BBC Reports MJ May Buy Island Off the Coast of Ireland

I Have No Idea Of What To Make Of This Story.


Im Not Gunna Say Its Stupid Tabloid Stuff..
Because Sometimes Their Right You Know.

When They Were Talking About The Jacksons Moving To Devon..

EVERYONE Was Like ' Know They Wouldnt Go There'

AND WHAT HAPPENED! They Did Move To Devon.

Sometimes The Papers Are Right You Know.

So Maybe he Will Get An Island


Maybe He Wont.
The Jacksons Never moved to Devon. That was all a hype. They did visit the area for 2 Weeks. It was Matt Fidde that was feeding the prerss misinformation. Moreover the claim was that Michael was moving there, but he never came. Tito and Jermaine had visited Devon before, so that wasn't news. The news was about Michael and janet looking for peace and quiet, but the media was all over it and there was never any plans to move the jacksons to Devon. It was just a filming of a reality show that seeming gone pear-shaped.