They are only doing this because their precious Beatles did not get Glory and praise. Now that the changes are in effect look for the Eagles Greatest Hits and possibly Elvis to magically sell "millions" in the near future and be praised while Michael Jackson again is ignored.

Remember this article


"Thriller" sales soar close to Eagles' "Hits"

Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:15pm EDT By Ed Christman

NEW YORK (Billboard) - For nearly a decade, the Eagles' "Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975" has been the recording industry's ultimate evergreen release, certified by the RIAA as the all-time best-selling album in the United States. But thanks to continued robust demand for Michael Jackson's catalog since his June 25 death, "Thriller" appears on the verge of matching "Their Greatest Hits," at least in the eyes of the industry trade group.

In March, the Recording Industry Association of America certified "Thriller" as 28 times platinum, meaning that at least 28 million copies of the album have been shipped since its 1982 release. That's just a notch behind the Eagles' hits compilation, which was released in 1976 and was certified 29 times platinum in 2006.

Billboard estimates that the posthumous surge in Jackson's sales and Sony Music Entertainment's efforts to push Jackson CDs into the distribution pipeline have likely propelled shipments of Jackson product, if not yet sales, beyond the 29 million-unit mark in the United States.

Amid the recent explosion in Jackson sales, "Thriller" has enjoyed the second-biggest sales bump in his catalog, just behind the hits collection "Number Ones." During the three weeks that ended July 12, "Thriller" sold 552,000 U.S. copies, for year-to-date sales of 608,000, according to Nielsen Sound Scan.

Most industry executives believe that the most recent Sound scan week -- which included the widely watched memorial service for Jackson at the Staples Center in Los Angeles -- will mark a posthumous weekly peak for Jackson sales. They also expect sales to wind down slowly in the next few months, which means sales will remain strong. In the week ended July 12, Jackson's album catalog sold a combined 1.1 million copies, up from nearly 800,000 in the preceding week and 422,000 in the week he died.

"Thriller" and "Their Greatest Hits" were instant hits. The RIAA first certified "Thriller" platinum in January 1983, just two months after its release, while "Their Greatest Hits" was certified platinum in February 1976, mere days after it arrived.

Propelled by groundbreaking videos for the singles "Billie Jean," "Beat It" and the title track, "Thriller" reached the 20 million certification milestone in October 1984, becoming the RIAA's top-selling album of all time. The album's next RIAA certification, at 21 times platinum, came in May 1990. The RIAA's certification of "Thriller" as 28 times platinum in March came 13 months after Sony's release of a deluxe 25th-anniversary edition of the album.

The RIAA's second certification of shipments of the Eagles' "Their Greatest Hits" didn't occur until August 1990, when it certified the release as 12 times platinum. The RIAA couldn't immediately explain why the album wasn't certified at earlier platinum milestones, or why it was next certified at 14 times platinum in December 1993, and for 22 times in June 1995, despite U.S. sales of only 919,000 during that period. When the RIAA certified "Their Greatest Hits" as 26 times platinum in November 1999, it unseated "Thriller" at the top of the RIAA's all-time ranking.

Since being certified as 29 times platinum in January 2006, "Their Greatest Hits" has sold 404,000 copies, including 33,000 this year and 115,000 in 2008.
Representatives at Sony and Warner Music Group, which distributes "Their Greatest Hits," declined to comment.


"Thriller" reached the 20 million certification milestone in October 1984, becoming the RIAA's top-selling album of all time. The album's next RIAA certification, at 21 time’s platinum, came in May 1990.

