Bitter story: girl who went on stage with Michael


Proud Member
Jun 25, 2010
A bit of a long post :smilerolleyes:
Out of curiosity, I’ve searched for the girl who went on stage with Michael in ’92 (Dangerous tour Bucharest). It turns out that the girl is a different one than what is presented on the official Dangerous concert recording and…what I found out kind of saddened me. I translated the interview and you’ll see why:

Back in ’92, C.P. was a 16-year-old girl, madly in love with the American superstar. Now she’s married and the mother of a 10-year-old son:

“So you’ve been a MJ fan…”
Yes, I’ve been a MJ fan. I was 16 and was listening to everything Michael Jackson related.
“Are you still a fan?”
I’m not what you can call a fan anymore. I still like his music, but I can’t say that I’m as big of a fan as I once was.
“Why did you use to like him so much?”
I very much liked everything that he was doing, both music and dancing. I also liked the fact that he was a very charming and strong person and I think that these qualities situated him above other performers.
“How did you get to the concert?”
My parents gave me the money for the tickets and I remember running on the street, holding them. I bought tickets for me and a schoolmate. I was very happy and excited!
“Do you still have the ticket?”
No, I don’t know what happened to it.
“Where did you stay on the stadium? Right in the front row?”
Yes. Before the show, I was thinking how to get right next to the stage and I called my schoolmate and together we decided that we would be at the stadium at around 12 noon. The gates didn’t open until 5 pm, but, when they opened, we ran and took our places in the front row. I was the first to get there…
“How did you get on stage?”
…Before the “She’s out of my life” song, a few bodyguards were checking up every person in the front row. They passed by me, then they turned and asked me whether I wanted to go on stage with Michael a bit later. I told them that I surely wanted. They grabbed me and took me from the audience and they told me to wait for Michael’s sign, when the song started.
“And Michael called you…”
After he sang a few lines of the song, he turned to me, hold out his hand and called me.
“What did you feel right then? You must have been shaking all over…”
Do you think I knew what planet I was on? I didn’t know anything anymore. I didn’t feel myself shaking and I didn’t know where I was anymore. I just wanted to live the moment and to pay attention only to him…see how he looked like, hug him, tell him how much I liked him…that’s all that went through my mind then.
“And how did he look like, up close?”
He was normal. Nothing unusual. Nothing weird. He was an ok guy, medium height and his body was in shape. He was wearing stage makeup, but he was very handsome. I couldn’t find, at that point, any fault.
“Have you told him anything?”
I hugged him because that’s what I wanted the most. I remember that I touched his hair to see how it felt like. It felt very coarse. I told him I loved him. As I’ve told you, I was only 16…
“Has he answered that?”
Yes, yes. He told me he loved me too. I kissed his cheek, he caressed my hair, I remember that very well. He was caressing the back of my head. That felt very nice.
“Has anybody told you when to get off of the stage?”
Same as the first gesture, when he put out his hand to me, he gently pushed me away. Then, the bodyguard came and took me away.
“When you got back in the audience, what happened?”
That was the biggest problem. The bodyguards put me back, but not in my place. The crowd took me by storm, they were pulling my hair, my clothes and everything. They were probably very curious. I think they wanted to touch me because I had been so close to Michael.
“How long were you passionate about Michael Jackson?”
Eeeeeh…I was excited about him for about a year after that, then I went to another stage. I grew up, had other things on my mind, graduation, college, life in its usual course.

“What has this experience meant for you?”
Right now, it’s a memory very dear to me. I will cherish it forever. Back then, it was a teenager’s dream. Very nice.
“Have you ever wondered why you have been chosen to go on stage?”
That’s a difficult question…I don’t know why me. I think it was fate. It was meant to be. Everything in life happens for a reason. That was a happy experience for me and I’m glad I was one of the people who got close to Michael. I cried with emotion and happiness.

Here's the video for the 'original' girl:

Bitter-sweet…I mean, how can you be a fan and then, when Michael went through all the hard times, just forget about him and say that you’ve grown up??!
Well, I’ve been a fan for almost 20 years now, I’ve grown up too, but with Michael always having a special place in my heart and mind...
Bitter-sweet…I mean, how can you be a fan and then, when Michael went through all the hard times, just forget about him and say that you’ve grown up??!..
I can not understand it. :( :cry: I am a fan since I was 9 years old and I always thought and worried him. For me, years may pass, I'm getting older, but I'll always continue to love him forever, no matter what. Michael will always be in my life and in my heart. :wub: :heart:
It's crazy how they were all ripping her clothes/pulling her hair once she sat back down. :/

And I don't think it's bittersweet at all - everyone moves on, it's called life. We shouldn't judge anyone for doing that.
^^'s not as if she turned into a hater or anything .....:mello:
well all that tells me is that she was not a REAL Michael Jackson fan..I have been a fan of Michael's for over 30 years..I too went to married..had two that is not an excuse. I think for her..Michael was a phase. For a REAL fan...Michael is IN US for All Time.
Yes, yes. He told me he loved me too. I kissed his cheek, he caressed my hair, I remember that very well. He was caressing the back of my head. That felt very nice.


