Breaking News: Oprah Winfrey Ending Talk Show in 2011

Re: Oprah Show is leaving in 2011

i'm big fan of Oprah show and her too i love what she does in life and what she does in this world

know my life is endding cause i never ever met the King Of PopMichael Jackson that life take me away and mt breath away cause if that i had dreans for years and years to come and never happens :cry: :cry:

know my other fav is Oprah the Queen of Day show i love watch her show i don't care if people don't like her but i think she amazing what she does in her life with others how much people learn on her show :yes: :)

so i love you all to help me out if you live in Chicago can you please try to send this letter to her if i can pm you if you do live in Chicago :) thanks :)

Well we all kown that rockstar & it's going to be okay. I love Oprah so much than to any other in the world so best wishes to the queen of talk show Oprah Winfery
She is starting her own cable network. She is hardly going away anytime soon.