Being an extra for "HOLD MY HAND"


Proud Member
Sep 15, 2009
"Please hold. All muses are busy right now, but yo
Sometimes you just feel like life is a story. Or you suddenly find yourself being in a story that you want to retell.

"Hold My Hand" is such a story. What are the odds of the first single of a posthumous album to carry such a message? And what are the odds that is would be fans who would be the extras in that first single?

I remember coming to MJJC last Wednesday, checking. And then I saw that thread. "Do you want to be in the video". I read it and although all my instincts said, naaaah, you will never get there- I popped off an email, never expecting even an answer, even wondering if that email address was legit. I then decided for a leap of faith.


On Friday evening, after 8PM I looked at my blackberry that "pinged", indicating a message. I was in the middle of cooking dinner for my family, with a hungry child literally hanging off my legs of my jeans.

I read the words "Congratulations". And that is when my red beans and rice turned into black beans on my stove. [EDIT: I'm just a Slave to the rhythm, I guess, you know, dancing by my stove!) Guess what was blasting through my kitchen as I stood there, thinking the kitchen is spinning around me just a little bit faster? HOLD MY HAND.
Earlier that day "Have a little faith" played. I spun out into my imaginary world- of being there.

I said, yes, Michael, I will have a little bit of faith.

On Sunday I was on my way to Burbank. The plane was already on the field, while I was singing in my hand, Hold My Hand, things will get better if you just hold my hand.

And- suddenly we are turning around. There's that Indiana Jones feel again- we are turning around. If you know "The last Crusade" you also know that the movie featured a blimp turning around- and Hold My Hand was shot with a blimp hangar present. Anybody else think Michael would like the Indiana Jones style??

The plane had an issue- the Captain decided that a late plane is worth more than a crashing plane with dead people. We rolled back to the gate and waited for Southwest to find another plane (in the middle of nowhere...on a Sunday)
Finally I was on my way. I was the only person on that entire plane that was NOT late for her connection. I remember the sounds that came through the speakers: Ontario, you are rebooked for later, San Jose, you are rebooked for later. BURBANK- YOU ARE ON TIME. I don't know how that happened, it made me grin a wide smile. I ran like a maniac through Phoenix, Arizona.

I got to Burbank, just as the sun went down over California in a beautiful sunset.

Woke up the day of the shoot to a fake message telling us that the shoot was cancelled. I decided, well, time for another on of these.
It just didn't ring true- and besides, my arms were already falling off from that damn curling iron, trying to reach the back of my head. :D Might as well finish the job. :punk:

Why is it that roads related to Michael Jackson don't show up on the GPS??? :cheeky: But I found it- and it became very real, when security outside the area indicated, yes, drive through the entrance and then follow instructions.

We signed our life away on numerous sheets of paper and I personally respected the rule of no photography of the set or the shooting. I've been a good girl overall and nobody seemed to mind the extras photographing one another as long as we kept it to that.

People danced, people laughed and some of us tried not to cry when one scene got emotional. The music had stopped but our scene was still going. We kept going and going, clapping in silence to an invisible song, to the song inside of us. Some of us looked at each other, hap hazardly joking, oh, please, don't let me be the one hysterical fan that confuses this with Forest Lawn. ;D
But if you were there, you felt it.

We shot the last scene, just before the sun went down, surrounded by rolling hills. A beautiful day in November in California. And it all made sense. We lined up for one last shot of this, joking with each other, outdoing each other in weird little MJ jokes that only fans understand. You know, when one "rabid MJ fan" just says one line, and everyone knows what is meant. It was that feeling.
Random strangers parted hugging each other and giving each other rides back downtown.

And we all looked at each other and saying, I can't believe this, I can't believe I am here doing this.
Sometimes I shake my head- I remember how the wall came down, I was there, just a little girl and now I somehow live in the US. I discovered MJ in is next to impossible to describe how much this meant to me and to those of us who cherished that day. Never in the world did I think in 1992 of this. I literally lived under the proverbial rock- I had never heard of the "Jackson 5", I had never heard of "A,B,C", I had no clue who this guy was. All I remember was seeing him on TV, you could have cut my arm off, I would have said, here, have the other one, just please let me watch this. I couldn't have known less off him back then, yet he felt extremely familiar.

