Both Janet and Michael make 'Worst Videos of All Time' list

YANA sucks ass really? LOL Not to me, he is naked in the video NAKED! :D So me likes ;) the song is beautiful too! But, hey if u don't like it okay! But, to say it sucks ass made me laugh, like it was a funny way to express how u feel about that video! lol Sorry!

Anyways, YRMW is great reminds me of SC and SC is awesome! Wutzupwitu is not a good video! But, I still enjoy it! Makes me laugh but, not in a mean way! I just don't like the concept! But, dig the song! MJ looks cute in the video! This person clearly put, MJ on the list for attention, and he got it so I say to him u are a moron! So many other video's they could have picked but, MJ is irresistible so I get it! Haterz love MJ too! lol

Oh and that Janet video...O_0 where have I been? Here I thought I seen every Janet vid there is and that one I never saw, damn? It's not her best but, so what too!? I seen much worse!
Michael Jackson made short films not non-sense videos as we see today!
YRMW is the best short film in 2000's, dance is great, the song is great, the concept is great! I guess they want to add more dirt to Invincible album.

As far as Whatzupwitu video that belongs to Eddie Murphy!

Right there it tells me that who ever wrote that blog should go and do more research!
But I guess now days everyone can post whatever they like, not necessarily proved as right!
Lets look videos of 2000's: Eminem, Beyonce's, Rihana's, Lady Gaga's, Drake's, Kathy Perry's, and many other's videos are far worst! No concept, no depth, lousy dance routines, not memorable!
YANA sucks ass really? LOL Not to me, he is naked in the video NAKED! :D So me likes ;) the song is beautiful too! But, hey if u don't like it okay! But, to say it sucks ass made me laugh, like it was a funny way to express how u feel about that video! lol Sorry!

Anyways, YRMW is great reminds me of SC and SC is awesome! Wutzupwitu is not a good video! But, I still enjoy it! Makes me laugh but, not in a mean way! I just don't like the concept! But, dig the song! MJ looks cute in the video! This person clearly put, MJ on the list for attention, and he got it so I say to him u are a moron! So many other video's they could have picked but, MJ is irresistible so I get it! Haterz love MJ too! lol

Oh and that Janet video...O_0 where have I been? Here I thought I seen every Janet vid there is and that one I never saw, damn? It's not her best but, so what too!? I seen much worse!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA t-videos-of-all-time/

After Janet's Super Bowl "wardrobe malfunction" scandal, the stakes were high when she released her next album, Damita Jo. She needed a comeback, and she needed it bad. The logical strategy would be for her make an amazing video, which didn't seem like it'd be so hard for her to pull off--after all, this was the woman behind such iconic MTV classics as "Rhythm Nation" and "Pleasure Principle." But instead Janet came up with this hot mess, in which she seemed to be wearing horrifically unflattering cast-off costumes from Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert and dancing more like Tito Jackson than the Janet Jackson we all once knew and loved. Her label at the time, Virgin Records, panicked and pulled the plug on this video's promotion on the eve of its U.S. premiere, and then only allowed it to be broadcast overseas...where apparently music-video standards are a lot lower:

No disprect to the late, great MJ, of course. The King Of Pop made dozens of amazing, groundbreaking videos during his illustrious career. This, however, was not one of them. In 2001, Michael released his inaptly titled Invincible album and its first single, the video for which was a massive allstar affair featuring comedian Chris Tucker and Marlon Brando. Yes, THE Marlon Brando. Brando was apparently paid a fortune (a rumored cool million) to utter one line: "Now?" Yup, that's all they wrote for him. It's sad that this was one of Brando's final acting roles (not to mention one of Michael's final music videos), but Brando's nanosecond-long cameo still turned out to be the most interesting moment in this truly underwhelming clip:

Howe bizarre that Michael Jackson, arguably the greatest music video visionary ever, ended up on this list twice? But hey, not every video can be "Thriller" or "Billie Jean." Anyhoo, in the past, moonlighting singer Eddie Murphy enlisted some truly talented musicians to help him launch his music career. He recruited Rick James to collaborate on "Party All The Time," for instance. That didn't go so well. Then he convinced Jackson (because apparently the "New King Of Pop," MC Hammer, wasn't available) for this mess--and the result was even worse. What is up with this?:

Are you kidding me? I thought "You Rock My World" was fantastic. Janet's video is not even that bad sure it's no "Rhythm Nation" but still. I can understand why "Whatzupwitu" is on that list but I thought it was a cute video.

You Rock My World is a very good video. This falls under the category of "Let's pick on Michael because we can."

Do these people not watch videos? 99 percent suck! As in, are simply stupid! YRMW has great dancing, great lighting, a hot woman (lol) and Chris Tucker being, well, Chris Tucker.

It's no Thriller but it's also no piece of junk, either.

As for Whatzup Wit You? I have to ask, "did Michael lose a bet???"

How on earth did Murphy convince MJ to sing this song let alone be in the video. And I actually LOVE Murphy and liked the album before the one with this song on it. So strange MJ would do this.
Her label at the time, Virgin Records, panicked and pulled the plug on this video's promotion on the eve of its U.S. premiere, and then only allowed it to be broadcast overseas...where apparently music-video standards are a lot lower

^ That level of arrogance makes his arguments invalid, and therefore not worth a serious response.

