Betrayal, greed and murder?

it was jerm who introduced thome to mj.

Even Barrack comes out smelling like a rose because he is NOT going to turn Neverland into another Graceland. If he were part of any conspiracy to kill Michael, making the big bucks on Neverland would be part of the "prize".
well they did file papers to do such a month or two ago but they were withdrawn pretty quick

other than that im intrested in the facts not consipracy theories that do nothing but distract from murray and what he and he alone did that night and for the previous x amount of weeks

it was jerm who introduced thome to mj

Lisa Marie almost certainly begged Michael see a doctor for his insomnia...

OMG! LMP killled MJ!

No, wait a minute, it was Elvis who introduced LMP to MJ...

OMG! ELVIS killed MJ!

Hey, this if fun. First one to connect to Kevin Bacon wins...
ive just had a bacon buttie is that connection strong enough lol
The only shady character I see in any of this is Thome Thome.

AEG appears to have done everything by the book. Even trying to get Katherine to sign a confidentiality agreement is SOP...standard operating procedure. It's called covering your ass, and doesn't imply guilt in the least.

There really aren't the nefarious "connections" that many are imagining. The evidence just isn't there. Matter of fact, you have to really stretch your imagination to even get to "conspiracy to commit murder" IMO.

Even Barrack comes out smelling like a rose because he is NOT going to turn Neverland into another Graceland. If he were part of any conspiracy to kill Michael, making the big bucks on Neverland would be part of the "prize".

Anytime there is a conspiracy, it is ESSENTIAL that the main player come off as looking good (in the beginning when the focus may be on them as the conspirators). But to out and out dismiss any possibilities of a connection, and due to the fact that you joined this board after Michael's death makes me very suspicious as to who you are, who you are working for/with, and why you are so interested in defending AEG.

I am a professional, middle aged adult who is not an idiot nor conspiracy theorist, but MJ's death is not solved. It is quite obvious by the silence of so many, the actions (and non-actions) of so many, that this is hardly a simple, shut case. For you to insist that you know it is straight forward in fact is to deny the many reports to the contrary. Nothing personal, but I have doubts about your motives. I prefer to hear from people who were members of this board before Michael's death. All others make me suspicious. How do you guys feel about my thought? Perhaps we should create a forum for "oldbees" instead of newbies (can't think of a better word). I feel the board is quickly being taken over by special interests and people posing as fans who are trying to influence our thinking. Thoughts?
Wow, I have been a Michael Jackson fan most of my life, I am 39 yrs old and I have this man tattoo on my body and because I didn't join a Michael Jackson fan site Intel he died, you feel suspicious? How dare you, just because I had a life and it didn't center around a fan site.... go ahead and insult me and then try to convince me your a real fan. Michael was about kindness and love and you people want to compare MJ fans as Oldbees and newbies. Clearly you have learned none of Michael's message. Thanks for making us newbies so welcome...MJ would be proud.
I am so tired of this fighting can people work together to help get Justice for Michael instead. :rant:I have a feeling that we may never get an arrest as for a long time. Heck, I have a feeling that It would end like without an arrest. :cry::cry::cry:

Sorry for the b**chyness but I had to let it out.
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Its like you dont care about the truth. dr thome colony capital links to AEG, AEG is a holder In colony capital company, AEG and sony links to branca deal with the estate (this it movie) branca is a producer along with AEG and sony, branca and AEG links to grammy museum AEG is a partner and branca is a board member. they all profit from michael jackson death.
What, what are you talking about? Please read my first post. I try to protect Jacksons from some fans attacking them for no reason. MJ was killed by group of conspiracy. It is nothing to do with family.

Unfortunately, some members of MJs family are quite in bed with Colony Capital.
Unfortunately, some members of MJs family are quite in bed with Colony Capital.
who are you referring to jermaine? cause he introduced dr thome to michael, I dont think jermaine is getting paid from colony capital but dr thome is part of colony capital and aeg they are getting paid from michael death. and i dont think that jermaine thought about anything like this happening to michael, jermaine was trying to help michael save neverland.
dr thome colony capital links to AEG, AEG is a holder In colony capital company, AEG and sony links to branca deal with the estate (this it movie) branca is a producer along with AEG and sony...

Sony distributed the movie "Where the Truth Lies," starring Kevin Bacon, who would also finally benefit from stronger Sony marketing, bolstered by murdering Michael.
I guess I was hoping that the police would be able to connect the dots but after digging into this you would need the CIA. There is so much money and power here. They will never touch these people. I hope they promised Murray a good defense team, because he will take the fall and the fall alone for MJ Death.