Thriller sales from 1984-1990???
This says it all, only 1 million (21xUS)
(166,667+ copies sold per year)

Thriller sales from 1991- (March)2009-17.3yrs.
7,000,000 million(28xUS) more sales (404624 + units per year)

The RIAA's second certification of shipments of the Eagles' "Their Greatest Hits" didn't occur until August 1990, when it certified the release as 12 time’s platinum. The RIAA couldn't immediately explain why the album wasn't certified at earlier platinum milestones, or why it was next certified at 14 times platinum in December 1993, and for 22 times in June 1995

Eagles' "Their Greatest Hits"
(1,000,000 (1xUS) albums sold)

Eagles' "Their Greatest Hits"
1976- 1990
11 million (12xUS) sales!!!???
(785,715+ US albums per year)

Eagles' "Their Greatest Hits"
(14xUS) 3,000,000 more sales!!!???
(1,000,000+ copies per year)

Eagles' "Their Greatest Hits"
1994- 1995
(22xUS) 8,000,000 more sales!!!??
(4,000,000+ copies per year more) sales???!!!!!

Eagles' "Their Greatest Hits"
(29xUS) 7,000,000 more sales!!!??? (636,000+ copies per year more) sales???!!!

These numbers are suspect.
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Jeez. Some of you guys need to relax. If anything, the success of MJ's albums is what got this changed. If anyone actually thinks they had the charts this way in the past to prevent MJ from being on the top, you need to get your head examined. MJ wasn't the only artist affected by this. The Beatles were also.

Dude, they're not saying that it's a conspiracy against Michael... :brow:

We're just expressing our disappointment/frustration because it's TOO DAMN LATE!

Oh well, we all know Mike broke those records. Billboard dont mean anything. Facts are facts! Tata!
some people didn't experience certain things, first hand, so they get an attitude. i know what happened in 1995.

some are just media lemmings.'s a lot like what happened with mtv, and the billie jean video. but, MJ is above it all. MJ is the first artist to get this negative treatment IN HIS HEYDAY,, while alive. nothing like this happened to the Beatles while they were alive and active, in their heyday.

*talk about someone needing anger management..*
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Jeez. Some of you guys need to relax. If anything, the success of MJ's albums is what got this changed. If anyone actually thinks they had the charts this way in the past to prevent MJ from being on the top, you need to get your head examined. MJ wasn't the only artist affected by this. The Beatles were also.

While that may be true, don't you find it frustrating that his ridiculous sells and unprecented achievements came too early(by just a few months), and too close to their change in ruling? Why didn't they decide this a month after his death when his sales were still showing at the top? I find it odd that the decision came after the Beatles suffered as well. Unfortunately I don't think MJ would have been enough to prompt a change from Billboard, despite the year he has had.
While that may be true, don't you find it frustrating that his ridiculous sells and unprecented achievements came too early(by just a few months), and too close to their change in ruling? Why didn't they decide this a month after his death when his sales were still showing at the top? I find it odd that the decision came after the Beatles suffered as well. Unfortunately I don't think MJ would have been enough to prompt a change from Billboard, despite the year he has had.
What does The Beatles have to do with it? It's been known since last year when The Beatles remasters were going to be released (and 3 or 4 years ago that EMI had started the remastering project). So if they were concerned about this, Billboard had plenty of time to change this before now.
While that may be true, don't you find it frustrating that his ridiculous sells and unprecented achievements came too early(by just a few months), and too close to their change in ruling? Why didn't they decide this a month after his death when his sales were still showing at the top? I find it odd that the decision came after the Beatles suffered as well. Unfortunately I don't think MJ would have been enough to prompt a change from Billboard, despite the year he has had.


Thesis, Anti-thesis and Synthesis

No cause without reason
No effect without purpose.
Jeez. Some of you guys need to relax. If anything, the success of MJ's albums is what got this changed. If anyone actually thinks they had the charts this way in the past to prevent MJ from being on the top, you need to get your head examined. MJ wasn't the only artist affected by this. The Beatles were also.

some people didn't experience certain things, first hand, so they get an attitude. i know what happened in 1995.

some are just media lemmings.'s a lot like what happened with mtv, and the billie jean video. but, MJ is above it all. MJ is the first artist to get this negative treatment IN HIS HEYDAY,, while alive. nothing like this happened to the Beatles while they were alive and active, in their heyday.

