BBC Reports MJ May Buy Island Off the Coast of Ireland


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I didn't see this already poated.

Island haven mooted for singer

It is not quite Neverland, but there have been reports that Michael Jackson
may be moonwalking his way to an island off the County Donegal coast.
It is no secret that the singer has an affection for the emerald isle, but the locals
in Port Noo have been taken by surprise at the news that members of his team
have expressed an interest in buying Inishkeel Island.
Martina Barrett's family owns part of the tiny island and said that the newspaper
stories had caused quite a stir in the town.
"Our family only owns half of the island, so it is the other half of the island that is
on the market," she said.
She said that while the island was beautiful there was no planning permission for it
and no way of living on it.
"I'm not quite sure what his plans would be," she said.
The island is near Port Noo and the only structures on the island are the remains of
churches. For a man who values his privacy as much as the singer Martina said the island
may not be quite remote enough. "Whenever the tide's out you can walk to it -
so there is a huge amount of tourists that would visit the island on a daily basis
when the tide allows them during the summer months so he wouldn't be hidden away,"
she added.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/09/11 09:17:04 GMT
Inresting is like a dutch waddenisland you can walk there on low tide if it would be true i wonder how many fans woulsd need to be rescued then hahaha\
probably just another gossip that turns out to be not true but it would be nice to have the man living in europe so we ll see more of him here
Inresting is like a dutch waddenisland you can walk there on low tide if it would be true i wonder how many fans woulsd need to be rescued then hahaha\

I just got this insane image in my head lmao :lol: :lol: :lol:
Somebody is seeking publicity for their island and the bbc has now reduced itself to nothing short of tabloid for reporting this. As usual, Michael will probably be the last to know.
It struck me as well that whomever does own the other half of the island may have figured out a way to bring "interest" to it by simply bringing the name Michael Jackson into the equation. Guess it could be true, but somehow highly doubt it. Who knows anymore after the other recent things happening with family having spent time in that general neck of the globe recently.
Not for the first time when publicity is needed for an event or a place, michael Jacksons name is used as free publicity. If my name was used that way, I would be really pi.ssed off. I wonder wjhy MJ hasn't done something about it as yet. It is really rude and disrespectful to use the man's name like that, as if he has no feelings or as oif he were a toy.
Ireland offers alot of tax breaks to stars settling in the country so it wouldn't be a bad choice but this lil island doesn't really seem to offer much for suclusion and the way of a home.
Michael Know he ain't got no money to be buying an island.:lol:

isn't he Supposed to be broke and going bankrupt every other week?
so Paul Martin surfaces again! He is an Irish Journalist who is a huge MJ fan but this seems to me to be just another case of someone using Michael's name for publicity. Just like the time when Michael was actaully in Ireland, soo many stories surfaced of him supposedly buying a castle etc. In actaul fact he was only RENTING the castle which is a private hotel owned for genetations by the same family!! This Island is no where near the area Michael was renting property and the recording studio that the ET interview was at. What probally happened was that Michael took a tour of of the area when he was in Ireland in the summer of 2006, and now the owner is trying to get publicty and is cashing in on the fact the Michael probally visited the area. As we all know that Michael is very secrteive about his plans, the owner is probally putting 2 and 2 together and making 5!! and so it turns from Michael visiting the area to Michael buying the property!!
I really wonder what Michael is going to do with alllllll those Islands, and houses and castles he bought in the last 10 years.

But seriously: how do people come up with these silly stories?
yeh hachi
i forgot bout that!!

i mean he seriously cant buy that if he broke right......? lol
This is From: Michael Jackson Repository Latest News and Information


A story which originates from Paul Martin of the Ireland Daily Mirror, and which has been circulating in numerous different forms across European media outlets for the past 24 hours, is suggesting that Michael Jackson is interested in purchasing Inishkeel Island which is near Donegal, in Ireland. According to Martin, assistants of Michael Jackson are believed to have communicated with estate agents about the property.

One source in the printed edition of The Daily Mirror states that "Michael Jackson is deadly serious and has always wanted to own land in Ireland. He has an idea that it would be a perfect place for him to start an organic farm and also a great hideaway to take his kids on trips. It's completely surrounded by water and has breathtaking views of the Donegal coast so Michael is completely in love with the idea."

Last year, according to the paper, Michael Jackson stated: ""I love the whole idea of living off the land in an organic way. I love everything about the place. I love the farming and the beautiful lush land. It's a truly magical place."

According the source: "Michael Jackson's people called this week and expressed their interest. He's obviously planning to come back to Ireland and likes the idea of having some land. He doesn't want to build a big home there, it's just somewhere to relax and get away from it all with his kids and maybe make a bit of money from the farming side of things."

The island is a tourist hotspot with tourists pouring in and out of the region for at least four hours every day. Recreational facilities including bars, a park, and a golf course are also close by. Paul Martin last speculated about Michael Jackson moving to Ireland in July of 2007.

The property is approximately 57 acres in size, and would cost a minimum of $560,000 to purchase.

----Honestly... I dont think this is true...hogwash :)
This story just doesn't make sense. Someone stated that you could walk to this island at low tide? So why would MJ buy something like this, if he wanted his privacy? Also, do you think he'd buy an island like this that is so easy to get to for the sake of the security of his children? There are a lot of whack-jobs out there....I don't believe this story at all.
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The most interesting part is the fact that the media doesn't know a damn thing about Michaels business. One day he's broke and has to sell everything, the next he's buing castles and islands.
I just got this insane image in my head lmao :lol: :lol: :lol:
bet i know what it is lol a certain resuer (as in mj )in a boat picking us fans up before drowning lol and then taking us to the island :punk:and about walking to the island with these so called wadenislkands there are only a few places you can walk through the rest is something you mght compare to quick sand so you have to be a buit nuts to try on your own it taskes a professional wadwalker to know the save places lol in holland i did this as excursion when still in school
No! Mike cant buy this :( I bought this land some months ago for me and my flock of sheep!
Seriously another load of garbage how many times have we heard Mike is buying castles and Islands the guy will soon own half the population!
I thought Marlon Brando after his death, was to have given Michael an island in his will or something along those lines :lmao:...Talk about recycling bs stories. People have no lives sitting around making up this ish...geez
While I don't believe this particular story, I don't think buying land in Irland or living/moving there would be such a bad choice for MJ. It is well known that in Ireland celebrities aren't very much bothered by the press or by other people, they can lead a pretty normal life. A lot of stars have moved to Ireland because of it. And it's a beautiful beautiful place, the landscape is extraordinary and people are very much down to earth, they don't care much about celebrity. While I believe all of this may be very interesting for MJ, I doubt we will really see him moving there or buying property.
I Have No Idea Of What To Make Of This Story.


Im Not Gunna Say Its Stupid Tabloid Stuff..
Because Sometimes Their Right You Know.

When They Were Talking About The Jacksons Moving To Devon..

EVERYONE Was Like ' Know They Wouldnt Go There'

AND WHAT HAPPENED! They Did Move To Devon.

Sometimes The Papers Are Right You Know.

So Maybe he Will Get An Island


Maybe He Wont.
yeah...the media always tells us he's broke, till somebody sues him..then they say he's rich and should pay the people bringing the suit.