Bad Tour ’88 voted Wembley’s second greatest event ever

not entirely, live aid and queen are worthy of being on the poll. wembley is also an ENGLISH football institution, not just a global pinnacle of concert venues, so world cup 1966 etc seem justified even if they mean nothing to non-english people.

what i don't get more than anything is take that :p
Clearly the people that voted for Muse have never seen MJ live otherwise they wouldn't have voted the way they did! :p
How ignorant. Clearly, not everyone here is saying Muse are not talented. I, for one, happen to like them. However, they do not compare to Michael in regards to talent or quality of performance, despite being an entire band. Michael didn't "rip off" classical music. Ripping off is taking something and not adding anything original to it [i.e. Lady Gaga and pretty much anyone else who has ever tried to copy Madonna]. Michael did no such thing, and you'd have to be out of your bloody mind to argue otherwise. With that said, Muse have to have influence/inspiration from somewhere, right? Neither they nor their music are 100% original. Hardly anyone is, and certainly not within the last two hundred years or so. Even the most accomplished classical music geniuses had borrowed influences from somewhere--you expect me to believe Muse surpasses them as well?

Moreover, Michael wrote his own songs too. He was a visionary in far more respects than one, which is not anything Muse could ever claim.

Yes, Muse is light years beyond most mainstream music nowadays in terms of quality, and their songs do have relevant lyrics for the most part, but saying they're better than Michael Jackson and one of the most "original" bands is just preposterous! Rammstein has more interesting shows than they do, btw. :3

Moreover, to claim people have no taste when it comes to music because they don't like artists whom you happen to like is really quite stupid. Stating your opinions as fact is doubly so. With that said, you're allowed to have your piece, and so are we. Not everyone in the world likes Muse--deal with it.

Er, i am sorry, but Michael did straight ripp classical music. Hence they had to change the usual music in this is it during TDCAU. Because they didn't have permission to use the CLASSICAL piece MJ usually used for that part. Plus, the music for brace urself and the chior part from WYBT. None of them original pieces. Yes, ok, i was wrong, Muse have used Classical piece aswell as writing thier own. But to call me ignorant when i speak no different to most other ppl on here is just childish. Opinion is just the medium between ignorance and knowledge. We all have em and all belive them to be fact. U say "Not everyone in the world likes Muse--deal with it." fair enough, but not everyone likes Michael either, but that doesn't stop a MASSIVE section of our fan base getting their panties in a twist if someone dare says a bad thing about him. We as a fan group throw these word's "ignorant" and "opinion" about so often, yet we ourself are pretty ignorant of things outside the world of MJ and if we don't agree with their opinion of MJ we once again jump on the ignorance train. We don't notice it cos its the way we all are, but ppl on the outisde do.

Also, on a more possitive note, yes, Rammstien are f-ing amazing live!! But, their music is dull.
Er, i am sorry, but Michael did straight ripp classical music. Hence they had to change the usual music in this is it during TDCAU. Because they didn't have permission to use the CLASSICAL piece MJ usually used for that part. Plus, the music for brace urself and the chior part from WYBT. None of them original pieces. Yes, ok, i was wrong, Muse have used Classical piece aswell as writing thier own. But to call me ignorant when i speak no different to most other ppl on here is just childish. Opinion is just the medium between ignorance and knowledge. We all have em and all belive them to be fact. U say "Not everyone in the world likes Muse--deal with it." fair enough, but not everyone likes Michael either, but that doesn't stop a MASSIVE section of our fan base getting their panties in a twist if someone dare says a bad thing about him. We as a fan group throw these word's "ignorant" and "opinion" about so often, yet we ourself are pretty ignorant of things outside the world of MJ and if we don't agree with their opinion of MJ we once again jump on the ignorance train. We don't notice it cos its the way we all are, but ppl on the outisde do.

Also, on a more possitive note, yes, Rammstien are f-ing amazing live!! But, their music is dull.

Using a piece is not the same as ripping it off. It is artistic and demonstrates the artist has knowledge of the higher realms of music and enough sophistication to incorporate them into his own work. Ripping off implies plagiarism, which is not what occurred here at all. Your statements on Michael's use of classical music are indeed ignorant.

