"Breaking News" All General Discussion Here [Merged]

What do You Think Now???

  • Now im Sure Its Michael!!!

    Votes: 89 21.4%
  • I Still Think its Not him!!!

    Votes: 223 53.7%
  • I now think that its Michael, but still have my doubts!!

    Votes: 24 5.8%
  • Im Confused!!!!

    Votes: 79 19.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

Am i the only one who thinks sony put this fake song out just to build the hype? and later they'll announce that it's fake ??????

but how can they explain what they're doing to us now.
it would be like a really bad joke :no:
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

ok, to clear one thing up. Jason Malachi can NOT sing, at all, period. Its so clearly not that talentless wannabe on the song, no way.

Secondly, am i the only one who thinks Quincy Jones should have been heavily involved in this, and all of michaels posthumous works? him and teddy are, to me, the only guys out there with the skill and talent needed to work on michael songs. Though teddy ain't doing to well if BN is anything to go by.
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

Jerkins says it is not MICHAEL !!!!!

Jerkins has also been Mj's loyal friend !!!!


Jerkins did NOT do this Music though. He wasnt involved in this Project. He only knows the Outcome like we all do. Teddy, however, Mixed this song. He has heard it before the mixing, Jerkins has NOT! I'm not questioning their loyalty. I'm just stating the facts! :) If you dont believe in this, good for you, that means you dont go with the crowd just cuz they say one thing. Hope we find out whats really going on soon. ;)

Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

Am i the only one who thinks sony put this fake song out just to build the hype? and later they'll announce that it's fake ??????

Yeah, I thought of that too... But I don't know... I guess we'll have to wait...
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

I'd like to hear the acapella version.. where could I?
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

After listening to the song maybe 75+ times it starts to sound like MJ to me.
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

I have been a fan for a very long time.

The person singing the verses on this song is NOT Michael Jackson. It's just not him, no matter if people want to believe it is. The more you listen to it wanting it to be him, the more objectivity you lose.

Something incredibly shady is going on here and hopefully we will find out what.
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

Am i the only one who thinks sony put this fake song out just to build the hype? and later they'll announce that it's fake ??????

I too think this; although part of me believes it's just wishful thinking.

I just hope Sony get their bloody act together and set the record straight (no pun intended). I WILL NOT be buying this album nor will I encourage my friends, family etc to purchase it if it is not 100% Michael Jackson.

It's a con.
It's a rip off.
It's unfair.
And surely it's illegal.
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

After listening to the song maybe 75+ times it starts to sound like MJ to me.

But it should sound like MJ the first time.
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

why are people still discussing that its not MJ or it is?? It's all ready known its NOT.. listen to the damn song..

We are not sitting hear asking if MJ is sings "isnt She lovely".. end of story, we just are waiting for explaination.
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

I've been looking all around on his twitter and i just don't see it. I only see him saying that he didn't work on the album.

At the top of the page it has a reply to a fan:

Fan asks:

Even if you haven't worked on this MJ album, have u heard the track? What do you think of it? :) Thanks


Darkchild says:

I(t) doesnt sound like him to me.




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Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

I'm begining to wonder are a lot of fans going to end up looking silly. I think had the 3T and lie toya not started this most fans if not all of us wouldn't have doubted it. I have to admit the first time i listened to it i didn't doubt it at all but then on reading what was being said i had to go back and have a relisten and a rethink and i reckon now that it is Michael, it has to be. A lot of people on here seem to be still going with Sony are out to ruin his legacy conspiracy, like it or not Sony are our biggest ally and will remain so for the next ten years at least. They made the biggest record deal in History with the Jackson estate, before doing this they obviously listened to what material Michael left behind and realised it would be a good investment, so good that they would pay 200 million for it. Now why would they pay that kind of money then go and get somebody else to sing the first single, it doesn't add up, infact it makes so little sense that i'm begining to wonder how anybody bar latoya ever questioned it.
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

can you share the link to the Cascio's twitter page?

