AVATAR and Michael


I just saw the movie AVATAR in 3D IMAX and was blown away. Like many others, it is already one of my favorite movies ever. Also like many stated here in the Avatar thread, it made me think of Michael in so many ways.

(**minor spoiler alert here**)

The ground lighting up with the steps of the Na'vi seems inspired by Billie Jean and made me smile as I watched it happen. The magic that seemed to happen everywhere in Pandora was something I know Michael would love. I can imagine him chewing crazy popcorn and grinning ear-to-ear just like in the Thriller video. But I can also imagine him crying as the humans destroyed the trees and animals on Pandora. Michael's message for us and the world has always been L.O.V.E. and this means L.O.V.E. for Mother Earth just as importantly.

Two things in particular I want to share with you all for discussion:

1. For those who have seen the movie, I was struck by how everyone on Pandora was connected to each other through the trees (tree of souls was it?). It was amazing how they all were One through the life energy of the planet.

In a way, Michael is that Tree for us. How many of us feel as if we KNOW Michael? Like on a level that we know our best friends or soulmates. Each of us has this connection with him that is unlike anything I've ever seen/felt.

2. Watching the main girl character Neytiri was special and made me think of Michael so much. She was so TRUE to her HEART throughout the movie. To me, that is beyond beautiful and is how Michael lived his life. He said as a little boy, "Whatever I say, that's what I really mean." And he showed us through his actions as an adult when he lived life his way despite a world of opposition.

This is one of the best things Michael taught me:

Be true to your heart.

You must not do anything else because the moment we stop listening to our hearts, we stop living. We become disconnected from ourselves and start drifting through life. There will be nothing that compares to the joy you feel when you are true to your heart. There will also be no pain worse than the sorrow you may feel. Everything you do or feel will be real. And you will have no regrets because you have been true to yourself.

Look forward to reading your thoughts...
I just saw the movie AVATAR in 3D IMAX and was blown away. Like many others, it is already one of my favorite movies ever. Also like many stated here in the Avatar thread, it made me think of Michael in so many ways.

(**minor spoiler alert here**)

The ground lighting up with the steps of the Na'vi seems inspired by Billie Jean and made me smile as I watched it happen. The magic that seemed to happen everywhere in Pandora was something I know Michael would love. I can imagine him chewing crazy popcorn and grinning ear-to-ear just like in the Thriller video. But I can also imagine him crying as the humans destroyed the trees and animals on Pandora. Michael's message for us and the world has always been L.O.V.E. and this means L.O.V.E. for Mother Earth just as importantly.

Two things in particular I want to share with you all for discussion:

1. For those who have seen the movie, I was struck by how everyone on Pandora was connected to each other through the trees (tree of souls was it?). It was amazing how they all were One through the life energy of the planet.

In a way, Michael is that Tree for us. How many of us feel as if we KNOW Michael? Like on a level that we know our best friends or soulmates. Each of us has this connection with him that is unlike anything I've ever seen/felt.

2. Watching the main girl character Neytiri was special and made me think of Michael so much. She was so TRUE to her HEART throughout the movie. To me, that is beyond beautiful and is how Michael lived his life. He said as a little boy, "Whatever I say, that's what I really mean." And he showed us through his actions as an adult when he lived life his way despite a world of opposition.

This is one of the best things Michael taught me:

Be true to your heart.

You must not do anything else because the moment we stop listening to our hearts, we stop living. We become disconnected from ourselves and start drifting through life. There will be nothing that compares to the joy you feel when you are true to your heart. There will also be no pain worse than the sorrow you may feel. Everything you do or feel will be real. And you will have no regrets because you have been true to yourself.

Look forward to reading your thoughts...

I agree with ALL of your points here....Especially the highlighted ones...:clapping: I felt the exact same way watching this movie....
your point makes sense. but the movie sucked so bad...

agree, personally i HATED it, i thought it was the most dissapointing movie ive ever seen, the plot was, i hate to say it, DEAD. Michael may have loved the effects as he loved technology and the film had magical moments, but being that creative i think he would have hated the plot, just like it do. A much better story could have done with those effects
^Woah. I can't believe there are people that actually hated this movie. I mean...really?! Wow. Maybe, if you weren't one to gush over the effects or the plots...you just have to be a big tree hugger like me to really love it. I have always been SO connected with nature...in the same way that the Na'vi's were...so I felt particularly connected to this movie. Pandora was like...how this world should BE!

I definitely feel like there was a lot of Michael in there...just with the way he would have connected to the movie as well. The magic, the love, the connectedness... and having an understanding for the pain of watching man destroy our very life force, Mother Nature.

I didn't catch the connection with Billie Jean and the way the ground lit up when they walked in Pandora...:doh: lol. So right! I really loved the way that was used in the movie though...it was beautiful. Just another piece that displayed how we are connected through everything.

