Book: Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days / Review @pg8

The time between his acquittal and when he went to Bahrain his family was trying to find him and get a hold of him. When he got home that day he went to his room, and I believe they said that's the last time they saw him, until he returned to the US. If a party happened, and people were invited, word would of got out, the media was desperately trying to get any info on him, including where he was. Just by looking at MJ walking out of court he didn't look like he wanted to celebrate.
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Are you in my mind you have said what i feel in the bold part that why i feel this book should have never came out. I feel these BG have betray Michael and PPB. The last years of Michael life with these BG should have remain private that is imo. Like you said their could be saying stuff because either their didn't know the whole story just to sell the book and it is sad. I have started to read Moonwalk again.

The title of the book Remember the Time Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days. Do these BG know what the mean Protect Michael had no private when he was alive and now he is gone and still no private will this every end.

I am sorry guys i just had to get this off my chest it has been bothering me for the pass fews days.

Well, that is your opinion. I think no one minds if someone thinks this book betrays Michael. This only becomes an issue when fans push their opinion as fact and make fans who do like this book feel bad.

I do not think the bodyguards made up stuff to sell the book, because they could have done a lot worse if that was the case. I just believe that they are using their personal opinions, bias, and public information to make assumptions about certain things.

With the above said, I do not care how they more or less hand-waved Murray's behavior in Michael's death and just call him another vulture to make it appear AEG or other people around Michael is more to blame because they 'forced' Michael to do 50 shows. One, the rehearsals would not change even if it was just one show, Michael controlled the production which became super big, and Murray abandoned Michael and literally left him to die and refused to take responsibility for his actions even now and continues to blame Michael for 'trapping' him.

Going from what I have read on this thread, the major issue with the book is that they coddle Michael. They make everything everyone else's fault to protect Michael like being 'forced' to do Thriller 25 and touring. I personally find this type of coddling to be just as bad as negative stories since it makes Michael appear like a child or puppet, which undermines him as a father, musical genius, and as a person.
The time between his acquittal and when he went to Bahrain his family was trying to find him and get a hold of him. When he got home that day he went to his room, and I believe they said that's the last time they saw him, until he returned to the US. If a party happened, and people were invited, word would of got out, the media was desperately trying to get any info on him, including where he was. Just by looking at MJ walking out of court he didn't look like he wanted to celebrate.

As I suspected, the bodyguards got their dates wrong. I remember several people (including Michael's family and Mez) said that Michael left the States as soon as the trial was over. I think they even said he went to the hospital the next day. There was no mention of a party or any kind of celebration. Given Michael's state both mentally and physically, he wouldn't have been in the mood for a party.

Like I said, be careful with taking the bodyguards on their word. Also, given that Michael appeared to call most of his friends by phone, he didn't seem to get many personal visits, so the bodyguards wouldn't know about them. I think it was like that even before 2003. We also do not know if anyone offered Michael a place to live and he simply didn't accept. I mean, he crashed at Frank's parents house for months and I am sure they wouldn't mind if he lived there.
I haven't read the book yet, but the excerpts and stories people have posted, I have noticed 2 things that they previously told a completely different story on, so either they lied then, or they lied now. Also I find it very hard to believe they heard MJ say he didn't sign up for 50 shows, when he moved to LA in I believe Oct '08, and signed the AEG contract in Jan/Feb, and the show didn't get extended to 50 shows until Mar. I think he made a trip or 2 back to Vegas during this time, so unless they heard it on those trips, I call B.S. Also according to people involved in T25, it was MJ's idea to do the remixes. I think they are saying things they think fans and media want to hear. I'm sure many of their stories are true, but these are the few I've noticed which i don't believe are. I probably will buy the book, as I'm curious as the what they say.
I suspect if we revisit that large BG thread where they answer questions we will find some discrepancies. I guess they feel bad about his death and feel someone should be blamed for it. Like many people they decided it should be the promoters who "pushed him to hard," and increased the shows to 50, disregarding the fact that "pushing too hard" did not kill him. I also feel it was Michael's decision to move around. He left his home and I guess did not feel settled wherever he went. However, we all knew already about him moving around and friends abandoning him.
I thought there was a party after the acquittal to say thank you. MJ didn't attend but his mother I believe and some other family.
The time between his acquittal and when he went to Bahrain his family was trying to find him and get a hold of him. When he got home that day he went to his room, and I believe they said that's the last time they saw him, until he returned to the US. If a party happened, and people were invited, word would of got out, the media was desperately trying to get any info on him, including where he was. Just by looking at MJ walking out of court he didn't look like he wanted to celebrate.

