Beyonce's "If I Were A Boy" and 'Single Ladies" first singles!!!!!!!

PopPrince, there is no innovaton in this context. and whatever it is that you're considering innovative has more than likely come from the producers, not an act like Knowles.
well the negtivity and bashing isnt going to change how much i love Beyonce and her ARTISTRY wheher you agree or not....and all her true fans will say the same thing
Don't get me wrong here! I think she's a fantastic performer and her vocal skills are amazing. But she and her fathers business acumen is shady/not to be desired and karma is a bitch. One day it will catch up and bite her on the tookas!
you can dig her artistry and like her songs and singing voice PopPrince and all of that but this isnt the first time and I wasnt shocked to hear about this stealing But BC Jean's mother/manager is no fool and her people fought hard to get some justice and it paid off. daddy knowles is a very smart but cold business man, (tbh kinda like a modern Berry Gordy cuz I can get into the funk brothers and all of that) and he's been notorious for bringing songs to Beyonce and giving her royalities and writing credits. She had the issue with the "kissing you" song too that Des'ree originally did, she had an issue with Ne-yo for not wanting to give him credit at first for "irreplacable", but he's the IT man for hits now anyway and told the truth. Even her vocal riffs and singing style she took from Letoya Luckett. I still enjoy Beyonce and think she has a lot of skill but at the same time her stealing gives me a bad taste, even IF it would be only Matthew who is responsible ... she should not even allow that shit, she's a grown ass woman.
well the negtivity and bashing isnt going to change how much i love Beyonce and her ARTISTRY wheher you agree or not....and all her true fans will say the same thing

Negativity and bashing? The truth hurts, dude. You can love the woman all you want but you can't deny that she keeps on stealing people's ish. Period. If she was this artist, then why are peeps saying that she is stealing songs? If she is an innovator, why I haven't seen anything new in what she is doing? Yes, she is a talented woman, but I have seen better talent like Ciara, Alicia, Chrisstee, Solange, Jill, etc. etc. It bothers me that the mainstream media ignores this obvious fact about Beyonce and keeps on promoting her like she is the best thing since slice bread. It is really a damn shame. I do not even think she writes her songs. She could have stolen all of them and then claim that she wrote them. Her father is a damn monster.
Negativity and bashing? The truth hurts, dude. You can love the woman all you want but you can't deny that she keeps on stealing people's ish. Period. If she was this artist, then why are peeps saying that she is stealing songs? If she is an innovator, why I haven't seen anything new in what she is doing? Yes, she is a talented woman, but I have seen better talent like Ciara, Alicia, Chrisstee, Solange, Jill, etc. etc. It bothers me that the mainstream media ignores this obvious fact about Beyonce and keeps on promoting her like she is the best thing since slice bread. It is really a damn shame. I do not even think she writes her songs. She could have stolen all of them and then claim that she wrote them. Her father is a damn monster.

ciara?? are you serious?? lmao.....
I didn't get 'If I were a boy' at first but it got better in the end and I actually like it.

'Single ladies' is OK too, I guess but I don't like it as much.
damn she needs to take a break, way too overexposed, I think shes afraid of losing her spot to Rihanna or any other up and coming artist.
damn she needs to take a break, way too overexposed, I think shes afraid of losing her spot to Rihanna or any other up and coming artist.

how bout you tell Rihanna to take a break..she's the one thats had album after album...especially releasing 7 or 8 damn videos from the same damn album...give it a rest and move on to the next project
especially releasing 7 or 8 damn videos from the same damn album...give it a rest and move on to the next project
A long time ago, some dude released 9 videos from an album called Bad. :p And Prince made 11 videos for his 1992 "symbol" album.
A long time ago, some dude released 9 videos from an album called Bad. :p And Prince made 11 videos for his 1992 "symbol" album.

yea...of quality music and a classic album..not to mention he was a pop icon yet alone the King of POp and was more than just a "singles" artist...and all the videos and songz were classic innovative pieces of art with substance that he wrote and directed cant use that logic to defend what Rihanna or any other singles artist is doing becuz its not the same since then..not the same music, not the same quality and not the same artist...anybody can put out a video for every song on their album...that doesnt make it legit...This day and age ppl get tired of an album quickly no matter how many hits they have that keep getting pushed out...a lot of ppl give Beyonce flack for doing it the same as when MJ or Prince did it?? hmmmmm
yea...of quality music and a classic album..not to mention he was a pop icon yet alone the King of POp and was more than just a "singles" artist...and all the videos and songz were classic innovative pieces of art with substance that he wrote and directed cant use that logic to defend what Rihanna or any other singles artist is doing becuz its not the same since then..not the same music, not the same quality and not the same artist...anybody can put out a video for every song on their album...that doesnt make it legit...This day and age ppl get tired of an album quickly no matter how many hits they have that keep getting pushed out...a lot of ppl give Beyonce flack for doing it the same as when MJ or Prince did it?? hmmmmm

