Brian Oxman talks to the Sun: MJ's star burned so bright


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
MJ's star burned so bright

LAWYER Brian Oxman is a close friend and confidante of almost every member of the Jackson family after representing them for more than 20 years.

He helped to successfully defend Michael against child abuse charges in 2005, and was particularly close to the star.
Here he gives his view of the moving service:

MICHAEL Jackson's funeral was a gathering of close friends, family and people I had not seen for years.
Together we mourned our loss, and together we took strength from one another because we all joined to celebrate the life of an extraordinary man.
As I sat in the Great Mausoleum at Forest Lawn Cemetery to say farewell to Michael, I wondered if the sunglasses they all wore were meant not to shield their eyes from prying cameras, but from the brilliant light of the supernova - the death of a massive star.
For sure, the light from the other stars at the funeral was bright. I sat next to Elizabeth Taylor at the service, and I told her Michael loved her dearly and would be proud that she was there.
But Michael's death was the supernova of a star whose light was more controversial, more luminous and more fascinating than any others.
The eulogies from Joe Jackson, Rev Al Sharpton, and Jackie Jackson's son Siggy told of Michael's extraordinary life. And it was certain that Michael Jackson was now larger in death than he was in life.
We will be dissecting his life for years to come in books and movies, only I don't think we will ever capture the human emotion everyone felt this day when we laid Michael Jackson to rest.
I sat next to Dave Dave, whose father doused him with kerosene and burned 90 per cent of his six-year-old body.
Michael cared for Dave Dave for more than 30 years, never asking for anything in return. His eulogy was moving. The world should never forget how Michael gave back not only to Dave Dave, but to so many other needy people.

I have a unique view of the Jackson Family. Some people knew Michael. Others knew Janet, or La Toya, or Rebbie. Or Jackie, Jermaine, Tito, Marlon, or Randy. But I knew them all.
From their mum and dad, Katherine and Joe, to their grandchildren, they were all my friends.
I know all of their secrets, all of their tears, and all of their failures and glories. I never felt that any of them - from Michael right on down the line - ever did anything where I couldn't hold my head up high and say these are my friends and I am proud of them.

There are many things that Michael Jackson has to answer for to his maker, including why he would have allowed himself to be destroyed by the use of drugs he knew could only hurt him.
However, what I can say for certain and with great emotion is that his conversations with the Lord are not about the allegations which surrounded his life, but rather about how he treated himself and dealt with the magic he received as a gift from God.
Everyone in the Great Mausoleum was sad to see Michael go, and it was as if no one wanted to say a final farewell. He was a good man, a kind man. But he had a tough time dealing with the simplest things involving just living with people - like the most basic elements of greed and jealousy.
Michael and I talked a lot about the controversies. When I said to him that he was never dull, he said me: "It's a sin to be dull."
In the evolution of the universe, the supernova creates a shockwave where new stars are formed. I watched the tears from Michael's children when they said their final goodbye to their dad. And I wondered could it be that Prince, Paris and little Blanket are the legacy of a new star formation that the Michael Jackson supernova has left behind?

ok it was all good till he started to talk about the controversies and the drugs I mean really just stop it already the man is dead let him rest and stop talking about his problems in public we dont need to know about his privet life
...Well, I see somebody's trying to exorcise some guilt. Not 24 hours after Mike's death, this a-hole was screaming from the rooftops as if Mike was found with a garbage bag full of oxycontin pills next to his bed.

Nothing more than his damn conscience rotting away his insides after what he did.
Anyone who goes to one of the tabloids that treated Michael the worst is a fool.

Oxman is all about self-publicity. I mean, he cannot attend a Jackson event without feeling the need to talk to the media and providing a running commentary.

What will he do now that Michael is no longer there for him to appear on CNN as "family attorney"?

And what about the blatant attempt to take credit for Mesereau's work?

Michael has nothing to explain to God about propofol. He couldn't sleep, a doctor told him it was safe as long as he was monitored. End of story.

That's like having to explain to God when someone injects insulin for High Blood pressure.

Oxman is a waste of time.
I guess there is nothing he keeps private, so much for an attorney, blabbering away every private conversation.
Oxman the lawyer who told the tabloids he went and brought Blanket from the clinic two days after the surrogate mom gave birth to him , Oxman who talked about the Latino mom and the Latino nurse ...etc . Oxman the Blanket's expert . Oxman who said that Katie told him she knew a jackson by just looking and MJ's kids were not Jacksons

what can I say ? he was invited to mj's funeral .maybe we know now who were his sources after all.
Anyone who goes to one of the tabloids that treated Michael the worst is a fool.

Oxman is all about self-publicity. I mean, he cannot attend a Jackson event without feeling the need to talk to the media and providing a running commentary.