In MJ Inc TMez says they went to Neverland after the verdict with MJ's family and well wishers which included the legal team, paralegals and so on. He says they were there for a few hours and Michael met and thanked some of the paralegals. TMez says his mood wasn't celebratory mood but in a relieved, grateful mood.

So it looks like there might have been a little celebratory event on the verdict day.
In MJ Inc TMez says they went to Neverland after the verdict with MJ's family and well wishers which included the legal team, paralegals and so on. He says they were there for a few hours and Michael met and thanked some of the paralegals. TMez says his mood wasn't celebratory mood but in a relieved, grateful mood.

So it looks like there might have been a little celebratory event on the verdict day.

But a little celebration is not the same as a party as the bodyguards are suggesting. Going by the accounts stated here, the bodyguards make it sound like that there was a party with invitations sent, but only the staff and the legal team came. Also since the bodyguards were not around during that time period (they were hired around 2007-2008 right), they are relying second-hand information from god-knows who. Maybe the cited who told them about this suppose party.

I kind of wish the bodyguards limited their stories to stuff they witnessed first-hand instead of putting stuff in they must have heard from other people like this party and everything involving AEG and TII. It makes their creditability questionable.
Regarding Thriller25, Michael’s masters were at Sony. If Michael was to commemorate his own achievement, he had no choice than to complete the Thriller25 project with Sony as they would be involved no matter what action was taken for Thriller.

AliCat;4017767 said:
Besides, I'm still having doubts about Michael in that toy store, in Las Vegas, it's Christmas time and Michael is "overspending as usual" or at least that's what the bodyguard's want you to believe and Michael's bill comes to $10,000 and he has a brand new credit card in his hand. The card is so new, that the message that you can take off once you have called in from an authorized number to verify you are the recipient of such card and Michael stands there like a dummy and in 2007 still has no idea that you are suppose to do such a thing? I'm sorry but that is so asinine I want to throw up at such stupidity. The bodyguard is using this opportunity to show how angry he is about not being paid, adequately, for his services of protecting Michael Jackson and his three children. In fact, the bodyguard's working for the Estate of Michael Jackson to protect Michael's three children earn $200,000 a year!

AliCat, the rationalization of Michael thoughts and actions to align with the tales of these authors disturbs me. I cannot suspend belief to a level where I would believe Michael did not know a credit card had to be authorized when there is a sticker stating such on the card. That was not Michael’s first credit card and even if they were authorized for him in the past, the authors had not suggested he was illiterate in the general sense so it continues to be unbelievable for me.

There are other tales that are unbelievable for me as well regarding Michael as some who have the audiobook have regaled some tales to me. More confusing however are these authors’ actions. What I am waiting to hear from these authors – and am almost sure I will not hear it - is how anyone who depended on these authors financially (particularly adults who minded minors) accepted their working for no pay for iconic Michael Jackson? If working for iconic Michael Jackson is more important than providing for those who depended on them, there is an issue with their priorities and not just on Michael's part as is implied by their tales. They could have simply made a claim against his Estate as many others had. I can only see this book as a method for financial profit and notoriety with some fans as other employees of Michael have.

Another issue I cannot pass is the blurred lines for these employees that you mentioned and I agree with. If these authors want to somehow place blame on others for not assisting Michael (and his children) when he needed it, I understand that sentiment. However; I have an issue when they state they were there. They were NOT there in the sense of a friend; they were there because they were employed. It is NOT the same. It again makes me believe they have placed themselves in a savior role like so many others before them and many after.

ivy;4017776 said:
I have no idea what is an audiobook. I personally buy the books and I'm a quick reader so I have never ever listened to a book and don't see myself listening to a book ever. But if there's such free trial, of course feel free to use it if you want.