I'm not defending anyone, as I've never heard any of Rihanna's songs, except 1 or 2 of them. It was just a joke.
True. There is nothing wrong with that. However, the only difference between those artists and Beyonce is that they give credit to those people and never assumed that they created the concepts. Beyonce loves to fool the public and getting them to think that she is this "creative" artists. I doubt she writes, produces and creates her own music.

Its not so much Beyonce its the MEDIA. The mainstream media will brainwash the public into listening or looking at something and the public falls right into it. Whether its the media, Beyonce OR both... same thing. Its appealing... its commericial thats the whole objection to mainstream music.

A pretty girl, a nice looking man, nice body, can sing a little, can do a couple of recycled moves? lol it doesn't make it innovative or revolutionary lol.... chile please .. lol

there hasn't been no innovation in "mainstream" music since the 80's and thats really when music started going down hill foreal.

PopPrince, there is no innovaton in this context. and whatever it is that you're considering innovative has more than likely come from the producers, not an act like Knowles.

Nuff said. There is nothing original or innovative about Beyonce period. This doesn't necessarily mean she is not talented(even though I personally just find her as a average artist). She is just WAYYY overrated. She is not doing anything that has not already been done or revolutionizing music or music videos. NOBODY over the last 25 years in MAINSTREAM music has done this EXCEPT Michael Jackson.

how bout you tell Rihanna to take a break..she's the one thats had album after album...especially releasing 7 or 8 damn videos from the same damn album...give it a rest and move on to the next project

Thats typical media. There is always going to be somebody else in the full front. Rihanna is no where near as overexposed as Beyonce was period and Im not bashing just speaking realistically. Rihanna and Beyonce each had there share in the spotlight at the same time, beyonce was just over promoted and was over commericial, beyonce is out of the spotlight now thats why it seems rihanna is getting more attention when in reality nothing has change.

A long time ago, some dude released 9 videos from an album called Bad. :p And Prince made 11 videos for his 1992 "symbol" album.

But there is a difference in fact a MAJOR difference, Michael released 9 videos from that album and they all were "innovative", creative, and original. I could name every video from that album, WAY before I was a hardcore fan and I'm just 16. I'm pretty sure non hardcore fans can name them as well because of the creative impact it had on music videos. I can't name a single video B has released that was innovative creative or memorable.
revolutionizing music or music videos. NOBODY over the last 25 years in MAINSTREAM music has done this EXCEPT Michael Jackson..
Peter Gabriel is mainstream and he's known for his music videos also

But there is a difference in fact a MAJOR difference, Michael released 9 videos from that album and they all were "innovative", creative, and original. I could name every video from that album, WAY before I was a hardcore fan and I'm just 16. I'm pretty sure non hardcore fans can name them as well because of the creative impact it had on music videos. I can't name a single video B has released that was innovative creative or memorable.
Again, it was a joke. It had nothing to do with quality. Anyway, I was responding to a comment about Rihanna (who I don't know anything about), not Beyonce'.
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OMG I'm really starting to like If I were a boy! :dancin:
I said what I had to say. It is funny, once the truth comes out about Beyonce, her stan on here is saying, "blah, blah, blah". LOL. Too funny.

If you guys love some Beyonce, fine. I like some of her songs, but I am not a fan and will never be a fan. However, Beyonce fans gotta understand what innovator, artist, singer, composer, orginial means (meaning by definition) before they come and attack people that are stating the facts and the truth.
The Queen B is back with her fire hot new singles!!! I LOVED "If I Were A Boy" when i first heard but, as a Beyonce stan, I wasnt crazy bout Single Ladies...howveer, when i viwed the Behind the Scenes clip and saw the choreo and clips of the video for Single Ladies...I took a whole 360 flip!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT AND IM SOOOOOO SIKED FOR WHATS TO COME!!!! THE VIDEOS, THE ALBUM, THE TOUR!!! TAKE ME HIGHER LORD!!!

