Autopsy Reveals The Truth... Great read!!


Maybe this is something that has already been posted or that is too close to something else that's on this wall, maybe it should be on this part of the forum. I always get so unsure when I post things =) If it is, just remove it. This is a great read for all of us and for everyone else too. Read it and spread it pleas. It is very long so I will just post some quotes and then the link to the whole thing.....

"[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The truth of the matter is that, indeed, Michael Joseph Jackson was telling us the truth, about himself, and his life. We just weren’t listening!"
[/FONT][FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"…there was a news program talking about him being in Europe with some little boy. I was sitting next to the guy while the news is making this crap up. He just looked at me and said “this is what I have to deal with.”
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Rob Hoffman"

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I hope it works, let me know if it doesn't.
Thanks for posting....we need more websites like this one so more people will know the truth. We should email this to all tv entertainment news.
Thank for posting. :) Great read for sure.
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"…there was a news program talking about him being in Europe with some little boy. I was sitting next to the guy while the news is making this crap up. He just looked at me and said “this is what I have to deal with.”

I remember reading that quote before somewhere a while ago.
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She has captured him so beautifully on that website. These are the types of links we should be forwarding on to the public, e.g. facebook, twitter, etc. Those that reflect the truth and fact about the man.
Great article!

"The truth is…the world celebrates evil. Jesus Christ walked this earth and was ridiculed as well. When he came up against Pontius Pilate, the crowd shouted for Barabas, a known criminal, to be released and Jesus was crucified. Times haven’t changed much, have they?"

Thanks for posting :flowers: It was spot on! I hope the people who ridiculed him, judged him etc etc feel guilty for doing so, but knowing those people they won't.
I never had a doubt in my mind about these issues that the autopsy ''confirmed''
Thanks for the article. Sad it took his death for people to believe him and even now people will still say he bleached himself. So how mess up people are.
That was interesting and great to read. Thank you so much for posting!
I just love Michael more and more every day..
Reflections always puts up the truth, I applaud them for that..And I applaud them for this article, it's a great read, and could be useful for those of you can't stomach the report.
It's the same like when people keep calling him drug addict and that he was taking all these prescription drugs, etc. Yeah, there were several medications found, but if you look at the date they were issued, how many pills were in the bottles when MJ got them, and then look at how many were missing, you can clearly see that he wasn't taking any of them regulary and CLEARLY wasn't "abusing" any of them since there was such a small amount missing. If he was abusing those drugs, the dates would have been closer to the day he died (because he would have needed more and would have used up the ones he had quicker if he was taking more than he should), and more pills would have been missing.
Thank you for the info. I believe the same as the person who wrote that article!
some fools just do not have brain to think for themselves. I posted the page [in the autopsy report] mentioned about Michael's vitiligo to a Vietnamese MJFC,all the members sent that page to their friends. And guess what the haters said?

"It's fake,it's Photoshop"

Yeah yeah,whatever
The media should be ashamed about the way they treated Michael. Sadly they'll never admit it. I just hope that history in the end will condemn the media's treatment of him.
great article...too bad he didn't write it prior to June 25th though...Michael always told us the truth...he never once lied....THEY chose not to listen not us.
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"…there was a news program talking about him being in Europe with some little boy. I was sitting next to the guy while the news is making this crap up. He just looked at me and said “this is what I have to deal with.”
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Rob Hoffman"[/FONT][FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]

Poor michael...:cry:
Thank you for posting this. It is a great article, and so true.
Glad you all like it, Deb is doing a great job on that site.
We all need to do what we can to spread this and everything elsea on this webpage, there is so much on there that would make people (well at least the people who will go in there with some what an open mind) think about Michael in a different way.
I love the "Fact vs Fiction" part and this article, and the faith part, everything about this page is great.

Please guys, for those of you who have facebook, twitter or anything else where you can spread it, please do.
I am so happy about people like this journalist!!
We have to support writers like her and help her spread her words about Michael!!

I feel so desperate and helpless very often... In the past I have always defended Michael in front of family and friends, but if you have to repeat yourself over and over again and you feel as if you were talking to a wall you want to give up...