'Book Of Eli' Director Allen Hughes Calls Michael Jackson Incredible Actor


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Jul 25, 2011
'Book Of Eli' Director Allen Hughes Calls Michael Jackson Incredible Actor Who Got 'Too Weird And Freaky'


The Hughes brothers have a way of attracting top-notch Hollywood talent to their films: Johnny Depp in "From Hell," Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman in the upcoming "Book of Eli." At the top of their movie wish list, though, is one artist known far more for his music—and for his spectacularly sordid final days—than for his acting.

"This is going to sound strange, but Michael Jackson was an incredible actor and no one knew that," Allen Hughes told MTV News.

"If you look at the nuances of 'The Wiz,' when he played the Scarecrow. Or if you look at the short film Scorsese directed before 'Bad,' where he's going head to head with Wesley Snipes. The acting he was doing? Oh my god it was good. I know actors and he was an incredible actor."

Let's also not forget about the Francis Ford Coppola-directed, "Captain EO," with its 3D amalgam of pop music and sci-fi genre tropes. As he made clear in his ghostwritten memoir, MJ himself always dreamed of a lasting and varied Hollywood career. That, of course, never happened.

"He got too weird and too freaky," said Allen. "He just never got the chance because of who he was."

The Hughes brothers, however, never got a chance to meet Jackson—and even if they had, by the early '90s when their careers took off, the King of Pop was already fully ensconced in freakydom. A collaboration between them never had a shot. And if they weren't going to work together—or at least run in the same social circle—Allen preferred not to meet MJ at all.

"I never wanted to meet Michael," he explained. "Clint Eastwood is like a god to me. I don't want to meet Clint Eastwood. We've done documentaries and box sets on him. If we're at a dinner table together, that'd be lovely. But I don't want to be introduced to Clint Eastwood. I've been in rooms with him and Scorsese, and I just stay away."

Can you appreciate that desire to not meet a celebrity, to keep your opinions of an artist's work untainted by learning about who they are as a person? Are you a fan of Michael Jackson's acting work?


That last question, i dont know what is about, i personally always knew he was an excellent actor. He was versatile in his acting, in the very few actings he did.
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so they think they don't want to meet someone who is magical, because they are threatened by that person. well, i don't want to meet people like this director, or who are like that director, or the people at mtv or people who are like the people at mtv.

i knew MJ was always great at anything he did. and i know that in order to be as great as he was, it was required for him to be the person he was. perhaps they should listen to the message in that. i certainly don't want to see this director's movie. sorry denzel.
so they think they don't want to meet someone who is magical, because they are threatened by that person. well, i don't want to meet people who think like this director.

i knew MJ was always great at anything he did. and i know that in order to be as great as he was, it was required for him to be the person he was. perhaps they should listen to the message in that.
Ummm, the thing is that they admired him so much that they feared him, just as they stay away from Martin Scorsese and Clint Eastwood... i totally understand them :yes:, thats is a way of respect.
Michael himself said he felt he was not ok to be on a camera as an actor, he said it in that book, The Michael Jackson Tapes, he said he could not control the lights and stuff, he knew he was too personal. ( anyway he wanted to be a DIRECTOR more than an actor)
Ummm, the thing is that they admired him so much that they feared him, just as they stay away from Martin Scorsese and Clint Eastwood... i totally understand them :yes:, thats is a way of respect.

lol..yeah i get it, but it's a strange way of respect..

why wouldn't i want to meet them? why wouldn't i want to learn from the best?
lol..yeah i get it, but it's a strange way of respect..

why wouldn't i want to meet them? why wouldn't i want to learn from the best?

Well is not that easy to explain, is very much psychological stuff, i mean is the fear to feel that you are not good enough in front of that person you admire, you know, is that, in the end we are human, it would have happened to me too in front of Michael... :lol:
Well is not that easy to explain, is very much psychological stuff, i mean is the fear to feel that you are not good enough in front of that person you admire, you know, is that, in the end we are human, it would have happened to me too in front of Michael... :lol:

yeah..i totally get that. lol
Is there anything Michael cannot do?! Ah, just remembered, driving! That was always something Michael wasn't very good at!
I don't like the stuff about freakydom and shit, why all of that? Just say it like you did about Clint Eastwood, why always the 'freak' crap with it? Ah well.
Is there anything Michael cannot do?! Ah, just remembered, driving! That was always something Michael wasn't very good at!
In the artistry fields, he could do ALL, and all super good, he was simpy genius... what a wonderful man...
I don't like the stuff about freakydom and shit, why all of that? Just say it like you did about Clint Eastwood, why always the 'freak' crap with it? Ah well.

I dont think it was intented in a bad was way at all, he was different, the truth is that he became different, Michael (as i said before) himself knew it, he was a beautiful man and all, but he was different looking, but in this case it was not meant in a bad way at all, it was said to explain why didnt worked as an actor that much :)
I dont think it was intented in a bad was way at all, he was different, the truth is that he became different, Michael (as i said before) himself knew it, he was a beautiful man and all, but he was different looking, but in this case it was not meant in a bad way at all, it was said to explain why didnt worked as an actor that much :)

so they think they don't want to meet someone who is magical, because they are threatened by that person. well, i don't want to meet people like this director, or who are like that director, or the people at mtv or people who are like the people at mtv.

i knew MJ was always great at anything he did. and i know that in order to be as great as he was, it was required for him to be the person he was. perhaps they should listen to the message in that. i certainly don't want to see this director's movie. sorry denzel.
wow, you totally missed the point.
yeah..i totally get that. lol

I think it's more about not wanting to find out for yourself that they're all too human. some people just want to keep their idols on that pedestal. meeting them is too much like meeting 'god' -- just as he said.
lol..yeah i get it, but it's a strange way of respect..

why wouldn't i want to meet them? why wouldn't i want to learn from the best?

