Beyonce Breaks Silence on Kanye West VMA Outburst: "He Was Standing Up For Art"

Agent M

Proud Member
Jul 17, 2009
M.I.B. Headquarters
Beyonce Explains Kanye's VMA Outburst: "He Was Standing Up for Art"

Knowles is finally breaking her silence about Kanye West storming the stage at the VMAs to declare that she should have won Best Female Video instead of Taylor Swift.

"Well, I knew his intentions, and I knew he was standing up for art; and he told me before, when they said the nominees, he's like, 'You have this award,'" Beyonce, 28, told O: The Oprah Magazine editor at large Gayle King (via MTV News) at the Billboard Awards over the weekend, when she was named Woman of the Year.

"When they didn't call my name, he was, like, completely shocked," Knowles says. "And when he walked on the stage, I was like, 'No, no, no!' and then he spoke, and I was like, 'Oh, no, no, no!'"

Knowles, who handed the mic over to Swift after winning Video of the Year later that night, continues, "But in the end, it ended up being a great night, and Taylor Swift did get her moment -- and I didn't have to make an acceptance speech."

After his outburst, West, 32, apologized multiple times on his blog, to Jay Leno and to Swift -- and declared he was taking time away from the public eye to "analyze how I'm gonna make it through the rest of this life and improve."

It was announced last week that his Fame Kills tour with Lady Gaga had been canceled.

Of additional interest:

Stars Are Nothing Like Us!


At a benefit show this weekend, Kanye West threw a serious temper tantrum!! (I'll let you take a moment to collect yourselves.) Once the benefit dinner had commenced, Kanye was enraged that he was not offered a meal backstage.

"Why wasn't I offered chicken?" he reportedly demanded. "You want me to perform for free, [and] everyone is eating ... why am I not eating?" He then
chewed out the waitress for her oversight.

Sheesh, first he's performing for free like it's some charity case (oh wait, it is), then he doesn't even get a meal!? You even get a meal in prison. Basically, his situation is worse than prison, is what we're saying here.
It's like some of us said before, no one with the right state of mind would give Taylor Swift the award for "best female video" - especially when Beyonce got the "best video of the year" award, it just makes no sense.

What Kanye did was wrong, his act was wrong - But his opinion about the award is the same as mine. That Beyonce should have won it.
Not just because that it's Beyonce and it was a fly video - But because it was an important video, and raised awareness about J-setting.

EDIT: Of course I'm real happy for Taylor Swift (and Imma let her finish), but Single Ladies was one of the best dance videos of all time.
I think Beyonce sounds like a real bitch there frankly. Don't think I have any respect for her after reading that. Also I couldn't help but notice the huge grin planted on her face/laughter when kanye stole the spotlight. I did think at the time.. what the hell, you don't look very disapproving? I shrugged it off at first but now it's coming back to bite me.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't they fan voted anyway? So all it means at the end of the day is Taylor's fans voted more than Beyonce's fans did. I don't see the big deal. And sorry but I had to lol at 'standing up for art' If you've seen the video, it's all fancy swooping camera angles, but that's pretty much the only impressive part of the video. And using the word impressive is stretching it. The choreography to me is mediocre and lacking when you compare it to some of the stuff Beyonce did with Destiny's Child. I was really confused about why this video would get requested on music channels so much, but when I asked my friend they confirmed it for me: 'It's not that entertaining, but her ass is hanging out so guys like the video' pretty much sums it up.
She didn't need to say anything.... Her giving Taylor acceptance time was a lovely gesture and spoke much louder than anything she could have said.

I hope her words now don't overshadow that...
This is what Jay-Z told her to say. Rumor was that he was upset with her for not standing up for Kanye.

What she said just now made me slightly respect her less because her video is hardly artistic unless you think booty shaking is an art form.

Kanye was a drunken ass and nothing anyone can say will make it not so.
Art? really? looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

Yeah it was kinda fun and all, and yes it was hella better than Taylor's; but art it isn't.
In here she comes off very conceided.
This is what Jay-Z told her to say. Rumor was that he was upset with her for not standing up for Kanye.

What she said just now made me slightly respect her less because her video is hardly artistic unless you think booty shaking is an art form.

Kanye was a drunken ass and nothing anyone can say will make it not so.

I absolutely agree with you! :yes:
Even though I thought it was rude.

Taylor swift to me is a talentless bubblegum pop country singer
How is the video art? XD

The dancing was good and all but... :lol:
yeah Beyonce, that single ladies video was the epitome of art!!
I mean, you gave us the "hand flash" move, AND showed us your crotch whilst grinding!! STAND UP FOR ART!!
I don't think Taylor is talentless. She's been writing music for a long time despite being a young woman and has a lot of ideas.

I personally liked Beyonce's video better but only because it's fun to watch. However, it isn't art and I don't think anyone would be crazy enough to call it that outside of the Jay Z drones.
i wrote like a 2 paragraph reply but i changed my mind... Kanye was right, i thought she was sellin out for not standing up for him, sorry beyonce :( ... was it rude what kanye did ..Yes!... he probly hurt taylor feelings and all that, but i was tired of seeing awards going to people based on popularity and not thank you kanye... i wish folks wouldnt hate on beyonce juss because they cant relate or dont understand what she trying to do ... dang i typed up another paragraph lol ...anyway dont kill me over this im juss ya everyday rapper... if anyone else rapps u should agree wit me by default lol ;)
Kanye is such an annoying little rat, always playing the racial card.
I like Beyonce's music a lot, I really do. Yes, she is very talented and has a great voice, but I think she's a bit overrated. ;D
It's like some of us said before, no one with the right state of mind would give Taylor Swift the award for "best female video" - especially when Beyonce got the "best video of the year" award, it just makes no sense.

What Kanye did was wrong, his act was wrong - But his opinion about the award is the same as mine. That Beyonce should have won it.
Not just because that it's Beyonce and it was a fly video - But because it was an important video, and raised awareness about J-setting.

EDIT: Of course I'm real happy for Taylor Swift (and Imma let her finish), but Single Ladies was one of the best dance videos of all time.

I agree. Beyonce should've won. Taylor Swift's video sucked, but what Kanye did during her acceptance speech was just plain wrong.
I thought the incident was uncalled for.

However, in my honest opinion Taylor didn't deserve to win. When people think of the MTV VMA's they think of rock, pop and hip hop...not country. She's a country music star. She has no business winning a VMA award.

No disrespect to Taylor, she's got talent, but she shouldn't have won that award. That's what the Grammy's and the country music award shows are for
I thought the incident was uncalled for.

However, in my honest opinion Taylor didn't deserve to win. When people think of the MTV VMA's they think of rock, pop and hip hop...not country. She's a country music star. She has no business winning a VMA award.

No disrespect to Taylor, she's got talent, but she shouldn't have won that award. That's what the Grammy's and the country music award shows are for

C'mon man... Dont be so harsh... MTV is called (or used to be called) Music television. Music is music whther it's classic, pop, R&B or soul.... Saying that she doesn't deserve an award because she's a COUNTRY star is uncalled for. I'm not a fan of hers but her fans/public voted for her. The VMA is a complete joke anyway.