Beyonce Breaks Silence on Kanye West VMA Outburst: "He Was Standing Up For Art"

It's like some of us said before, no one with the right state of mind would give Taylor Swift the award for "best female video" - especially when Beyonce got the "best video of the year" award, it just makes no sense.

What Kanye did was wrong, his act was wrong - But his opinion about the award is the same as mine. That Beyonce should have won it.
Not just because that it's Beyonce and it was a fly video - But because it was an important video, and raised awareness about J-setting.

EDIT: Of course I'm real happy for Taylor Swift (and Imma let her finish), but Single Ladies was one of the best dance videos of all time.

Are you serious, Single Ladies one of the best dance videos of all time? How was it an important video?
Taylor Swift's award was voted for by the public! So no one has the right to say "such and such a person should have won." It was voted for by the public and who is anyone to say their opinion is wrong?
There is no ownership over awards! Yeesh!
What makes no sense is the furore around the poor girl's win.
Beyoncé's video is no more "art" than Taylor's, and Beyoncé made herself look two-faced with that comment.
but i was tired of seeing awards going to people based on popularity

How else would an award dictated by popular vote play out?

Furthermore, I'm confused as to why so many people take the VMA awards seriously. Acting like it's a Grammy. People watch the VMAs for the entertainment; not because the awards themselves are prestigious, lol. When was the last time you heard a rundown of a great artist's accomplishments and heard anybody mention the amount of freakin' VMAs that they won? It.. doesn't.. matter.

And it's not surprising that Taylor Swift won either. The votes for some of the other girls were probably split within the same demographic, whereas all of Swift's fanbase voted for her.

No, wait. I'm being dumb. Clearly it was because Taylor Swift is white and Beyonce is black. lulz.
Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't they fan voted anyway? So all it means at the end of the day is Taylor's fans voted more than Beyonce's fans did. I don't see the big deal. And sorry but I had to lol at 'standing up for art' If you've seen the video, it's all fancy swooping camera angles, but that's pretty much the only impressive part of the video. And using the word impressive is stretching it. The choreography to me is mediocre and lacking when you compare it to some of the stuff Beyonce did with Destiny's Child. I was really confused about why this video would get requested on music channels so much, but when I asked my friend they confirmed it for me: 'It's not that entertaining, but her ass is hanging out so guys like the video' pretty much sums it up.

Agree.. I havent even seen "single ladies" video and never intend to ever watch it because I have no interest. If the song sucks whats makes you think I want to look at the video? I always have found Beyonce popularity very funny because she is a very mediocre artist but yet she is heavily overrated but the music industry as a whole sucks now.
I thought her video was really "Mexican Breakfast". :p

I remember this when that song "walk it out" was popular... so when Beyonce's video came out I was like um .... this is a straight copy
She does that alot.................

but back on the subject, what Kanye did was wrong. no matter your opinion on who should have gotten the award, you have to respect your fellow artists or just people in general.
And Beyonce's gesture to Taylor was a class act but Kayne was not standing up for art.

Art is subjective and Taylor won my majority vote. To stand up for art would have been to stand up for all artists and say everyone was a winner regardless if they walked away with a MTV award or not..

All in all people really need to stop putting so much importance on award shows, its meaningless at the end of the day
It's really because the truth is the demographic are the teenybobbers and they vote on Taylor swift alot. But she will become irrelevent, they all do.
So she is making it clear to the world that.. She is not mad a west but she thinks she should have won..but at first it looked like she WTF west? How could you do this to her?
Gosh, I don't think you can define what art is and I think you can find art in most's just an expression imo :) However what she said sound says a bit conceited.