I don't have it. I am just going by what was said earlier in the thread. Sorry about that!

Does anyone else have the Cascio's twitter address?
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

:lmao: This made me laugh for the 1st time today. If that had really been in the song it would have been proof positive for me that it wasn't Michael. I have never heard him call a woman his bitch!

That was my first laugh today too. :)
LoL @ the thought of Michael singing about his girl as "my bitch". :lol:
I think I'm losing it...
I am emotionally drained. :(
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

why are people still discussing that its not MJ or it is?? It's all ready known its NOT.. listen to the damn song..

We are not sitting hear asking if MJ is sings "isnt She lovely".. end of story, we just are waiting for explaination.

People still believe its MJ for some reason. I cant get my head around it.
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

I think in the acapella version thers parts that sound more like him that in the sony version sound nothing like him, I think its him guys with alot of computer crap on top,
its no good saying its not him coz t dont sound like him because that what computers can do.
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

After listening to the song maybe 75+ times it starts to sound like MJ to me.

Wishful thinking? Brain washing? The verses have no soul. It can't be Michael.
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

In the last 48 hours more posts must have been made than the last 48 days together. :lol:
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

We don't know how much soul he would put into a demo do we? MAybe he would have made it very different if he had wanted it released.
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

i just don't care what teddy, rodney, john(estate) katherine or any other fans say. I trust ME! (no scarface pun intended) i've litened to the song about 6/7 times since 6am. At first i was a little taken back, it didn't sound right. But it still sounded like michael. To me, it was the same as when i first got home with the invincble album and listened to that. Though not straight away, Unbreakable is awesome, once i got into the album i was deeply confused. U had N*Sync songs with mj singing over them (Heartbreaker), piss poor attempts to recreat the MITM/Earth Song magic (cry), Vomit worthy slow songs (the lost children) and several songs that didn't even sound like him singing (Threatened, 2000 Watts and Privacy). But after 2 or 3 listens, i began to appreciate it for what it was. A new kind of michael jackson album. Maybe this is the same deal. Personally, i'm still not a massive fan of Invincible (though i L.O.V.E Whatever Happens) to me, Michael is the trend setter, and Invincible sounds to much like he was trying to sound like the current popular music of the time. I think u fans that are planning to boycott the album are over reacting and should reserve ur full judgement till u have heard the full album!
To protect those who explained everything to me, I will be using fictitious names to protect them. I have known them for many many years. Charlie as we’ll call him works for Sony and has an extensive background in audio engineering, producing, and music management. Once I heard the track and all the drama that has followed he was the first person I reached out to for some answers. As we know, the family only sends cryptic notes and with everyone posting on twitter from Teddy Riley, to Frank Cascio on facebook, what are we, the fans, left to believe? If anything there are far more questions now than answers.

“The fact is, at this point no one knows what tracks are what.”Charlie tells me. “The tracks that are listed for the upcoming album everyone besides those closely working on the project, are confused as to what is what. Some may have been recorded in 2007 or 2008 but damn it’s a mess.” Sitting in an office today w/ a high level Sony executive (again I will leave out who exactly it was), the man is laughing within the first 3 lines of “Breaking News” Charlie sits back and says, “wow, really?” “Of course hardly any of this is Michael” he tells Charlie, “but the good news is from I have heard so far, it shouldn’t get any worse than this.” “Damn” Charlie says. “The bridge & background vocals are him in parts but the Cascio guys chose to do it this way.” He continues.”It’s good publicity right now.”