"If I Were A Boy"

"Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)"

Behind the Secnes

I'm all for giving it a chance but right now I aint crazy about these songs.
IF I WERE A BOY wins over the other one for me which sounds so much like
GET ME BODIED that it aint even funny.

We'll see......
I'm all for giving it a chance but right now I aint crazy about these songs.
IF I WERE A BOY wins over the other one for me which sounds so much like
GET ME BODIED that it aint even funny.

We'll see......

All her music sounds the same, nothing "innovative" about it

I said what I had to say. It is funny, once the truth comes out about Beyonce, her stan on here is saying, "blah, blah, blah". LOL. Too funny.

If you guys love some Beyonce, fine. I like some of her songs, but I am not a fan and will never be a fan. However, Beyonce fans gotta understand what innovator, artist, singer, composer, orginial means (meaning by definition) before they come and attack people that are stating the facts and the truth.

Nuff said, period. But all that just goes to show you how narrow peoples music taste are or their unawareness of past musicians/entertainers thats most of the reason why people claim alot of these artists now are innovative when in reality its already been done.

I find some of her songs catchy to and will jam to it at a party BUT I dont take it seriously and her music is not breaking any boundaries or a music revolution? people kill me with that commerical bullish. Music awards/recognition is based on popularity period.

That doesn't make it innovative or something that is uniquely special. I don't care who the artist is BUT it mostly applies to the mainstream artists of today. Its a disgrace how they title these artists out now that are way below means and calling whatever the crap they play on the radio innovative when its not. I'm sick of it and sick of all the artists of the past and even current ones that don't get their credit.
i'm a big fan of the producer Rich Harrison who worked and got recognized with Amerie (1 Thing) and Knowles (Crazy In Love). his kind of style was fresh and new and actually suited those types of artists (exaggerated over-singing). so without Beyonce, he wouldn't have won a Grammy lol shame he was ditched for this project though..
I hate that song If I Were a make's out as if all men are cold hearted bastard's when that simply isn't true. It's tarnishing all men with one brush...and making out as if women are like these saint's.
All her music sounds the same, nothing "innovative" about it

Nuff said, period. But all that just goes to show you how narrow peoples music taste are or their unawareness of past musicians/entertainers thats most of the reason why people claim alot of these artists now are innovative when in reality its already been done.

I find some of her songs catchy to and will jam to it at a party BUT I dont take it seriously and her music is not breaking any boundaries or a music revolution? people kill me with that commerical bullish. Music awards/recognition is based on popularity period.

That doesn't make it innovative or something that is uniquely special. I don't care who the artist is BUT it mostly applies to the mainstream artists of today. Its a disgrace how they title these artists out now that are way below means and calling whatever the crap they play on the radio innovative when its not. I'm sick of it and sick of all the artists of the past and even current ones that don't get their credit.

you are the one thats sounds ignorant and narrowminded...regardless if i feel someone is innovative or not, who is to say what is decent music taste??? who made you the dictator of what someone's music tatse whould be?? everyone has the right to like whatever music or artists they want to whether you feel that music isnt "innovative" ir theres no need to bash anyones own personal tastes..might as well call someone narrowminded for liking a certain color.. all you ppl can say all you want about Beyonce and whoever else but just because i and other fans favor her music doesnt make me or anyone else narrowminded, "unaware" and whatever it is ou call it....I first and foremost idolize Michael Jackson along with the Temptations, Marvin Gaye etc....does that mean i cant like any of todays artists because they dont match up to their standards?? no one can or ever will so why limit yourself to just those icons just because theyre past innovators...

AGAIN just like Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is music and any other art form...anyone who says otherwise has their head in the clouds and thinks too highly of themselves which is utter just shows their ignorance and narrowmindedness there i said it!
^ when you delve into talks of "innovation" and whatnot, you drift away from tastes and go into objective talk. i think justifying why you think someone is innovative is better than just arguing your right to an opinion.

