'Book Of Eli' Director Allen Hughes Calls Michael Jackson Incredible Actor

In 'The Wiz', he was cute...but the character was so much like himself anyway. :) I still reckon Michael's best acting was in 'Bad'...

Anyway, about how Hughes didn't want to meet Mike or Clint Eastwood, etc...It's about not wanting to lose that illusion or spoil the magic.

As for the "weird and freaky" description - I'm not going to over-analyse or find some excuse for that. It's simply the same old vocabulary people use when talking about Michael. Of course it's not OK but hey, it shows who wants to conform and who doesn't.
I think Michael explained the 'freaky' part himself in the "GHOSTS" video. He knew it and he understood it. He chose to be different and he was his own person. If you watch the video you will understand that. (at least thats what I got out of it and I thought he was great)

The rest of the world didn't all accept it. They thought he was 'weird'. This is nothing he didn't know himself, so why do the fans get their panties all in an uproar over it? We all loved him just as he was. In fact, it is part of what made him so charming to many of us. He was not 'mainstream' clean cut. His appearance was different than 'mainstream' clean cut. His fans appreciated him but many thought he was weird. I admired Michael BECAUSE he often poked fun at these oddities himself.

This was coming from an 'actor' point of view. I think he meant it would be hard to cast Michael in a main stream movie because of all of that since the public would be the audience and not just Michael Jackson fans. I too think MJ woud have been a great actor in the right part and I know he wanted to get into films but for one reason or another it never worked out. Some of the big stars have trouble getting roles at times that are right for them.

And the part about not wanting to meet......I understand that too. We all deal with things OUR OWN WAY. Maybe he had an 'image' and didn't want to ruin that image.
Michael himself said he felt he was not ok to be on a camera as an actor, he said it in that book, The Michael Jackson Tapes, he said he could not control the lights and stuff, he knew he was too personal. ( anyway he wanted to be a DIRECTOR more than an actor)

But that was only later in life, really.

I don't like the stuff about freakydom and shit, why all of that? Just say it like you did about Clint Eastwood, why always the 'freak' crap with it? Ah well.
I hear ya, it always ticks me off. Its as though peeps always have to use them kinda words. Some peeps use them without realizing the history of usage of those words toward Mike; they don't intend to be negative. I know I shouldn't but I do blame them for their ignorance.

And the part about not wanting to meet......I understand that too. We all deal with things OUR OWN WAY. Maybe he had an 'image' and didn't want to ruin that image.

Though that wasn't my first interpretation, it's a possibility that may be accurate.

Regarding Michael's acting he did have his good moments, but he was pretty bad. His highlights were definately the WIZ and GHOSTS, two roles where he just had to play himself. GHOSTS period is just amazing! His acting in Thriller for instance was terrible, I always fast forward the begining part and go straight to the singing and dancing.

Can't win them all. He had lots of talents but acting was on the bottom of the list.
I don't like the stuff about freakydom and shit, why all of that? Just say it like you did about Clint Eastwood, why always the 'freak' crap with it? Ah well.
I hear ya. Whoever this Allen Hughes person is, I don't need another fake praise. I absolutely hate backhanded comments like that.
I think Michael explained the 'freaky' part himself in the "GHOSTS" video. He knew it and he understood it. He chose to be different and he was his own person. If you watch the video you will understand that. (at least thats what I got out of it and I thought he was great)

The rest of the world didn't all accept it. They thought he was 'weird'. This is nothing he didn't know himself, so why do the fans get their panties all in an uproar over it? We all loved him just as he was. In fact, it is part of what made him so charming to many of us. He was not 'mainstream' clean cut. His appearance was different than 'mainstream' clean cut. His fans appreciated him but many thought he was weird. I admired Michael BECAUSE he often poked fun at these oddities himself.

This was coming from an 'actor' point of view. I think he meant it would be hard to cast Michael in a main stream movie because of all of that since the public would be the audience and not just Michael Jackson fans. I too think MJ woud have been a great actor in the right part and I know he wanted to get into films but for one reason or another it never worked out. Some of the big stars have trouble getting roles at times that are right for them.

And the part about not wanting to meet......I understand that too. We all deal with things OUR OWN WAY. Maybe he had an 'image' and didn't want to ruin that image.

I agree with you completely. Michael was and will always be beautiful to us - his fans, but the mainstream public never understood him, and frankly he wasn't the classic clean cut guy as a Brad Pitt or George Clooney would be- so naturally it would be hard to cast him. I just wish they would have used a different explanation to describe their opinions as oppossed to "freaky and weird" which will always bother me.

I thought his acting was greatest in The Wiz, BAD, Ghosts and Captain EO - I think if he would have focused on acting he woud have been brilliant, but his first love and inate talent was his musical and dancing abilities- and frankly I am soooo grateful for that!!! :yes:
But that was only later in life, really.

I hear ya, it always ticks me off. Its as though peeps always have to use them kinda words. Some peeps use them without realizing the history of usage of those words toward Mike; they don't intend to be negative. I know I shouldn't but I do blame them for their ignorance.

Though that wasn't my first interpretation, it's a possibility that may be accurate.

Regarding Michael's acting he did have his good moments, but he was pretty bad. His highlights were definately the WIZ and GHOSTS, two roles where he just had to play himself. GHOSTS period is just amazing! His acting in Thriller for instance was terrible, I always fast forward the begining part and go straight to the singing and dancing.

Can't win them all. He had lots of talents but acting was on the bottom of the list.

See, I disagree about "Thriller". The whole Thriller sequence was supposed to be like a "B" Horror movie, meaning it was taken from those cheaply made, bad acted teen flicks from back then. So, the acting was supposed to look like it was bad. I think Michael was just acting like they did in those movies. They could not act. It was all 'sci fi' and no real acting. To me, thats how it was supposed to look....not like a real acting scene. I thought it was perfect.
I don't understand why they have to say something negative when they are saying something positive. Could this be some kind of mechanism designed to please the haters while pleasing the fans? I find it two-faced somehow.

Yeah I agree. If they think so highly of him why use those awful words "freaky" and "weird"??