Batman Vs Superman

Who do you prefer

  • Batman

    Votes: 42 77.8%
  • Superman

    Votes: 12 22.2%

  • Total voters


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011


Who would you prefer as the Ultimate Superhero?

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Superman is the "ultimate" superhero, the most iconic, legendary, and greatest comic book hero of all-time. I'm thinking Batman might win this poll because of the new movie and also the dark overtones of his character, or because he's more "realistic" (which sounds like a stupid reason to say Batman's better to me, personally, since we're supposedly talking about superheroes). But you can't beat the old school traditional view of righteousness Superman represents, or the classic Clark Kent/Superman duel identity which has pretty much become an every day life metaphor. Everything from the costume, theme song, message, and powers that every little kid wants to have just makes Superman king of the superhero world. If superheroes were pop music, Superman would be Michael Jackson.

I think we're basically living in a time where most people (at least in my society) prefer dark and gritty over light and inspiring. I can understand that, but that's also what makes Superman a breath of fresh air. Sometimes it's nice to go back to the 'ol "truth, justice, and American way," even if it's just for a movie/cartoon/comic.

... plus Christopher Reeve embodied his part about a million times more powerfully than Christian Bale or any other Batman. And that's not a knock on those guys so much as it is a compliment for Reeve.
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Christopher Reeve was and still is the Superman. He was my first memory of Superman. Dean Cain was good as well but no one can beat Reeve. I watched him when I was a lil' kid. Christopher Reeve has proved that he is not just the Superman in the film industry but also in the real life as well. I admire his strength, will, determination and more.

But to answer the question Batman versus Superman. Um, I don't know. Wait, batman it is., should be superman. Or is it Batman. Superman?

Aghhhhhhhhhhhh........why lord, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? (emotional distress due to clients from hell).
batman cuase i like the joker

That... doesn't make any sense. I think the question is more so about the two characters than about their overall worlds. The topic starter can correct me if I'm wrong, though it might merit rephrasing the question if so.

I do think Batman's rogue gallery knocks Superman's out of the park, though. Joker, Two Face, Poison Ivy, The Riddler, etc. I'm having a hard time naming villains from Superman that really stick with you after "Lex Luthor." Bizarro and Brainiac and crap aren't all that powerful (powerful from a character standpoint, I mean; not physical).
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Superman is overrated, hes too perfect = boring Batman to me is a much more interesting character but Superman is easily the ultimate hero cos HE HAS EVERY SUPER POWER THAT EXISTED, I prefer batman any day though but I dont think you can limit the title of Ultimate hero to just them 2, there have been other super heroes that deserve the title just as much if not more such as Spiderman, Captain america and Thor and also the Hulk!!!
Captain America, Thor, and Hulk are nowhere near Superman and Batman's league lol. Some people prefer them more, sure, but I like to think that more should go into a title like "ultimate" than just personal preference.

Spider-Man is up there. Especially after the movies.
Captain America, Thor, and Hulk are nowhere near Superman and Batman's league lol. Some people prefer them more, sure, but I like to think that more should go into a title like "ultimate" than just personal preference.

Spider-Man is up there. Especially after the movies.
trust me the 3 of them are up there, forget the films, captain A and Thor have saved the universe MANY times over as well as the hulk who even became a king of his own planet
trust me the 3 of them are up there, forget the films, captain A and Thor have saved the universe MANY times over as well as the hulk who even became a king of his own planet

I was thinking more about impact and icon status than I was their powers or what feats they've accomplished in the stories. Almost everyone is more powerful than Batman, anyway, who doesn't even have superpowers. But Batman's still in the top three most legendary superheroes.
I vote Wonderwoman :D

ok drats why does it always have to be male characters? :glare:

I'll have to think about this and return with an answer :yes:
I was thinking more about impact and icon status than I was their powers or what feats they've accomplished in the stories. Almost everyone is more powerful than Batman, anyway, who doesn't even have superpowers. But Batman's still in the top three most legendary superheroes.
in that case I'd say spidey, wolverine are up there then with Hulk not being too far behind cos they are probably the 3 most iconic marvel super heroes from that company and Marvel has created some of the best heroes ever
Just to start off, I prefered the original Tim Burton Batman films over the original Superman franchise.

To define a Superhero: "A figure, especially in a comic strip or cartoon, endowed with superhuman powers and usually portrayed as fighting evil or crime."