.I first and foremost idolize Michael Jackson along with the Temptations, Marvin Gaye etc....does that mean i cant like any of todays artists because they dont match up to their standards?? no one can or ever will so why limit yourself to just those icons just because theyre past innovators...
very much disagree here. firstly, i think we can and probably will one day reach or go beyond those standards (just like others amazed and surprised music fans in the past) and secondly, just because our current pop world hasn't matched previous achievements, it doesn't mean that there aren't talents of similar creative calibre around in lesser known circles.
^ when you delve into talks of "innovation" and whatnot, you drift away from tastes and go into objective talk. i think justifying why you think someone is innovative is better than just arguing your right to an opinion.

very much disagree here. firstly, i think we can and probably will one day reach or go beyond those standards (just like others amazed and surprised music fans in the past) and secondly, just because our current pop world hasn't matched previous achievements, it doesn't mean that there aren't talents of similar creative calibre around in lesser known circles.

regardless...the point is dont fault anyone for likeing what they like..everyone had different musical tastes...theres is no regulation on what you should or should not listen based on what someone thinks is "tasteful: music..what the hell does that word mean anyway....
^ when you delve into talks of "innovation" and whatnot, you drift away from tastes and go into objective talk. i think justifying why you think someone is innovative is better than just arguing your right to an opinion.

very much disagree here. firstly, i think we can and probably will one day reach or go beyond those standards (just like others amazed and surprised music fans in the past) and secondly, just because our current pop world hasn't matched previous achievements, it doesn't mean that there aren't talents of similar creative calibre around in lesser known circles.

ok so then tell who are those "lesser known artistts" out today that are on the same or similar calibur as the likes of MJ, Marvin Gaye, classic Motown acts, Beatles, etc.? PLEASE TELL ME SO I CAN JUST DROP BEYONCE AND EVERYONE ELSE AND IDOLIZE THESE SO-CALLED ARTISTS THAT YOU CLAIM ARE PRESENT
arXter said:
it doesn't mean that there aren't talents of similar creative calibre around in lesser known circles.
ok so then tell who are those "lesser known artistts" out today that are on the same or similar calibur as the likes of MJ, Marvin Gaye, classic Motown acts, Beatles, etc.? PLEASE TELL ME SO I CAN JUST DROP BEYONCE AND EVERYONE ELSE AND IDOLIZE THESE SO-CALLED ARTISTS THAT YOU CLAIM ARE PRESENT
well firstly mate, don't get your knickers in a twist over this. just a vibrant music discussion, i'm not out to hunt you or something.

as for the artists i'm referring to - most have been shaping our current underground landscape since the early 90s and they're just as relevant today.

electronic music has developed with significant innovations since the prime days of Motown, Mike, Marvin and the rest in your notion of what can't be topped. you've had numerous creative and pioneering talents over recent decades and especially now i can use one example that should keep you busy - Aphex Twin - out of the dozens that deserve the same recognition. go check him out, and tell me that is not attractively innovative.

in soul/funk/r&b, we've had a few brilliant fusions over recent years, mainly "neo-soul" (i know many don't like that term but that's what it is) including hip-hop-soul, and you have acid-jazz and also nu-jazz. dozens of creative minds have spawned these fusions and focus on producer-composers is even greater than before because it's all about the sound. this is also linked to our progression in electronic music that i've mentioned above. there are too many great artists to mention in all of these different genres. just some of my favourites are Raphael Saadiq (a good example of someone' impact both in 90s and 00s), Brand New Heavies, Jamiroquai, the very influential producers J Dilla and Pete Rock, James Poyser, Meshell Ndegeocello, Erykah Badu (writing/vocals), Mark Ronson (with Amy Winehouse's writing/vocals),,,,,, endless.

and there many more other unique styles and fusions with brilliant, if not genius, talents behind them. i'm still searchin.

the problem we have is the need to compare. some things are incomparable to the past, and we need to acknowledge this. especially the progress of electronic music. and many people don't listen to the extremities of particular genres, but you need to acknowledge its innovation and more likely than not its influence over the years in lesser extreme (e.g. more pop-friendly) music.

regardless...the point is dont fault anyone for likeing what they like..everyone had different musical tastes...theres is no regulation on what you should or should not listen based on what someone thinks is "tasteful: music..what the hell does that word mean anyway....
i'm not knocking that - though you did go into "innovation" talk and for some it's frustrating seeing that true creative minds they're fans of today are not being recognised in the pop world as they rightly deserve and put behind superficial products like Beyonce. marketing is a bitch.
the other one for me which sounds so much like
GET ME BODIED that it aint even funny

It sounds the same. You are right about that.

Nuff said, period. But all that just goes to show you how narrow peoples music taste are or their unawareness of past musicians/entertainers thats most of the reason why people claim alot of these artists now are innovative when in reality its already been done.

Exactly. I am lost when people say that Beyonce is innovative. All she does is do the same thing that we have all seen before over and over again. Nothing special. Great point.