I am surprised no one has posted to you what an audiobook was since your post. Regardless, it is basically a complete narration of a book; very similar to a parent reading a book to a child. Thus, listening to an audiobook is the equivalent of reading a book. Audiobooks are popular among those who believe they are too active to enjoy a book in full. It is also popular for those who are visually impaired.

It is not my preferred method either however; I posted this option as there are those fans that are not economically able to purchase this book (I have encouraged those I know to purchase Xscape when monies are limited and they are in doubt of what MJ product to purchase) and there are those who refuse to purchase it as they do not want to support these authors financially. I believe it is important that those fans, who at the very least want to hear the tales first hand, can.

pminton;4018136 said:
The title of the book Remember the Time Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days. Do these BG know what the mean Protect Michael had no private when he was alive and now he is gone and still no private will this every end.

I am sorry guys i just had to get this off my chest it has been bothering me for the pass fews days.

Pminton, I agree. I found their response in another Q/A that their other clients did not have to be concerned with their confidentiality being breached the way Michael’s and his children's were to be abominable.

Why was Michael not considered to be a client that deserved privacy? Did Michael know he was such a client? I do not believe being a celebrity is a justifiable response as other celebrity clients of these authors were not betrayed in this manner and these authors have stated they would not betray them in this manner. Michael children were not celebrities and in my view they still are not. They are only known as being Michael’s children; not for their own actions. I do not believe Michael or his children deserve this.
But a little celebration is not the same as a party as the bodyguards are suggesting. Going by the accounts stated here, the bodyguards make it sound like that there was a party with invitations sent, but only the staff and the legal team came.

TMez's account in MJ Inc book does NOT sound like a party with invitations sent.

I am surprised no one has posted to you what an audiobook was since your post. I believe it is important that those fans, who at the very least want to hear the tales first hand, can.

Thanks. I kinda figured from "audio" and "book" and I knew books on tape so I'm assuming it's the new Mp3 version of the books and I wasn't aware such was available for this book specifically. and sure, if such audiobooks are available for free, why not take advantage of them? I support it 100%.
I don't believe it is available as an audio book, not in the UK anyway, plus most audio books are not free.
On there is a free trial period. That is how I listened to Margaret Maldonado's book.

Thanks, I had searched & itunes, didn't show as far as I could see. This would be a good way for people to legitimately know the full contents of the book without spending a penny.

Good find for you as well on Margaret's book as it was really expensive, even years ago.
I haven't read the book yet, but the excerpts and stories people have posted, I have noticed 2 things that they previously told a completely different story on, so either they lied then, or they lied now. Also I find it very hard to believe they heard MJ say he didn't sign up for 50 shows, when he moved to LA in I believe Oct '08, and signed the AEG contract in Jan/Feb, and the show didn't get extended to 50 shows until Mar. I think he made a trip or 2 back to Vegas during this time, so unless they heard it on those trips, I call B.S. Also according to people involved in T25, it was MJ's idea to do the remixes. I think they are saying things they think fans and media want to hear. I'm sure many of their stories are true, but these are the few I've noticed which i don't believe are. I probably will buy the book, as I'm curious as the what they say.

I just jumped ahead to the bold part in the book. They said that AEG always wanted 50 shows, and MJ balked at that number before any signing was done. I don't think what they're saying is B.S. here, because of the way Randy Phillips upped it to that number immediately with the demand.
I just jumped ahead to the bold part in the book. They said that AEG always wanted 50 shows, and MJ balked at that number before any signing was done. I don't think what they're saying is B.S. here, because of the way Randy Phillips upped it to that number immediately with the demand.

The whole 10 or 50 dates is confusing?
MJ's handwritten note no 4 from AEG trial says - negotiate 40 more shows
To me it show MJ wanted more than 10 dates?

Full text from this note:
Negotiate 40 more shows
movies when?
Randy Phillips
Halloween special
Ken Eurlikman
Delio Peter Jackson
Randy Phillips
MJ Radio London
MJ Soda Can London Deal Now
MJ Cookies Deal Now
games activision now
The whole 10 or 50 dates is confusing?
MJ's handwritten note no 4 from AEG trial says - negotiate 40 more shows
To me it show MJ wanted more than 10 dates?

Full text from this note:
Negotiate 40 more shows
movies when?
Randy Phillips
Halloween special
Ken Eurlikman
Delio Peter Jackson
Randy Phillips
MJ Radio London
MJ Soda Can London Deal Now
MJ Cookies Deal Now
games activision now

IA. Very confusing. But I think a lot of it has to do with MJ's mental ups and downs, like we all have. On good days, we can conquer the world, on bad days, to hell with the world. I think MJ was very pumped at times, wrote ambitious notes, and was ready to jump back into the fray. Then other times, with the reality of exactly what the fray was and meant for him personally physically and mentally, he wanted to pull back.
IA. Very confusing. But I think a lot of it has to do with MJ's mental ups and downs, like we all have. On good days, we can conquer the world, on bad days, to hell with the world. I think MJ was very pumped at times, wrote ambitious notes, and was ready to jump back into the fray. Then other times, with the reality of exactly what the fray was and meant for him personally physically and mentally, he wanted to pull back.

Yes, I think that was it and it makes sense.
I'm curious who mentioned first that MJ said he went to bed 10 shows and when he woke up it was raised to 50?
That did not just happen over night. We know from the AEG trial 10 shows was never a solid number and they could not force Michael 50 shows if he did not want that. This is not TV you can't make a person do something like that. Not to derail the thread but I don't buy the 10 was raised to 50 without him approving it
That did not just happen over night. We know from the AEG trial 10 shows was never a solid number and they could not force Michael 50 shows if he did not want that. This is not TV you can't make a person do something like that. Not to derail the thread but I don't buy the 10 was raised to 50 without him approving it

I don't think it was raised without MJ knowing it either. There was a question of when was the 50 shows brought up. BG's said that AEG always wanted 50, and MJ balked. I do believe once the demand was known, and Randy Phillips went back to MJ and said, we need to raise it to the 50. MJ conceded.
That did not just happen over night. We know from the AEG trial 10 shows was never a solid number and they could not force Michael 50 shows if he did not want that. This is not TV you can't make a person do something like that. Not to derail the thread but I don't buy the 10 was raised to 50 without him approving it

It is surprising how this myth won't die no matter how many times it is debunked. Michael for better and worse willing decided to do 50 shows, regardless if he balked originally. Randy Phillips didn't put a gun to his head demanded he do 50 shows.
^^^Who said they put a gun to his head? I believe MJ agreed to the 50 because of his circumstances. I don't think Randy Phillips or anyone could demand MJ to do anything he didn't really want to do. However, I also believe if MJ wasn't in the financial bind he was in, he might not have done ANY shows. So if there was any gun being put to his head, it was his situation.
^^^Who said they put a gun to his head? I believe MJ agreed to the 50 because of his circumstances. I don't think Randy Phillips or anyone could demand MJ to do anything he didn't really want to do. However, I also believe if MJ wasn't in the financial bind he was in, he might not have done ANY shows. So if there was any gun being put to his head, it was his situation.

I wasn't specially talking about you, that some fans who continued to believe in the 10 show myth.

Also, Michael had other ways to make money that didn't require touring if he was just wanted to bring down his debt. And Michael wanted to tour again because he wanted money to build a children hospital. That is not something he could have done even if he was in good financial shape because it takes a lot of cash to open any hospital.
Retweetet von Bill Whitfield
Jackson Legacy @Jackson_Legacy · 1 h.

Tune into the Tom Joyner Morning Show at 8:50am ET! @MJBODYGUARDS will be on discussing "Remember the Time"!! #MJfam #MichaelJackson
Paris78;4018478 said:
Retweetet von Bill Whitfield
Jackson Legacy @Jackson_Legacy · 1 h.