So my only visual contribution for the moment is the butterfly I chose to wear that day.

I actually had 2 butterflies, one that I attached to my bag- and the one that I wore. I also had 2 pairs of these little ballet shoes. I figured he'd like the golden ones. :cheeky:
(yeah, I am not only "rabid" and "die hard", I am also a FREAK, TMZ! :wild:)

The next day I went to Forest Lawn and brought Michael one of the butterflies and one pair of the mini ballet shoes from the shoot. He may not be with us physically, but I thought I'll bring a piece of HOLD MY HAND to him.

This one's for you, Maestro.


I attached some of the items from the shoot to the flowers I got for my visit.




And I know he enjoyed us living love, not fear. And I'm sure the control freak in him did his best to whisper to the director. :D

I didn't actually mean to share all of this, but hey, why not. I see so much fear and hatred, I'd like to contribute with some good ol' fashioned "rabid, die-hard" L.O.V.E. in all it's cheesy, make-your-toes-curl-up-from-high-blood-sugar-sweetness and glory- until the love goo seeps from your ear canal.

It was a glorious day and "we gotta remind people that love is important." :cheeky:

We were a large crowd, but there was something different about that. People were kind to one another.
People whom I have never met wrote me an email telling me where to find x,y and z. I wrote someone else who had her map stuck in her printer, trying to find out where to go.

People helped one another, when people manage to approach one another without fear, without this constant mistrust.

We were a big group and I remember how we just admired each others tattoos, clothes and just swapped stories on how we got there.
All of us have a story- that was so notable.

All of us had a story of why we were there. TMZ said we were "die hard" fans, nope, we are love-hard fans. We were older, younger, skinnier, fatter, taller, shorter, male and female, kids. We were of all colors and all races. We were- we were exactly what Michael stands for.

I thank the crew for being kind and friendly, I know the director turned this into a beautiful celebration. I can't wait to see the end result. Thank you, Mr. Pellington, thank you.


And thank you Gaz, for posting this here. I would have never found that on the :yes:
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wow your so lucky, sounds like you had a great time I cant wait to see the video
Pace,MioDolceCuore, thank you very much for sharing all this, beautiful pictures as well.
Beautiful- thank you for posting. It brought tears to my eyes. I know Michael would love this. Looking forward to the short film. L.O.V.E.

And thank you for this beautifully written post. I'm so glad it was a wonderful experience for you. You've given me some wonderful moments just reading this. Something else for me to be grateful for this Thanksgiving.
:cry: That was sooo beautiful!!! I am so happy for you for getting a chance to got there. I'm all the way in the East coast and its hard for me to go anywhere... I'm sooo glad that you got to experience it...representing fans that couldnt be there.

Thankyou for sharing Love... :) YOU and other fans that went there are NOW Going to be PART OF MJ SHORTFILM HIStory!!!! :wild: How cool is that???!!!! :D


Thank you for sharing. It sounds like you had a great time and something you will never forget.
Thank you! Sound like an amazing experience. Love that you brought your items from the shoot to Forest Lawn too.
wonderful , spirtiual, divine experience !

bless u !

how is the atmospher in Forest Lawn!?

Sounds like a once in a lifetime experience.
wonderful , spirtiual, divine experience !

bless u !

how is the atmospher in Forest Lawn!?

I personally love the Park atmosphere. It is very beautiful, green and serene. It's good to be there. (personally for me- I find an inner peace and calm there). I could find that peace in other places too, of course, but it is special to me.

I also went to Chopin's grave in Paris, I do like saying thank you to those whose music I enjoy so much.

What stinks to me personally is the "locked away" feeling. I know people have different opinions on this. To me it paints a picture of "verboten/forbidden" which I have a hard time associating with Michael who never hesitated to give his fans a hearty hug or even kiss if he felt comfortable enough doing so.