I find some of her songs catchy to and will jam to it at a party BUT I dont take it seriously and her music is not breaking any boundaries or a music revolution? people kill me with that commerical bullish. Music awards/recognition is based on popularity period.

On point. That is why she is even taken seriously. The chick can't even talk well in interviews. She has a seriously credibility issue. Not just with the songs that she "creates" but her age and situations that happened in her life. Her songs are catchy, but we heard this before. When she said that she was taking a "different" route to her songs, I am sorry but I almost laughed. I am not impressed by her.

all you ppl can say all you want about Beyonce and whoever else but just because i and other fans favor her music doesnt make me or anyone else narrowminded, "unaware" and whatever it is ou call it....I first and foremost idolize Michael Jackson along with the Temptations, Marvin Gaye etc....does that mean i cant like any of todays artists

When you stated that young people did not know who Bob Fosse was, that was being narrow minded. When you stated that Beyonce was this "innovator" that was being narrow minded. I like today's acts like Ne-Yo, Chris Brown, Alicia, Robin Thicke, Nas, etc. however they do not steal from other people, they might have copied from others, but at least they not in denial of true innovators of the past. Look, I am not saying that anyone should like/dislike and artist or musician just because they lack something. You can like whatever you like. However, do not call Beyonce an innovator, musician, or creative because she is none of those things. You can't be an innovator when someone already did that piece of work. You can't be a musician if you do not play an instruments. And finally, you can't be creative if you are stealing songs from someone else or if your new song sounds like your old song. I am all about true talent and I do not mind if an artist wants to be creative, innovative, or whatever. However, if certain artists aren't that way, then they need to take their profession seriously and try to be creative or innovative. Beyonce is clearly not doing that. It is not about being narrow minded, it is about stating the obvious. Beyonce is a commerical artist, she gets more promotion that artists who never stole from others and artist who create their music.
you are the one thats sounds ignorant and narrowminded...regardless if i feel someone is innovative or not, who is to say what is decent music taste??? who made you the dictator of what someone's music tatse whould be?? everyone has the right to like whatever music or artists they want to whether you feel that music isnt "innovative" ir theres no need to bash anyones own personal tastes..might as well call someone narrowminded for liking a certain color.. all you ppl can say all you want about Beyonce and whoever else but just because i and other fans favor her music doesnt make me or anyone else narrowminded, "unaware" and whatever it is ou call it....I first and foremost idolize Michael Jackson along with the Temptations, Marvin Gaye etc....does that mean i cant like any of todays artists because they dont match up to their standards?? no one can or ever will so why limit yourself to just those icons just because theyre past innovators...

AGAIN just like Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is music and any other art form...anyone who says otherwise has their head in the clouds and thinks too highly of themselves which is utter just shows their ignorance and narrowmindedness there i said it!

First in foremost you failed to exactly read what I said and I find everything that you said very ignorant, childish and very very immature.
First and foremost I'm not dictating anything but when media says that folks like Beyonce, Chris Brown, JT etc and whoever are creating a music revolution... something needs to be said. There have been past entertainers and musicians that have done everything that media has proclaimed these artists of doing and get no credit.
Second, nobody was talking to YOU personally you took it that way AND I never said there was anything wrong with liking any of her music or mainstream. IF you do that then thats you BUT the ONLY issue I had with it is when the media makes Beyonce and mainstream music overhyped like they have created something that has not already been done.

I listen to Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye as well Old school is the most of what I listen to I EVEN ADMITTED to listening to beyonce and even said some of her music was catchy, so I don't know what the ignorant bullish came from. My issue is the media is putting Beyonce in the same category as artists like Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye which is just ridiculous. Now for someone who claims to listen to music from artists like Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder, you know good and damn well she is NOT in the same category as these legendary artists period.

Her music is average, nothing spetacular about it. I'll dance to at a party BUT its nothing legendary or innovative about it. You can like whoever the hell you want but if people want to say there opinion, they going to say it whether you agree with it or not and whether you want to accept it or not. The fact that Beyonce has done nothing for the music industry is no opinion its a FACT. No innovation, no originality, no nothing... BUT once again that doesn't mean that she isn't talented, SHE IS JUST VERY OVERRATED. Slow down and read more before you trip over other peoples comments, its just opinions.