That was the biggest problem. The bodyguards put me back, but not in my place. The crowd took me by storm, they were pulling my hair, my clothes and everything. They were probably very curious. I think they wanted to touch me because I had been so close to Michael.
:toofunny::toofunny::toofunny: damn the fans wasn't playing with her they damn near beat her down for their MJ

Real Talk many fans will feel some kind of way about how she moved on and forgot about this hard times but look how many of his so called friends and people who so called love him forgot about him during his hard times and even dragged him publicly and they was forgiven by fans so she should be forgiven too. My heart goes out to her for having that loving experience meeting TKOP and enjoying that moment but like she said she grew up and had to maintain her life that moment will be with her forever my sure when she sees a picture etc of MJ she feels and relived that moment
Just because she still doesnt fall over Michael like she used to it doesnt mean she isnt/wasnt a real fan. Like someone has already said people get older and lets be real everyone has a real life to deal with.

My mom loved up on Michael ever since she first saw J5 on the Ed Sullivan show. Just because she's not listening to his music daily, registering on every MJ forum around or falling over him like she used to it doesnt make her less a fan than anyone else.
I don"t easily judge but if she was a TRUE fan...she would love him till today.
I know most of us do....I love him for more than 28 years. I wish it could have been me with him there....the sweetest dream.
Lucky, lucky girls.
Why are some fans here judging her? I'm thankful she didn't turn into a hater, now that would be bitter. Some people's fan dome of someone is at different levels, some people maybe a fan of Michael may last years or through out their entire life, there are no specifications to be a "true" fan
I would not blame her for moving on with her life.....Probably she went through some emotional pain, we do not know. My opinion is, this girl used to live in dreams that Michael could be her boyfriend for real just like many other fans think who have never had a chance to meet him.
Then when she went on stage, reached him personally she realized that nothing happened after and it was just a performance. I mean, he did not call her later, he did not ask her phone number and such and there was nothing personal anymore between them, just this single moment on stage.:(
I think it was very sad for her. She just understood that she has to live her own life. Well, she still likes his music but she is not obsessed anymore. That’s all… Just my opinion...
My mum is the same, she used to be a big fan but as she got older, she got married, had me but she still enjoys his music, videos and has great respect for him :D
I would not blame her for moving on with her life.....Probably she went through some emotional pain, we do not know. My opinion is, this girl used to live in dreams that Michael could be her boyfriend for real just like many other fans think who have never had a chance to meet him.
Then when she went on stage, reached him personally she realized that nothing happened after and it was just a performance. I mean, he did not call her later, he did not ask her phone number and such and there was nothing personal anymore between them, just this single moment on stage.:(
I think it was very sad for her. She just understood that she has to live her own life. Well, she still likes his music but she is not obsessed anymore. That’s all… Just my opinion...

This is so true... and sad. :(

Really, all the fans (girls) are always very dreamy. :wub: :heart: *big sigh*
Don't get me wrong, like someone else has said, I wasn't judging her either. I was just trying to understand. By what I said "forgot about him during his hard times" I meant that, after '93 and the allegations, many people (I'm talking about the situation in my country) were ashamed to admit that they were ever fans of his, even though they were still listening to his music...That's what saddens me.

And...I have a normal life as well, a job, a relationship, a cat... :cheeky:

This is so true... and sad. :(

Really, all the fans (girls) are always very dreamy. :wub: :heart: *big sigh*

I think it might be sad for her yes but, if you think about it... if Michael had a chance to meet millions of girls on stage during his performance the situation probably would repeat itself. Sad or not but this is what it is... .
He was a moonwalker.. The moon represents a female part of the world…. . In fact 70% of his fans are females according to the statistic I have read on this board… He was and he is still like a magnet for many women . But when you face the situation like this girl did evrything changes, no more dreams, you just face the reality and you deal with this.
I don't think people should be judging her here. A lot of people move on to other things when they grow up, their priorities change. For some people like ourselves its different and can grow up and still have Michael in our lives throughout the whole journey. But this is one story out of many, like every artist some of their fans stay with them for life, some of them like them always but dont follow their every move anymore, some drop them like a hot potato. Fans come in all shapes and sizes, some come and go.
I think I remember reading about this story. I don't see how she didn't remain a fan after that. I just don't get it. :scratch: Does not compute lol. I think if I were her, I would not only be a fan for life, but desperately trying to find Michael again, probably following him all over the place haha.
I can not understand it. :( :cry: I am a fan since I was 9 years old and I always thought and worried him. For me, years may pass, I'm getting older, but I'll always continue to love him forever, no matter what. Michael will always be in my life and in my heart. :wub: :heart:

