Breaking News: Oprah Winfrey Ending Talk Show in 2011


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Jul 25, 2011
Oprah Winfrey Ending Talk Show in 2011

Thursday November 19, 2009 07:00 PM EST
Oprah Winfrey
C.J. LaFrance/Getty

The queen of daytime talk shows, Oprah Winfrey, plans to end her highly rated The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2011 after 25 years, her spokesperson said Thursday.

"The last day will be Sept. 9, 2011," the spokeswoman says. "She will speak about it on (Friday's) live show."

Winfrey, 55, whose current program reaches about 7 million viewers a day, is preparing to start her own cable channel, and it has been widely rumored that she would bring her program to OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network, a joint venture with Discovery Communications.

"We have the greatest respect for Oprah and wish her nothing but the best in her future endeavors," CBS TV Distribution, which distributes the show, says in a statement. "We know that anything she turns her hand to will be a great success. We look forward to working with her for the next several years and hopefully afterwards as well."

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I thought the end of the world was supposed to be 2012 :O.........
all I can say is....its about damn time.......I bet her rating have she figures a good time to retire....I hope when I am her age which when she retires will be like what 53 or so......I hope I can afford to retire...probably I guess I will keep on working until I am like 70.....oh God...eewwww....
I don't really care...

Probably because I have never watched an episode of her show before...

Oh wait- I watched her interview with Michael in 93... but I'm not sure if that counts...
never really watched her and i live in the uk so doesn't really affect me but good luck to her.
Hey I actually like Oprah. Seriously. She's a very strong woman who overcame a lot of obstacles in her life and ended up becoming very successful. More power to her. I wonder what made her decide to stop. Well.. she does have a family..hmm. Well, good luck to her. She did many wonderful things throughout her years working on television talk show.
Oprah Show is leaving in 2011

i'm big fan of Oprah show and her too i love what she does in life and what she does in this world

know my life is endding cause i never ever met the King Of PopMichael Jackson that life take me away and mt breath away cause if that i had dreans for years and years to come and never happens :cry: :cry:

know my other fav is Oprah the Queen of Day show i love watch her show i don't care if people don't like her but i think she amazing what she does in her life with others how much people learn on her show :yes: :)

so i love you all to help me out if you live in Chicago can you please try to send this letter to her if i can pm you if you do live in Chicago :) thanks :)
ooh god why things happen to me in life my heao died and know my fav queen talk show is leaving i'm sad and not happen the way things are going

what nexts i can do? :( :cry:
who cares about dr.phil :mat:

i'm :mat: and understand :cry:

thanks Oprah thanks Oprah what am i going to do next :mat: :cry: :(

i think she make bad ideal for deal :yes: :(
I remember contacting the Oprah show in 2005 after the trial and one of the assistants told me that the show should be airing until 2011 so... I really wanted Mike to go on with Mez and them guys to share what really happened in the trail. They told me to just keep mailing the show.

Ya know, it's sucks in one way, b/c I really do feel that Oprah has a strong-hold on the Amercian/Canadian audience, she makes things happen and changes things. On the other hand, how she does handle some situations is uncomfortable....esp when it comes to Michael.

I say move on, there will always be others to showcase their talent to the TYV public and yes I do love Ellen. I do hope however that the truth of what really happened in both '93 and '04 gets out. Hell, if I ever win millions, you can bet what movie I'll be funding and creating.

Justice will come, it's jsut taking it's damn time.
i think Oprah did wrong Mistake on this please Oprah please change your mind please if you do i'll help created something amazing please Oprah you're doing the wrong thing of doing this cause there is nobody like you the same way like MJ there is nobody like MJ :yes: :cry:
i think Oprah did wrong Mistake on this please Oprah please change your mind please if you do i'll help created something amazing please Oprah you're doing the wrong thing of doing this cause there is nobody like you the same way like MJ there is nobody like MJ :yes: :cry:
It doesn't say Oprah is retiring, but is starting a cable channel and might do a show there.
My mother will be sad about this...

Sometimes I'll watch Oprah, especially when she had exclusive interviews with interesting people. Its time for someone else to come along and let them have their moment shine now :)
I also like Oprah I am watching her now. I only watch her when a topic of her show is worth watching. Other than that I watch something else. The 4pm hour is going to be so different without Oprah on at that time.
Wow..thank you for the heads up O. 2 years to say goodbye.
Oprah just Annouces on her show she is :cry: :cry: and she made me :cry: too and she say i don't what is next that's what she say today is sad day :( :cry:
I stopped liking her after her comment about white people during the OJ Simpson murder trial, saying all white people were just like Mark Fuhrman.
I saw her talking about it on the news and crying... Why the tears? She's not going until 2011 we're still in 2009 last time I checked? Ahh, I know - As long as everyone knows in plenty of time she'll sweep all the TV awards no doubt :)