As a superhero, Superman is flawless in terms of ability and strength, and in terms of flaws (which is resident in any superhero) is the kryptonite. This adds to the sense of out of this world power and mystery which is integral to Superman and each of the film narratives. Superman is in fact, super, in every sense of the word, from stopping a bus with one hand, right down to his flawless hollywood looks. He is an American hero embodying every aspect of what a human would love to be and be able to do.

However, Batman is a more of a vigilante, fighting crime with his pure passion, drive and strength rather than his super powers (of which he has none). Everything 'super' Batman does and has, is from the use of perfect phsyical ability, James Bond style gadgets and even sidekicks (i.e Robin and to some extent Alfred). Batman is no more a superhero than a character such as Iron Man... Manufactured super power.

Again.. However, I cast my vote for Batman in terms of who is the greatest superhero. As Batman does embody some traits of which the definition states above, he cannot be ruled out as a superhero, he is in fact one of the greatest in terms of how he fights crime on a level almost similar to what we see in todays society (although in the films, the context and portrayal is somewhat exaggerated and 'hollywoodesque'). Therefore Batman is a character of which most cities would love to exist...a supercop.

Batman does win on terms of 'realism' which as was mentioned above is a kind of shallow argument.. Sooo, maybe on terms of how the audience relates to the superhero, Batman is more approachable, he has real problems which could be faced in real life, whereas Superman's weakness is materialistic and above all 'fake'.
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Ahhh.. Superman! He's the only one with Supernatural abilities = Superhero.
Batman is a human with cool gadgets and "toys". Superman is the SUPERhero of the two.
i like the colors that superman represents but i like the half anonymity that batman represents.

i might prefer batman because the costume is the star. i think every actor who played him was good..but got a little of a free pass due to the costume. it's def easy for any actor to play him, whereas superman has to look a certain way. but i like superman's colors better. although recently the bat is all that's a plus. i just hate the gold color..or yellow color..whatever that is. perhaps i like the new all black colors of batman's bat and the red and blue of superman's shield equally. so..batman wins based on his own merit in my opinion.

as far as personality goes..batman is flexible and can have a bad day, but in the end, he's gunna restore order. i haven't seen the dark knight yet, so i am basing this on everything outside that. but i feel like they can do whatever they want with batman's personality as long as he ultimately restores order..and i like that.
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Hands down!! And not just ANY superman!! But the one played by Christopher Reeves!
Superman's too... perfect. Ugh, I've never liked him with his stupid one-curl-on-the-face hairjob.
i like the batman.
actually, i think that mj could have played the joker in one of the films.
that would be crazy.

they have done the batman vs the superman in the comics, and they were going to make a film about that at one point, but it was shelved by wb
As far as who's the better superhero...hands down superman.

As far as who's more entertaining? Batman, hands down.
Superman would KILL Batman in a SECOND.. But on the coolness scale, BATMAN wins.. :)

Well, who cares about actors?? They are comics first and foremost and that said I prefer Batman! Superman wouldn't be able to do all the things Batman can, if he wouldn't be an alien, who got superpowers due to the yellow sun! Given the tragedy that has happened early on in Bruce's life, he is more of a hero than Superman ever will be! I do like Superman too, but Batman is the bigger hero to me! He had to fight and train hard to reach the physical and intellectual abilities he has reached!​

Superman would KILL Batman in a SECOND..
Well, based on physical strength yes, but not on an intellectual level... there are several stories were Batman outwitted Superman! Besides, Superman has killed, Batman never killed anyone! He couldn't even bring himself to kill his archenemy Joker, after he killed the second Robin! So Batman is the bigger hero! ;)
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lol...i was always kinda thinking that it's sorta irrelevant that superman could beat batman in a fight, because they're both on the same side, and ultimately, they get the job done to clean up the community.:D
Superman! Because he represents the ultimate good,truth and faith.
Think at it this way.Batman started fighting crime because of his child trauma.He wanted to revenge his parents,that was his first impulse!
Superman,on the other side,is an alien,he doesn't really belong in our world,and yet,he choose to protect it unconditionally.He has all these super-powers,and he is using them to save the world,instead of controlling it - which he could do very easily - but he choose to fight in the name of justice,good and truth.
Given his super-powers,Superman has more responsibilities towards mankind. Batman is just a man with gadgets and cool vehicles.He can't do as much damage as Superman could.But,imagine what Batman would do if he had super-powers like Superman,given his darker mind...
Batman... just because I can relate more to him.
Superman is too perfect for me.