I also can't understand it either. I have been a Michael Jackson fan since the early 80s. And I have been a hardcore fan of his since the start of the HIStory Era. I am 30 years old and I L..V.E. him more now than I ever did before. So yes I did grow up but I became a bigger MJ fan than I ever was before. Maybe I shouldn't be judging her. But I still can't understand how anyone can grow out of being a MJ fan. I used to be quite a huge Metallica and Nirvana fan back during the 90s. But now I really don't like them very much anymore. But Michael is the one person I could never stop loving. As I get older I just grew to L..V.E. him even more over the years.
It's the same with my brother.. When he was young, he was very sensitive like Michael, He loved Michael very much, he wanted to be like him, like a little kid forever. But now he says that Michael is too weak and sensitive. He call me insane because I love michael very much!! I hate it.. He is not a real fan as he was before..
I'm 15.. I always loved his music since I was born, but I first started being a real fan back in 2006.. And no matter if I'm 50 and have kids and husband, he'll still have a special place in my heart.. I will never forget him.. I will always love him, and I just miss him so much everyday.. damn I get tears now.. I just wish I could be with him forever.
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I know people change, we shouldn't judge her but, THE REAL fans are forever. My brother was such a big fan and then just stopped. He still rarely listens to his music, but the love is gone i can tell. I mean Mj was just an era for him, to us is a lifestyle. I heard those stories of girls being with him on stage, they go loco, why would they stop being fans, they cherish the moment and love him forever thinking of the moment every day. I will never stop loving his music, great personality, dancing,... althoug i'll always regret the fact i have never seen him in live. Bugs me soo much! ALWAYS IN MY HEART.

He wanted to Escape in the Escape song but he surely won't escape from my heart, never :)
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Why is everyone so bothered about her not being a fan anymore? As people have already stated, it's not like she turned into a hater so what's the problem? People change, get over it! Just because one person decides not to be a fan anymore does not mean his legacy will change or that everyone else will follow and decide not to be fans anymore. Seriously what's the big deal? Or are you all just a tiny bit jealous of this girl meeting MJ? I think that's the reason why a lot of you are quick to judge her for no longer being a fan.
I think it might be sad for her yes but, if you think about it... if Michael had a chance to meet millions of girls on stage during his performance the situation probably would repeat itself. Sad or not but this is what it is... .
He was a moonwalker.. The moon represents a female part of the world…. . In fact 70% of his fans are females according to the statistic I have read on this board… He was and he is still like a magnet for many women . But when you face the situation like this girl did evrything changes, no more dreams, you just face the reality and you deal with this.

mmmm... I don't know, i don't think so.
If this is true, then this should have happened with every single "yana girl" or any other female (some males too) fan who had the chance to meet him personally, while expecting some romantic involvement.
She probably just didn't love him enough. And as long as she believes in MJ's innocence, I can respect that she's moved on.
That surely most have been such a wonderful moment for her.
also.... loved the video...
so lovely.
he's amazing. i love how he's go gentle...when he holds the back of her head... :wub:
such a wee gentleman . i love him.
It's crazy how they were all ripping her clothes/pulling her hair once she sat back down. :/

I know! :/. That must have been very horrible to experience.

I don't think people should be judging her here. A lot of people move on to other things when they grow up, their priorities change. For some people like ourselves its different and can grow up and still have Michael in our lives throughout the whole journey. But this is one story out of many, like every artist some of their fans stay with them for life, some of them like them always but dont follow their every move anymore, some drop them like a hot potato. Fans come in all shapes and sizes, some come and go.

I agree. Everyone is different, and it's their prerogative.

Maybe some find it a bitter story because they feel they would act differently, especially after being so close to him for that moment..? IDK..?

She doesn't seem like a hater. MJ just isn't as big a part of her life anymore (at the time of that interview). So what? I don't judge her for that at all.

By the way.. I heard she wasn't on the DVD footage of Bucharest because the other girl reacted crazier when she had to leave the stage - and that looked better.

There is another YANA girl - she says she wasn't even a fan, she just went along with her friend.. and guess what, she was the one who got chosen to go on stage - how about that? hahah!
If you once have let Michael Jackson in your heart, it's impossible to let him go. It's pretty much as easy as that.
Rofl what's the point of doing an interview? Hahaha okay kind of expected the same story for every lucky stage girls..


I don't see anyone judging her in here... But w.e
mmmm... I don't know, i don't think so.
If this is true, then this should have happened with every single "yana girl" or any other female (some males too) fan who had the chance to meet him personally, while expecting some romantic involvement.
She probably just didn't love him enough. And as long as she believes in MJ's innocence, I can respect that she's moved on.

Well, when I said "the situation would repeat itself with other millions of fans if they went on stage" only means that I wanted to say that Michael more likely would not be romantically involved with them just like with this one and other YANA girls.
I think, there are different levels of being MJ fan also.
I assume, that this girl still a fan but she is now a different level fan without any romantic fantasy in her head. She moved on with her own life, so what? That's sad at one point but I think this is the situation here with her. Everybody is different. That's all.We cannot judge her for that.
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