Beyonce's new album is being compared to "Michael Jackson in his prime"

I guess I wonder why people weren't saying he was an inspiration before he died. I know some did but in general people wouldn't mention Michael at all. Now it seems everybody is mentioning him one way or another for an album, for a show etc. The more it keeps happening the more it just shows that they will never be him.
Seriously, media... give it up. You couldn't replace MJ in life and you certainly won't do it in death. He's an untouchable legend.
But see, that's the thing. The media and music industry is DESPERATELY looking and wanting someone to be the NEW Michael Jackson--even if that person is a female. They had the real thing; but didn't appreciate it, rejected it, turned their backs on it, ridiculed it, etc. Now he's gone and they realize what a genious Michael was and what a phenomenon he was and how he set the world on fire. The industry and media and public misses that pandemonium and excitement and mania that Michael gave them. They want their replacement.
But see, that's the thing. The media and music industry is DESPERATELY looking and wanting someone to be the NEW Michael Jackson--even if that person is a female. They had the real thing; but didn't appreciate it, rejected it, turned their backs on it, ridiculed it, etc. Now he's gone and they realize what a genious Michael was and what a phenomenon he was and how he set the world on fire. The industry and media and public misses that pandemonium and excitement and mania that Michael gave them. They want their replacement.

That's how it feels. I agree.
But see, that's the thing. The media and music industry is DESPERATELY looking and wanting someone to be the NEW Michael Jackson--even if that person is a female. They had the real thing; but didn't appreciate it, rejected it, turned their backs on it, ridiculed it, etc. Now he's gone and they realize what a genious Michael was and what a phenomenon he was and how he set the world on fire. The industry and media and public misses that pandemonium and excitement and mania that Michael gave them. They want their replacement.

You are so right!
But see, that's the thing. The media and music industry is DESPERATELY looking and wanting someone to be the NEW Michael Jackson--even if that person is a female. They had the real thing; but didn't appreciate it, rejected it, turned their backs on it, ridiculed it, etc. Now he's gone and they realize what a genious Michael was and what a phenomenon he was and how he set the world on fire. The industry and media and public misses that pandemonium and excitement and mania that Michael gave them. They want their replacement.

And I don't blame them. I'd love if there was someone out there who had EVERYTHING the gifted one possesed. From singing, dancing, creativity, songwriting, charisma, magnetisim, inner/outer beauty, charm, sensitivity, generosity, etc.etc.etc.

Even the thought of having again in one wonderful human form another multi-faceted MJ phenom is a joyous thought. But it ain't happening. As I love repeating Berry Gordy on this, a Michael Jackson only comes around ONCE--period.
People are losing their mind.

If you actually read the quote in context, it's not saying it will be as good as or better than MJ's music in his prime, merely that it will sound like it, i.e. reminiscent of it. It comes right after a sentence about instrumentation and general sound.

There is a difference.
But see, that's the thing. The media and music industry is DESPERATELY looking and wanting someone to be the NEW Michael Jackson--even if that person is a female. They had the real thing; but didn't appreciate it, rejected it, turned their backs on it, ridiculed it, etc. Now he's gone and they realize what a genious Michael was and what a phenomenon he was and how he set the world on fire. The industry and media and public misses that pandemonium and excitement and mania that Michael gave them. They want their replacement.

This is how I feel about it too. They seem pretty desperate at times, but they'll never find one..
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If you actually read the quote in context, it's not saying it will be as good as or better than MJ's music in his prime, merely that it will sound like it, i.e. reminiscent of it. It comes right after a sentence about instrumentation and general sound.
I read that in context. Only 'cos the repetitive amount of 'Let's laugh at anyone that mentions Michael Jackson and the slightest bit of competiton in their articles' did I say something like I did.
Well lets face the facts

Everyone, even little kids know MJ and thriller, Dont stop, Beat it, Billie Jean ect

Now in even 10 years kids probably wont know any beyonce songs maybe 1 or 2 but just like 99% of singers she'll dissapear, There won't be another MJ. Lady gaga's closest but even her songs are rarley shown on music channels anymore
Well lets face the facts

Everyone, even little kids know MJ and thriller, Dont stop, Beat it, Billie Jean ect

Now in even 10 years kids probably wont know any beyonce songs maybe 1 or 2 but just like 99% of singers she'll dissapear, There won't be another MJ. Lady gaga's closest but even her songs are rarley shown on music channels anymore

I don't think that's true for Beyonce. She has already been around for 13 years (scored her first hit "No No No" back in 1998 with DC) so there's no reason to believe she won't be around for another decade. Her popularity certainly hasn't decreased. Also, most kids nowadays know at least 1 DC song from ten years ago so who's to say they won't know any Beyonce songs ten years from now?

