Beyonce's new album is being compared to "Michael Jackson in his prime"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It’s been a minute since we’ve heard anything from international superstar, Beyonce but some information from sources close to the project say that she will release a brand new single at the end of April, to launch her fourth solo studio album.

According to our friends at, a fan got a chance to talk with producer Shea Taylor, who worked with Beyoncé previously on her B’Day album. It seems as though he’ll be working on this new project, dropping little hints about the sound and also some collaborations.

Taylor gushed that the new album will have a pop and R&B direction, with lots of live instrumentation, with a modernized ’80′s feel. Shea described the new sound of the album as “Michael Jackson’s music during his prime.” He also said that she will have acollaboration with Kanye West. He said to expect a huge single at the end of April.

how many times have we heard this now, we'll have to wait and see. As far as i know though, there is no one anywhere near that talented in the biz right now to write 1 song to the level of say Billie Jean let alone a whole album thats bad/thriller standard. It's probably just a good album full of catchy dance tracks, but michaels albums were so much more than that. He smashes her song writing ability to pieces, i didn't start the comparison, they did.
Thanks for the info, but I have some questions:

1) is this info ABOUT Michael Jackson?

2) is "saying" it would be MJ-like the same as actually being MJ-like?

3) and even so... what's "being MJ-like"?

4) wasn't Rihana's last album the "new" Thriller? Didn't JLS say they wanted their tour to be "as big as Dangerous tour"? wasn't some young singer from Canada the "next" MJ? or Usher? or wasn't that video of Beyonce and Lady Gaga the "new Thriller"?

Seriously.... how boring and useless is making those childish claims to get a hype on a new project.

Make a great project.
Get it out there.
Promote it properly.
Work HARD.
Let the public decide.

but most of all: Don't be "the new VERSION of ANYONE", but only "THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF".


Jay-Z is keeping thi comarison alive....everytime we hear about Beyonce,MJ's name is in the same sentence !
she is great and amazing artist but comparing her to MJ maks no sense at all!
comparing her to Janet is more likely acceptable but to MJ is offending me as a fan of the one and only MJ
Oh geez, how many times do we have to hear these comparisons just to hype some project? Yes, maybe it's a compliment to Michael that everybody wants to reach that huge benchmark, but it is really getting silly.

Rihanna nor Beyonce will never ever come close to Michael. They are great artists BUT they are NOT OTHER-WORDLY LIKE MICHAEL. An artist like Michael comes along once in a million years period. He revolutionized the music business, he smashed racial barriers, he was a pioneer in so many fronts, need I go on? Those two or any others out there don't have any of those achievements in their resume and never will so Please stop this nonsense. :doh:
I feel the comment made by Shea Taylor is doing both Michael and Beyonce disservice.

Beyonce is a very talented singer and performer in her own right. She doesn't need to be the next Michael Jackson or Janent Jackson or Diana Ross (oh well, Beyonce and her two female backup dancers do remind me of the Supremes). She just needs to give her fans good music and entertainments. Beyonce is one of the most talented singers in her generation.

On one hand, I'm glad people always hold Michael as the benchmark of excellence. On the other hand, I'm a little irritated by all these laughable comparisons. First, it's Usher, then it's Justin Timberlake, then it's Chris Brown, now it's Justin Bieber. I mean all these singers are good, but not great. They all come and go. Michael Jackson is one and only. Always will be.
Beyonce has talent, a voice and charisma...................

But there is only one Michael Jackson.................

It's a shame that there is nobody in today's music who is as talented, popular and influential as Michael..............Children these days have no idea on what they missed out.......!!!!!!
Well, guess this is why I'm having hard time with mainstream music these days. It's not only about music, but for me personality is important as well. So many of the common artists are claiming, they're inspired by Michael Jackson or dare to even compare themselves to him. Well, in my opinion, it's not enough to just wear the fedora, white socks and trying to imitate his manor in singing. It's also not only about being more creative and inventing new stuff. But the part missing here is their modesty - or better, lack of it.
What made Michael so unique was, he was competing with his own art, his previous achievement and probably that's why in the industry there was no one that could compete with him. He had only the greatest respect to all artists.
Well, as for Beyonce - good luck. Gonna need that.
It doesn't bother me that people want to reach as high as Michael. He was the best. What bothers me is how since he died people throw his name out there for whatever reason. Maybe I don't have a good memory but I don't remember people bringing up his name as inspiration and admiration. It felt like Michael was ignored and irrelevant to people the last few years.

I know Beyonce said nice things of him when he was alive. I am talking generally speaking. It would have been nice for him to see the praise and everything when he was still here. Maybe he did know but it still nice to hear anyways.I am not bashing anyone or anything like that. It makes me sad I guess that people talk about him so much now yet before you heard little if anything from other artists. I hope I am making sense here.
It doesn't bother me that people want to reach as high as Michael. He was the best. What bothers me is how since he died people throw his name out there for whatever reason. Maybe I don't have a good memory but I don't remember people bringing up his name as inspiration and admiration. It felt like Michael was ignored and irrelevant to people the last few years.