What will he do now that Michael is no longer there for him to appear on CNN as "family attorney"?

And what about the blatant attempt to take credit for Mesereau's work?

Michael has nothing to explain to God about propofol. He couldn't sleep, a doctor told him it was safe as long as he was monitored. End of story.

That's like having to explain to God when someone injects insulin for High Blood pressure.

Oxman is a waste of time.
I guess there is nothing he keeps private, so much for an attorney, blabbering away every private conversation.

Agree 100% :agree:
Of course everyone is planning on writing a book now..So stupid greiving fans like us will buy.
I thought it was a good article by Oxman. It is good to get a positive view of the burial ceremony. I think he does a good job representing the family especially shows like Nancy Grace as she is so vicious, he comes across very nice & reasonable, which gives an average viewer a good impression of the Jacksons IMO. Average people don't dissect things like on an MJ board IMO.

As far as MJ being addicted to prescription drugs, we will find out in the trial. There are articles on the net about it being used to treat insomnia caused by drug addictions. IMO Dr. Klein has alot to be worried about because that is why he is all so strange about Prince & Paris. He had to limit his paternity claims because he gave info about Blanket to Roger Friedman:


Jackson Update: Blanket Was Never Home Alone

By: Roger Friedman // Monday August 31, 2009

Best laugh of the weekend: a Brit tabloid’s assertion that Macaulay Culkin is the biological father of Blanket, Michael Jackson’s youngest child.
Are they kidding? This is as preposterous as Mark Lester being Paris’s father.
In each case, there isn’t even a slight hint of physical similarity. Forget that Culkin is blond and blue eyed, and that Blanket is dark and possibly Latino.
It makes no difference to the British press!
We can only imagine the laugh Culkin, who lives in New York’s West Village with his girlfriend, must have gotten.
Who’s next to be revealed as a bio parent of a Jackson child? Eggs from Tatum O’Neal? Sperm from Bubbles the Chimp?
As I’ve reported since 2005, Blanket is the product of Michael Jackson’s biological matter and a surrogate mother. The surrogate was chosen from a catalogue of names presented to Jackson by none other than Dr. Arnold Klein. Neither Dr. Klein, Mark Lester, Macaulay Culkin, nor Topo Gigio is the father.

My note: Klein must have been source for RF

link for propofol uses:
...Well, I see somebody's trying to exorcise some guilt. Not 24 hours after Mike's death, this a-hole was screaming from the rooftops as if Mike was found with a garbage bag full of oxycontin pills next to his bed.

Nothing more than his damn conscience rotting away his insides after what he did.

I'm not even kidding when I say he was saying it on CNN about 15 minutes after they announced Michael's death. They announced it later than the other outlets but still. I know it was this soon because as soon as it was announced I was on the phone to my mother who lives abroad, so I never stay on the phone long to her, that's how long it took him!! Can't stand the man!!
oxman can feck off. quick everyone run to the tabs to sell your story cause no one will care soon
There are many things that Michael Jackson has to answer for to his maker, including why he would have allowed himself to be destroyed by the use of drugs he knew could only hurt him.

What the hell is Brain Oxman talking about here. Michael like every other human wasn't perfect, but I don't think he has anything to answer for except being too kind and trusting of to others. All this drug crap Brain Oxman started in the media, he's the reason the media are labeling Michael a junkie.

Another thing is Brain Oxman was a Jackson family lawyer, not Michael's lawyer and wasn't an important part of Michael's legal team that got in aquitted of false child abuse charages in 2005.
Hey Brian,
You didn't know shit about Michael
you didn't help with anything in 05, you just got in the damn way
you sell out 5 mins after he dies
YOU can F*CK right off.

The fans who bother thinking no what a bloody idiot you are and we WONT forget. Dick.
Anyone who goes to one of the tabloids that treated Michael the worst is a fool.

Oxman is all about self-publicity. I mean, he cannot attend a Jackson event without feeling the need to talk to the media and providing a running commentary.

What will he do now that Michael is no longer there for him to appear on CNN as "family attorney"?

And what about the blatant attempt to take credit for Mesereau's work?

Michael has nothing to explain to God about propofol. He couldn't sleep, a doctor told him it was safe as long as he was monitored. End of story.

That's like having to explain to God when someone injects insulin for High Blood pressure.

Oxman is a waste of time.
I guess there is nothing he keeps private, so much for an attorney, blabbering away every private conversation.

I've never understood why he has been allowed to continue to be privy to family information with all of the stuff he has said, makes you just shake your head.
The Sun? From all the media all around.....THE SUN?