He's not "there" in a spiritual sense either, but it's a nice place to gather your thoughts. It's beautiful and serene. I personally would not purchase a space there for someone I had to bury- because the notion of having to ask "permission" from security to even enter to maybe see my own grandparents is just plain odd to me.

I started bawling though when I crossed the gates and entered the freeway, driving away.
I cried pretty good once I was off the grounds. I don't cry there, :D, I usually start crying when I leave.

You know, Michael Jackson was mesmerized when he saw James Brown. And he didn't hesitate to bow down and give his mentor one more kiss. I try do the same in varies ways. He's my James Brown. You just have to have a James Brown, you know. And that is why I try to find something to make Maestro Mike smile.
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Thank you for sharing this....

I can't even believe I'm reading about Michael being in a (locked up) tomb... The comfort will always come from knowing he isn't there, but somewhere above, hopefully...
Thanks for sharing your story! :) It was nice to read it. I wish I could have gone as well... :(

Am I the only one who likes the fact that MJ is behind locked doors? :scratch: I like it because I know Michael is safe. No one can go grab him and harass him and hurt him like they used to. He is able to have peace now. And I like that. As much as I'd like to be able to go bring flowers directly to his grave....if ANYONE could just walk up to where he is...that would mean the haters as well. So I rather have him behind locked doors so that he is safe. Besides, no one can lock the LOVE out anyways. The energy of love will always be able to get to where he matter where he is. I am sure of that. His spirit will feel our love. And that's what counts. :yes: But that's just my opinion....
:give_rose:Thanks to each one of you who has shared your "Hold My Hand" video experience. :girl_butterfly:
When I think of Michael Jackson, I always think of this quote from
the Holy Bible:

Hebrews Chapter 13 verse 2:
"Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

I believe Michael Jackson is the Archangel Michael spoken of in the Bible, and, thus, he is with us always. :trytobeangel
Pace,MioDolceCuore, thank you very much for sharing...your story warms my heart.

God bless MJ and may he find peace.
Thanks for sharing your story! :) It was nice to read it. I wish I could have gone as well... :(

Am I the only one who likes the fact that MJ is behind locked doors? :scratch: I like it because I know Michael is safe. No one can go grab him and harass him and hurt him like they used to. He is able to have peace now. And I like that. As much as I'd like to be able to go bring flowers directly to his grave....if ANYONE could just walk up to where he is...that would mean the haters as well. So I rather have him behind locked doors so that he is safe. Besides, no one can lock the LOVE out anyways. The energy of love will always be able to get to where he matter where he is. I am sure of that. His spirit will feel our love. And that's what counts. :yes: But that's just my opinion....

No, of course there are many people who agree and I totally get your point.

It's also not the thought that he "owes" anybody anything. Not at all. I'm the first one in line to say that of course he's not "there" in any spiritual meaning.

And I think it's fine people feel different about that. :yes:

The one thing I really dislike in Forest Lawn how even people are being questioned that do have relatives there. It's a beautiful place, but there's that extreme vibe of 1class, 2second class and coach passenger that kind of humors me given the fact that everyone is dead. I admit that it makes me laugh just a wee little bit, that's all. :)
I loved your inspiring story Pace,MioDolceCuore! Michael was really encouraging you to 'have a little faith' wasn't he? I personally have had to take that Leap of Faith since Michael's passing. I laughed at your recalling the 'plane turing around and then 'Burbank you ARE on time-HaHa! And we know Michael had a sense of humor! I think he may have been playing with you a little! All joking aside, it sounds life the video shoot was amazing. I'm sure that the loving spirit of all the fans there will make this a truly meaningful interpretation of Hold My hand. I'm glad you were able to be a part of it and thanks again for sharing it with us.


Thank you for sharing that with us :) sounds like everybody has a great and bittersweet time there.

I like the butterfly stuff, they r so cute
I love how you wrote all of this, sounds like you had a great time!
Can't wait to see the video! Thanks for sharing :)
that's such a beautiful story, thank you so much for sharing.

do you mind if I repost it on another forum I visit (a russian one)?
Such a wonderful account of your experience! Thank you so much for sharing that with us :)