Britney Scores Another #1?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
According to Britney's Facebook page:

Britney Spears: I want to thank my fans for making ‘3’ the # 1 song on the Billboard Hot 100. I am truly blessed with the greatest fans in the world. I am so happy y’all love it because I do this all for you. I can’t wait till you see the video! -Britney

If it's true, congrats to her! I think it's awesome that so far in to the game Britney seems to be at a peak in her career and popularity. And to think everyone doomed her from the start and said she wouldn't last. Looks like Britney's fans not only grew up with her but she made new ones along the way.
3 is reallyyyyy catchy as much as I hate to admit it.. =p But no substance at all. Typical Britney song. Anyways, congrats to her.
I'm not a Britney fan, but she has to be admired for determination and persistence.
She hit the rock bottom, but bounced right back up and is doing real well now.
Good on her.
I'm not a Britney fan, but she has to be admired for determination and persistence.
She hit the rock bottom, but bounced right back up and is doing real well now.
Good on her.

Agreed. Gotta admire her spirit.

I'm a Britney fan but I don't claim her to be some great artist. Just a fun entertainer with some really catchy pop tunes. And I ask, what's wrong with a little fun?
Agreed. Gotta admire her spirit.

I'm a Britney fan but I don't claim her to be some great artist. Just a fun entertainer with some really catchy pop tunes. And I ask, what's wrong with a little fun?

Oh, I agree. I'm not a fan of her music, but she is VERY entertaining.
If someone shouted me tickets to her "Circus" I'd have gone.:cheeky:
I hard that the story behind the song is quite rude but thay wouldnt say wat it was about on the tv?xoxo

'3' is exactly as it sounds, it's about having a threesome. It doesn't offend me but only cuz I'm not one to get all caught up in controversy. It is what it is, a fun pop song tailored to draw attention and get people talking. Looks like it worked.
'3' is exactly as it sounds, it's about having a threesome. It doesn't offend me but only cuz I'm not one to get all caught up in controversy. It is what it is, a fun pop song tailored to draw attention and get people talking. Looks like it worked.

Oh thanks i did think that but when thay was talking about it on tv thay said thay cldnt say to much because it was to earlier due in the day,thanks for letting me know xoxo
Jona,with all due respect,but if you can most sincerely say that you actually like Britney's new songs,successful or not then man... I don't know what to say.
Jona,with all due respect,but if you can most sincerely say that you actually like Britney's new songs,successful or not then man... I don't know what to say.

I do like Britney's newer songs. They're fun and I don't take them (or her) seriously. I don't understand why some people are so uptight. I don't have any reason to be ashamed and I won't apologize. I love my pop music (Kylie, etc). I have true artists like Michael Jackson and then my fun pop entertainers like Britney. So what?
Not a Britney fan, however I am guilty of listening to her old late 90's, early 2000 cheesy pop songs. lol. Her music now isn't my cup of tea. But really, she's been through a lot and she seems to be doing well now. Congrats to her. :)
I don't like her newest single but I do like a couple of her newer songs like "Get Back", "Blur" and "Down From Under".
I do like Britney's newer songs. They're fun and I don't take them (or her) seriously. I don't understand why some people are so uptight. I don't have any reason to be ashamed and I won't apologize. I love my pop music (Kylie, etc). I have true artists like Michael Jackson and then my fun pop entertainers like Britney. So what?

You also have nothing to apologize for, the ones who should apoligize are the ones who have a hard tome respecting that everyone does not share their personal taste....
Debuting at #1 without any proper promo, performances or a video released yet! woowww! :clapping:

I do like Britney's newer songs. They're fun and I don't take them (or her) seriously. I don't understand why some people are so uptight. I don't have any reason to be ashamed and I won't apologize. I love my pop music (Kylie, etc). I have true artists like Michael Jackson and then my fun pop entertainers like Britney. So what?

