Bollywood's Tribute to The King


I bet i know who you are talking about..... ! :tease::tease::tease::tease::tease:

Shah Rukh Khan :p
Thanks Indrani, I m not on facebook, so can you plz put it up on tribute page for all the other fans. I'll post the collection of tributes from around the world.

sure, I'll try to find that page. I lost the link. give me a day or two, okay? thanks!
OK enough about Bollywood. They made a great tribute. They realized what Michael meant to the world. BTW Red chillies is Shah Rukh's home production..he spent the money to produce this ok..Give him a break..
OK enough about Bollywood. They made a great tribute. They realized what Michael meant to the world. BTW Red chillies is Shah Rukh's home production..he spent the money to produce this ok..Give him a break..

So what > these are the people who take advantage of his death to make publicity for themselves. My problem is Just SK
Let me tell you all a story which cannot be known.
I run - The Official Indian Michael Jackson Fanclub for years now. I never took any financial donations from fans or not even ad banners on my site except GOOGLE ADS which I started last month

Our fanclub was authenticated by MJJSource and then by SonyBMG as Official.

Many bollywood artists amateur and professionals approached the club to support them for their tribute projects. When they came to know about the 1 million downloads of our Michael Jackson anthem, they expected a lot of publicity for their projects. When the club asked for involvement of fans and showing Michael's image properly or some corrections in their lyrics they started making a scene. When we doubted their personal interests in these projects saying that they are cashing on Michael's death if they are not involving his fans they banned us from any involvement. There are people who will be doing tribute song and concert from the club which is planned sometime after Diwali festival in India. But Bollywood is not doing it with emotion. Its PR for them, just one publicity stunt, none of these celebrities have admired Michael before and some involved in these projects have criticized him openly many times. I suggest fans not to support these projects and rate them low. See my blog below on this.
Let me tell you all a story which cannot be known.
I run - The Official Indian Michael Jackson Fanclub for years now. I never took any financial donations from fans or not even ad banners on my site except GOOGLE ADS which I started last month

Our fanclub was authenticated by MJJSource and then by SonyBMG as Official.

Many bollywood artists amateur and professionals approached the club to support them for their tribute projects. When they came to know about the 1 million downloads of our Michael Jackson anthem, they expected a lot of publicity for their projects. When the club asked for involvement of fans and showing Michael's image properly or some corrections in their lyrics they started making a scene. When we doubted their personal interests in these projects saying that they are cashing on Michael's death if they are not involving his fans they banned us from any involvement. There are people who will be doing tribute song and concert from the club which is planned sometime after Diwali festival in India. But Bollywood is not doing it with emotion. Its PR for them, just one publicity stunt, none of these celebrities have admired Michael before and some involved in these projects have criticized him openly many times. I suggest fans not to support these projects and rate them low. See my blog below on this.

ok- i stand corrected.

scum bags... i am ashamed. but not surprised i guess. its the story of MJ's life. being "used and abused".
they all did MJ jokes when he was alive. SRK wasn't the only one. he could've been much worse, guys.
So what > these are the people who take advantage of his death to make publicity for themselves. My problem is Just SK

There is a saying in India, when an elephant walks down the street, all the street dogs barks at him but he does'nt care because he know well that he is the elephant and they are DOGS......

I hope it clears everything.