Billie Jean Jackson Told to Beat It


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The woman who calls herself Billie Jean Jackson met her Waterloo – or rather, her Never, Neverland -- in court on Tuesday.

Jackson is also the woman who calls herself the mother of the late Michael Jackson’s 7-year-old son, Prince Michael II, aka Blanket. Her real name is Lavon Powlis.

She began legal proceedings late last year, when Jackson was alive, to gain weekend visitation rights, participation in Blanket’s education -- and a billion dollars in support.

After the King of Pop’s death, Billie Jean (she says Jackson named the song after her) shifted legal gears, petitioning for the custody of young Blanket.

The 60-ish Jackson has a long legal record of both suing Jackson and trespassing at his Neverland Ranch -- which has earned her several arrests (see mugshot) and court suggestions to seek psychiatric help.

Before her hearing Tuesday morning, she anxiously got up and left Department 5 in the civil courts building several times, wheeling her large maroon leather bookbag out with her.

To his credit, Judge Mitchell Beckloff played it straight and showed her plenty of patience in allowing her to plead her case. Michael Jackson estate attorney Diane Goodman was on hand to parry any trouble from a speakerphone.

“What proof can you show me you’re the mother?” Judge Beckloff asked Billie Jean, a slightly built woman who wore a kind of pink tank tube and slacks. “If you’re the mother, you were in a hospital, right?”

“No, no, there are other ways ...” Jackson trailed off.

“The birth record says it was a surrogacy,” Goodman’s voice broke in.

“I was pregnant, and Michael took him,” Jackson said. “If we took DNA tests, that would prove it.”

But the judge needed a little more evidence before he began ordering such tests. Jackson tried to provide it with circular arguments.

“I’m the mother,” she said. “I’m Michael’s wife. There was a marriage ... on May 5, 1986.”

When Beckloff tried to get Jackson focused on documents and paperwork, she swam toward fantasy and paranoia.

“I don’t think I saw a doctor,” she told Beckloff. “I don’t want to tell you in open court about it because it sounds like a miracle. Michael sings to me on his album. He called me Lavon, a name my mother gave me ... I’ve been stalked. The police would threaten me. Michael’s family threatened me and had me arrested.”

On one level Jackson’s sputtering performance was grotesquely sad. But then, it also confirmed the wonder of a democracy that allows even the delusional their moment in court, although that moment may take up many people’s time.

Nevertheless, it’s also worth remembering that Jackson’s story was carried by much of the American and British media at the time it first surfaced -- Extra, Access Hollywood, WENN, Associated Press and others all carried stories of varying credulity about her claim, stories that, startlingly enough, got a second wind following the pop singer's death.

But there were no celebrity or mainstream media in Department 5 Tuesday. After listening to Jackson speak some more about a Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department plot to keep her and Michael Jackson separated, Judge Beckloff declared she hadn’t shown him a “biological connection” to Blanket and denied her petition.

“Thank you very much, Miss Jackson,” the judge said. “Good luck.”

Jackson stood silently for a moment, absorbing the news that her moment in the sun was over. She turned away from the bench and dragged her baggage cart out of the courtroom.

The light in her eyes went out. She had lost more than a billion dollars.

Had to share. Very well written article.
I mean, damn. I remember her since waay back.

This lady's been harassing & stalking MJ since I was a kid.

And I'm one CRAZY MJ fan, but I'm not this bonkers.

I hope the court sees that she gets some psychiatric help.
To me, this woman's claims are just as incredible (as in not believable) as the ones Chandler made. I just keep banging my head against a wall trying to understand why some things are "funny" and other things are "criminal" according to the press.

I understand the ratings argument. I get it. But at the same time i really don't. I just don't. I will never do. I was 8 when I was told about Jordie, and i shut my door to my mom's face, cried "you're a liar" and never ever believed a word of it.

Sorry to be going on a rant. Same observation goes for all the insane stories about Mike too though. I don't get it. I can't figure it out. reads like a very bad script. Poor MJ, he had to deal with a lot.
“I was pregnant, and Michael took him,” Jackson said. “If we took DNA tests, that would prove it.”

LMAO! the infamous Billie Jean Jackson, strikes again.

Its amazing she chose the name 'Billie Jean' when even the song says Billie Jean is not my lover
She's a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son

errr wrong...NOT her son.

She's really living out this song. i really do hope she gets some help to move on with her life.
Its amazing she chose the name 'Billie Jean' when even the song says Billie Jean is not my lover
She's a girl who claims that I am the one
But the kid is not my son

errr wrong...NOT her son.

Lol... a good one!!! Hahahha
Here's an old write-up of her I did when she was arrested last year for trespassing at Neverland; before she sued MJ for $1 billion.

