Beijing 2008

The One.

Proud Member
Jan 29, 2006
The Olympic Games.

19 Days to go.

I'm waiting. Are you?

Which sport do you wait the most? What will you expect from your home country? Are you going to China?

I will be safely watching the games from my home coach and I think - 2 medals is realistic to wait from Finland :lol:
1 gold and 1 silver. Though some surprises are always possible.

Until then:dancin:
I'm waiting. I love the Olympics. It's the most important sporting event in the world. Track and field is my sport, distance and sprint events, long jump, high jump, hurdles, etc... I'm all in to it. So I can't wait. I also really like watching the gymnists and swimmers.
woot woot I can't wait for the olympics either!!yay!:girl_dance:
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I can't wait! :wild: I have a love affair with the Olympics :wub:

Australia will probably d well with the swimming as usual and the cycling.

I love watching the gymnastics, the track and field, the judo, the swimming, the tennis, the soccer, the basketball... okay I love watching it all :p

And it's so dramatic too! I love watching an athlete win an event when they weren't a favourite. I also love the unexpected stories too

Anyone remember Eric "The Eel" Moussambani (from Equitorial Guinea)? He became a star at the Sydney Olympics in 2000. He swam his heat of the 100m freestyle in 1:52.72 and won, because the two other competitors, were disqualified for taking a false start. His time was so slow it was more than twice the time of his faster competitors, and outside even the 200m world record. However his time set a new personal best and national record. He gained entry to the Olympics via a wildcard entry. He took up swimming only 8 months before the Olympics and had practiced in a mere 20m pool.

I remember watching this it was so exciting everyone was watching him struggle and the crowd just want bananas cheering him along.
Ooh, I'm really looking forward to the big Games. So many dramatic moments, like you've said L.J; the best athletes in the world all competing together, giving it their all.

I think I actually prefer the winter Olympics (I'm in Canada after all) but both are fantastic.

Track and field is a must-watch. And the gymnastics. :yes:

^ Yeah, it's great to have such a event too :yes:

L.J you may know the Australian ex-swimmer Ian Thorpe?
Aww he was my favourite swimmer back then :blush:

I also like watching almost every sport, but especially the athletics and javelin throw there, since Finland is pretty good at it ^_^
Also swimming is one I like to watch.

eighthnoterojo said:
Ooh, I'm really looking forward to the big Games. So many dramatic moments, like you've said L.J; the best athletes in the world all competing together, giving it their all.

I think I actually prefer the winter Olympics (I'm in Canada after all) but both are fantastic.

Track and field is a must-watch. And the gymnastics. :yes:
I might prefer Winter Olympics too (come on, it's ice hockey there! :cheeky: ) but I enhoy watching them both :yes:
Yeah :D Ian Thorpe was amazing :D

I can't wait to see Grant Hackett swim this year I remember when he swan at Athens he was very ill and still did very well
Yeah :D Ian Thorpe was amazing :D

I can't wait to see Grant Hackett swim this year I remember when he swan at Athens he was very ill and still did very well
Ooooh yeah he's good too :yes: Australia has very good swimmers.
I hope USA doesn't clear the whole table with Phelps and their other dudes..
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I like to watch the Olympic Games. It's fun and very exciting. I can't wait.

Hungary is really good at the Summer Olympics. Being a quite little country with about 10 million people population.

We are 7th in the all time medal list:

1. USA (Gold: 897, silver: 693, bronze: 609)
2. Russia (G: 526, s: 437, B: 410)
3. Germany (G: 384, S: 403, B: 432)
4. Great Britain (G: 191, S: 244, B: 242)
5. France (G: 186, S: 199, B: 218)
6. Italy (G: 182, S: 148, B: 168)
7. Hungary (G: 156, S: 135, B: 157)

Our best sport achievements in the Olympic Games are fencing, swimming, wrestling, canoe, athletics, boxing, penthatlon, etc.

Isn't it impressive? I'm so proud of my country!:)

We have very sad days nowadays because our 2 time olympic champion in canoe, György Kolonics died this week because of heart failure...:( He was preparing for the games of course and suddenly collapsed...:( He was only 36 years old.:(

R. I. P. Koló...:(
^ OMG :eek: That's so sad :( I'm sorry.

Yeah I would be so proud of my country if we did as well as yours! :lol:
Now I'm proud if we manage to get 1 medal lol :lol:
^ aww that's sad :(

Did you know that Australia and Greece are the only two countries to attend every modern Olympic games held? :D

Go Aussies!!! :p
Haha, I just noticed the Olympics are on my birthday, August 8. XD I can't wait for Track & Field and Basketball!! The trials looked great this year, too.
^ yeah a lot of countries boycotted different olympics over the years for political reasons or they were at war or entered the Olympics after they had been running for a few years.

What I love is the wildcards and invitations that get sent to 3rd world countries and underdeveloped countries, that don't have the resources to develop athletes of the same calibre as other nations like the US, Aus etc These coutries are given special grants etc to enter a handful of athletes in events and give them a chance to be represented and accounted for in this global event. The other awesome thing is when some of these athletes are then given scholarships and oppurtunities in another country to develop their skills, for example Eric the Eel who was given a chance with the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) :kickass2:

The other exciting thing is that each time the Olympics pop up the technology in broadcasting the event just gets better and better, and there is nothing more uniting than the Olympics IMO, what other event gets as many viewers around the world? (maybe only the Soccer World Cup which is yet another sporting event) :kickass2:
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^ yeah a lot of countries boycotted different olympics over the years for political reasons or they were at war or entered the Olympics after they had been running for a few years.