Tune into the Tom Joyner Morning Show at 8:50am ET! @MJBODYGUARDS will be on discussing "Remember the Time"!! #MJfam #MichaelJackson

For anyone who's interested- visit the link above to listen.
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Good for the bodyguards defending Michael on that stupid "no nose" comment those radio hosts made.
Paris78;4018478 said:
Retweetet von Bill Whitfield
Jackson Legacy @Jackson_Legacy · 1 h.

Tune into the Tom Joyner Morning Show at 8:50am ET! @MJBODYGUARDS will be on discussing "Remember the Time"!! #MJfam #MichaelJackson

I heard this this morning.
Good for the bodyguards defending Michael on that stupid "no nose" comment those radio hosts made.

I know! That was stupid wasn't it? I mean, here you have two guys who were so close to Michael and these people can ask them anything- anything at all- and they ask something stupid like "Did he have a nose?" Really?

I tried to record it, but it didn't come out at all. Wasn't really worth it anyway. I think the only thing I found that was shocking was the Michael didn't have Bill & Javon sign any sort of confidentiality agreement or non-disclosure agreement or anything like that upon being hired.
I know! That was stupid wasn't it? I mean, here you have two guys who were so close to Michael and these people can ask them anything- anything at all- and they ask something stupid like "Did he have a nose?" Really?

I tried to record it, but it didn't come out at all. Wasn't really worth it anyway. I think the only thing I found that was shocking was the Michael didn't have Bill & Javon sign any sort of confidentiality agreement or non-disclosure agreement or anything like that upon being hired.

Yeah that my radio station i listen to every morning and you are right that was a stupid question to ask but early in the show Tom mention about confidentiality agreement and he made a comment he said was it the black Michael or the white Michael if their did sign this i was so angry when he said that. I am so tried of ppls saying white Michael Jackson or black Michael Jackson it said on his BC black i wish ppls would stop doing that. Michael said on OW interview i am a black man.

In the bold i found that shocking too maybe MJ trust them.
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When Randy Phillips first met with Michael in 2007 with Raymone Bain as Michael's manager, is why I'm wondering if this is the speculation of the story of the 10 dates versus 50 dates or Shows.

First off, the 50 Shows were spread out clear to March of 2010. There was a break in between, say around September to January. People in Las Vegas who perform 5 nights a week clearly perform more than 50 Shows, so I don't think the 50 Shows would be that big a deal, in light of this scenario.

To bring it up to date, by March of 2009, it was set up to do a presale, to see if Michael Jackson would sell even 10 Show's. It became very apparent folk still loved the King of Pop. Which Tom Barrack thought too when he saved Neverland from foreclosure the year before, March of 2008.

When it came out on June 2, 2009 with the salacious headlines that Michael was unhappy about performing 50 Show's, I personally took it to mean he was tired. Randy Phillips did answer the question and brought up about contracts that Michael signed and part of the reason Michael didn't mind was because Michael wanted to beat Prince's record at the 02 Arena in London, which would be more than 30 Show's.

Now just before the story came out about Michael upset about doing 50 Show's, not long before that, there was a huge row over the first 4 Show's being moved, which is why the 50 Show's would go to March. It got ugly because people were upset, mostly because they were not going to be there for the very first night. Other's were livid because of their cheaper deals on airlines and hotels. Since they got one of those deals that if you purchase in advance you take that deal and cannot get a refund. Both Randy Phillips and Kenny Ortega did a Press conference to address this horrible outbreak of angry fans, just to calm the situation down. I felt so sorry for Michael, it reduced me to tears reading what fans were saying. A truly sad day. Kenny Ortega was tweeting that rehearsals were going well, despite some fan's concerns because of what was coming out in the press about Michael wasn't physically fit or up to the demand of doing the Show's. Kenny was reassuring us everything was alright and the Show came together beautifully. In fact another ticket sale became available and the fan's were helping fan's to get these tickets, as the size of the stage was set and there was more room in the facility, the 02 Arena. I personally thought with the auction type tickets via Viagogo would also help Michael's income. I believed opening night would prove to the world that Michael Jackson would be on top, once again, proving the naysayers wrong!