People said the same thing ("they won't last more than a decade") about Madonna and Britney when they first came out. Both have proved their critics wrong.

I like Beyonce although I've never bought any of her albums, nor do I know all of her songs. She seems like a nice person and she's released some great songs (Ring The Alarm and Why Don't You Love Me are my personal favourites). There is only one problem I have with her and that is overexposure. She needs to take a long break and give the public some time to miss her. She's in the news almost every day and it is getting tiresome, it's like she's being forced upon us. I have noticed the Beyonce-overkill has turned some people off of her. It could backlash in the future and this would be the only threat to her career I can think of. She certainly has the talent, looks and personality to last long in this business.

I agree with you that there will never be another Michael Jackson but I don't see how Lady Gaga is in any way close to him. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Beyonce's future career lasts longer than Gaga's. The latter is more famous for her gimmicks than her music but she has gone so far already, it becomes increasingly difficult to top herself in that respect. I hope and expect that the public will eventually grow tired of the "eccentricities" and focus more on her music, which mainly consists of good but unoriginal pop songs. Lady Gaga is a talented singer, piano player and songwriter but I'm afraid she will forever be compared to her predecessors (Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, David Bowie, etc.) and therefore she will never really be considered a legend in her own right, unlike Michael.
I haven't been a fan that long and already I'm getting pretty sick of the MJ comparisons... not because I don't want people to acknowledge how great he was but because I feel too many people think his talent was equatable, or even surpassable.
I don't think that's true for Beyonce. She has already been around for 13 years (scored her first hit "No No No" back in 1998 with DC) so there's no reason to believe she won't be around for another decade. Her popularity certainly hasn't decreased. Also, most kids nowadays know at least 1 DC song from ten years ago so who's to say they won't know any Beyonce songs ten years from now?

People said the same thing ("they won't last more than a decade") about Madonna and Britney when they first came out. Both have proved their critics wrong.

I like Beyonce although I've never bought any of her albums, nor do I know all of her songs. She seems like a nice person and she's released some great songs (Ring The Alarm and Why Don't You Love Me are my personal favourites). There is only one problem I have with her and that is overexposure. She needs to take a long break and give the public some time to miss her. She's in the news almost every day and it is getting tiresome, it's like she's being forced upon us. I have noticed the Beyonce-overkill has turned some people off of her. It could backlash in the future and this would be the only threat to her career I can think of. She certainly has the talent, looks and personality to last long in this business.

I agree with you that there will never be another Michael Jackson but I don't see how Lady Gaga is in any way close to him. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Beyonce's future career lasts longer than Gaga's. The latter is more famous for her gimmicks than her music but she has gone so far already, it becomes increasingly difficult to top herself in that respect. I hope and expect that the public will eventually grow tired of the "eccentricities" and focus more on her music, which mainly consists of good but unoriginal pop songs. Lady Gaga is a talented singer, piano player and songwriter but I'm afraid she will forever be compared to her predecessors (Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, David Bowie, etc.) and therefore she will never really be considered a legend in her own right, unlike Michael.

I agree about Beyonce and Britney having longevity. I don't know though if even they will be able to fill stadiums as Madonna still can in her 50's when they're in the same age range. Artists just seem so much more disposable these days because there are so many many of them out there, making names for themselves literally overnight. From Susan Boyle to Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, on and on. They explode on the scene and we don't know yet about their lasting power because it is so different today with the internet having them everywhere and so accessible via youtube and social networking. It's even different from when Beyonce and Britney first hit it big.

In this new era, it really is a wait and see game for the most part.
People are losing their mind.

If you actually read the quote in context, it's not saying it will be as good as or better than MJ's music in his prime, merely that it will sound like it, i.e. reminiscent of it. It comes right after a sentence about instrumentation and general sound.

There is a difference.

I hope the public absolutely L.O.V.E.s it, then. :p
She's so very talented.. but I won't comment on yet another tired MJ comparison. I'm just very worried for her, since she's with that Jay Z dude, whom I don't even want to talk about, he's a slick brainwasher and all. OT, but I felt like saying it..
Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael,

Everybody want everything to be related to Michael when it comes to selling their things.
Make your own ffs.
michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael, michael,

everybody want everything to be related to michael when it comes to selling their things.
Make your own ffs.
everybody wanting a piece of michael jackson