Book: "Michael Jackson's Secret Childhood" by David R. Holloway

Sep 30, 2011
Michael Jackson fans worldwide welcome to my website!

Now I will tell you more about my new book titled:
“Michael Jackson’s Secret Childhood”.

Fans, (the late) Michael Jackson had a secret early childhood at school in Gary, Indiana during the 1960’s, years before the Motown Records era, of which no one in the world aside from me is currently aware. During the 1960’s I attended Garnett Elementary School in Gary with young little un-famous Michael Jackson for five consecutive years, leading up to the beginning of the Motown Records era in 1969. Based on my firsthand knowledge, I have just finished writing a new book about that never talked about period of time in Michael’s life. This book is unique, because it is the only book in the world that will tell fans about young little Michael Jackson’s true early childhood and personality at school in Gary before and while he was making his incredible climb to fame with the Jackson Five’s, before his childhood at school in Gary was changed by Motown Records late in 1969.

Continue visiting this website for updates on the pending publication of my new book.



Seriously, what could he remember if they were both 6 years old? And in 1969 Motown signed Michael and the brothers. Seems like a bunch of bull. What a horrible cover BTW!
Okay, he was how old - 5 years old then? What can he possibly remember to warrant a book?

Edit: ditto.

Well, here we go..... :fear: What he can remember (since he was a child)? Perhaps remember some things and get some flashbacks of childhood? Does he have so many stories to tell? As an adult.... he was with Michael? Perhaps many times or no time? :blink: Many questions...... :bugeyed

I can not think of anything else other than this: one more person using MJ to make extra money.... :blink: :doh:
I can see him remembering some memories, sure, but enough to warrant an entire book? Puh-leeeeaaaseee.

"to set the record straight and solve this major mystery, now more than 40 years old"
I dunno about you guys, but I've never really considered the first few years of Michael's life to be a 'major mystery', of which the record needs to be 'set straight'.

"However, the most shocking thing fans will read about here in my book is young Michael Jackson's first experience with addiction. Yes, during the 1960s, while we attended elementary school in Gary, years before the Motown Records era, young Michael Jackson had a serious addiction I will fully disclose here in my book, one that happened decades before his addiction to Diprivan."
Even though Michael wasn't famous until 1969, having to work at bars, strip clubs, rehearsing countless hours for also acting on talent contests since the age of 5, that's not having precisely a normal childhood. I can't stand people coming up with pretentiousness believing they're MJ experts. I still don't buy it.
Even though Michael wasn't famous until 1969, having to work at bars, strip clubs, rehearsing countless hours for also acting on talent contests since the age of 5, that's not having precisely a normal childhood. I can't stand people coming up with pretentiousness believing they're MJ experts. I still don't buy it.
That's what I was just about to say-I read the synopsis-I'm sure Michael played at recess and had reading, writing, and arithmetic-and walked with his brothers to school and that's just about all that was "normal".

I hope no one buys this garbage.
Like others in this thread I am very sceptical that someone in his 50s can have detailed and correct memories of when he was 5-10 years old. He might have flashes of memories but I'm afraid a lot of fiction will be mixed into this. And I don't like this attitude of "setting the record straight" and "secret childhood" as if there's some big dark secret there. He even kind of accuses Michael of not being honest about that part of his childhood, but when he was asked about that part of his childhood in an interview he said he did not remember much:

BC: You come from Gary, Indiana? What was it like growing up there?

MJ: Actually, I was so small I don’t remember. When I was five I was touring, singing and dancing. Always gone, always out of school. I just remember little things like the corner store or certain people in the neighborhood. The high school behind us always had a big band with trumpets and trombones and drums coming down the street - I used to love that - like a parade. That’s all I remember.

That sounds more realistic, than someonei in his 50s writing a book of detailed memories of things that allegedly happened more than 40 years ago when he was 5-10.

And who is he to tell if Michael had or didn't have a "normal" childhood back then? Like said yes, he wasn't yet famous, but having to perform at strip clubs at night or having to rehearse until late in the evening, after school and homework, is anything but normal. I doubt this guy saw much of that part.

And he claims Michael had an addiction as a child? I bet he will say something like "addiction" to candies or something like that, but I guess he hopes throwing in the addiction angle will sell books. SMH.
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And he claims Michael had an addiction as a child? I bet he will say something like "addiction" to candies or something like that, but I guess he hopes throwing in the addiction angle will sell books. SMH.

