Austin Brown, 'Menage a Trois' Song Premiere: Michael Jackson's Nephew Debuts New Track (EXCLUSIVE)

Best advice i would give Austin, is the same advice MJ gave Donny Osmond years ago: "Don't use the Jackson name". It worked for Osmond, when he had a great comeback.

Enough of this MJ's nephew PR angle. He s lucky, his last name is not Jackson so unless he told people he is a Jackson, not many would make the connection.
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Best advice i would give Austin, is the same advice MJ gave Donny Osmond years ago: "Don't use the Jackson name". It worked for Osmond, when he had a great comeback.

Enough of this MJ's nephew PR angle. He s lucky, his last name is not Jackson so unless he told people he is a Jackson, not many will make the connection.
Best advice i would give Austin, is the same advice MJ gave Donny Osmond years ago: "Don't use the Jackson name". It worked for Osmond, when he had a great comeback.Enough of this MJ's nephew PR angle. He s lucky, his last name is not Jackson so unless he told people he is a Jackson, not many will make the connection.
The song is OKish to me, not the kind that will be remembered in 5 years, but a happy tune for the summer or something. He's a cutie too, and that could help a lot, with the teenage audience.

I agree with above posters, he should definitely avoid any reference to his Jackson DNA, do his own stuff.