I knew that because Hungary also boycotted USA (Los Angeles) Olympic Games in 1984 (political reason :sad:) but I just didn't know that these 2 countries attended all the modern Olympic Games.
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I don't usually care about the Olympics, but I'll be watching this year because I go to the same high school as Shawn Johnson, one of the girls on the US olympic gymnastics team. I haven't had any classes with her, but I see her in the hallways and she seems like a really nice person.
^^^I don't know, I usually find the opening ceremonies boring. The only thing I like when the nation's sportsmen come in in their nice clothes and everybody is happy and smiling, they waving, etc. That's interesting.
^ Hahah, that's how I feel too :lol:
I always wait that part the most when the athletics come in and I feel so patriotic when Finland's team show up :im_so_happy:
WritergirlAD said:
I don't usually care about the Olympics, but I'll be watching this year because I go to the same high school as Shawn Johnson, one of the girls on the US olympic gymnastics team. I haven't had any classes with her, but I see her in the hallways and she seems like a really nice person.

Wow, cool! Hopefully she wins a medal so you can say that you have gone to same school than an Olympic -winner :cheeky:

15 days to go!!!!
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^ Hahah, that's how I feel too :lol:
I always wait that part the most when the athletics come in and I feel so patriotic when Finland's team show up :im_so_happy:

Yeah, and when one of our athletics wins a gold medal and they play the national anthem of Hungary I even cry sometimes... I'm too sentimental, I know...
^ awww nothing wrong with that it means you're full of compassion :kickass2:

Australia to win the most medals this year!!! :wild:

ok I'm dreaming but still :D for a tiny population compared to the states etc we still do alright :D
the former is the Nest(the National Stadium)
the latter is the Watercube(the National Aquatics Centre)


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Let me tell you the more it gets closer to the olympics is the more exciting I become. Its a shame they only last a couple of weeks. But I still love watching them just the same. For the winter games I want to see all of the events except for ice hockey. For the summer games it is all of them except for:

Field hockey

Because I have never care much for those sports. My eyes are going to be absolutely glued to the tv when the Olympics are finally shown on tv. And as always I am going to be for the countries I am part of. Which is Germany, Russia, Poland, England, Ireland, and Scotland. I am for my own country the U.S. but not as much as I am for the countries I am part of. The one event that I really look forward to seeing every 4 years is Rhymthic Gymnastics. The ribbon has always been my favorite apparatus. Plus it is the only time I get to see Rhymthic Gymnastics on tv. Which is probably the main reason why I look so forward to seeing it.
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For the winter games I want to see all of the events except for ice hockey.
OMG Noooooo :bugeyed :lol:
In winter olympics ice hockey is the only sport I'm watching!!! (well not excactly but that I love the most :cheeky: )

Read this:

Girls will be girls at the Beijing Olympics - sex tests will prove it

div#related-article-links p a, div#related-article-links p a:visited {color:#06c;}Suspicious-looking woman athletes participating in next month's Olympic Games in Beijing will be forced to take a gender test, the Chinese authorities have announced.
To ensure that girls will be girls, officials have set up a sex-determination laboratory where they say that tests will be conducted with the utmost delicacy by four experts from the Peking Union Medical College Hospital.
The hospital has spent more than a year designing the facility to ensure the minimum of embarrassment for those athletes who may be asked to prove their credentials.
China wants to avoid any disruption of the kind that marred the 2006 Asia Games in Doha when Santhi Soundarajan, the Indian middle-distance runner, was stripped of the silver medal she won in the 800 metres track event after failing a sex-determination test.

Professor Tian Qinjie has worked in the gynaecological department of the hospital for 30 years and is among China's main experts. He told state media: “Suspect athletes will be evaluated from their external appearance by experts. They will then undergo four tests, including blood tests, to examine their sex hormones, genes and chromosomes for sex determination.”
Simply to carry out external checks could provoke a negative reaction from athletes, he said. Chromosome tests may be insufficient. Thus the need for a full battery of examinations. He said: “We need to make tests in an entirely scientific manner. The purpose of sex-determination work is to ensure a more scientific, more fair and more humane system.” He said that initial results would be available within three days, although the official confirmation would require seven days.
Ewa Klobukowska, the Polish runner who took gold in the women's 4x100 metres relay and bronze in the 100 metres at the 1964 Summer Games in Tokyo, was the first athlete to be unmasked as a man when she failed an early form of chromosome test in 1967. She was found to have a rare genetic condition that gave her no advantage over other athletes, but was nevertheless barred from competing in the Olympics and other professional sports.
In the 1996 Atlanta Olympics eight athletes failed the tests but were all cleared in subsequent examinations.
Professor Tian explained that as many as one in 1,000 is born with gender abnormalities and are not aware of this until after reaching adulthood. He said that in many sports male athletes enjoyed an advantage in strength, speed and endurance over women. Statistics showed that in track and field the difference between the sexes ranged between 10 and 18 per cent; in speed events the difference was as much as 20 per cent.
Heidi Krieger, the shot-putter nicknamed “Hormone Heidi” who won gold at the 1986 European Championships, developed a male physique after taking drugs fed to her without her knowledge by her East German sports club. In 1997 she underwent sex-change surgery and became Andreas.
More than 10,000 athletes were given the anabolic steroid OralTurinabol over 20 years in East Germany. Between 1968 and 1976 the country won 40 Olympic gold medals.

Gender issues

— 1 in 500 gender tests is expected to reveal abnormalities
— 26 world records set by Tamara and Irina Press before the International Amateur Athletic Federation began sex testing in 1966
— 2 years the time it took for Maria Patino to clear her name after she unfairly failed a gender test in 1985

Sources: Encyclopaedia Britannica; Times archives

How would YOU feel if you had to prove to those guys that you really are a woman!? :doh: