Boycott TMZ


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Dear fellow fans we should stop clicking on TMZ site . Gary please prohibit any news from TMZ on this board .

the family won't ever take any action against Klien, the asshole Branca seems more interested in collecting money for the estate to increase his 3% of profits at the end of the year instead of defending MJ and suing people who keep trashing him .

we owe it to MJ not to support TMZ by clicking on their site . PLEASE PLEASE BOYCOTT TMZ .
TMZ is the only site that has direct contact with Katherine, Randy, Branca, McClain and Klein. (and all of their lawyers etc)

You might not like the stories they report but they are coming from the relevant people directly.
we are feeding them , they know whether the stories are bad or good ( and they are RARELY good) we are gonna click on their site . you want to read that shit go and do so .

and you said it , Randy, Klien are their sources . I don't need to hear anything from these LIARS .
we are feeding them , they know whether the stories are bad or good ( and they are RARELY good) we are gonna click on their site . you want to read that shit go and do so .

and you said it , Randy, Klien are their sources . I don't need to hear anything from these LIARS .

Well, I'm for Harvey Levin to expose all the creeps, crooks and liars - those that call themselves friends and family.

Because what I do like about Harvey & what he said in his live chat are that there are MANY CONTRADICTIONS to what Arnie Klein said and wanted to air them but Arnie Klein backed out.

I'll keep TMZ on probation.

And I hope Debbie Rowe sues the crap out of Arnie Klein for defamation. Klein said some horrible things about her - saying she was the one that planted the about Klein being the father - which is BULL.
How about don't click on any threads that are from TMZ? Easy enough then all the boycotting stuff.

Remember, TMZ is the ONLY site who is reporting up to date news on Michael. All the other news sites have given up already.

Granted, from time to time TMZ posts some weird shit. :laugh:
Dear fellow fans we should stop clicking on TMZ site . Gary please prohibit any news from TMZ on this board .

the family won't ever take any action against Klien, the asshole Branca seems more interested in collecting money for the estate to increase his 3% of profits at the end of the year instead of defending MJ and suing people who keep trashing him .

we owe it to MJ not to support TMZ by clicking on their site . PLEASE PLEASE BOYCOTT TMZ .

We, at MJJC, have long prohibited tabloids from G.D. TMZ is a tabloid site. Since Michael died, everything has been. . murky? TMZ was the FIRST site to report the ambulance at Michael's house, on June 25. A lot has changed, since then. While this remains a tabloid site, they seem to be getting some info directly from the Jackson family. For this reason, TMZ will continue on MJJC. If it distresses anyone, then I suggest the answer is simple? Just do not read it?

carry on,

I don't agree with banning TMZ from the board completely for reasons that have been discussed for months. If necessary, keep all of TMZ reports in their own isolated thread as has been done in the past.

Putting everything he has on his website/live discussions may not be best suited to the news and mentionings, but to completely negate everything he reports is like turning a blind eye to all the players and scenarios that may actually play a role somewhere.

Obviously, jmo.
if we boycotting TMZ then we have to do the same for CNN, Access hollywood, ET, Insider, extra Just stop going to TMZ and stop reading their acticles at the end of the day they are on TV too.
if we don't stand up in unified force for the mistreatment of Michael in the media - any media....things will never change and we should just stop complaining about the negativity because we just keep feeding the beast.............IMO
anyone cant' sue him about TMZ 'interview'. I think that he have to say all these things himself, not by a third party
WilliamOrange Absolutely! Arnie Klien has gone too far!! What is his FREAKIN deal?! Harvey Levin is a awful. I don't want to see another TMZ anything on this board. I'm so angry with Klien...I hope the Jacksons sue his behind for defimation of character....he is like ridiculous right now. If what he is saying is the case all sort of stories would of been said about that a long time ago..what an idiot! Branca and lawyers repsrenting Michael really need to get a hold of this..and the rest of the foolishness! Enough is enough now!
There seems to be a call for a boycott every day now around here. When are people going to realize that that won't do jack? I know it comes from a honest place, but don't lose track of reality. The best way to deal with this is just not to go there and read their stuff. It won't bother you if you don't see it. The fact that it bothers people means that they're reading it.

You cannot win against the media, it's not how it works.
There seems to be a call for a boycott every day now around here. When are people going to realize that that won't do jack? I know it comes from a honest place, but don't lose track of reality. The best way to deal with this is just not to go there and read their stuff. It won't bother you if you don't see it. The fact that it bothers people means that they're reading it.

