Book: "Michael Jackson's Secret Childhood" by David R. Holloway

Righhtttttttt if that is true and he had joesph around him 24/7 im sure joesph wouldve picked up on it and done something something bout that

So that ish aint true at all

How the heck can a 5 yr old kid get addcition rto pills anyway? is he implying michael's own bros gave them to him ? I highly dount they would ve done that

As much im not a jacckson family fan at the moment i think someone should inform the bros on twitter bout this.

This is how rumours are created. :( Now you are talking about Michael being addicted to pills as a 5 year old, when the author did not say that. He just said "addiction" and I'm sure he meant to hype up some silly and banal thing like "addiction to candy" or "addiction to KFC" - just trying to get attention by using the word addiction. But this is exactly what using certain words will do to people's minds. When you use the word "addiction" people will automatically think of pill or drug addiction.
^^Anyone knows what job that guy does? I mean is he employed or looking for a job.
Maybe, just maybe, this guy will get into the friendly rivalry that began in Gary, Indiana between Donny Osmond and Michael Jackson.

Joe Jackson use to have his 5 boy's watch the Osmond Brothers on the Andy Williams Show back in the 1960's, to learn the dance routines.

And speaking of their friendly rivalry, here's Kristy McNichol and Tatum O' Neal. Kristy had the hugest crush on Donny Osmond. In fact, I sat next to her in 1977, at the Hilton Hotel, when Donny Osmond was performing with his family. Kristy would get introduced by Donny to the audience and how well their tennis game went earlier in the day!

^^Michael said he created a lot of the dance moves that the Jacksons used on stage to keep their fans entertained.

Also this guy does not know anything about Michael and Donny, unless he asks others about it.. He claims to be writing about when Michael was in that school with him.
Such an appropriate smiley! Almost makes it worthwhile reading about such trash! (The fans' comments and reactions are much more worthy of my time!) :bowling:

Are fans commenting where the guy is posting about his book?
I wouldn't mind people like this being interviewed by someone like a Joe Vogel for an in depth biography of Michael. Someone with intelligence that can separate the fact from the fiction. I'd love for someone to do for Michael like Peter Guralnick did for Elvis with his books and basically go back and interview everyone in his life from the beginning and piece together an honest telling of his life story. I'm sure there are some people with great stories to tell about Michael from every chapter in his life. A truly well done biography need not be exploitive and full of scandal to sell books. I'd love something to show the world who Michael truly was instead of the caricature that most see him as. Something that leaves no stone unturned. It's an important story to tell. I don't know who the correct person is for the job, but hopefully someone will emerge. Book wise, there is nothing much out there about Michael that is worthwhile at the moment unfortunately.

Something like this book though is obviously tacky and amateur. This guy may have some stories and information of value but who knows what kind of rubbish you'd have to read through to get to it. The addiction part for example. Obviously it will be something like candy or something else mundane and innocent, but the way it's brought up is just unnecassary and tacky. That's why I'd rather people like this be interviewed for a book rather than trying to fill out a book of their own with whatever memories they have.
Michael's teacher, Rose, never wrote a book about Michael during the time she was his teacher. This would have been too private.

After all, Michael sang a song called "Privacy," in which he talks about how important that is to him. Why folks who were part of Michael's private life would want to contradict Michael's wishes just to promote some thing that they are doing, to try and draw attention to that, especially with the fan base that Michael continues to enjoy, is delusional and needs another fantasy to go and live in and stop trying to make it a reality a made up fantasy world.

Personally, it's been saturated these over the top delusional stories told by those who knew Michael privately. Whether by interview or book just to promote whatever these people are selling at the moment. Could be a tour or a record, just draw the fan base over and viola you sell a product, whether you truly earned it or not.
