BREAKING NEWS: Wildfire near Neverland Ranch

This seems like a fair comment, especially now that the air tankers can be brought back into play. Hoping it turns out to be true. 🙏

"It's important to note that the chances of the entire property at Neverland burning are very low. The firefighters have staved this fire off for 2 days. Firefighters are INSIDE the gates protecting structures. Now that it is light outside, air tankers can start again."

"UPDATE: Neverland Ranch looking good for now. Outstanding concise ops briefing on the #LakeFire. For your orientation, Div W/Z where "good line was put in 2 days ago" is where Neverland Ranch is. That black segment is the 8% containment they have, just NxNW of Neverland. Neverland Ranch is just SE of that "1" in the blue box. That control line has been in place for several days now, and will be called contained once its IR signature is cold, and firefighters feel comfortable walking away from it without it spotting over the line. SE corner is where the diciest stuff is going on, with aircraft and multiple crews trying to tie existing roadways and trails into hand and dozer lines. El Dorado Hotshots are up north working on easing the fire down into the river and buttoning up that backing flank."

"The #LakeFire will be with us for a while. The LPF fuels will be very stubborn and put out a lot of heat these next few days. But firefighters have done exceptional work around Neverland and the nearby wineries. They're busting their tails right now."
I wish I could thank those firemen. Not only for saving Neverland (I am SO relieved!), but also for saving peoples homes, certainly lives.
I am also aware that the fires are still raging, and there is a possibility of more wildfires during summer.
I wish I could thank those firemen. Not only for saving Neverland (I am SO relieved!), but also for saving peoples homes, certainly lives.
I am also aware that the fires are still raging, and there is a possibility of more wildfires during summer.
I saw stuff yesterday about some firefighters having sustained injuries in the course of fighting this wild fire. Didn't sound horribly serious but still very concerning, of course. I don't know how they do it. I mean, I know they have super equipment, protective clothing and loads of training but, still, it boggles my mind what they encounter as part of their working day. And you're right. This is the time of year when wild fires are a real threat in California. Those firefighting teams, their work is not done yet.

"Just a few words: In the past few days, we have made new friends with people outside of the fan base who have been incredibly helpful and kind. With that said, I was happy to see @KernFiregraph gain a few hundred followers, which he deserves. I am happy to see @Otalia69's posts that she was also kind enough to share, get the reposts they deserve. I also was happy to see the #VCFD and other firefighters get the credit they deserve for putting their lives on the line every day. It's about Neverland of course, but it's also about people who are trying to get the word out for fire safety and firefighters. So when I ask you to share THEIR posts and pictures (and not to steal them), it is because, like Michael always said, it's THEIR time to shine. They did not have to help us, but they did." #NeverlandRanch

I saw stuff yesterday about some firefighters having sustained injuries in the course of fighting this wild fire. Didn't sound horribly serious but still very concerning, of course.
Yes ... I also saw a clip about a firefighter being rescued by helicopter. 😳

I don't know how they do it. I mean, I know they have super equipment, protective clothing and loads of training but, still, it boggles my mind what they encounter as part of their working day. And you're right. This is the time of year when wild fires are a real threat in California. Those firefighting teams, their work is not done yet.
They have to fight blazing scorching fires 🔥 AND work in ridiculous heat.☀️
It´s 32°C here in northern Gemany and I cant´t stand being in the sun for more than a minute lol. 😵‍💫
I had a dream last night that Neverland was all safe and not affected by the fire anymore. My dream came true! Praise the Lord!
Yes ... I also saw a clip about a firefighter being rescued by helicopter. 😳

They have to fight blazing scorching fires 🔥 AND work in ridiculous heat.☀️
It´s 32°C here in northern Gemany and I cant´t stand being in the sun for more than a minute lol. 😵‍💫

I didn't know it was so hot in Germany :eek: Here in France, the temperature is okay (I love the heat so much but it can kill like cold waves).

Otherwise, to return to the subject of Neverland, I am happy that the fire is going away but I hope that there were no casualties and that people were spared from the flames. The place is still intact I have the impression. Bravo to the firefighters!
Last Updated 07/10/2024 7:11 PM
16% Contained
29,187 Acres

Resources Assigned
Personnel 3,034
Helicopters 28
Engines 221
Dozers 77
Water Tenders 46
Crews 73

Today, crews extinguished hot spots, improved containment lines along the northeaster perimeter. Tactical firing operations went well ahead of the fire to control fire spread. The firing operation on the southeaster edge of the fire perimeter went as fire behavior analysts planned. This firing operation will keep the fire from impacting communities south of the fire in Los Olivos.

The Los Padres National Forest reported three damaged recreation residences and one damaged out building.

Santa Barbara Sheriff's Office has reported the fire has impacted approximately 1, 165 people in the evacuation warning and 441 people in the evacuation order areas.

Current Fire Activity: Overall, a quiet night on the fire. Tactical firing operations will continue ahead of the fire to control fire spread. Significant fire activity on the southeast side of the fire footprint has prompted additional evacuations and an increase in acreage. Since the start of the Lake Fire, 1,500 people have been evacuated.

An excessive heat warning continues in the fire area.
I didn't know it was so hot in Germany :eek: Here in France, the temperature is okay (I love the heat so much but it can kill like cold waves).

Otherwise, to return to the subject of Neverland, I am happy that the fire is going away but I hope that there were no casualties and that people were spared from the flames. The place is still intact I have the impression. Bravo to the firefighters!

Yes, temperatures beyond 30°C are no longer uncommon here. At the moment it is cooler, temperatures / weather seems to fluctuate from day to day.