Michael definitely would have loved this movie. I hope he was able to see it on the other side. ;) :angel:
One thing I noticed near the beginning was when Jake (in blue form) is confronted by that huge rhino thing, and then he scares it away, he says 'WHO'S BAD?'.
I connected this movie to Michael too. Just the magic of it, the message and all the whole experience of another world. More than anything though, Michael would have loved the MESSAGE and the meaning of it all. Human's destroying the very thing that gives them life. I really enjoyed the film, LOVED the Na'vi and the spirit of Aywah (don't know how it's spelt) :D
I did think of Michael while watching it. I'm sure he would of loved this movie. Actually the ground lighting up reminded me of "Fern Gully" though rather than "Billie Jean." But the movie reminded me of Michael's message he was always trying to get across about the importance of our planet. I wish people could see the world in the way the Na'vi see it in this film. And I loved the "Who's bad?" thing. :lol: I wonder if James Cameron is a Michael Jackson fan.
Found a great blog post someone just made about Avatar and Michael :angel:

CaptainEoLove85 said:
I did think of Michael while watching it. I'm sure he would of loved this movie. Actually the ground lighting up reminded me of "Fern Gully" though rather than "Billie Jean." But the movie reminded me of Michael's message he was always trying to get across about the importance of our planet. I wish people could see the world in the way the Na'vi see it in this film.
Ohh yeah...reminiscent of Fern Gully for sure! And the last line I bolded there...:clapping: I'm so with you.
I wonder if James Cameron is a Michael Jackson fan.

Sure he is!


That's the alternative ending to Terminator 2: Judgement Day, which James Cameron directed. Look out for the Michael Jackson reference.

Funny thing is, Michael Jackson would have turned 39 on August 29th 1997, not 40. :lol:
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^Woah. I can't believe there are people that actually hated this movie. I mean...really?! Wow. Maybe, if you weren't one to gush over the effects or the plots...you just have to be a big tree hugger like me to really love it. I have always been SO connected with nature...in the same way that the Na'vi's were...so I felt particularly connected to this movie. Pandora was like...how this world should BE!

I definitely feel like there was a lot of Michael in there...just with the way he would have connected to the movie as well. The magic, the love, the connectedness... and having an understanding for the pain of watching man destroy our very life force, Mother Nature.

I didn't catch the connection with Billie Jean and the way the ground lit up when they walked in Pandora...:doh: lol. So right! I really loved the way that was used in the movie though...it was beautiful. Just another piece that displayed how we are connected through everything.

Michael definitely would have loved this movie. I hope he was able to see it on the other side. ;) :angel:

I agree..........those people who hated the film are definitely a minority!!!!!!
Well for me It was one of the best movies i've ever seen. Take away the characters and the technology, What we're left with is with the truest Message that this world needs right now. Michael did it with the EARTH Song and this is like the longer version of Earthsong. People destroying others just cuz they dont look like us and to get what they want(want to be rich, and greed is one of their hobbies). Imagine the Navi's as the Israeli slaves in EGYPT! or the Black slaves from Africa or the Jewish people IN Auschwitz! This is just like that but with what the chief commander called "Blue monkeys..." :no:

Michael has been soo forward about the world and how we need to help it that when i watched this movie, I started crying after the first 30-40 min. Not only because what i was watching but also because the message was what Michael has been saying for a long time...long before AVATAR! And before he passed away.

This is the most heart warming and reassuring movie i've ever seen. For those who didnt like the technology, watch it on your computer or on DVD with out all the technology...then maybe you'll understand what this movie is really about...;)

And the vid...:lol: that was awesome...but why did she say Michael Jackson turned 40? I mean was there any mention of him during the entire movie?


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I just saw the movie AVATAR in 3D IMAX and was blown away. Like many others, it is already one of my favorite movies ever. Also like many stated here in the Avatar thread, it made me think of Michael in so many ways.

(**minor spoiler alert here**)

The ground lighting up with the steps of the Na'vi seems inspired by Billie Jean and made me smile as I watched it happen. The magic that seemed to happen everywhere in Pandora was something I know Michael would love. I can imagine him chewing crazy popcorn and grinning ear-to-ear just like in the Thriller video. But I can also imagine him crying as the humans destroyed the trees and animals on Pandora. Michael's message for us and the world has always been L.O.V.E. and this means L.O.V.E. for Mother Earth just as importantly.

Two things in particular I want to share with you all for discussion:

1. For those who have seen the movie, I was struck by how everyone on Pandora was connected to each other through the trees (tree of souls was it?). It was amazing how they all were One through the life energy of the planet.

In a way, Michael is that Tree for us. How many of us feel as if we KNOW Michael? Like on a level that we know our best friends or soulmates. Each of us has this connection with him that is unlike anything I've ever seen/felt.

2. Watching the main girl character Neytiri was special and made me think of Michael so much. She was so TRUE to her HEART throughout the movie. To me, that is beyond beautiful and is how Michael lived his life. He said as a little boy, "Whatever I say, that's what I really mean." And he showed us through his actions as an adult when he lived life his way despite a world of opposition.

This is one of the best things Michael taught me:

Be true to your heart.

