not be the best but so what? I was going to go to her concert but it was verrrrry expensive and I couldn't afford to :(
I've always been a fan of Britney, her music is fun and entertaining. The lyrics might not be the best but so what? I was going to go to her concert but it was verrrrry expensive and I couldn't afford to :(

Don't bother. It was lipsynched and lazily choreographed crap. See for yourself:
I've always been a fan of Britney, her music is fun and entertaining. The lyrics might not be the best but so what? I was going to go to her concert but it was verrrrry expensive and I couldn't afford to :(

Really? Her UK tickets were going for $3 back in June.
Oh come on! I don't believe that for a second. Prove it.

ROFL yeah i remember that as well. It was when she was going to preform in the O2 arena. i read in the news papers (or magazines I guess I don't really remember). That they made a massive discount to fill the arena since the demand was so low. I don't think that's true but whatever.
I've heard the new single once.. it was pretty catchy.
I always think of her as a record company's groomed t 'n a mass manufactured and marketed music. She's the McDonald's of music.

That can apply to so many. I take Kelly Clarkson's approach to Kanye calling out Taylor Swift and that is "It's not that serious. No one is curing cancer". Britney is a pop artist and while there are surely others out there with more talent they are all in it for the same thing (and it would be foolish to argue otherwise)- fame and money. Some may write all their own songs, sing, or dance better than Britney but she is still a good entertainer.

Why must people be so harsh on her and not others? I don't hear people going on and on about how Rihanna is a "talentless hack". She doesn't write and is hardly a great vocalist. I didn't hear anyone bitch about the fact she conveniently came out about her abuse exactly as her album is ready to drop. Everyone is always all up on Britney calling her out, calling her names, and generally dogging her and not the others who are in the same boat/industry that she is in. Britney was made a target long ago and for some reason the media convinced people it's okay to hate on her much the way they did MJ. Britney is a human being and deserves to be treated with common decency.
I always think of her as a record company's groomed t 'n a mass manufactured and marketed music. She's the McDonald's of music.

Only mcdonalds is unhealthy, Britney has nothing to do with health.

Anology fails.