--- Trivia:
Michael Jackson has long been the victim of real-life "Billie Jean" wannabes, some more persistent than others. In fact, "Billie Jean Jackson" (also known as "Lavon A. Muhammad" and "Gabriella Jamilla Jackson") has a long-running history of trespassing Michael Jackson's property and otherwise causing disturbances, while claiming to be his wife and mother to his children. Beginning in 1984, when Muhammad was in her 30s, she would repeatedly loiter at the Jackson's Encino family home. The harassment became so troublesome that in 1986, Michael Jackson placed a four-year restraining order against her. Muhammad was arrested three separate times for trespassing onto the Encino property from 1984 through 1988, each offense which resulted in a blend of either jail-time or probations. In early 1988, a $150 million paternity lawsuit was filed against Jackson presumably by Muhammad (a.k.a. "Lavon Powlis"), but the case was dismissed. In January, 1989, Muhammad was convicted of trespassing and sentenced to 2 ½ years in jail because she refused to receive psychiatric treatment instead. As the judge sentenced Muhammad, he also played a snippet from Michael Jackson's song, "Leave Me Alone" to help convey the message to her.


Flash-forward to 1995: Muhammad was once again arrested for trespassing at the Encino family home. Another restraining order was placed against her, and she was ordered to spend nearly 100 more days in jail. And, here we are today, at the age of 60, "Billie Jean Jackson" has once again been arrested for trespassing Neverland Valley Ranch. Another recent "Billie Jean" who goes by the 'shortened' name of Nona Paris Lola Jackson (with a much longer full name) has likewise claimed to be the wife of Jackson and mother of his three children. A Los Angeles based suit that she filed against Jackson was ultimately tossed out of court, although just last week Nona privately announced that the second episode of this preposterous case is "about to continue." Nona has also written a short story about the case, much of which is fictitious and fantasy-driven.
As the judge sentenced Muhammad, he also played a snippet from Michael Jackson's song, "Leave Me Alone" to help convey the message to her.


Hahahaha! I didn't know about that! Lmao - I wanna hug that judge, lol. He is awesome.
Well, they say fact is stranger than fiction. -_-

I think despite all those tabloid stories we have read about Michael, I think his real life was much stranger than any of us can imagine. This episode alone reads like a bad Soap Opera and who knows what else happens behind close doors.

Although seriously, this girl needs to get a life. Maybe she will get one since the object of her obsession is no longer here.
As the judge sentenced Muhammad, he also played a snippet from Michael Jackson's song, "Leave Me Alone" to help convey the message to her.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Awesome judge!
@TSCM : a question to you (or anyone that can answer)

as you know yesterday joe jackson filed for appeal for his case about MJ's will. In those documents you can see Billie Jean Jackson's name. I'm curious why?

here is the documents - check page 2 and 4 - look to the handwritten names
To me, this woman's claims are just as incredible (as in not believable) as the ones Chandler made. I just keep banging my head against a wall trying to understand why some things are "funny" and other things are "criminal" according to the press.

I understand the ratings argument. I get it. But at the same time i really don't. I just don't. I will never do. I was 8 when I was told about Jordie, and i shut my door to my mom's face, cried "you're a liar" and never ever believed a word of it.

Sorry to be going on a rant. Same observation goes for all the insane stories about Mike too though. I don't get it. I can't figure it out.

Shoot... You are absolutely right!
I'm just surprised that after all these years, she STILL hasn't got psychiatric help. The courts should order her to get some help BEFORE she starts stalking Blanket.
I just feel so sorry for her. She desperatly needs help and someone needs to force her to get it. Our beautiful Michael had to put up with all this nonsense all of his life.
As the judge sentenced Muhammad, he also played a snippet from Michael Jackson's song, "Leave Me Alone" to help convey the message to her.

:lol: ALRIGHT GO JUDGE! :punk:
I dont understand why they are wasting time and money on this? I dont know how US courts work... but if it was UK this would be costing UK tax payers... I certainly would not be happy knowing my tax was being spent on someone who obviously needs professional medical care, not a freak show.
I dont understand why they are wasting time and money on this? I dont know how US courts work... but if it was UK this would be costing UK tax payers... I certainly would not be happy knowing my tax was being spent on someone who obviously needs professional medical care, not a freak show.


its sad that this woman needs psychiatric help and has not gotten it.

its maddening when we think about all the frivolous lawsuits that time and money had to be wasted on.

everybody wants a piece of Mike. he's gone... just wish people would leave him be.

and since obviously there's no one in this woman's life to get her help the judge needs to do it.

EDIT. God forbid she starts going after the kids and stalking them and all that crap.

I hope there is an existing restraining order out against her for the safety of the kids.