BET Awards updates

is it me, or are the performers all kind of off-key or off-their-game in some other way? it looks a bit unorganised also, but that's understandable, because they had to redo everything for the Michael tribute parts, which is like.. most of it.
is it me, or are the performers all kind of off-key or off-their-game in some other way? it looks a bit unorganised also, but that's understandable, because they had to redo everything for the Michael tribute parts, which is like.. most of it.
yeah it looks a bit jumbled but I agree its because of the short amount of time
ive jsut started watching... its 2:19 am in the U.K how long is left because i want to see this but i can feel myself falling asleep :(
I haven't seen the whole thing. Found the link for an online stream a bit late. Not very impressive so far.

Ok, wait, BBD. Wow, I forgot about them.
the show is pretty lame, sorry, but the tribute parts are sweet. i'm going to try and stay awake for the final performance, should be something good at least.
Does anybody else think it's wrong for Joe to be there? I know it's a tribute but come on, your son just...died :cry: , what are you doing there?
This is so disappointing. I'm embarrassed by Soulja Boy. I think the best way to tribute him is to keep playing his music.


I give the producers a big A+ for last minuet effort trying to do they best they could turn it into a tribute.

I gave big kudos to those artists who have acknowledge Michael and realize that its because of him that they are there.

The rest I find to be ungrateful or clueless. Big disappointment. Michael always ALWAYS gave thanks to those who paved the way for his success. IE James Brown, Sammy D. etc etc.

He knew that he stood on the shoulders of other great performers. Some of these guys dont seem to get it.
I give the producers a big A+ for last minuet effort trying to do they best they could turn it into a tribute.

I gave big kudos to those artists who have acknowledge Michael and realize that its because of him that they are there.

The rest I find to be ungrateful or clueless. Big disappointment. Michael always ALWAYS gave thanks to those who paved the way for his success. IE James Brown, Sammy D. etc etc.

He knew that he stood on the shoulders of other great performers. Some of these guys dont seem to get it.
Because Michael's name isn't on the teleprompter, the younger acts are not really aware of who he is. He's like Beethoven, people know the name, but don't know anything about him per se. To a whole generation MJ is just "WJ" pretty much as he's only had 3 albums of new material since 1991 and one after 1995 (a 14 year period). A lot of the younger people consider something like "Hey Ya" ancient, so Michael is caveman days, lol. I remember DeBarge's "Stay With Me" was playing somewhere and some kid said they stole Biggie Smalls song. They're just into "now" and not the past and don't know the history.
Debbie Lee CEO of BET is talking saying they put the show together in 3 days after the news of Michael's passing
She also talked about MJ's humanitarian work and his charitable contributions
I'd rather watch in on youtube after I came back home
I gotta study now

I used to love American Hiphop and R&B music but why rappers are just showing off their 'bling -bling' and what's the point of the golden cups and grillz?

I can't say I'm a huge fan of these days hiphop scene
^ i know....poor girl i wish i could :hug: her right now :cry:
I love Janet. At least she is remembering him as a brother before a superstar.