Charlie explains to me, we listened to it numerous times in the studio, and you could tell from the breathing patterns to the push behind the vocals, its all different, nothing like Michael. Problem is, is that when recording vocals there is no type of pitch control when you go high. They can’t pitch up in other words to fix whoever they had sing it. Michael did not care for this track, he never recorded lead vocals only bits and pieces of a demo. When you record a demo its not stacked. They stacked the finish, Michael would be furious if he were alive, he never did stacking this way, it’s not his production style. When he stacked a track he did it all with vocals, as you can hear on the Dangerous album. It’s not like the old days when they recorded in analogue. When you first record a track you’ll record a demo, then once its chosen you go back and record everything twice pretty much, one is higher and one is lower, basically for the sound in the left ear and the right. Demos are recorded in mono, not as rich and thick like a finished track, what it sounds like is that they placed Michael’s voice dead center, and had whoever they brought in, possibly this guy Jason, to record the stacking and placed his on the right and left. If you listen hard Michael’s there but its far too saturated. It’s over done, its simply not his style. However, you have to remember that whatever you’re going to hear from now on will never be a finished polished product the way Michael would have wanted because of the simple fact that none of it was fully finished. So they are left to decide what to do with them because they don’t want to put demos out. What Michael wanted to do and what the world wants are two different things. I think they wanted to duplicate and make the kind of money they did with This Is It last year, so they release the album just before the holidays and hope that they go platinum with this LP. I honestly think though that this single is going to hurt album sales. They are trying too hard to get something catchy, Invincible style but the fact is that Invincible was short lived. They’re attempting to go overly poppy with this LP and its not going to work.

The thing is, Cascio’s music ideas don’t work, he’s a very intelligent guy, don’t get me wrong. The family is in the restaurant business but Cascio was pretty much in the right place and the right time for Michael to take an interest in him becoming his personal manager. Now Mr. Cascio wants to cash in and finish the record. He was shopping for post production and engineering volunteers to finish the tracks (hence Teddy Riley confirming today on Twitter that he was not compensated for his post production on the track). I wouldn’t be surprised if his dad is in charge of the whole thing. Those vocals that Michael recorded were done in the Cascio’s dad’s studio. Michael’s there but Cascio wanted to push himself, he always pretends he’s got the contacts, but never went anywhere in music. Sure you may have contacts but it doesn’t mean they want to work with you. Towards the last 3 years of his life Michael was trying to produce more for other people. He was trying to get the Black Eyed Peas to let him produce for them. Do you remember those rumours about that rapper guy (cardanal?!?), what I believe is that they could have had this song written for a rapper, but what makes no sense to me is why have a knock off singer, a rapper would have made a little more sense since Michael never recorded the versus.

Jason on the other hand, well he was doing his regular singing when he started doing his knock off singing like MJ. Ever since then he’s blown up even though the music is trash, but I just wonder now if they paid him out. If not, he’ll probably get publishing credits and royalties from the album and if so, everyone and anyone involved in publishing will find out. That’s pretty funny and he’ll be sitting there collecting checks. At the end of the day, I hope they deliver the rest of it in an upright way because honestly what they have now, Michael would be furious! “Breaking News” is horrible.


I love Howard Zinn, he has a great quote that states, "its easy to be overwhelmed or intimidated by the realization that governments have enormous power but some historical perspective can be useful, because it tells us that at certian points in history governments (& corporations) find that all their power is futile against the power of an aroused citizenry."

That gives me hope...cheers~

Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

Could someone please send me the acappella version as I would love to hear it to compare to the original track
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

Sony....anybody..........please stop this crap and post a statement or something saying it isnt him -_-
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

why are people still discussing that its not MJ or it is?? It's all ready known its NOT.. listen to the damn song..

We are not sitting hear asking if MJ is sings "isnt She lovely".. end of story, we just are waiting for explaination.

Um, I'm sorry, where was this confirmed? Just because a bunch of fans are claming "PROOF!" "EVIDENCE!"?

A bunch of Jason Malachi YouTube vids does not proof/evidence make...
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

People still believe its MJ for some reason. I cant get my head around it.

it makes me wonder if theyve bn listening to the same 'mj' we have for the past 25 years

people must have diff ways of listening or ear types lol because its clearly not michael in any way
Re: "Breaking News" General Discussion Here

It sounds more like freaking LaToya than Michael!
Re: "Breaking News" Fake Song Talk Here Including Poll

Breaking song is an authentic fake !
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