I was about to say, didn't Michael really love candy? He'll probably "reveal" that as the addiction. Considering the media caricature of MJ as some kinda junkie, it's rather inappropriate.

I try not to judge, but if he truly relished his memories with Mr.Jackson he'd keep them to himself, or at most, he could've joined this forum and made a thread detailing some memories of the time they spent as pals in class. There really is no reason for a full fledged book.

Well, except money.
So he knew Michael better than Michael himself? If Michael said he suffered from lack of normal childhood, I think I rather believe Michael than some random person who pops out of nowhere and says he has first hand information what Michael's childhood was like:)
lol hes not trying to cash in in his. go sit your ass down in a corner somewhere. tacky tacky B.S

like he even has any memories of his own childhood cause i sure cant remember much of my classmates and their childhood at that age
This book is just wrong on so many levels.

Are there no English teachers or writers in Gary? The syntax and semantics are horrible. The correct word for not normal is “abnormal”, not “non-normal”.

Michael’s life, from his Motown days until his death, has been dissected, written about, speculated about, and even worse. Can’t we let him have the first 9 years to himself? Why do we need to know ANYTHING about a 6 year old…no matter who he is?

He must have Googled a list of words to use to sell MJ trash books. Words like “secret”, “mystery”, “shocking”, “not full story”, and of course the million dollar word “addiction”!

He blamed MJ and tried to make it sound like MJ was hiding something that he had done when he was 7 or 8 years old!!! Holloway repeatedly used phrases like “he decided to moonwalk around…”, “all the things he danced around…”, “he didn’t tell the full story…” “intentionally left out…”, “he had plenty of time to step forward…”. STEP FORWARD???

I agree with other fans. We cannot let this get past us. And the cover. smh
I wasn’t aware that Michael’s early school years have been such a “major mystery to his fans”. Didn’t we all know that he went to a regular school before he was famous? I’ve always assumed that he went to classes like the rest of the kids and played with other kids during recess and ate his lunch like other kids. What is the great mystery here that Michael should have “stepped forward to end”?

It’s pretty funny that the writer thinks that people don’t talk about Michael’s early childhood years because it’s some well-kept secret. Maybe the reason people don’t talk about it much is because it’s not all that interesting. Of course people are more curious about the things that made Michael’s childhood different from most people’s - all the rehearsing and performing and becoming famous at an early age. Why should he, or his fans, want to talk about what he liked to have for lunch at school in his first grade?

It’s also funny that the writer keeps using the word fictitious about Michael’s unusual childhood. It apparently hasn’t occurred to him that Michael had a life outside of elementary school, and it was that life that made his childhood so unusual.
Michael has been a workaholic since he was 5 year's old. Michael never really had a childhood. This is what "Neverland," represented. When Michael was 5 he lost his innocence because of working in strip clubs. No 5 year old should watch a destitute woman sell and gyrate her body for a buck to a horny man. Michael's autobiography goes into detail of life working in the strip clubs. What can this childhood friend really tell us?

The family was poor, which is why Michael was forced to work as an entertainer. The beatings that Michael endured at the hands of his father, Joe Jackson, is well documented. The tiny house by the school was not in the nicest neighborhood. Its very representation signifies the lack of a childhood for Michael Jackson!


Picture number 1 is the Jackson's home in the 1960's.
Michael was a sweet child but I think he was much more interesting at the age of 50 then he was at 5
Can't the Estate stop leeches like Holloway from releasing/selling this kind of crap?

I hope this thread is useful to avoid younger fans to be deceived. Michael didn't have a normal upbringing by any means, having regular moments like any other human being, doesn't make a normal early childhood. If people in general have flashbacks/pieces of memory when they were children, even less possible having accurate stories of someone else's childhood. Michael never mentioned him, neither his brothers. It really looks like a shameless attempt of cashing in and by only reading that preview, it screams out loud

Pfeww, the way that story was written... *cringe* He's laying it on pretty thick!
So he sat next to Michael in class and he knows what kind of life he had and how 'normal' it was? What nonsense.. Funny how he says Michael 'intentionally leaves out' pieces of his 'secret early childhood':smilerolleyes: in Moonwalk, while this dude himself leaves out the whole story of Michael and his brothers performing in nightclubs for years before they became famous, which hardly seems normal for an 8 or 9yr old to me.
It's kinda sad 'cause a childhood is all he ever wanted and now this dude is taking the little bit of it that he maybe did have, and turns it into some juicy story about secrets and mystery, for a few $$.. AGAIN.. :no:
Has anyone besides MJ had their name, life, and personal being exploited so extensively in an effort to get money/attention by so many people? He's been exploited by multiple family members, friends, exes, medical staff, former employees, "journalists," people he helped, acquaintances, and people who never even met him.