As for not liking Michael--yes, there are people in this world who do not like Michael Jackson, but one ought to wonder what they would be doing in a Michael Jackson fan board... Were we on a Muse fan board, I would be more sympathetic to your opinions. I do agree on the point that we ought not to call Muse untalented or unworthy, as they have proven themselves to be superior to pretty much about every modern 5-10 yrs. and under mainstream music act in both music and verse. I'm not attacking Muse--whether other members like them or not, well, I can't control that. I suggest you duke it out with them. However, if you are entitled to your own piece regarding the band, whether factually correct or not, they are by converse equally entitled to their own view.

I think the entire point of this thread was that Michael's show was the superior one, and the confusion is over how a band such as Muse, although talented in their own right, could have beaten not only Michael, but other classic and very talented acts which were also on the list. I don't believe for a second that people here are "sore losers" over someone saying something bad about Michael--were we to get our panties in a twist over such trifles, we'd hardly progress as a community--but yet we strive on together, whether the outside world likes it or not.

With that said, I think the ultimate source of confusion was Muse outranking even major performances. The ranks do not add up at all--all of the other events were more relevant as world events than Muse's appearance, and other posters on here had said they'd find nothing suspect had Queen or the Band Aid concert beat Michael. Therefore, the problem is inconsistency regarding the numbers rather than bias towards a certain party.

Congratulations to Muse on their success, but I agree with the rest of the posters--it doesn't make much sense. However, it's just a poll, so who cares.

As for Rammstein, I don't find their music to be dull at all, but I agree on your statement about their live performances. It's all a matter of opinion, musical tastes.
Muse? Really? I like Muse and all but they aren't the first band to sell out Wembley. But Michael looks insanely hot in that pic so I'm less mad now.
Wasn't Michael Jackson's first solo tour in the UK "BAD World Tour" in 1988 ..

Here's what I found on a UK forum about the statistics in the UK :

In 1988 Michael Jackson filled Wembley Stadium for a record seven nights. The run brought him a record breaking total Wembley audience of 504,000 spectators. Now 57,869 people have voted for Wembley’s Greatest Event Ever. The results are in and Michael Jackson's Bad World Tour has been voted Wembley’s second greatest event ever.

British pop band Muse was crowned Wembley’s Greatest Event Ever.

The facts are wrong the record for Wembley is now held by: Take That -who have sold out 8 nights, this is massive achievement compared to MJ because aside from a large outdoor concert in Aintree Wembley was MJ's only Uk gigs, in addition to Wembley Take That are playing another 20 Stadium gigs in the UK. Even in 1988 MJ could not have done that. As far as the UK is concerned Take That are the reals Kings of Pop, Muse the Kings of Rock. In terms of his Wembley record.


Who is "Take That" ? Why MJ could not have done that in 88'?
..Also,second place - MJ :bugeyed I thought Queen would have atleast been 'crowned' other than a band I've never heard of over Michael. Michael Jackson's BAD World Tour was Epic and so many shows such as the run in the UK in 88' Los Angeles in 89' etc. was Legendary.
ahh well... :smilerolleyes: it's just some poll.

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Who is "Take That" ? Why MJ could not have done that in 88'?


this is me stating the facts as objectively as possible.

take that are a british boy band, with robbie williams as one of the lead singers. they are ADORED in the uk. they've just reunited after their 90s heyday, so nostalgic and new fans are flocking to their concerts in massive numbers.

muse (i've seen them myself) are a 3-piece british rock band known for their spectacular live shows with light shows, moving parts and a talented frontman in matt bellamy who sings and plays guitar and piano really well.

mj could have done more wembley stadium concerts, but couldn't because the stadium had no more dates available (i'm not sure how this worked exactly- maybe too many football matches during the year) and i'm sure by early 1989 he was exhausted so the tour finished.

here are my personal views:
-take that are just that- a boyband. no real presence outside the uk anyway. mj still has the record at the old wembley stadium.