I get what you are saying, and lol no need to apologize. I just wanted to point out that Britney's previous songs were top-notch pop songs, this nowadays is really really weak (for me at least) and I just can't see anything fun in them ... Radar, If U Seek Amy... I mean, the point is - yes, Britney is a fun-pop artist, but IMO she went really downhill with her pop songs... They are just... Umm, like Janet's for example (don't shoot me) - it's all about "I wanna have sex" etc... It is true, fun pop songs are always welcome, but you gotta grow... And (IMO again) Britney doesn't grow at all with every new album that comes... (Her last album I liked was "In The Zone" - I think that that was actually a pretty good album)...

No offense again,it's just discussion - I too have some "fun-pop" artists and then those that I take seriously...
You also have nothing to apologize for, the ones who should apoligize are the ones who have a hard tome respecting that everyone does not share their personal taste....

well if that was pointed at me then you need to go through the term "discussion" again.
well if that was pointed at me then you need to go through the term "discussion" again.

Well, what you wrote had not really anything to do with a discussion, so yes, it was pointed at you.... but from your new post I can understand what you mean, and nothing wrong with having different opinions...

About Britney. I personally think her her last two albums have been great, and the same goes for the new single....
Well, what you wrote had not really anything to do with a discussion, so yes, it was pointed at you.... but from your new post I can understand what you mean, and nothing wrong with having different opinions...

About Britney. I personally think her her last two albums have been great, and the same goes for the new single....

DITTO! Blackout is a freaking fantastic pop album. It was a hard time for her but the album certainly doesn't represent that dark period. I still love it to this day. Circus is very good as well.
3 is an awesome song, I love it.

Circus and Blackout are Britney's best albums, just saying :)
According to Britney's Facebook page:

Britney Spears: I want to thank my fans for making ‘3’ the # 1 song on the Billboard Hot 100. I am truly blessed with the greatest fans in the world. I am so happy y’all love it because I do this all for you. I can’t wait till you see the video! -Britney

If it's true, congrats to her! I think it's awesome that so far in to the game Britney seems to be at a peak in her career and popularity. And to think everyone doomed her from the start and said she wouldn't last. Looks like Britney's fans not only grew up with her but she made new ones along the way.

I think she was at her peak with the release of her second album, Oops! I Did It Again. I would have to disagree and say that she has lost a substantial part of her fanbase, though nothing like the "rats fleeing a sinking a ship" abandonment that the Backstreet Boys have experienced.

I am ashamed to say I used to be a fan until 2003 and it was mostly for her looks. I even went for the special edition imports of a couple of her releases.


With a few exceptions, I don't see how you can say her music is any good. How can you craft a memorable album within a year? Many of her releases were followed up within a year.

By the way, "Travis," you used to be "Jona," right?
I think she was at her peak with the release of her second album, Oops! I Did It Again. I would have to disagree and say that she has lost a substantial part of her fanbase, though nothing like the "rats fleeing a sinking a ship" abandonment that the Backstreet Boys have experienced.

I am ashamed to say I used to be a fan until 2003 and it was mostly for her looks. I even went for the special edition imports of a couple of her releases.


With a few exceptions, I don't see how you can say her music is any good. How can you craft a memorable album within a year? Many of her releases were followed up within a year.

By the way, "Travis," you used to be "Jona," right?

Lol, yeah, that's me. I changed my username to ease some confusion as to what the heck I am- a guy or a girl. My real name is Travis. :p

I stick by what I say about Britney and that is that her current music is her best ever. Blackout and Circus are by far her best albums. I don't think she has lost any fans, her fans appear to be very dedicated, and she is at a peak musically (whether anyone wants to hear that... the music is her pop best... it just is imho).
Lol, yeah, that's me. I changed my username to ease some confusion as to what the heck I am- a guy or a girl. My real name is Travis. :p

I stick by what I say about Britney and that is that her current music is her best ever. Blackout and Circus are by far her best albums. I don't think she has lost any fans, her fans appear to be very dedicated, and she is at a peak musically (whether anyone wants to hear that... the music is her pop best... it just is imho).

I thought you were a girl but either way I enjoy your posts. Whenever I think of the name "Travis" I always think of the Robert De Niro character, Travis Bickle, in Taxi Driver.

You mean Britney is at her peak musically I take it. I haven't listened to the new stuff except when it came on the radio so I can't say. I think it is indisputable that she was at her peak commerically with Oops!