Book of feelings for Michael!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hello everybody, i dont know if this is a good idea, but i would like to do a book with everything you guys want to say to Michael, and put it floating on the sea with floating material so the book wont sink in the ocean and waterproof Material so it dont get damaged, i will go on a cruise with my girlfriend and im planning to drop it while we are triping, its like a gift to Michael and a last word to him, imagine if someone finds this book in 20 years later and we will see it on the news, it would be so crazy!!!:D

Please write what you want to say to Michael and write the name you want to me to put on your quote on the book, i will be adding everybodys name. the deadline is end of February 2010.

hope you guys liked this idea, if not just write it here that you dont want this to be done.

With all my love

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wonderful idea :) and please tell us where you drop it off, near what continent.

here is my feelings:

You are an angel, and the most beautiful gift I've ever recieved from God. Michael, you are the world to me. You ARE the world. You are love. I see it in your eyes. I love you forever.

- your angel
wonderful idea :)

here is my feelings:

You are an angel, and the most beautiful gift I've ever recieved from God. Michael, you are the world to me. You ARE the world. You are love. I see it in your eyes. I love you forever.

- your pyt

glad you liked it Kasume, you feeling has been copyed to be writed on the book has the name of " your pyt":D
I love you with all my soul, and know that I watched in horror as the world crushed the biggest beacon of Love and Hope alive. I'll never let you part....
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I love you with all soul, and know that I watched in horror as the world crushed the biggest beacon of Love and Hope alive. I'll never let you part....

thanks!:D do you want to add any name or i use your MJJC name???
What a great idea!! I love it ! Here's what I want to say:

My dear Michael, you mean the world to me, I miss your beautiful talent and most of all your beautiful, pure heart. I will never, ever forget you..I love you with all my heart and soul! Love, Alanna Kennedy

Thanks! What a sweet idea!
What a wonderful idea. Heres my message:

My dear sweet beloved Michael,

Ever since the early 80s I have been a fan of yours. I continue to love you more and more with each passing day. You have always been and always forever will be my entire world. I have always seen you as an angel here on Earth. And now you are true angel up in Heaven. Michael you will always be forever eternally missed and loved by everyone. Especially by your fans and family.

Your eternal loving fan,

Jennifer Marie Cushman
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hello everybody, i dont know if this is a good idea, but i would like to do a book with everything you guys want to say to Michael, and put it floating on the sea with floating material so the book wont sink in the ocean and waterproof Material so it dont get damaged, i will go on a cruise with my girlfriend and im planning to drop it while we are triping, its like a gift to Michael and a last word to him, imagine if someone finds this book in 20 years later and we will see it on the news, it would be so crazy!!!:D

Please write what you want to say to Michael and write the name you want to me to put on your quote on the book, i will be adding everybodys name.

hope you guys liked this idea, if not just write it here that you dont want this to be done.

With all my love


Hello. are you in charge of this project? It sounds like a heartfelt ideal. when is all messages due?
Hello. are you in charge of this project? It sounds like a heartfelt ideal. when is all messages due?

hello dear souldreamer7, yes im in charge of this project, i want to make a really beautiful book so every fan can be part of it, its like a clear of mind for all of us, send our most sincerely message to Michael. im doing this for us all fans.
all messages should be send untill the end of february 2010.
hope you liked this idea :D
im doing it with all my heart
Arh this is like a 'message in a bottle'................but in a book! :)

My message would be simply this...........

Michael Jackson........a truely wonderful man, who gave us so much, not just in music, dance, humanitarian efforts, but I love you for you..a man............just a man......hard to remember that you were just a man as you were so majical...........lent to us by God for 50 short years..........I feel you around me......if you find this book you are truely blessed........go now and continue his legacy.......enjoy his, and try to love and heal this world..........this is what he wanted us to do...........:yes:
As I edit this........another part of me has come on my music..........we are all extensions of MJ's legacy and message of love..........there's alot of love.....bringing brighter days..... xxx
Arh this is like a 'message in a bottle'................but in a book! :)

My message would be simply this...........

Michael Jackson........a truely wonderful man, who gave us so much, not just in music, dance, humanitarian efforts, but I love you for you..a man............just a man......hard to remember that you were just a man as you were so majical...........lent to us by God for 50 short years..........I feel you around me......if you find this book you are truely blessed........go now and continue his legacy.......enjoy his, and try to love and heal this world..........this is what he wantedus to do...........:yes:

yes Billie_Jean09, its like a message in a bottle... but in a book, a really beautiful book, with a really beautiful book cover...
thanks for you message:D
Thank you Bruno MJ for the initiative!! :)
You might add ''Man in the mirror''............make the change!! :) Just me with my music as I type!! lol :) God rest our sweet and amazing MJ.......
I love this idea. :) Here's my message

Dear Michael,
I love you with all my heart. You have been my hero since I was a kid and you inspire me to become a better person. You are the most talented, most beautiful, generous and kind person I've ever known. You mean everything to me. No amount of words can describe how much I admire, respect, and adore you. I know you are in a much happier place now, free from the world which mistreated you so. I wish to keep your messages and legacy alive. You are truly an angel and a phenomenal person, the like of which only comes along once in a life time. I feel grateful to have witnessed your presence and extraordinary talents. You will always be more than a superstar icon to me. I will always remember your loving nature and kindness to your fellow human beings. Thank you for being such a huge part of my life

hello dear souldreamer7, yes im in charge of this project, i want to make a really beautiful book so every fan can be part of it, its like a clear of mind for all of us, send our most sincerely message to Michael. im doing this for us all fans.
all messages should be send untill the end of february 2010.
hope you liked this idea :D
im doing it with all my heart