You must not do anything else because the moment we stop listening to our hearts, we stop living. We become disconnected from ourselves and start drifting through life. There will be nothing that compares to the joy you feel when you are true to your heart. There will also be no pain worse than the sorrow you may feel. Everything you do or feel will be real. And you will have no regrets because you have been true to yourself.

Look forward to reading your thoughts...

:clapping: Great post! I really enjoyed reading this and I especially agree with the bolded parts. ^
I have been wanting to see this movie so bad! I just hate going to the movies lol. I guess, I'll take time this week to go sit in the stinky, sticky place, because everyone I know says it the most amazing, eye opening movie.
Just for anyone who hasn't seen this yet: Na'vi MJ!


P.S. Avatar was incredible IMHO! :D
One thing I noticed near the beginning was when Jake (in blue form) is confronted by that huge rhino thing, and then he scares it away, he says 'WHO'S BAD?'.

yeah I noticed it too :)

and oh please. the movie is the least original movie ever. just watch "dancing with the wolves" or "dance" not sure.

kudos for the effects and animation though. but the plot was terrible.

come on guys, you have seen more movies in your life right? :doh:
I LOVE this movie. I was sitting there wearing my 3D glasses, wishing it would never end. I kept telling my husband how Michael would have loved this. Through the entire film all I saw was Michael..his message....his love for the planet. It was almost as if he was watching it with me...

Michael + Avatar = True!
I thought it was one of the best movie experiences I had ever had! Loved the story, loved the symbolism behind it, loved the Navi, pandora...oh, if only we lived in a world like that! But how did I miss the who's bad bit?? Argh! What kind of fan am i? It was reminisant of Michael and his message, he would have adored it I'm sure. Did anyone thing that the main 'bad guy' was a little bit reminisant of George Bush though? Perhaps that's just me.
Sure he is!


That's the alternative ending to Terminator 2: Judgement Day, which James Cameron directed. Look out for the Michael Jackson reference.

Funny thing is, Michael Jackson would have turned 39 on August 29th 1997, not 40. :lol:
Wow, how cool, even if they messed up by a year, lol. I always have remembered the Terminator judgement day date. How could one forget August 29th? ;0

P.S. Still haven't seen Avatar yet because it's only near me dubbed into German at this point and I wouldn't understand it very well. Darn. May have to wait for DVD :(
yeah I noticed it too :)

and oh please. the movie is the least original movie ever. just watch "dancing with the wolves" or "dance" not sure.

kudos for the effects and animation though. but the plot was terrible.

come on guys, you have seen more movies in your life right? :doh:

There's a million movies about the same story! Love or war or underdogs or gangstas...you name it. Most movies take an unoriginal subject but show it in a different way. Mona Lisa wasn't the first painting of a woman!

Avatar wasn't about a complicated story with a million twists and surprises. The simplicity of the movie fit in so well with the Na'vi people and the overall message of the movie - a message Michael believed in.

And for me, the movie was about stretching my imagination to places it hasn't been. This was the first 3D IMAX movie I've ever seen and it was made so well that I felt like I was part of that world. It's like a work of art in that sense.
Mona Lisa wasn't the first painting of a woman!

Avatar wasn't about a complicated story with a million twists and surprises. The simplicity of the movie fit in so well with the Na'vi people and the overall message of the movie - a message Michael believed in.
And for me, the movie was about stretching my imagination to places it hasn't been.

I know Michael would have LOVED this movie. I watched it again last night...it really made me teary eyed in so many places...just seeing the compassion they had for mother nature and animals.
yeah I noticed it too :)

and oh please. the movie is the least original movie ever. just watch "dancing with the wolves" or "dance" not sure.

kudos for the effects and animation though. but the plot was terrible.

come on guys, you have seen more movies in your life right? :doh:

I agree!! Horrible story line. The exotism was really bad - aliens with feathers, bows and animal-like cries - native american cliche, much? So unoriginal.
I agree!! Horrible story line. The exotism was really bad - aliens with feathers, bows and animal-like cries - native american cliche, much? So unoriginal.

too right. Im not disputing it had a nice message, but its getting all this totally rediculous over hype over nothing.............on the genius scale it rates about 1 out of 10. If some of even us had 15 years and that effects team i think we could make a better film ourselves...............if that film had average effects most of you wouldn't give it a second look........ and people actually try and say its a good plot....... It's just my opinion though, please don't kill me.

It has a nice message, but its not a brilliant film for anything else other than a nice message and pretty effects. It is no where close at all to being even in the top ten films of all time let alone number one. But thats just my opinion.........no one is really wrong or right as its subjective
Imagine the Navi's as the Israeli slaves in EGYPT! or the Black slaves from Africa or the Jewish people IN Auschwitz! This is just like that but with what the chief commander called "Blue monkeys..." :no:

don't forget the Palestinians who are held captive and imprisoned by the israeli state or the indigenous people wether it be in latin america,africa,etc. who's lands have been stolen by multinational corporations.
No Avatar does not remind me of Michael at ALL. Michael is not an overly hyped CGI festival that looks like a mix of thunder cats and star wars haha