Book of feelings for Michael!!


"Michael, You are my heart, you are my angel. You will never be far from me. You are one in a Trillion. You have changed my life so much. 2009 was the time you went to your rightful place, and had peace. Do you know how much I love you? How much we love you? I (we) fell in Love with you for being who you are, Not Only for your music and dancing skills. God Sent you with those gifts to bring the world together, and You have done and have gone through more than any one of us. 50, very small number but you have impacted the world, and I know God felt that you were done with your work, that is why he took you back home.

Your children are part of your legacy, we(fans) will look out for Paris, Prince and Blanket for you so you wont have to worry! You have changed the world, and for the last time on Thursday June 25th, 2009, You brought the whole world together! It is never going to happen again. We WILL HEAL The world, if not for us, then for our children and our childrens' children. I L.O.V.E. You More My angel.

L.O.V.E. ~ Tsedenia S. Tesfaye"
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"Michael, You are my heart, you are my angel. You will never be far from me. You are one in a Trillion. You have changed my life so much. 2009 was the time you went to your rightful place, and had peace. Do you know how much I love you? How much we love you? I (we) fell in Love with you for being who you are, Not Only for your music and dancing skills. God Sent you with those gifts to bring the world together, and You have done and have gone through more than any one of us. 50, very small number but you have impacted the world, and I know God felt that you were done with your work, that is why he took you back home.

Your children are part of your legacy, we(fans) will look out for Paris, Prince and Blanket for you so you wont have to worry! You have changed the world, and for the last time on Thursday June 25th, 2009, You brought the whole world together! It is never going to happen again. We WILL HEAL The world, if not for us, then for our children and our childrens' children. I L.O.V.E. You More My angel.

L.O.V.E. ~ Tsedenia S. Tesfaye"

im so glad you liked it, im very proud to do this for us and for Michael:D
your message is just great!!! loved it:D
What a great ideea!
Here is mine:

"Dear Michael,
I want to thank you for everything, my life would be different without you! You were a true angel for me here on Earth, now you are my angel from Heaven! I am so proud to be your fan for so many years, I will miss you deeply!
I love you so much... always and forever... Luisa (Bucharest)"

Thank you!
Have a great trip!
What a great ideea!
Here is mine:

"Dear Michael,
I want to thank you for everything, my life would be different without you! You were a true angel for me here on Earth, now you are my angel from Heaven! I am so proud to be your fan for so many years, I will miss you deeply!
I love you so much... always and forever... Luisa (Bucharest)"

Thank you!
Have a great trip!

thanks for your message:D
please great fans, just show your feelings and send a last word for Michael, i believe we can do this a huge project!!!! its up to you:D
Heres mine:

Michael you are my inspiration, my mentor, my friend and my light. Eventhough you are physically gone, you are very much alive in my heart. You are constantly on my mind and i miss you sooo much. You rocked my world with your singing and dancing. But you have also shaped my beliefs and me as a person through your love and humanitariunism. Michael i will try and live for the things you cared most about as I dedicate my life to you because thats the least i can do. Guide us to rightousness and i hope to see you again.
So long Peter Pan, i have always love you more. :p
Helen Singh
dec 13, 2009
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Heres mine:

Michael you are my inspiration, my mentor, my friend and my light. Eventhough you are physically gone, you are very much alive in my heart. You are constantly on my mind and i miss you sooo much. You rocked my world with your singing and dancing. But you have also shaped my beliefs and me as a person through your love and humanitariunism. Michael i will try and live for the things you cared most about as I dedicate my life to you because thats the least i can do. Guide us to rightousness and i hope to see you again.
So long Peter Pan, i have always love you more. :p
Helen Singh
dec 13, 2009

thanks for your message, i hope i will have enough messages to make a book:D
Im going to keep this short:

Michael Jackson, You will always be the greatest
and the king of music forever! I love you for all eternity
Yours forever, Shayla (MJstarlight)
I truly wish you all the very best for your beautiful project brunomj!
Hear is mine-

Michael words alone could not describe the unbearable pain that i and millions of others felt on the awful day you left this world, the pain is still raw and still hurts more and more as time goes on. However i stopped and thought the other day that although you are no longer with us you will never really leave us, you will always be in our hearts and always in our souls. I also now know you cant be hurt anymore, they cant bring you down they cant cause you pain anymore. You are at peace and i know you are looking after those beautiful children of yours. We will do everything in our power as your fans to continue on your message and continue showing the world everything you taught us.
Thank you Michael from the bottom of my heart for everything and please remember WE LOVE YOU MOST! xxxxxxxxx Danielle xxxxxxxxx
I truly wish you all the very best for your beautiful project brunomj!

thank You so much Ankita, its kind comments like yours who make me believe that this is going to be really good :D thank you so much
God Bless you
You made me believe that pure innocence still existed in the midst of this wicked world.

You gave me a whole new experience, a breather from the blandness and uniformity of the world.

I never want to know another.

Thank you for the entertainment, the smiles, the laughter, the compassion, the sadness and the LOVE.


J ;)
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What a beautiful idea! I'm not very creative or poetic, so I'll need to think of this but there's still plenty of time. I'll get back to this eventually, before the deadline.
Oh I love this idea, brunomj. It's so beautiful of you that you let us be part of this 'cause I bet it's gonna take time for you to make that book so many thanks. :)
Is there are problem if I let you know my message later on, 'cause I would really want to think what to write so it's true and pure but short so it takes less time for you to work in it?
Dear Michael,

You are my angel. I know you are in a better place. I love you for all of eternity and I miss you.
Olá! Obrigada por este gesto que tiveste para com o nosso MJ. A minha mensagem é a seguinte:

:angel:"My Dear and sweet Michael, I love you so much. I hope you finally know that you were and you still are loved as the real person you are! May God bless you and wellcome you in his Divine Love and Mercy kingdom. I send you my deep embrace..."Can you feel it"? Yes Peter Pan, "This is it"...You are "Gone too soon" and it "Makes me wanna scream"... "I Wanna Be Where You Are" Heaven... you own it since you lived "with a child's heart"...but angels don't you are dancing the moonwalk and singing "Smile"....and..."I Just Can't Stop Loving You"!
I L.O.V.E. you more, I really do!
Kissing you with all my heart.:wub:
~~ Nina, Portugal ~~
Thank You this is a lovely idea.

Dear Michael

You have the Biggest Kindest Heart I have ever known your love for Children, People and the Planet is Beautiful.You truly are one of a Kind Michael you are so Beautiful inside and Out.I love and Miss you Every day.

Love you always

Susannah xx
i so glad you all liked this idea, dont be shy, just share your feeling so this project could be done!!!!:D
Heya, can you put this in the book for me please!! :D x

Dear Michael,

Hey sweetie. How are you doing up there in heaven? Hope you're being taken care of. I wonder whether you can see us, are smiling down at your family, your children, your fans? Only one thing is certain - you are finally at peace. Thank you for being such a beautiful humanitarian, an amazing music artist and a wonderful performer. I love you very much and miss you more!

Forever yours,

Hannah Wilcox xxx