[Breaking News] Iraqi Journalist Throws Shoes At President Bush

Honestly he deserved that :lmao:

I heard that throwing the shoes to someone for the Iraquis is a sign os despiste (sorry spell), that journalist was so brave for doing that!!! :clapping:
Apparently what the Iraqi journalist yelled as he threw the shoes was "this is for all the Iraqi widows, orphans and all those killed in Iraq" and "this is your farewell gift, you dog!" Looks as though he's not really being greeted as a "liberator" after all.


that's funny
LOL! @Bob George. He didnt say that. He said ''We are Iraqians, you dog'' thats what he literlly said. By the way, has anyone checked the news? 250 lawyers are willing to help him or somethin, I didnt read all of it. And one rich guy from KSA a Saudien[is that even a word?] wants the shoe he threw at bush for 10 million. lolzz
Shoe thrower 'beaten in custody'

The brother of the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at US President George W Bush has said that the reporter has been beaten in custody.

Muntadar al-Zaidi has suffered a broken hand, broken ribs and internal bleeding, as well as an eye injury, his older brother, Dargham, told the BBC.

Mr Zaidi threw his shoes at Mr Bush at a news conference, calling him "a dog".

The head of Iraq's journalists' union told the BBC that officials told him Mr Zaidi was being treated well.
The union head, Mouyyad al-Lami, said he hoped to visit his colleague later.

An Iraqi official said Mr Zaidi had been handed over to the judicial authorities, according to the AFP news agency.

Earlier, Dargham al-Zaidi told the BBC's Caroline Wyatt in Baghdad he believed his brother had been taken to a US military hospital in the Iraqi capital.

A second day of rallies in support of Mr Zaidi have been held across Iraq, calling for his release.

Meanwhile, offers to buy the shoes are being made around the Arab world, reports say.

Hero figure

Mr Zaidi told our correspondent that despite offers from many lawyers his brother has not been given access to a legal representative since being arrested by forces under the command of Mowaffaq al-Rubaie, Iraq's national security adviser.

The Iraqi authorities have said the 28-year-old will be prosecuted under Iraqi law, although it is not yet clear what the charges might be.

Iraqi lawyers have speculated that he could face charges of insulting a foreign leader and the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri Maliki, who was standing next to President Bush during the incident. The offence carries a maximum penalty of two years in jail.

Our correspondent says that the previously little-known journalist from the private Cairo-based al-Baghdadia TV has become a hero to many, not just in Iraq but across the Arab world, for what many saw as a fitting send-off for a deeply unpopular US president.

As he flung the shoes, Mr Zaidi shouted: "This is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog."

Dargham al-Zaidi told the BBC that his brother deliberately bought Iraqi-made shoes, which were dark brown with laces. They were bought from a shop on al-Khyam street, a well-known shopping street in central Baghdad.

However, not everyone in Iraq has been supportive of the journalist's action.

Speaking earlier in Baghdad, Mouyyad al-Lami described Mr Zaidi's action as "strange and unprofessional", but urged Mr Maliki to show compassion.

"Even if he has made a mistake, the government and the judiciary are broad-minded and we hope they consider his release because he has a family and he is still young," he told the Associated Press news agency.

"We hope this case ends before going to court."

Abducted by insurgents

The shoes themselves are said to have attracted bids from around the Arab world.

According to unconfirmed newspaper reports, the former coach of the Iraqi national football team, Adnan Hamad, has offered $100,000 (£65,000) for the shoes, while a Saudi citizen has apparently offered $10m (£6.5m).

The daughter of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Aicha, said her charity would honour the reporter with a medal of courage, saying his action was a "victory for human rights".

The charity called on the media to support Mr Zaidi and put pressure on the Iraqi government to free him.

Mr Zaidi, who lives in Baghdad, has worked for al-Baghdadia for three years.

Muzhir al-Khafaji, programming director for the channel, described him as a "proud Arab and an open-minded man".

He said that Mr Zaidi was a graduate of communications from Baghdad University.

"He has no ties with the former regime. His family was arrested under Saddam's regime," he said.