*talk about someone needing anger management..*

yes, but who cares about the Beatles?

Where are their albums after 4 weeks from releasing?
so basically, they are saying that they are not doing what they are doing?

and they are going back to how things started in the beginning of the rock era, while saying it never was like that, in its history? all based on the death of Michael? you know..that MJ was always america's best selling artist..but the media wanted you to think otherwise. until now. that the charts did lie, to block Michael, in the eyes of the public. now they're doing penance. how nice. indeed..there was a conspiracy against him. and they can give me a break about using the beatles to argue their case. the grammys nominated Paul McCartney for a rerelease. so, while they stiffed the beatles in one way, they didn't in another way. and while the UK charts always counted Michael, the billboard charts, here, did not. till now. they're not consistent, and they can't explain their way out of it. but...hey...MJ is still King of american billboard..and always was, even when they didn't admit it, throughout his career, from the time of THriller.

they are rasists!

you guys are quick to pull the race card. Slow down.

I don't think it was ever a conspiracy against Michael. No one expected MJ to die this year, and no one expected the public to react the way it did.

It was a stupid rule...that penalized many just MJ.

But I am glad, yet again, MJ helped break another barrier.

I think BB should recognized his achievements this past summer...but how will Billboard tell all these artists that were "given" the #1 title for 6+ weeks this summer, that the rules have changed and they no longer hold the title?

I don't care how they do it, they need to put an asterisk or some kind of disclaimer that MJ sold more than the BB's selected # 1.
yes, but who cares about the Beatles?

Where are their albums after 4 weeks from releasing?
You're right. Now that I think about it. They only artist that should be allowed on any Billboard charts is Michael. If it's not that way, it's obviously a conspiracy by the media, congress, and president Obama against MJ. Seriously.
While that may be true, don't you find it frustrating that his ridiculous sells and unprecented achievements came too early(by just a few months), and too close to their change in ruling? Why didn't they decide this a month after his death when his sales were still showing at the top? I find it odd that the decision came after the Beatles suffered as well. Unfortunately I don't think MJ would have been enough to prompt a change from Billboard, despite the year he has had.
It's not frustrating at all. We all know the kinds of album sales MJ generates and non-fans know that MJ puts up big numbers also. MJ has the biggest selling album of all time and he just had a number 1 album with This Is It. So it doesn't matter much that MJ wasn't on top of the 200 chart after his death. We all know he was on top of the catalog charts. The current rules for Billboard have been in place for a while so it's not like anyone didn't know the rules before palying the game.
MJ is the first artist to get this negative treatment IN HIS HEYDAY,, while alive. nothing like this happened to the Beatles while they were alive and active, in their heyday.
That is incorrect. The Beatles got plenty of hate during their heyday, John Lennon in particular. Some of the older folks said their music was noise. Many people in the United States thought they were a bad influence for the youth because of their long hair. Their planes had been shot at in Texas and other places. When they won the MBE, many of the former winners returned theirs back in protest. People burned their albums/posters after John made the Jesus comment (which had been taken out of context). When they were in the Phillipines, the Beatles concert earnings were taken from them, and some of their entourage were beaten up. The group was also threatened by the Phillipine government because they didn't want to meet the Marcos. They got made fun of in the press because they went to India to go to the Marharishi retreat. Some didn't think much of George's "Hare Krishna" ideas. Some of their songs were banned, because they were supposedly about drugs. There was even this rumor that Paul died in a car wreck and the 3 remaining Beatles put clues in their songs and album artwork and used a lookalike for the rest of their albums. And when Yoko Ono came into the picture, their was a big outcry. John & Yoko released an album called "Two Virgins" that many stores refused to stock because they were nude on the cover. Plus there was many other things.
That is incorrect. The Beatles got plenty of hate during their heyday, John Lennon in particular. Some of the older folks said their music was noise. Many people in the United States thought they were a bad influence for the youth because of their long hair. Their planes had been shot at in Texas and other places. When they won the MBE, many of the former winners returned theirs back in protest. People burned their albums/posters after John made the Jesus comment (which had been taken out of context). When they were in the Phillipines, the Beatles concert earnings were taken from them, and some of their entourage were beaten up. The group was also threatened by the Phillipine government because they didn't want to meet the Marcos. They got made fun of in the press because they went to India to go to the Marharishi retreat. Some didn't think much of George's "Hare Krishna" ideas. Some of their songs were banned, because they were supposedly about drugs. There was even this rumor that Paul died in a car wreck and the 3 remaining Beatles put clues in their songs and album artwork and used a lookalike for the rest of their albums. And when Yoko Ono came into the picture, their was a big outcry. John & Yoko released an album called "Two Virgins" that many stores refused to stock because they were nude on the cover. Plus there was many other things.