Hello. I am new here but not new to MJ boards. I agree with you. We HAVE to put pressure on the media, the DA, anyone we can get our hands on. This is ludicris. These people must not go free! They killed Michael and they need to pay for it.

I, too, would like the links to your original posts if that's possble? I am keeping notes on board posts and articles in case websites go down, again, and data is lost. Thanks :)
The only shady character I see in any of this is Thome Thome.

AEG appears to have done everything by the book. Even trying to get Katherine to sign a confidentiality agreement is SOP...standard operating procedure. It's called covering your ass, and doesn't imply guilt in the least.

There really aren't the nefarious "connections" that many are imagining. The evidence just isn't there. Matter of fact, you have to really stretch your imagination to even get to "conspiracy to commit murder" IMO.

Even Barrack comes out smelling like a rose because he is NOT going to turn Neverland into another Graceland. If he were part of any conspiracy to kill Michael, making the big bucks on Neverland would be part of the "prize".

How about the fact that the doctor that AEG hired to give Michael his physical is an Ear Nose And Throat doctor, aka ENT? ENTs can't be trusted to do a complete physical, especially anything orthopaedic.
Without links provided in the opening post, it's impossible to determine accuracy, or if this is just opinion, or which parts come from legitimate sources, and which were generated by the poster.

If you want to be taken seriously, then please provide the links.

Thank you.

I will have to go refind them, we posted this on Sony's page and within one day all the work we had done disappeared, many members were up set this happened. I guess we should have know better. We spent much time and effort linking this all together and for it to be removed was heart breaking.
Can you explain what this means?

It's a famous joke and game, the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

There was a post above in this thread that made me laugh: Well Person A was a partner of B who once worked with C who on the board with D...

You can link anyone to anyone with that logic. Which is the point of the Kevin Bacon game: you try to link anyone in showbiz to Kevin in the shortest number of steps. So anyone can create a conspiracy wherever they like, if this is the ridiculous logic they wish to use.

Thus my previous post, linking Elvis to MJ's death...

Satire, you see...

Ah, never mind...
Its like you dont care about the truth. dr thome colony capital links to AEG, AEG is a holder In colony capital company, AEG and sony links to branca deal with the estate (this it movie) branca is a producer along with AEG and sony, branca and AEG links to grammy museum AEG is a partner and branca is a board member. they all profit from michael jackson death.

By the way, thank you for posting this. We were unable to figure out Branca connection and why he is fighting Kathrine Jackson on behalf of AEG. Verified today he does sit on the board of Grammy Museum. Know it make much more sense.
Ah, thank you, that was precisely the paragraph I was referring to that sounds straight out of the 6 degrees game.
Honestly...I could give a CRAP if you belive this or Job is not to convince people to belive or not to believe. I am putting out information that is there and if you don't like it....DON'T READ IT, But make no mistake about it...I am not going to be intimadated by the few people on this site who seem to be looking for an argument. I read things all the time I disagee with but I don't comment on them out of respect for other peoples opinions. You outta try it some time. Give me a break!
I feel no obligation to respect all opinions, only to allow them to be fairly expressed within governing rules. I have no respect for wild and irresponsible public accusations leveled against the Jackson family and others we know Michael cared for.

I've not impeded your expressing your opinion. If you are unable to handle disagreement or criticism, you may want to reconsider posting threads so controversial.
Honestly...I could give a CRAP if you belive this or Job is not to convince people to belive or not to believe. I am putting out information that is there and if you don't like it....DON'T READ IT, But make no mistake about it...I am not going to be intimadated by the few people on this site who seem to be looking for an argument. I read things all the time I disagee with but I don't comment on them out of respect for other peoples opinions. You outta try it some time. Give me a break!

Just wanted to say, I really appreciate this thread and your posts as I have found similar links in my own research and also feel very strongly about AEG and John Branca's involvement. If you do have the links for any of this I would be most interested in taking alook a look at those too :)

For the record, I do not think that because Jermaine introduced Dr Thome to Michael that he was involved with Michael's death. Those of you who do think Jermain was involved - Did any of you ever think that Dr Thome may have pulled the wool over Jermaine's eyes just like he did Michael's for a certain amount of time? I adore Jermaine and we all know Michael loved him very much, I cannot get my head around the fact so many fans would turn on Michael's family at this time.
Ah, thank you, that was precisely the paragraph I was referring to that sounds straight out of the 6 degrees game.
This may remind you of that 6 degree game, but the truth branca and aeg are connected by the grammy museum is a fact, not a cant be denied that branca seems to have defended aeg against katherine whishes