Mr Zaidi has previously been abducted by insurgents and held twice for questioning by US forces in Iraq.

In November 2007 he was kidnapped by a gang on his way to work in central Baghdad and released three days later without a ransom.

He said at the time that the kidnappers had beaten him until he lost consciousness, and used his necktie to blindfold him.

Mr Zaidi never learned the identity of his kidnappers, who questioned him about his work before letting him go.

They're still doin double takes of this on CNN. What a way to end the year. :trish:
I don't care much for Bush, at all. Initially, I laughed, seeing that clip.

But! Where was security?? The journalist had time to throw not one but TWO shoes at him?!
They're getting slobby at the end of his term. The president of the United States was a sitting duck, having to deal with it himself. Tsk. Tsk.. Security can't ever afford to be That relaxed.
Especially, in a country like Iraq, where a lot of people hate his guts.

A+ for superb dodging skills and comment on shoe size.
That is the only positive thing, I will ever have to say about Bush.

As for the journalist.. I would have had more respect for him, if he had attacked Bush verbally, with intellect.
I guess, he only wanted to degrade him.
His injuries? I'd say that if you psychically attack a world leader, you have a very good chance of getting roughed up and getting hurt. They don't mess around.
If he wanted come out of this with only a verbal warning, he chose the wrong person to throw his shoe at.

As he flung the shoes, Mr Zaidi shouted: "This is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog."

Speaking earlier in Baghdad, Mouyyad al-Lami described Mr Zaidi's action as "strange and unprofessional", but urged Mr Maliki to show compassion.

ahh interesting.

i was thinking the same thing almost...i was raised to think shoe throwing is childish. yea it was funny, but it doesnt make the journolist that intelligent to me in my part of the world. plus he missed two times on top of that!! most of all..i was shocked at how good Bushs reflexes are at his age! :bugeyed

why cant we be adults simply for once and only say words!! why do we have to throw shoes or put our middle finger up?..isnt that what kids do. i rather we do that than kill but...its never only words ever! ever! its always something. Its so scary to think how our human race controls the world sometimes. we act stupid way too much with too many problems. bush is aweful but throwing shoes isnt going to solve anything. i did not see the point..bush sees how hes looked at..he not going to change. basically words say more than shoes. because now its only funny and not serious.
throwing shoes has to do with the cluture and what it means. it my mean nothing to one cluture but its significant in another.
I usually never watch TV news but when I saw what was coming I kept watching. :D
The security was behind closed doors or something,they came out when they realized what was happening. And even before that the other journalists tried to stop him.

Abducted by insurgents

The shoes themselves are said to have attracted bids from around the Arab world.

According to unconfirmed newspaper reports, the former coach of the Iraqi national football team, Adnan Hamad, has offered $100,000 (£65,000) for the shoes, while a Saudi citizen has apparently offered $10m (£6.5m).

$10 million! Some people have more money than sense, I doubt I'd pay a tenner for them :smilerolleyes:
so yeah....Bush has good reflexes, and I'd hate to have his security team....
LOL! @Bob George. He didnt say that. He said ''We are Iraqians, you dog'' thats what he literlly said. By the way, has anyone checked the news? 250 lawyers are willing to help him or somethin, I didnt read all of it. And one rich guy from KSA a Saudien[is that even a word?] wants the shoe he threw at bush for 10 million. lolzz

Iraqians? That doesn't even make sense. This is what the AP translated it as:

Dec. 15, 2008. al-Zeidi threw his shoes at President George W. Bush during a press conference in Baghdad on Sunday, while yelling in Arabic: "This is a farewell kiss, you dog,this is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq." Associated Press © 2008
ROFL!! I can't tell you the number of gif/moving images of this clip that have got mailed around at work!!!!!!
it was so shame of the iraqi man .

Journalist claim they r the educated people of the society, open-minded, and that their pen is their weapon. :doh:

is that being open-minded?

He is also a human, bound by religious beliefs and human emotions. We dont all live and die by our professions. Sometimes our true feelings and our heart take over.

Open minded about Bush? have you been sleeping for the past 8 years? he is lucky it was just a shoe thrown at him.