Bitter story: girl who went on stage with Michael

Well, when I said "the situation would repeat itself with other millions of fans if they went on stage" only means that I wanted to say that Michael more likely would not be romantically involved with them just like with this one and other YANA girls.
I think, there are different levels of being MJ fan also.
I assume, that this girl still a fan but she is now a different level fan without any romantic fantasy in her head. She moved on with her own life, so what? That's sad at one point but I think this is the situation here with her. Everybody is different. That's all.We cannot judge her for that.

that's what I'm talking about :)
When we get old our priorities change. She's married and a mother. She was teenage back then. I'm 45 years old and I understand how she feels. It's not that she stopped to like Michael, she didn't. She just do not see him as she had back then when she was a young girl. There's nothing strange about her.
Before reading anything i was expecting a fan turned hater, believing all the lies and what not. But not at all..this really ain't a big deal. Its her life and what happens, happens. For me matter how old i become, MJ will remain a part of my life. How can you not, when you've been a fan and supporter since your fifth? :)
If you once have let Michael Jackson in your heart, it's impossible to let him go. It's pretty much as easy as that.

That maybe true for us. But it is not so true with my cousin (Only by marriage). Back during the Dangerous Era we both had shared the same L..V.E. for Michael. Back in 1992 when I was 12 she showed me the Bucharest Dangerous Concert that she had taped from when HBO had showed it. I had wanted to see that concert but I didn't had HBO where she did. She had remained a fan until August of 1993. That was when of course the allegations about Michael came out. And my cousin just totally turn her back on Michael and she believed those allegations about him. Where I never once not even for a second believe them. My cousin is now one of the most biggest MJ haters you could ever want to meet.
[...]My cousin is now one of the most biggest MJ haters you could ever want to meet.
Tragic. But I still believe that it's impossible to let go of Michael if you really have opened your heart and taken him in. You can't turn on this man if you really felt him. So I guess your cousins love wasn't real, maybe it was just a fling.
Tragic. But I still believe that it's impossible to let go of Michael if you really have opened your heart and taken him in. You can't turn on this man if you really felt him. So I guess your cousins love wasn't real, maybe it was just a fling.

Yeah that's probably what it was. Unlike her at least my L..V.E. for Michael is real. Always has been and always forever will be.
Alot of ppl are different , some stay fans all their life and some dont. It all depends on how they feel inside i guess.

Like two friends of mine & i used to be HUGE fans of this band called cdb but as they grew up life took over and their lifestyles changed. Im sure maybe one day properly when i have a man in my life ( which i doubt will happena0, my life will change too.
Well she said that the memory was very dear to her, I think that's very sweet :)
people do what people do .
its life and i agree with the posters who said that .
she was very lucky and its a wish that many of us had ,and she lived it .
all i kno ..and i can only spk for myself ,all i know that how ever old i get .
whatever life throws at me .
my fandom ,loyalty, my respect and of course my love and more will never , ever waver for Mr Michael j Jackson.
its unconditional for me, too:yes:
IT was never just a phase...
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:) That was a lovely story - I was kinda expecting it to be bitter but that's not how I found it.

I have liked Michael since I was a child and have been a fan for nearly 40 years. I have done my fair share of concerts and waiting outside hotels, wanting to go on stage etc. I too grew up and have family of my own and when they were small I couldn't travel about as easily. Those periods didn't make me any less of a fan - I have never let him go and supported him through the allegations, the trial etc.

Try not to judge this woman. Sometimes what we are obsessed with when we are sixteen is replaced by real-world things like kids etc; others of us carry it through life.