-he also still has the solo artist record, unless the solo artist with the next most wembley stadium concerts, madonna, tours over the next 15-20 years (which is very possible as madonna is very fit, and tina turner, another frequent wembley stadium performer, managed to sell out wembley stadium twice in 2000 at 60).

-i had no idea who muse were until 18 months ago, so it's not unusual not to know who they are. but they're clearly well known in the uk.

-ultimately, mj in 1988 whipped up such an unprecedented frenzy that he beat established classic rock bands like pink floyd and genesis, and hot newcomers like madonna. AND he hadn't performed in the uk in about a decade.

-we'll never see someone be so dominant over such a short period of time ever again (though of course there were the 1992 and 1997 wembley stadium dates).
Using a piece is not the same as ripping it off. It is artistic and demonstrates the artist has knowledge of the higher realms of music and enough sophistication to incorporate them into his own work. Ripping off implies plagiarism, which is not what occurred here at all. Your statements on Michael's use of classical music are indeed ignorant.

As for not liking Michael--yes, there are people in this world who do not like Michael Jackson, but one ought to wonder what they would be doing in a Michael Jackson fan board... Were we on a Muse fan board, I would be more sympathetic to your opinions. I do agree on the point that we ought not to call Muse untalented or unworthy, as they have proven themselves to be superior to pretty much about every modern 5-10 yrs. and under mainstream music act in both music and verse. I'm not attacking Muse--whether other members like them or not, well, I can't control that. I suggest you duke it out with them. However, if you are entitled to your own piece regarding the band, whether factually correct or not, they are by converse equally entitled to their own view.

I think the entire point of this thread was that Michael's show was the superior one, and the confusion is over how a band such as Muse, although talented in their own right, could have beaten not only Michael, but other classic and very talented acts which were also on the list. I don't believe for a second that people here are "sore losers" over someone saying something bad about Michael--were we to get our panties in a twist over such trifles, we'd hardly progress as a community--but yet we strive on together, whether the outside world likes it or not.

With that said, I think the ultimate source of confusion was Muse outranking even major performances. The ranks do not add up at all--all of the other events were more relevant as world events than Muse's appearance, and other posters on here had said they'd find nothing suspect had Queen or the Band Aid concert beat Michael. Therefore, the problem is inconsistency regarding the numbers rather than bias towards a certain party.

Congratulations to Muse on their success, but I agree with the rest of the posters--it doesn't make much sense. However, it's just a poll, so who cares.

As for Rammstein, I don't find their music to be dull at all, but I agree on your statement about their live performances. It's all a matter of opinion, musical tastes.

I think the answer to ur main question, all bit a little sad, is simply Muse have a more active online fan base who voted more. At least, that's how i see it. plus, muse are a lot more mainstream popular these days then Michael, Queen and the major acts in their are, and so there for ppl who aren't big fans of muse, but like them would have voted that way to perhaps. Its sad and should not be, but is just the way it is.
I admit i was shocked to see Muse at the top, pleased for them, but shocked none the less. As u, and others, have said, had live aid, world cup 1966 or even Queen been top, i wouldn't have been surprised. I only spoke out against those slagging Muse off, simply because they don't happen to like their style of music. Its rude, ignorant and quite frankly petty.

As for the othe rsubject. I not a massive fan of industrial metal. I understand why ppl like it, its just not my thing. I prefer more melodic forms of metal =)
I think the answer to ur main question, all bit a little sad, is simply Muse have a more active online fan base who voted more.

I am very active on this board but I forgot to vote for this pole.So it's my fault :tonofbricks:

BTW I find Muse to be so very boring :sorry:
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Maybe I should begin with glasses when I read here.
For a moment I read Bad Tour 88 voted Wembley´s sexiest event ever.
souldreamer7;3425749 said:
Wasn't Michael Jackson's first solo tour in the UK "BAD World Tour" in 1988 ..

Here's what I found on a UK forum about the statistics in the UK :

In 1988 Michael Jackson filled Wembley Stadium for a record seven nights. The run brought him a record breaking total Wembley audience of 504,000 spectators. Now 57,869 people have voted for Wembley’s Greatest Event Ever. The results are in and Michael Jackson's Bad World Tour has been voted Wembley’s second greatest event ever.