you're talking about two different things. you're talking about individual hate among fans, and people who decided they were not fans...and i'm talking about the actual industry and those who control the sales of albums, and who determines the charts, and the people who are radio programmers. whatever happened to the Beatles as individuals did NOT affect their chart position. and the fact that they had multiple albums on the charts, througout their career based on SALES is proof of that. they hold RECORDS for numbers of albums and singles on the charts. if you paid attention just to that, you would never think there was any hate. the hate you are talking about was experienced by every artist, in one way or another..and usually, after they made comments that offended different factions, and doing drugs. but, even with that, the beatles chart position was unaffected. we all know this.

with Michael, it's different. he didn't make political statements. he didn't try to dabble in those classic religious and political hot button topic convos. he may have expressed his own beliefs as it applied to himself...but that's it...the fact is...the INDUSTRY acted against MJ. i'm not talking about individuals outside the industry. i'm talking about radio programmers and those who govern the charts.

the top 40 radio broadcast was a religion for me. i always listened to it. since the late 80's and into the 2000s. and i heard it gradually change, as MJ seemed to deal out hits like they were a deck of cards. i witnessed, as they gradually changed the format, so that hits were no longer determined by sales, but by the whim of a radio programmer. whatever side of the bed said programmer decided to get out of, he was going to determine what the song of the day was...sales be damned. it became ludicrous...songs that people never touched, and never removed from store shelves were being determined to be hits, with the design of making sure that sales had nothing to do with Michael could no longer produce a hit, even if the song was hit worthy. it made it so that MJ could no longer have an album enter an american chart, and a single to never enter radio play based on whether or not people were buying the music. and now...gradually, suspiciously following Michael's death, they are taking BABY steps to return the chart determination to what it was before Michael hit his zenith. that is no accident. that is a conspiracy, and a different form of hate. i don't have to be a rocket scientist. i don't have to read a book. i lived it. it's expressed in MJ's lyrics. i felt the wall of hate, every time i made a phone call, trying to get stations to play MJ music past 1990. i heard them say they wanted 'balance'. that MJ was 'dominating, too much'. that is pure hate. there is no other word for it.'s not only racism,(because no one ever achieved that kind of success, before) but it's a whole other host of's hate for what MJ represents..L.O.V.E....and innocence....all of the comments directed toward him were facetious, at best...and of no relevance, but filled with hate...and they used their facetious opinions of him, to determine what to do with his chart positions, and his music. this is the industry, itself, we're talking about. billboard is resposible for pitting fans around the world against fans in america. it had people outside of america thinking that fans in america no longer liked Michael. that they no longer bought his music. and nothing could be further from the truth.

now if you don't want to face this ugly truth...that's unfortunate. but there it is.

why should billboard be suddenly changing BACK to anything? that, alone, is suspect. there should be nothing for them to change back to, because they should have never left where they were, in the first place. how in the hell do you decide to determine a song's popularity, by something other than the population? same root word, right?

