Brian Oxman talks to the Sun: MJ's star burned so bright

It doesn't matter what Michael knew or didn't know, he didn't commit suicide, and he did not die from natural causes, he died becuase someone administered potent drugs to him and he was not to know what combinations of drugs not to take, he trusted Murrey to know that.

It is no defence for a Doctor to blame the patient, if it was assisted suicide or euthanasia would be legal. Michael clearly thought he was safe in Murrey's hands, and he would have been if Murrey had monitored him and acted when things went wrong.

If you had been here as a regular member of the community you would know that Michael's fans are not stupid, we know he was not perfect, he had his flaws and weaknesness, but he is not responsible for his death. Someone introduced him to Propofol, got the drug and gave it to him, he could not have done that himself.
You think Michael was that naive? I'm sorry but Michael was reading about everything and learning all his life, so I bet he completely knew what was Propofol and the other stuff he was taking to sleep. He probably knew everything about it and knew the effects and dangers it could bring also, but decided to take them anyway. End of the story.

Is there anybody besides me that thinks Michael was not the perfect naive and innocent person you think he was. Now it looks that anybody who ever spoken or looked at Michael is part of a conspiracy. Anybody that talks about Michael is an a**hole and is lying. Who knows? Michael wa sa good person, but for me he seemed to be a very complicated person, living in his own world and having his own problems.

Come on people. Try to have a bit of an objective eye on this.

No one thinks MJ was perfect...... But these so call friends , and i use friends lightly are disgusting. At the same time have you ever asked youself how did MJ know about propofol? its not like it a well known drug. Only doctors use it. How would he have known about it? he must have been told it was safe.
Lisa marie, brian oxman & corey fieldman.....Never will get why they were there or invited? Thank god stacey brown wasn't invited....oh lord! These peeps fall into the Friends or foe saying! But I think we know the answer here.