British pop band Muse was crowned Wembley’s Greatest Event Ever.

The facts are wrong the record for Wembley is now held by: Take That -who have sold out 8 nights, this is massive achievement compared to MJ because aside from a large outdoor concert in Aintree Wembley was MJ's only Uk gigs, in addition to Wembley Take That are playing another 20 Stadium gigs in the UK. Even in 1988 MJ could not have done that. As far as the UK is concerned Take That are the reals Kings of Pop, Muse the Kings of Rock. In terms of his Wembley record.


Who is "Take That" ? Why MJ could not have done that in 88'?
..Also,second place - MJ :bugeyed I thought Queen would have atleast been 'crowned' other than a band I've never heard of over Michael. Michael Jackson's BAD World Tour was Epic and so many shows such as the run in the UK in 88' Los Angeles in 89' etc. was Legendary.
ahh well... :smilerolleyes: it's just some poll.


Comparing Take That with MJ it's so funny. Basically they're saying Take That now is better than MJ in 88? :lol:
Unfair comparison about who made more stadium IN UK. They were talking about UK for God's sake. What about the rest of the world? just saying.

MIST;3426272 said:
Maybe I should begin with glasses when I read here.
For a moment I read Bad Tour 88 voted Wembley´s sexiest event ever.

this is me stating the facts as objectively as possible.

take that are a british boy band, with robbie williams as one of the lead singers. they are ADORED in the uk. they've just reunited after their 90s heyday, so nostalgic and new fans are flocking to their concerts in massive numbers.

muse (i've seen them myself) are a 3-piece british rock band known for their spectacular live shows with light shows, moving parts and a talented frontman in matt bellamy who sings and plays guitar and piano really well.

mj could have done more wembley stadium concerts, but couldn't because the stadium had no more dates available (i'm not sure how this worked exactly- maybe too many football matches during the year) and i'm sure by early 1989 he was exhausted so the tour finished.

here are my personal views:
-take that are just that- a boyband. no real presence outside the uk anyway. mj still has the record at the old wembley stadium.

-he also still has the solo artist record, unless the solo artist with the next most wembley stadium concerts, madonna, tours over the next 15-20 years (which is very possible as madonna is very fit, and tina turner, another frequent wembley stadium performer, managed to sell out wembley stadium twice in 2000 at 60).

-i had no idea who muse were until 18 months ago, so it's not unusual not to know who they are. but they're clearly well known in the uk.

-ultimately, mj in 1988 whipped up such an unprecedented frenzy that he beat established classic rock bands like pink floyd and genesis, and hot newcomers like madonna. AND he hadn't performed in the uk in about a decade.

-we'll never see someone be so dominant over such a short period of time ever again (though of course there were the 1992 and 1997 wembley stadium dates).

Michael Jackson is so much bigger than either Muse or Take That in the Uk, but the problem is they have a lot more semi casual/hardcore fans in this country. Besides the market for live music has actually increased since the 80s unlike recorded music, it's easier to break these records now, because people are turning more and mroe to live music. To get my own personal taste in there, i think take that are absolutely awful, so over rated and just terrible, average would be kind, muse are ok at best, but nothing compared with Michael Jackson.
Muse over Michael Jackson, a band that totally rips of classical harmony, and fools people into way over rating their talent, oh dear, the world cup final is the only thing that i thought could beat wembley 88, how sad

Oh come on, now Muse are not talented? Gimme a break, Matt Bellamy is a modern genius. Still, I wish MJ would have won. Or Queen, they deserve it more than Muse I think.
Wow, I was expecting the football to be number one, that wouldn't be too bad because we love football here, but Muse? well, I don't think I could name 10 people I know who would even know who they are...
Too easy we tag somebody as being a genius.This word has lost his meaning.

Yeah, the word ''Genius'' gets thrown around way to much these days. I've actually heard people call Will i Am a genius. Seriously Will i Am!