You cannot win against the media, it's not how it works.
i agree completely, you have to make you decision not to go there boycotting is getting boring, and look at the story anyway any child with a brain can see that that is rediculous, if you know its insanity dont even give it the time of day.i
whatever . keep visiting his site , keep replying to haters who are no one but Harvey employees . keep feeding the beast . I will no longer visit that site .
Dear fellow fans we should stop clicking on TMZ site . Gary please prohibit any news from TMZ on this board .

the family won't ever take any action against Klien, the asshole Branca seems more interested in collecting money for the estate to increase his 3% of profits at the end of the year instead of defending MJ and suing people who keep trashing him .

we owe it to MJ not to support TMZ by clicking on their site . PLEASE PLEASE BOYCOTT TMZ .

Will NEVER boycott TMZ, they have the most updates on Michael Jackson related. LONG LIVE TMZ!
I think by posting this article TMZ is showing us the kind of person Michael was dealing with. Klein is digging himself in a hole and he sounds crazy and irrational. No one in their right mind would believe that Michael urinates in a cup in a room full of people.

Everyone would have whipped out their cell phone cameras and the internet would have imploded.
What Klein said was hideous but Levin did pick up on the multiple contradictions that Klein kept making, which he never answered back. Levin pretty much exposed Klein as a liar-its just that some people will read the catchy headline and read first part of the story rather than the whole thing. Its how tabloids work.
What Klein said was hideous but Levin did pick up on the multiple contradictions that Klein kept making, which he never answered back. Levin pretty much exposed Klein as a liar-its just that some people will read the catchy headline and read first part of the story rather than the whole thing. Its how tabloids work.

Does Harvey seem more favorable towards Michael now? Do you think he's exposing Klein like this to aide in the investigation?
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wheres the thread with this stuff about klien. whats gone on now?
TMZ are taking advantage of his death BIG TIME. they are practically flourishing because of MJ's death

I STILL remember their old articles and the way they were mocking MJ - and now people are kissing their ass?! it makes me sick to the stomach this is like the worst nightmare

I heard that one of their inside sources comes from the LAPD itself - wow that says a lot about american police and their ethics. All I can say is congratulations!
TMZ were the first site to report MJ had died.

Thats all from me. Seeing 'Michael Jackson Dies' at the top of their page after countless minutes of refreshing it for any news will forever be stuck in my mind. Its hard to not find them even a little bit credible after that night.
TMZ are taking advantage of his death BIG TIME. they are practically flourishing because of MJ's death

I STILL remember their old articles and the way they were mocking MJ - and now people are kissing their ass?! it makes me sick to the stomach this is like the worst nightmare

I heard that one of their inside sources comes from the LAPD itself - wow that says a lot about american police and their ethics. All I can say is congratulations!

Yep! Ain't it funny how the Jackson family is criticized IF they benefit from this tragedy in any way, yet tmz gets props :doh: ... the very kind of people that caused Michael so much pain, TABLOID reporters.

How bassackwards is that?!?
TMZ are taking advantage of his death BIG TIME. they are practically flourishing because of MJ's death

I STILL remember their old articles and the way they were mocking MJ - and now people are kissing their ass?! it makes me sick to the stomach this is like the worst nightmare

I heard that one of their inside sources comes from the LAPD itself - wow that says a lot about american police and their ethics. All I can say is congratulations!

Corruption isn't confined to the American police... there are corrupt units all over the world.

That said, yep I agree, TMZ is capitalising on his death big time.
You-all know a LOT more about TMZ than I do, apparently. So most on here are reading it? I don't. . . . . Why not just avoid it if it's too sketchy for you?
I stopped reading TMZ's reports long before MJ died when I saw the kind of attitude they had towards him, the only way I hear from them is from this forum
I don't read any papers, I don't watch TV, I don't go to any news site I only come here to get MJ info

and yes I know there is corrupt police everywhere in the world but the american police is really something, they are known to harass innocent people on a regular basis, remember what the LAPD did to MJ in 2005? that left me with a bitter taste you can't trust them, and they really do provide information to a tabloid site and of course they're not doing it for free

anyway it's not like my words are going to change anything I'm just stating my opinion, you can continue to visit TMZ if you like
Yep! Ain't it funny how the Jackson family is criticized IF they benefit from this tragedy in any way, yet tmz gets props :doh: ... the very kind of people that caused Michael so much pain, TABLOID reporters.

You make a very good point.