He was wise enough to sit backstage since a little kid to learn from the masters,as he said.
You can't expect everyone to have this magnitude.Only geniuses.
And we know how the greats spoke of him (Scorseze,Brando,Sinatra,Elton John,Fred Astair,Gene Kelly and so many others).
Who is Allen Hughes again?
Wow, the title is really misleading. Not blaming the OP or anything but it's exciting to think you are going to read something good and positive about Michael and then realize it's just more shyt.

I think those Hughes Brothers are the weird ones. They don't understand, so they call it weird and freaky. But how much you want to bet if Michael came calling and wanted to meet them and work with them, they'd get their asses on the next plane to wherever Mike was??? Unless they are opposed with working with people who are geniuses.
How exactly is MJ freaky??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? What exactly did he do???? I don't get these people.
I regret clicking on this thread.
He was wise enough to sit backstage since a little kid to learn from the masters,as he said.
You can't expect everyone to have this magnitude.Only geniuses.
And we know how the greats spoke of him (Scorseze,Brando,Sinatra,Elton John,Fred Astair,Gene Kelly and so many others).
Who is Allen Hughes again?

LOL...Most excellent point. Never heard of him before and never want to again either.
Thank you!
I think it's more about not wanting to find out for yourself that they're all too human. some people just want to keep their idols on that pedestal. meeting them is too much like meeting 'god' -- just as he said.
yeah, some people think one way and some other, i personally would be like you know, What if he ( Michael) thinks im not good enough???, not the pedestal/idol thing for me cause i personally always saw Michael as a normal person with an ammount of talent like noone else and some excentricities, his excentricities were proper of such a huge talent, huge geniuses always were "freakies" to say a word
yeah, that's the part i had the problem with, too.
Well they didnt meant it in a bad way AT ALL
How exactly is MJ freaky??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? What exactly did he do???? I don't get these people.
I regret clicking on this thread.
people, you're missing the point... they didnt meant it in a wrong way, they were pointing out that he became very personal looking, he could not play say, the boy next door, cause you will automatically know that that was Michael Jackson (the big superstar, you know) not in a bad tone...
I will not read into what this guy was thinking. I can only go by what his ass said. These two brothers started doing black films which I loved until they were excepted by everyone now they are smelling their asses.(meaning they think they are all that now)
Well I've always though Michael was a very talented actor -- I would have loved to have seen him in films.

people, you're missing the point... they didnt meant it in a wrong way, they were pointing out that he became very personal looking, he could not play say, the boy next door, cause you will automatically know that that was Michael Jackson (the big superstar, you know) not in a bad tone...

Yeah I guess he can't play the boy next door, though in the Bad short film I quickly forgot he was Michael and got involved with the Daryl character. Same with the Maestro in Ghosts and Captain EO.

I think Michael would have been an amazing Peter Pan and I believe he was going to play him in Spielberg's film which was supposed to be a musical. Spielberg backed out though, rewrote the script and Robin Williams was cast instead and the result we got was "Hook". I didn't really care for it much, I'm really sad that the version Michael was supposed to be in never got made.

Oh and just to add, Michael also wanted to play the Phantom in a movie version of "Phantom of the Opera". Andrew Lloyd Webber revealed that Michael asked him about it, but Webber at the time said he wasn't ready to make a movie as he wanted the show to run a few more years in theatres. I think Michael would have been a perfect Phantom.
I don't understand why they have to say something negative when they are saying something positive. Could this be some kind of mechanism designed to please the haters while pleasing the fans? I find it two-faced somehow.
That part bout mj being "freaky & werid"...was totally uncalled for.
Michael was larger than life, he's probably the only person I could look at and truly think that of. I think maybe that's what he meant? But omg, what a way to say it. smh.
Allen Iverson (NBA basketball player) had a similar (emphasis on SIMILAR lol) view of MJ.

(From Maxim magazine, January issue) --"I swear I would never want to meet Michael Jackson," Iverson tells a handful of friends sprawled on the carpet. They've flipped to a CNN special about the deceased singer, who also happens to be Iverson's favorite artist of all time. "F^$* around and faint or something, the way I feel about him," Iverson chuckles in his gravelly voice. "Soon as you see Mike, next thing you know, you wake up and you're in a f*&^%#@ hospital."
michael was a good actor but her persona was too big for movies. if people went to see him in amovie they'd tear him apart because they can't imagine him being anything other than the bigger than life michael jackson.
I agree with Nena - he would have to look completely different, un-identifiable as Michael.

And I love those comments by Allan Iverson!
I agree with Nena - he would have to look completely different, un-identifiable as Michael.

And I love those comments by Allan Iverson!

that's what hollywood is supposed to be for. i've managed not to recognize Johnny Depp, and Jim Carrey in movies, because of the kinds of technology and money hollywood seems to have, and the advances they are supposed to have made. and considering the kind of money i would have to dig up to see Avatar, to me, hollywood has no excuse.