Brad Sundberg: Remembering a friend. Nice read and pics.

Please don't tell ME what I would or wouldn't call great, or what I would or wouldn't consider mundane.

I'm not talking about an article MJ wrote anyways... I'm speaking of this particular article and I found it to be a great, sincere read. I'm confused why people are zooming in on two or three little bits (which are more or less in MJ's favor, sans the appearnace issue) instead of the bulk of the article which is very much pro-MJ.

This is because just about every article positive or not ALWAYS seems to have to mention Michael's face, his skin colour and the allegations. Even so called friends seem to never to mention the vitiligo leading to the public still thinking Michael bleached himself and thinking this is fact. This is not good for Michael's legacy one bit. Even my work colleague who I get on with very well yesterday made a comment about Michael bleaching himself. i told him the vitiligo was confirmed in the autopsy and he conceded that he didn't really know that much about Michael. As Michael said himself if you repeat a lie often enough then you begin to believe. I do not believe the above to be petty. Petty was the crap that Michael had to go through when he was alive. He put up with so much, so many nasty comments and being as sensitive as he was I think many of them cut him to the core? How much can one person take? Michael was amazing in what he put up with. Michael's life and death show how despicable human-beings can be.
Well, then I guess ignorance is bliss. I thought the article was a nice read from a man who obviously respected MJ a great deal. He dismisses the appearance/skin color as unimportant to him, so ignorant of the details or not, he's not making an issue of it one way or the other.
Well, then I guess ignorance is bliss. I thought the article was a nice read from a man who obviously respected MJ a great deal. He dismisses the appearance/skin color as unimportant to him, so ignorant of the details or not, he's not making an issue of it one way or the other.

That's exactly what I got from it. Great read.
Please don't tell ME what I would or wouldn't call great, or what I would or wouldn't consider mundane.

I'm not talking about an article MJ wrote anyways... I'm speaking of this particular article and I found it to be a great, sincere read. I'm confused why people are zooming in on two or three little bits (which are more or less in MJ's favor, sans the appearnace issue) instead of the bulk of the article which is very much pro-MJ.

I'm just perplexed at how their long time friendship ended. So abruptly over business/money. I don't think this is a mundane issue. It just makes me wonder, that's all. There is a lot this guy is leaving out in that part of his story and as well he should I guess but it just makes me wonder how people (whoever is at fault here, this Brad guy or Michael) can allow a long time, good friendship to end over money.
I'm just perplexed at how their long time friendship ended. So abruptly over business/money. I don't think this is a mundane issue. It just makes me wonder, that's all. There is a lot this guy is leaving out in that part of his story and as well he should I guess but it just makes me wonder how people (whoever is at fault here, this Brad guy or Michael) can allow a long time, good friendship to end over money.

Now we're just speculating. And who says anyone was at fault? He says he was never a close personal friend of MJ, just someone who worked for him, and that eventually his work with him came to an end. He said he was offered some work but declined when he the payment didn't match his requirements. Why read further into it than that? So what if he requested more than he should have (which is pure sepculation)?

How do you know "there is a lot this guy is leaving out in that part of his story"? Why can't it be what it says... he wasn't going to be paid what he wanted for the work required of him so he declined?
Now we're just speculating. And who says anyone was at fault? He says he was never a close personal friend of MJ, just someone who worked for him, and that eventually his work with him came to an end. He said he was offered some work but declined when he the payment didn't match his requirements. Why read further into it than that? So what if he requested more than he should have (which is pure sepculation)?

How do you know "there is a lot this guy is leaving out in that part of his story"? Why can't it be what it says... he wasn't going to be paid what he wanted for the work required of him so he declined?

Well, he refers to Michael as a "friend" a few times in his story. Maybe they were not the closest of friends but still they were friends for a long time. Sure, so he declined the work but why did the relationship have to die so abruptly. Why couldn't they continue being friends beyond work? It just raises a question for me. Sorry if I can't stop thinking. Sometimes I just can't help that. ;D
Please don't tell ME what I would or wouldn't call great, or what I would or wouldn't consider mundane.

I'm not talking about an article MJ wrote anyways... I'm speaking of this particular article and I found it to be a great, sincere read. I'm confused why people are zooming in on two or three little bits (which are more or less in MJ's favor, sans the appearnace issue) instead of the bulk of the article which is very much pro-MJ.

see how angry you got, when i spoke of you? and i didn't even get personal. i just commented on your comments. or..are you going to say you weren't bothered at all?

anyway well..if you're confused about it, then you're confused about it. like i said, the comments were aimed at MJ anyway, so since it was aimed at him, i don't expect every last person to consider to step into his moccasins. or, at least try. if one can't, i would assume, the benefit of the situation is to assume it might hurt, since we all prove we are hurt by ANY negative comment aimed at us, by even only one person.

so..if you are confused by what i am saying about this author's comments, then i can't say much more. like i said..i'll just end with what i said already. this is a repeat of comments said millions of times by millions of people. you're just thinking about one article, and choosing what to concentrate's aimed at someone other than you, anyway.

and..oh..what? when people disagree on money, it's because they're asking for less? lol. this is Michael being asked. i'll take my chances that i am right, and i'd go to vegas on that one.

sundberg talks about the 'debt'(of course no one is speculating on that one, right? some seem to work harder to defend MJ's associates than they do to defend MJ) he talks about being glad to be without the groupies at one point. and...after talking about the grass suddenly getting browner(which can be an eye of the beholder thing) he talks about eccentricities 'increasing'. who is speculating now? that combination clearly reveals a man coming from a place of jealousy. there are others on this site who agree with me, as it is a common combination of things these associates of MJ talked about, when talking of him. it includes mentioning the 'debt' after a dispute in the money situation. the words are right out of the media. and, of course, the media is gospel, right? i've already mentioned how media articles always had disclaimers admitting they didn't know MJ's financial situation. unless it's inconvenient to mention it, anybody would say this is jealousy talking. a lot of people can preface jealousy with a 'positive' disguise. he starts out talking about the humility and kindness of Michael, which we all know about, as fans have met Michael. then, in the end, he discounts everything with those horrible buzzwords that the media likes to apply to MJ.

the determination of 'bulk of article' can be as much intensity of words, as it can be amount of words. cancelling out positives by coming up with intense negatives, kind of nullifies the affect of the positives. how many times do i have to hear copy and paste buzzwords concerning Michael, and then be guilt tripped for noticing them? i don't know about you, apparently, but i don't want person number 1 million and one, chipping away at me, about my...'eccentricities'. thank you very much..but i don't need another 'friend' like that. last time i checked..negatives chip away at MOST peoples' souls, at least, if not, more than most. and that's just from ONE person.
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You realize sometimes people don't want to be helped, right? I've always been there for my friends no matter what and still there are friends of mine in hard times who simply don't want to be helped.
yes, I know.
that was just my useless whishful thinking.
useless, really, at this point :(

hope your friend will soon understand. I really hope so.
see how angry you got, when i spoke of you? and i didn't even get personal. i just commented on your comments. or..are you going to say you weren't bothered at all?

I'm not angry in the least bit. I disagreed. I stand by my stance, you obviously stand by yours.
Does anyone know if this guy posts on Gearslutz or anything? There's tons of great reads over there, I wonder if he's ever posted anything on that site or a site similar to it. I'd like to hear more stories of life in the studio.
What a nice way of a "friend" remembering Michael, saying that he changed the color of his skin and talking about the fake dept that Michael was in, give me a break.

Ugh... -_-

Thank you

This was my exact thoughts about this "friend".