I know Beyonce said nice things of him when he was alive. I am talking generally speaking. It would have been nice for him to see the praise and everything when he was still here. Maybe he did know but it still nice to hear anyways.I am not bashing anyone or anything like that. It makes me sad I guess that people talk about him so much now yet before you heard little if anything from other artists. I hope I am making sense here.

I agree with everything that you are saying and you are absolutelly right. I think his death made it easier for some people to be more open about their admiration towards Michael.At least I hope that is the case.It would be very nice to see that from now one Michel gets the musical recognition that was denied from him the last fifteen something years of his life.
I agree with everything that you are saying and you are absolutelly right. I think his death made it easier for some people to be more open about their admiration towards Michael.At least I hope that is the case.It would be very nice to see that from now one Michel gets the musical recognition that was denied from him the last fifteen something years of his life.

He was denied and now people are comparing their work to his and there is no comparison. He should have been valued more to people when he was still here. I just wish he was still here. Again no disrespect to anyone.
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He was denied and now people are comparing their work to his and there is no comparison. He should have been valued more to people when he was still here. I just wish he was still here. Again no disrespect to anyone.
Exactly. I'm sick and tired of his name and status being used like this.

This Shea Taylor guy must be excited about making some serious dough again with Beyonce :smilerolleyes:
I guess that's why he's hyping up this project like a MF. I don't give a damn about what it would sound like, I just hate the "Ooh let's mention MJ for promotion" trend.
well Beyonce has always respected and admired MJ and she has always shown her love, but I do understand that it sounds like the producer is using MJ for attention to the album.
Thanks for the info, but I have some questions:

1) is this info ABOUT Michael Jackson?

2) is "saying" it would be MJ-like the same as actually being MJ-like?

3) and even so... what's "being MJ-like"?

4) wasn't Rihana's last album the "new" Thriller? Didn't JLS say they wanted their tour to be "as big as Dangerous tour"? wasn't some young singer from Canada the "next" MJ? or Usher? or wasn't that video of Beyonce and Lady Gaga the "new Thriller"?

Seriously.... how boring and useless is making those childish claims to get a hype on a new project.

Make a great project.
Get it out there.
Promote it properly.
Work HARD.
Let the public decide.

but most of all: Don't be "the new VERSION of ANYONE", but only "THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF".



Great post! :)
I wish people stopped comparing themselves to Michael and exploit his name to advertise their own material....
I'll bet that Beyonce's next album is gonna sound forgettable like the rest of the mainstream music today
This album will come and go just like everyone and everything else that always gets compared to Michael Jackson. I wish there was someway to compile all these supposedly great artists, songs, albums, videos in to one list so that we could look at it and laugh hysterically. Seriously, media... give it up. You couldn't replace MJ in life and you certainly won't do it in death. He's an untouchable legend.
So far these people have been said to be the next Michael Jackson

Justin Timberlake
Lady Ga-Ga
Justin Beiber
Chris Brown

Have i missed anyone?
LOL. OK. I love Beyonce...but just, no. Different leagues love!
So far these people have been said to be the next Michael Jackson

Justin Timberlake
Lady Ga-Ga
Justin Beiber
Chris Brown

Have i missed anyone?
Sisqo was THE Michael Jackson of the late 90s, Tevin Campbell was THE MJ of the early 90s

I highly doubt anyone knows who they are today..
I, on the other hand,really hope that her album is indeed influenced by Michael and i hope it does well in the carts because this is the only way that MJ's legacy can survive.If other artists keep being influenced by MJ and cite him as one, then his legacy will live forever and finally Michael will get the respect he deserves by critics and people. Beyonce is one the most talended artist out there and probably the best performer.I hope she does justice to MJ.
So far these people have been said to be the next Michael Jackson

Justin Timberlake
Lady Ga-Ga
Justin Beiber
Chris Brown

Have i missed anyone?

Don't forget MC Hammer. :cheeky:
I, on the other hand,really hope that her album is indeed influenced by Michael and i hope it does well in the carts because this is the only way that MJ's legacy can survive.If other artists keep being influenced by MJ and cite him as one, then his legacy will live forever and finally Michael will get the respect he deserves by critics and people. Beyonce is one the most talended artist out there and probably the best performer.I hope she does justice to MJ.

It's one thing to say she was inspired by Michael. It's another to make claims like her new album will be like Michael in his prime.... Let's see, but big words to live up to.
Sisqo was THE Michael Jackson of the late 90s, Tevin Campbell was THE MJ of the early 90s

I highly doubt anyone knows who they are today..

Actually Tevin Campbell was hell of a singer - and IMO the closest to ever come to young Michael in terms of singing talent. However he wasn't as creative (ie. when he grew up he didn't write as great songs as Michael) so he couldn't make it as an adult artist.

Thing is you may see a singer that is as great as Michael. You may see a dancer who is close to Michael. You may see a great songwriter. You may see a great choreographer. But you don't get to see this ALL in one artist on the same level as Michael!