Here's something i will NEVER expect from Thomas Mesereau to do. I bet he won't.
I know all of their secrets

There are many things that Michael Jackson has to answer for to his maker, including why he would have allowed himself to be destroyed by the use of drugs he knew could only hurt him.
oh, should i say how it makes me mad? :angry:
LAWYER Brian Oxman is a close friend and confidante of almost every member of the Jackson family after representing them for more than 20 years.

He helped to successfully defend Michael against child abuse charges in 2005, and was particularly close to the star.

Brian Oxman almost cost the entire case by prematurely running his mouth to the media and welfare workers about the Arvizo's welfare fraud when he was given strict instructions by Mesereau not to. He filed erroneous motions, fell asleep in court, and was very publicly tossed from the team not long after the case began. He failed. He also slandered Michael's name on Nancy Grace's show time-and-time again and was the first to start all the drug overdose rumors the very day Michael passed away without any knowledge on the topic. Oh, and of course he was one who sued Michael in the past asking for $$$ from a job he did not do.

Oxman is a worthless cause no matter what he says, and had no right attending Michael's private funeral.
Oxman is a worthless cause no matter what he says, and had no right attending Michael's private funeral.
Speaking of such, I was wondering "WHAT WAS BRIAN OXMAN DOING THERE? Same thought about Corey Feldman and Lisa Marie Presley. These three have used the media repeatedly to slander Michael Jackson for their own agendas and I just don't get WHY they would be invited to Michael's funeral. I just don't get it. Now I LOVE the Jackson family, but are they that dense, or just a VERY forgiving family?
thanks for posting.

... these makes me cringe...

"We will be dissecting his life for years to come in books and movies"

... uhh NO you WON'T!

"There are many things that Michael Jackson has to answer for to his maker, including why he would have allowed himself to be destroyed by the use of drugs he knew could only hurt him"

that made me wanna choke him with my hair.

oxman... gtfo.
It upsets me so greatly just to see Brian Oxman's face and don't get me started on Corey Feldman! I sincerely don't know why in God's name he was invited to the funeral! Is it that the Jackson's are'nt aware of things being said to the media about Michael? I just don't get it!
I thought it was a good article by Oxman. It is good to get a positive view of the burial ceremony. I think he does a good job representing the family especially shows like Nancy Grace as she is so vicious, he comes across very nice & reasonable, which gives an average viewer a good impression of the Jacksons IMO. Average people don't dissect things like on an MJ board IMO.

As far as MJ being addicted to prescription drugs, we will find out in the trial. There are articles on the net about it being used to treat insomnia caused by drug addictions. IMO Dr. Klein has alot to be worried about because that is why he is all so strange about Prince & Paris. He had to limit his paternity claims because he gave info about Blanket to Roger Friedman:


Jackson Update: Blanket Was Never Home Alone

By: Roger Friedman // Monday August 31, 2009

Best laugh of the weekend: a Brit tabloid’s assertion that Macaulay Culkin is the biological father of Blanket, Michael Jackson’s youngest child.
Are they kidding? This is as preposterous as Mark Lester being Paris’s father.
In each case, there isn’t even a slight hint of physical similarity. Forget that Culkin is blond and blue eyed, and that Blanket is dark and possibly Latino.
It makes no difference to the British press!
We can only imagine the laugh Culkin, who lives in New York’s West Village with his girlfriend, must have gotten.
Who’s next to be revealed as a bio parent of a Jackson child? Eggs from Tatum O’Neal? Sperm from Bubbles the Chimp?
As I’ve reported since 2005, Blanket is the product of Michael Jackson’s biological matter and a surrogate mother. The surrogate was chosen from a catalogue of names presented to Jackson by none other than Dr. Arnold Klein. Neither Dr. Klein, Mark Lester, Macaulay Culkin, nor Topo Gigio is the father.

My note: Klein must have been source for RF

link for propofol uses:

RF sources are probably people that worked for MJ.
That's true. Why is he still allowed to be so close to the Jacksons? He loves the spotlight.

I've never understood why he has been allowed to continue to be privy to family information with all of the stuff he has said, makes you just shake your head.
Michael has nothing to explain to God about propofol. He couldn't sleep, a doctor told him it was safe as long as he was monitored. End of story.

You think Michael was that naive? I'm sorry but Michael was reading about everything and learning all his life, so I bet he completely knew what was Propofol and the other stuff he was taking to sleep. He probably knew everything about it and knew the effects and dangers it could bring also, but decided to take them anyway. End of the story.

Is there anybody besides me that thinks Michael was not the perfect naive and innocent person you think he was. Now it looks that anybody who ever spoken or looked at Michael is part of a conspiracy. Anybody that talks about Michael is an a**hole and is lying. Who knows? Michael wa sa good person, but for me he seemed to be a very complicated person, living in his own world and having his own problems.

Come on people. Try to have a bit of an objective eye on this.
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