AVATAR and Michael

I haven't seen it. When things are all hyped up I usually avoid them lol.. I don't know why.. I might see it sometime.

I've heard mixed reviews, but the effects are supposed to be really cool.
I saw it earlier and I like you guys kept thinking throughout 'Michael would have loved this.' He loved 3D and the message of being one with nature and protecting the planet would have obviously struck a cord. Plus, I was the only one in the cinema who laughed when Jake said 'who's bad!'
too right. Im not disputing it had a nice message, but its getting all this totally rediculous over hype over nothing.............on the genius scale it rates about 1 out of 10. If some of even us had 15 years and that effects team i think we could make a better film ourselves...............if that film had average effects most of you wouldn't give it a second look........ and people actually try and say its a good plot....... It's just my opinion though, please don't kill me.

It has a nice message, but its not a brilliant film for anything else other than a nice message and pretty effects. It is no where close at all to being even in the top ten films of all time let alone number one.
But thats just my opinion.........no one is really wrong or right as its subjective

damn right.
^Woah. I can't believe there are people that actually hated this movie. I mean...really?! Wow. Maybe, if you weren't one to gush over the effects or the plots...you just have to be a big tree hugger like me to really love it. I have always been SO connected with nature...in the same way that the Na'vi's were...so I felt particularly connected to this movie. Pandora was like...how this world should BE!

I definitely feel like there was a lot of Michael in there...just with the way he would have connected to the movie as well. The magic, the love, the connectedness... and having an understanding for the pain of watching man destroy our very life force, Mother Nature.

I didn't catch the connection with Billie Jean and the way the ground lit up when they walked in Pandora...:doh: lol. So right! I really loved the way that was used in the movie though...it was beautiful. Just another piece that displayed how we are connected through everything.

Michael definitely would have loved this movie. I hope he was able to see it on the other side. ;) :angel:

Good post.

I loved the film too and the message about our true connection to Nature and man's destruction of it.
Avatar would have been right up Mikes street. I thought as I watching 'Damn... youd love this'.
One thing I noticed near the beginning was when Jake (in blue form) is confronted by that huge rhino thing, and then he scares it away, he says 'WHO'S BAD?'.

WOHO me too! I was going to post that :D I actually squealed really loudly at that moment! It was a bit embarrassing actually, but I don't really care anymore, everyone knows how much of a Michael fan I am and how I can drag him into any, and I mean, ANY, conversation and context. And the Who's bad was such an instant reminder!

And I completely agree with the OP. This movie represents everything Michael has taught us. I also kept thinking, oh Mike... why are you not here to see this :( I shed some tears during the movie and some of them were because of the ache that follows almost everything I relate to Michael.
Whoa!! Just came back from seeing this film in Imax 3D...My goodness!

I'm a huge movie critic, and I walked into the theater with many reservations. One being the typical plot of outsider learns the ways of the natives, becomes one with the natives, then becomes the hero of the natives. But it was much more to it! This, my friends, is an epic movie. It had twists, drama, action, and a bit of comedy, plus tons of attention to detail.

I'm sorry but to those who say "if it wasn't for the special effects..." IMO, the special effects were a necessity to truly immerse you in this incredible beauty of a world that is Pandora. From the rest of the Na'vi people from other tribes who joined forces in the fight against the humans, to the main characters who were rich in details, down to the creatures... the special effects were brilliant.

Again, the effects were necessary to almost become apart of their world. Or as Michael would say..."be totally nourished by it" lol. And yes, our Mike would have LOVED this film. This is totally his message and the technology behind this? He would've been :eek: then :clapping:and then probably worked with James Cameron to create a couple of his own films. I'm such a fan now that I've joined the Avatar fan forum, lol.

This is as close to how I felt when I first saw Jurassic Park.