you guys want to act like the industry is a bunch of saints, and would nevvvver do anything so nefarious, just because...they are..the industry. and people want to bury the race issue under the word 'card', because that helps them bury it, and it's ugliness..and, pretend like it doesn't exist. exists in other factions in life, but never the issue, at hand. that is also, unfortunate. MJ expressed that it was happening..

it's sad. i'm not talking about anything secretive, here. it's like...MJ shouldn't be believed, for what he expressed in his own lyrics, because...he's just MJ..nobody should take him seriously? and nobody should believe the industry can do these horrendous things, because..they are official, and would never do that? the industry did this so MJ could practially not be allowed on the radio during this time, and everybody else was played on the radio, ad nauseum.

people say how important MJ is to them, and that they hang on his every word. well..apparently, some of the words, lyrics and complaints MJ expressed..are being ignored.

let's face the 'music'. this was one of the many things that some want to deny(because MJ kept that smile on his face to hide the tears). he was an individual(Michael Jackson) plagued with being the target of many, (whom some want to believe, would never do such things), that worked toward killing Michael Jackson.
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Elvis Presley's 75th birthday marked by career-spanning CDs

Presley would have been 75 next January


A new collection of Elvis Presley songs is set to be released to celebrate what would have been the singer's 75th birthday.

'Elvis 75' contains 75 of Presley's songs, ranging from his earliest hits such as 'Heartbreak Hotel' to JXL's 2002 remix of 'A Little Less Conversation'. The three-CD set is released on January 4, four days before Presley's birthday.

A simultaneous four-CD release named 'Elvis 75 – Good Rockin' Tonight' will feature 100 of Presley's songs, along with an 80-page booklet of rare photographs and an essay on him.

The tracklisting for 'Elvis 75' is:

CD 1:
'Heartbreak Hotel'
'Blue Suede Shoes'
'I Want You I Need You I Love You'
'Hound Dog'
'Blue Moon'
'Love Me Tender'
'Too Much'
'All Shook Up'
'(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear'
'Got A Lot O' Livin' To Do'
'Lawdy Miss Clawdy'
'Trying To Get To You'
'Jailhouse Rock'
'Wear My Ring Around Your Neck'
'Hard Headed Woman'
'King Creole'
'One Night'
'A Fool Such As I'
'A Big Hunk O' Love'
'Stuck On You'
'A Mess Of Blues'
'It's Now Or Never'

CD 2:
'Are You Lonesome Tonight?'
'Wooden Heart'
'Surrender (Torna Surriento)'
'Wild In The Country'
'(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame'
'Rock A Hula Baby'
'Can't Help Falling In Love'
'Good Luck Charm'
'She's Not You'
'Return To Sender'
'One Broken Heart For Sale'
'(You're The) Devil In Disguise'
'Bossa Nova Baby'
'Kiss Me Quick'
'Viva Las Vegas'
'Kissin' Cousins'
'Such A Night'
'Ain't That Lovin' You Baby'
'Crying In The Chapel'
'Tell Me Why'
'Love Letters'
'All That I Am'
'Guitar Man'
'US Male'
'If I Can Dream'

CD 3:
'In The Ghetto'
'Suspicious Minds'
'Don't Cry Daddy'
'The Wonder Of You'
'I've Lost You'
'You Don't Have To Say You Love Me'
'There Goes My Everything'
'Rags To Riches'
'I Just Can't Help Believing'
'Until It's Time For You To Go'
'An American Trilogy'
'Burning Love'
'Always On My Mind'
'My Boy'
'Promised Land'
'The Girl Of My Best Friend'
'Moody Blue'
'Way Down'
'My Way'
'It's Only Love'/'Beyond The Reef'
'A Little Less Conversation' (JXL Remix)
'Rubberneckin'' (Remix)
'That's All Right'


So guys, whats the point?

Just an accident???

.... and Billboard has nothing to do with that?

What an agenda is that?

Why there are so many conspiracy agendas?

Other records for Elvis topping the Billboard chart, and Michaels outstanding records will be forgotten???