I for one am extremely envious of her experience! :D
Ok...I don"t judge her and not do I really care..but I just don"t understand what growing up, marrying and having kids has to do with staying MJ fan or not.
I love Michael since I was 12 yrs old...I went through my youth...marriage and I have a daughter who is 14 and she is also crazy about MJ.
In my case..growing up and understanding some things better made me love Michael even more !!!
What a lovely story :). We can't judge this girl. She was very young at this time and I guess she suffered a lot after being so close to Michael. People express their feelings and emotions in their own way.
I'm a fan of Michael for more that 20 years and neither marriage nor the birth of my childs changed my feelings and devotion to Michael. My daughters are big fans of Michael as well :). But I remember this terrible feeling of emptiness after Michael concert, some kind of "what will be now? I wanna be with him all the time, wanna see him!". And I wasn't so close to him like this girl. My feelings made me even more devoted to him, but emotions was very strong at this time, I was even depressed.
And this girl... I believe she really loves Michael in his heart :yes:.
She sounds like a traitor to me for forgetting Michael like as she grew more older. I don't like to judge, but I didn't say she's a traitor, she sounds like one, I can't believe she forgotten how he has been through hell and she never supported him and just listening to his music? Unbelieveable.
I can not understand it. :( :cry: I am a fan since I was 9 years old and I always thought and worried him. For me, years may pass, I'm getting older, but I'll always continue to love him forever, no matter what. Michael will always be in my life and in my heart. :wub: :heart:
same here,i can,t understand her not being a fan anymore,especially after an experience like that,some experience we would all have died for to be in her place,but never given the chance,
Hi guys,
I found out another bit of information about that interview and it appears some of you were right in their suppositions. The girl (now a woman) said that, after the concert and the going up on stage thing, she refused to go on vacation with her parents because she wanted to stay home by the phone just in case Michael called to invite her to Neverland. So, yeah, she must have been disappointed about not getting the desired call...But one can't let their unfulfilled fantasies stand in the way of being true to another person...
Hi guys,
I found out another bit of information about that interview and it appears some of you were right in their suppositions. The girl (now a woman) said that, after the concert and the going up on stage thing, she refused to go on vacation with her parents because she wanted to stay home by the phone just in case Michael called to invite her to Neverland. So, yeah, she must have been disappointed about not getting the desired call...But one can't let their unfulfilled fantasies stand in the way of being true to another person...
so because Michael didn't call her she dropped her fandum for him like a hot potatoe.....she got to do something Gazillions of girls would of love to have done...and she still wasn't happy.....I can't figure some folks out..:no:

She probably wasn't a fan and it was just a teenage phase/crush and she was lucky enough to get picked...
Hi guys,
I found out another bit of information about that interview and it appears some of you were right in their suppositions. The girl (now a woman) said that, after the concert and the going up on stage thing, she refused to go on vacation with her parents because she wanted to stay home by the phone just in case Michael called to invite her to Neverland. So, yeah, she must have been disappointed about not getting the desired call...But one can't let their unfulfilled fantasies stand in the way of being true to another person...

Well, this is what I have said before in my previous posts here. Looks like I was right. She was just a teen with a fantasy of MJ being her possible boyfriend and such. And when nothing happened after this stage moment, she just went through some emotional problems. I still would not judge her for that cos she looked at him different from the beginning and then she just decided whatever was the best for her at this moment. She got rejected from her point of view and she was going through emotional pain. I am assuming it was real bad. . I think she is still a fan. She loves his music and it is good enough.Everybody is different, you know:) She is not a hater or something… .
Bitter-sweet…I mean, how can you be a fan and then, when Michael went through all the hard times, just forget about him and say that you’ve grown up??!
Well, I’ve been a fan for almost 20 years now, I’ve grown up too, but with Michael always having a special place in my heart and mind...[/QUOTE]

i totally agree with you!
Well, this is what I have said before in my previous posts here. Looks like I was right. She was just a teen with a fantasy of MJ being her possible boyfriend and such. And when nothing happened after this stage moment, she just went through some emotional problems. I still would not judge her for that cos she looked at him different from the beginning and then she just decided whatever was the best for her at this moment. She got rejected from her point of view and she was going through emotional pain. I am assuming it was real bad. . I think she is still a fan. She loves his music and it is good enough.Everybody is different, you know:) She is not a hater or something… .

Let's hope you're right about her still being a fan and not a hater.
I guess we are low on "hateable people" this week, or something? Geez, now hating on fellow fans?