The Jackson bros are promoting their Las Vegas show by telling old childhood stories about MJ that are already well known. Now this random character comes out of the woodwork to pretend he has some special insight to MJ just because he claims that he and MJ went to the same elementary school for a few years over 40 years ago. What could be so secret about MJ's so called "normal" childhood in Gary between ages 5 and 9, after it has been discussed widely by MJ in his own book and numerous interviews & biographic pieces, along with being depicted in a TV mini-series and discussed in books by Katherine, LaToya, Jermaine, and Joe?

Did MJ get sent to the principal's office in the 4th grade for talking back to a teacher or being late or something? Oooh, juicy insightful story! Pathetic!
Without wanting to come to the defense of them, At least in the case of the family there is the possibility of the stories or at least some of them are reliable, because bad or good there was a close interaction of years.
Seriously, what could he remember if they were both 6 years old? And in 1969 Motown signed Michael and the brothers. Seems like a bunch of bull. What a horrible cover BTW!

Seriously what is he going to talk about.

Writing sentences with Michael Jackson: using verbs, objects, nouns, prepositions.
Counting, adding & subtracting with Michael Jackson.
Eating school lunch with Michael Jackson.
Playing tag in the school yard with Michael Jackson.

It seems there needs to be a book about every phase of this man's life. How about the pre-birth Michael? Is that next.

What this guy does not get is that the type of rehearsals & entertainment Michael engaged in by age 5 upward was not normal for a little child, irrespective of the fact the child went to school. In fact all that extra work and formal school adds more burden to the child. He does not know what went on in Michael's house. Michael never said the years he went to school was the cause of him having a lost childhood. In fact what Michael stressed as being a problem was the intense adult working, practicing & touring which took away from normal childhood play & interaction with peers. There are millions of people whose childhood are hell, and they go to elementary school, so what is this man talking about. He misses the point or is plain ignorant of the subject he wants to talk about. He should leave childhood studies to others who are more qualified, since going to a school does not mean your childhood is happy & normal.

If you look back at photos with Michael at play in the 70s there are so many of him with adults. Where are his little peers? He goes to the disco and he has people 30+ with him. Many of these childhood stars from back in the day have these problems--they lack peers of their age to play with.

Of course he had to add the "hook" which is the addiction issue. I see some say candy, but don't be surprised if he goes a little further and then adds his psychoanalytic explanations to the whole mess.

Unfortunately a lot of fans so like everything about Michael will buy this book. Regardless, I hope he makes less than $1000 dollars.
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Someones school life is not a good example of how "normal" someones life is....I've known people for friends even that have been abused, raped, beaten, neglected, exposed to drugs etc and if they didnt trust me enough to tell me I would have never known....never even guessed....matter of fact no one would have ever guessed....because you could be the coolest happy go lucky kid in school but once you left it would be a totally different unless he lived with him 24/7 all those years too he could go shove his "secrets" up his self serving arse!
I've decided that I'm also gonna write a book about Michael. I'll write about the time I saw him going through a KFC drive through that one time many years ago. My book will reveal all secrets about Michael's bizarre addiction to KFC!

Your book sounds interesting. Let me know when it is out so I put my order in:)
Someones school life is not a good example of how "normal" someones life is....I've known people for friends even that have been abused, raped, beaten, neglected, exposed to drugs etc and if they didnt trust me enough to tell me I would have never known....never even guessed....matter of fact no one would have ever guessed....because you could be the coolest happy go lucky kid in school but once you left it would be a totally different unless he lived with him 24/7 all those years too he could go shove his "secrets" up his self serving arse!

Good point!! Not to forget those children/teens who go to school everyday and everything seems OK and then you hear a group of them killed themselves, and no one knows why.

Has any people made interesting comments under his write up?
[QUOTEAnd he claims Michael had an addiction as a child][/QUOTE]

Righhtttttttt if that is true and he had joesph around him 24/7 im sure joesph wouldve picked up on it and done something something bout that

So that ish aint true at all

How the heck can a 5 yr old kid get addcition rto pills anyway? is he implying michael's own bros gave them to him ? I highly dount they would ve done that

As much im not a jacckson family fan at the moment i think someone should inform the bros on twitter bout this.