Whazzupwitu, well, um, what can I say about it really. Sorry Mike but its so god damn awful, I have no idea what posessed Mike to be involved with it. But YRMW, how can this even be on the list? I loooovvvvveeeee it and don't believe its just a rip off of Smooth Criminal like I've read people in the past say it was. Its awesome! I remember the anticipation and promotion for it when it came out on the TV, it was huge!
YRMW in long form is brillaint, because it shows off yet again the music genius of Michael! Using objects as instruments all coming together to make up the beat for the song! GENIUS! just wish it was a bit longer at end as your left saying, is that all!! ARRRR!! not fair lol!

YRMW worst video ? :scratch: :wtf:
yes, please... how stupid is that?

YRMW is one of MJ's great videos! It's great!

WUWY... ok, is a little joke, too cute to be true, but c'mmon!! There are tons of worst videos all over the place.

The nerve of the "journalist"

Really :doh:
:smilerolleyes:I think the person who made this STUPID list sucessfully get what she/he wanted "ATTENTION". fans always complain why media love to talk shit about Michael, because you gave them what they wanted.
Can't really take this list seriously. YRMW was still loads better than most videos at that time, and it stuck out for me and became memorable. Whatzupwitu, well it puts a smile on my face and that's all that matters to me. I can't imagine very many other videos aside from Michael's that do that for me. I think all those videos with the artists showing off their bling and talking about sex should make up more than half this list IMO.
Marlon Brando also says "ur pretty light on ur feet down there" or something like that, then after michaels line ("i know who u are") he says "bing bang" or something like that, lol. My memory is terrible considering i only watched that vid yesterday. Still, i agree that it was a little naff. But i love the bit where MJ smacks that dude out, lmao!
You Rock My World is a very good video. This falls under the category of "Let's pick on Michael because we can."

Do these people not watch videos? 99 percent suck! As in, are simply stupid! YRMW has great dancing, great lighting, a hot woman (lol) and Chris Tucker being, well, Chris Tucker.

It's no Thriller but it's also no piece of junk, either.

As for Whatzup Wit You? I have to ask, "did Michael lose a bet???"

How on earth did Murphy convince MJ to sing this song let alone be in the video. And I actually LOVE Murphy and liked the album before the one with this song on it. So strange MJ would do this.

Michael liked the message of "Whatzupwitu" and he and Eddie were good friends.
What??? YRMW is the best video of the decade. If that's one of the worst videos, then all the videos out now are trash.
I agree with the description, but I think there are many many other and worse videos than these...

FARRRR worse videos they could have put on that list.... why not starting with Justin, Rihanna, Beyonce lets see Chris, Brittany to name a few...
I guess it's that time of year to roll out the best of/worst of lists. It's just an excuse for journalists not to do their jobs. I haven 't watched a music video in YEARS and I can think of worse offenders than any included on that list. How P. Diddy escaped a worse video list is beyond me. The list is just someone's opinion with no assigned criteria or real thought behind it. If the author is who I think she is, she doesn't have a journalism degree or professional music background.
what about Katy Perry's 'California Girls'? what a stupid video...My gawd, NO ONE makes great videos's like they've gone back to the abstract style before Michael changed all that.....But whatever, if people wanna enjoy the boring videos nowadays, with dancing hoez and no real entertainment at all...they can go ahead...Imma be enjoying my Vision DVD with the greatest videos EVER made...I'm set for life, baby!

YRMW may not be Mike's greatest video but seriously, it doesn't deserve to be in a worst vid of all time list. -.- What about Cars from that dude? That was the worst video I have ever seen. Also, that flock of seagull video too.
yeah I read this a couple of days ago somewhere. I love YTMW its amazing !! It should never have been on the list, even Just A Little While by Janet shouldn't be on there, sure its not one of her classic videos, but I can think of many that are much worse than both !! :)
Whatyupwithu definitely but YRMW is a good video. As for Janet's videos I dont know
The person who wrote that has obviously not seen a new music video for the last few years.
The YRMW video is amazing, hot girl, cool dance moves plus cameo appearances from Marlon Brando & Chris Tucker.
I can understand why Whatzupwitu is there, but IMO I actually really like the song and video, I don't know why many fans dislike it.
What a joke, cause it's probably not one of michael's best videos is ok. But to put it in a pool with all videos ever made, and say it's one of the worst is a joke. How can a video with michael jackson belting out some killer moves, a great syncronised dance routine, a great section of a beat made from people clicking or touching things in the bar, thats genius and with all these cameos in be anything but great. Sure it wasn't as innovative or pioneering as some of michaels other videos, but it's far better than most other artists videos, it's far from one of the worst of all time.
You rock my world is not that bad imo, but Whatzupwitu is the worst video i have ever seen - and i really mean it, i'm not overreacting.

YRMW is a pure copy of old MJ videos and performances, but its far away from worst video...
Well if you want attention, put Michael Jackson in anything. They are forgetting that giving him all this attention cements his KINGSHIP, so let them continue.

Watzup seems to be a playful ditty to me.
These people are messed up. These are the REAL worst videos IMO

Michael:Liberian Girl (tie) Smile;the Eddie Murphy Video is bad because the song is bad, they both have no point