Boycott TMZ

I just saw the new article and this is disgusting...
I'm shocked... i don't believe this crap...
TMZ were the first site to report MJ had died.
to be fair they werent it was that xonline site or whatever they are called. anyway all this does is show klien up more intrested in how he tries to cover homself by saying he wasnt around in may and in once sentence says mj was clean and the next doesnt.hes spinning cause he knows hes up s*** creak.
We as fans has become desperate for information and TMZ and Sony and book writers and Karen Faye among others and these people know this. That is why the keep it up. They are marketing to us. No one else will put the cash out there the way we will. IN My right conscience knowing the way MJ felt about them and was hurt by them continuing to acknowledge them. I don't care if God is feeding them information. The family remains suspect to me because they are not none for handling things in the best situation. Take a look at their track record. I'm not trying to bash them but if they want us to know something why would they keep going to sources who tortured their loving family member. Someone has to make a stand if his family want maybe we as fans should and say WE WILL NOT TAKE YOUR TRASH ANYMORE. Oprah changed the way she approached us because we blasted her website and stopped looking at her show. The Rabbi's book didn't do as well as he thought would because we as fans did not accept it. We have the power. Let's start using some of it.
The average ready have a hard time picking out the trash from their articles because most of them are already prejudiced against MJ. We can pick the trash out I know but as we try to convince others how special he was these tabloids make it difficult for our message to be heard.