People are different from each other. What was she supposed to do? Hang out in front of his hotel for the rest of her life?
She has a life to live, too.

I think some people don't truly understand how much things can change when you have your own family to take care off. Granted, MJ never truly left the spot in my heart that he occupied ever since I was 12- but geez, calling someone a traitor just seems a tad judgemental. Why are we judging people whom we never met or haven spoken to personally, especially on that sort of issue?

Seems a bit silly, there are more important things to worry about. I might not be 12 anymore with 100 posters lining my walls (only one), but it doesn't mean I appreciate him any less. In fact, I appreciate and love him even more, just in different ways. There's more than enough love around for him, no need to feel any less but love, certainly toward fellow fans! :D
I guess we are low on "hateable people" this week, or something? Geez, now hating on fellow fans?

People are different from each other. What was she supposed to do? Hang out in front of his hotel for the rest of her life?
She has a life to live, too.

I think some people don't truly understand how much things can change when you have your own family to take care off. Granted, MJ never truly left the spot in my heart that he occupied ever since I was 12- but geez, calling someone a traitor just seems a tad judgemental. Why are we judging people whom we never met or haven spoken to personally, especially on that sort of issue?

Seems a bit silly, there are more important things to worry about. I might not be 12 anymore with 100 posters lining my walls (only one), but it doesn't mean I appreciate him any less. In fact, I appreciate and love him even more, just in different ways. There's more than enough love around for him, no need to feel any less but love, certainly toward fellow fans! :D

Hi MA! Long time no see.:) I hope your are doing OK? :huggy:
100% agree with you. This girl just made one possible desidion to live her OWN life :)
To hung up in front of his hotel till the rest of her life just did not make any sense in her situation. (No offence for fellow fans. Everybody is different)

She even said in this interview it was her fate that she went on stage. I understand why did she say that.
Actullay, I can picture if 1000 of girls went on stage it could happen to many of them as well imo. I do not know % but, I think it would not be low.
I feel a bit sorry for her that she went trough some emotional pain. I think it was hard:(
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I think the reason why people are so mad at her is because it just seems so unfair. She seems to have gotten chosen for a once in a lifetime dream and has a lackidasical attitude about it later on. But, it is common for people to see their favorite performer in concert or meet them and then lose the zest of fanhood they had before. It is almost like a dream come true....why keep dreaming if you already got the dream?

How are some of you getting out of this that she went through emotional pain? I didnt see where she said that. Also, people do lie. No offense to her. But maybe that was like her tenth concert plus she did say she ran up there 6 hours earlier trying to get in line to get to ther front. So her getting picked was NOT totally random. The bodygaurds probably remembered her from before, LMBO. Never know the whole story.
How are some of you getting out of this that she went through emotional pain? I didnt see where she said that. Also, people do lie. No offense to her. But maybe that was like her tenth concert plus she did say she ran up there 6 hours earlier trying to get in line to get to ther front. So her getting picked was NOT totally random. The bodygaurds probably remembered her from before, LMBO. Never know the whole story.

Did you read the first post on this page? The girl was waiting for his phone call after all and refused to go on vacation with her parents. I wander how many days she was waiting for that phone call. The situation is pretty clear with her.
I guess we are low on "hateable people" this week, or something? Geez, now hating on fellow fans?

People are different from each other. What was she supposed to do? Hang out in front of his hotel for the rest of her life?
She has a life to live, too.

I think some people don't truly understand how much things can change when you have your own family to take care off. Granted, MJ never truly left the spot in my heart that he occupied ever since I was 12- but geez, calling someone a traitor just seems a tad judgemental. Why are we judging people whom we never met or haven spoken to personally, especially on that sort of issue?

Seems a bit silly, there are more important things to worry about. I might not be 12 anymore with 100 posters lining my walls (only one), but it doesn't mean I appreciate him any less. In fact, I appreciate and love him even more, just in different ways. There's more than enough love around for him, no need to feel any less but love, certainly toward fellow fans! :D

All of this x 10000000
Did they show this girl during the HBO special? I wonder why they showed a different girl on the dvd, was it a different concert but still the same city?