:hello: Yes This is Beautiful. I will think of my personal message and either PM you the message or place it here? Is that how us fans can submit our messages? Could I list the Project Title as Book of Feelings for Michael? I sent you a PM about this. These things make me proud of all of us MJ Fans we do it from our hearts, Thank you for putting this together.
Wow This is an AMAZING idea!! i hope the book is found somewhere!! :) And please post pics after the final product..And also when its floating.. :cry:
Since the deadline is in feb 2010 i will add mine a little later. Its like a message to michael you know, so i want to give it a thought..
ohh what a fantastic idea hmm i think my message to Michael would be

Michael I have loved you since I was a small child of only 1 year old i am now 24 and you have by far taught me far more than my parents have, they taught me nothing by comparison (sad but true) i looked up to you so much, almost like a kind of father figure, i learnt so many positive and wonderful things from you that have served me well and that I know will continue to do so for the rest of my entire life, for all that and for all the joy you've brought into my life I thank you sincerely from the very bottom of my heart & soul, do rest in peace my precious sweetheart I hope you are now o.k and are far happier than when you were alive lord knows you truly deserve it more than anyone I know my darling.

I miss you so much and always will I'll never forget you my darling sleep well

I love YOU more!!!

Chantelle (darklight)
this is a really neat idea! it would be really cool to hear about this in like 10 or 20 years time when someone finds it. Heres my message for Michael.

My Dear Michael,

I cant express in words how much i love you and how much i miss you. as each day passes my heart breaks at the though of you not being with us anymore. Ever since the early 90's you were my everything. I never admired someone as much as i admire you. Nothing will ever ease the pain of your loss. I love you so much Michael and i miss you dearly. I will NEVER forget you and I will always love you from the bottom of my heart. There will never be another sweet angel like you.I will love you for all enternity. God Bless you Michael. My Sweet Angel.

your forever loving Fan,
Shawn M. (aka MjloverGurl003)
St.Louis Missouri USA
For now,I'm leaving this that I jotted down back in November when thinking of Michael,but I'll come back and edit more of a message in.

'A Fragment'

-In my thoughts I find you
You hang like white clouds and lingering smoke
A magical spirit of energy surrounds me,of
pure light & love..
By sun,moon & stars we are one
Unity in diverse rainbows.


:flowers: :wub: :heart: :wub: :heart: :flowers:
I LOVE that idea! You´re so nice doing this for us, and for Michael :) Thank you :)

Heres my message:

You were sent from above,
A gift from god,
To spread wisdom and love.
An angel so peaceful,so shy, so humble,
I cant wait for the day we´ll meet.
Your wings wrapped around me,
I´ll hear your voice so tender, so soft, so sweet.
My heart´s so sore,
from all this pain,
We want you to know that; We love you more.

Love, your little Tinkerbell :)
This is a lovely idea how thoughtful of you to think of us. I would like to say

Dear Michael,
You have been the light in my life for thirty years and even though you are no longer here on this earth your light will continue to shine in my heart. I love you and I will never let you part for yesterday, today and tomorrow you will be forever in my heart. I love you sweetheart.

Thank you. Thank you for being a protector to this Earth, to our precious planet, to the people, to every child here. Thank you for teaching us everything we should know. We were listening, and we still hear you. We share your hopes and dreams and we will never stop working to make them a reality for this world.

Edited to add: THANK YOU for doing this! What a beautiful idea.
Arh this is like a 'message in a bottle'................but in a book! :)

My message would be simply this...........

Michael Jackson........a truely wonderful man, who gave us so much, not just in music, dance, humanitarian efforts, but I love you for you..a man............just a man......hard to remember that you were just a man as you were so majical...........lent to us by God for 50 short years..........I feel you around me......if you find this book you are truely blessed........go now and continue his legacy.......enjoy his, and try to love and heal this world..........this is what he wanted us to do...........:yes:
As I edit this........another part of me has come on my music..........we are all extensions of MJ's legacy and message of love..........there's alot of love.....bringing brighter days..... xxx
Yes this is what we all want to say..Thankyou and God bless you Billie jean 09.
Dear Michael,

This world didn't deserve you. You gave everything you had to this world. I have loved you ever since I was a baby..and never stopped loving you. I never doubted you, and always supported you. I haven't stopped crying since you went away. I wish people would have left you alone, and just loved you for who you really were. You were more than a superstar..more than a singer, and more than an entertainer. You were an instrument from God, and you did your did it well. We had you Michael, for a moment..and now God has you. Save me a seat in to you. I love you so much more my angel. I've seen you in my dreams and I know that it's you just visiting to check up on me..and for that I forever thank you. I'm ok now. Never can say goodbye... just watch over us. Hold my hand, until it's time for me to come home... I love you more.:angel: Love, Sarah Davidson
Love the idea!! :) I'll add mine tomorrow if that's okay. :)