Third, you threw in the ignorant crap?? dont know why and nobody was bashing anybody. Just because someone has a different opinion than yours doesn't mean there bashing. You people trip as soon as somebody has something you think is negative that has been said toward an artist you like. Chill the hell out. If people AND media are going to say ridiculous things like JT is Michael Jackson and Beyonce has created something, somebody is going to say something and something should be said. When I said narrow of music taste, I meant mostly people around my age, teenagers. Yes teenagers that listen to that crap yes I said crap on the radio and think its something innovative when in reality its not. The reason why they think this way is because they dont know there music history and past performers that have done and done better from what these mediocre mainstream artists are doing.

For the record, nobody in this thread was bashing anybody or even beyonce. All mostly what people have said was that basically in small terms she is overrated which is true.
It sounds the same. You are right about that.
Exactly. I am lost when people say that Beyonce is innovative. All she does is do the same thing that we have all seen before over and over again. Nothing special. Great point.

On point. That is why she is even taken seriously. The chick can't even talk well in interviews. She has a seriously credibility issue. Not just with the songs that she "creates" but her age and situations that happened in her life. Her songs are catchy, but we heard this before. When she said that she was taking a "different" route to her songs, I am sorry but I almost laughed. I am not impressed by her.

When you stated that young people did not know who Bob Fosse was, that was being narrow minded. When you stated that Beyonce was this "innovator" that was being narrow minded. I like today's acts like Ne-Yo, Chris Brown, Alicia, Robin Thicke, Nas, etc. however they do not steal from other people, they might have copied from others, but at least they not in denial of true innovators of the past. Look, I am not saying that anyone should like/dislike and artist or musician just because they lack something. You can like whatever you like. However, do not call Beyonce an innovator, musician, or creative because she is none of those things. You can't be an innovator when someone already did that piece of work. You can't be a musician if you do not play an instruments. And finally, you can't be creative if you are stealing songs from someone else or if your new song sounds like your old song. I am all about true talent and I do not mind if an artist wants to be creative, innovative, or whatever. However, if certain artists aren't that way, then they need to take their profession seriously and try to be creative or innovative. Beyonce is clearly not doing that. It is not about being narrow minded, it is about stating the obvious. Beyonce is a commerical artist, she gets more promotion that artists who never stole from others and artist who create their music.

Well said, agree with everything. The only reason why she gets all that flap is basically because she is commerical and has mass appeal. She gets alot of promotion and marketing BUT thats typical with mainstream artists period. Its all about marketing

well firstly mate, don't get your knickers in a twist over this. just a vibrant music discussion, i'm not out to hunt you or something.

as for the artists i'm referring to - most have been shaping our current underground landscape since the early 90s and they're just as relevant today.

electronic music has developed with significant innovations since the prime days of Motown, Mike, Marvin and the rest in your notion of what can't be topped. you've had numerous creative and pioneering talents over recent decades and especially now i can use one example that should keep you busy - Aphex Twin - out of the dozens that deserve the same recognition. go check him out, and tell me that is not attractively innovative.

in soul/funk/r&b, we've had a few brilliant fusions over recent years, mainly "neo-soul" (i know many don't like that term but that's what it is) including hip-hop-soul, and you have acid-jazz and also nu-jazz. dozens of creative minds have spawned these fusions and focus on producer-composers is even greater than before because it's all about the sound. this is also linked to our progression in electronic music that i've mentioned above. there are too many great artists to mention in all of these different genres. just some of my favourites are Raphael Saadiq (a good example of someone' impact both in 90s and 00s), Brand New Heavies, Jamiroquai, the very influential producers J Dilla and Pete Rock, James Poyser, Meshell Ndegeocello, Erykah Badu (writing/vocals), Mark Ronson (with Amy Winehouse's writing/vocals),,,,,, endless.

and there many more other unique styles and fusions with brilliant, if not genius, talents behind them. i'm still searchin.

the problem we have is the need to compare. some things are incomparable to the past, and we need to acknowledge this. especially the progress of electronic music. and many people don't listen to the extremities of particular genres, but you need to acknowledge its innovation and more likely than not its influence over the years in lesser extreme (e.g. more pop-friendly) music.

i'm not knocking that - though you did go into "innovation" talk and for some it's frustrating seeing that true creative minds they're fans of today are not being recognised in the pop world as they rightly deserve and put behind superficial products like Beyonce. marketing is a bitch.

Right, very well said, agree with everything. Its sad when great acts like that don't get no credit. Especially when you exactly have some descent artists out there today.